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eat pray love by elizabeth gilbert full, Eat Pray Love ch 7

Eat Pray Love ch 7

The other notable thing that was happening during that time was the newfound adventure of spiritual discipline. Aided and abetted, of course, by the introduction into my life of an actual living Indian Guru—for whom I will always have David to thank. I'd been introduced to my Guru the first night I ever went to David's apartment. I kind of fell in love with them both at the same time. I walked into David's apartment and saw this picture on his dresser of a radiantly beautiful Indian woman and I asked, “Who's that?” He said, “That is my spiritual teacher.” My heart skipped a beat and then flat-out tripped over itself and fell on its face. Then my heart stood up, brushed itself off, took a deep breath and announced: “I want a spiritual teacher.” I literally mean that it was my heart who said this, speaking through my mouth. I felt this weird division in myself, and my mind stepped out of my body for a moment, spun around to face my heart in astonishment and silently asked, “You DO?” “Yes,” replied my heart. “I do.” Then my mind asked my heart, a tad sarcastically: “Since WHEN?” But I already knew the answer: Since that night on the bathroom floor. My God, but I wanted a spiritual teacher. I immediately began constructing a fantasy of what it would be like to have one. I imagined that this radiantly beautiful Indian woman would come to my apartment a few evenings a week and we would sit and drink tea and talk about divinity, and she would give me reading assignments and explain the significance of the strange sensations I was feeling during meditation . All this fantasy was quickly swept away when David told me about the international status of this woman, about her tens of thousands of students—many of whom have never met her face-to-face. Still, he said, there was a gathering here in New York City every Tuesday night of the Guru's devotees who came together as a group to meditate and chant. David said, “If you're not too freaked out by the idea of being in a room with several hundred people chanting God's name in Sanskrit, you can come sometime.” I joined him the following Tuesday night. Far from being freaked out by these regular-looking people singing to God, I instead felt my soul rise diaphanous in the wake of that chanting. I walked home that night feeling like the air could move through me, like I was clean linen fluttering on a clothes-line, like New York itself had become a city made of rice paper—and I was light enough to run across every rooftop. I started going to the chants every Tuesday. Then I started meditating every morning on the ancient Sanskrit mantra the Guru gives to all her students (the regal Om Namah Shivaya, meaning, “I honor the divinity that resides within me”). Then I listened to the Guru speak in person for the first time, and her words gave me chill bumps over my whole body, even across the skin of my face. And when I heard she had an Ashram in India, I knew I must take myself there as quickly as possible.

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Eat Pray Love ch 7 Eat Pray Love, Kapitel 7 Ешь, молись, люби, гл. 7 Ye Dua Et Sev bölüm 7

The other notable thing that was happening during that time was the newfound adventure of spiritual discipline. Другой примечательной вещью, которая происходила в то время, было новообретенное приключение духовной дисциплины. Aided and abetted, of course, by the introduction into my life of an actual living Indian Guru—for whom I will always have David to thank. ||yardım ve yataklık etti||||||||||||||||||||||| 물론 실제로 살아있는 인디언 구루의 삶에 대한 소개를 통해 도움을주고 받았다. 나는 항상 다윗에게 감사를 표할 것이다. С помощью и подстрекательством, конечно же, введение в мою жизнь живого индийского Гуру, за которого я всегда буду благодарить Дэвида. I'd been introduced to my Guru the first night I ever went to David's apartment. Меня представили моему Гуру в первый же вечер, когда я пришла в квартиру Дэвида. I kind of fell in love with them both at the same time. Я как бы влюбился в них обоих одновременно. I walked into David's apartment and saw this picture on his dresser of a radiantly beautiful Indian woman and I asked, “Who's that?” He said, “That is my spiritual teacher.” My heart skipped a beat and then flat-out tripped over itself and fell on its face. 나는 데이비드의 아파트에 들어서서이 사진을 빛나고 아름다운 인도 여성의 화장대에서 보았습니다.“누가 그거야?”그가 물었습니다. 그 자체와 얼굴에 떨어졌다. Я вошел в квартиру Дэвида и увидел на его комоде фотографию ослепительно красивой индианки и спросил: «Кто это?» Он сказал: «Это мой духовный учитель». Мое сердце пропустило удар, а затем резко споткнулось и упало лицом вниз. Then my heart stood up, brushed itself off, took a deep breath and announced: “I want a spiritual teacher.” I literally mean that it was my heart who said this, speaking through my mouth. Тогда мое сердце встало, отряхнулось, глубоко вздохнуло и заявило: «Мне нужен духовный учитель». Я буквально имею в виду, что мое сердце сказало это, говоря через мои уста. I felt this weird division in myself, and my mind stepped out of my body for a moment, spun around to face my heart in astonishment and silently asked, “You DO?” “Yes,” replied my heart. Я почувствовал это странное разделение в себе, и мой разум на мгновение вышел из моего тела, повернулся лицом к моему сердцу в изумлении и молча спросил: «Ты ДЕЛАЕШЬ?» «Да», — ответило мое сердце. “I do.” Then my mind asked my heart, a tad sarcastically: “Since WHEN?” But I already knew the answer: Since that night on the bathroom floor. |||||||||bir parça|||||||||||||||| "Я делаю." Тогда мой разум спросил мое сердце, немного саркастически: «С КОГДА?» Но я уже знал ответ: с той ночи на полу в ванной. My God, but I wanted a spiritual teacher. I immediately began constructing a fantasy of what it would be like to have one. Я немедленно начал конструировать фантазию о том, на что это было бы похоже. I imagined that this radiantly beautiful Indian woman would come to my apartment a few evenings a week and we would sit and drink tea and talk about divinity, and she would give me reading assignments and explain the significance of the strange sensations I was feeling during meditation . Я представлял себе, что эта ослепительно красивая индианка будет приходить ко мне на квартиру несколько вечеров в неделю, и мы будем сидеть, пить чай и говорить о божественном, а она будет давать мне задания по чтению и объяснять значение странных ощущений, которые я испытывал во время медитации. . All this fantasy was quickly swept away when David told me about the international status of this woman, about her tens of thousands of students—many of whom have never met her face-to-face. Вся эта фантазия быстро развеялась, когда Дэвид рассказал мне о международном статусе этой женщины, о ее десятках тысячах учеников, многие из которых никогда не встречались с ней лицом к лицу. Still, he said, there was a gathering here in New York City every Tuesday night of the Guru's devotees who came together as a group to meditate and chant. ||||||||||||||||||müridler||||||||||ilahi söylemek Тем не менее, по его словам, здесь, в Нью-Йорке, каждый вторник вечером собираются преданные Гуру, которые собираются вместе, чтобы медитировать и воспевать. David said, “If you're not too freaked out by the idea of being in a room with several hundred people chanting God's name in Sanskrit, you can come sometime.” Дэвид сказал: «Если вас не слишком смущает идея оказаться в комнате с несколькими сотнями людей, воспевающих имя Бога на санскрите, вы можете как-нибудь прийти». I joined him the following Tuesday night. Я присоединился к нему в следующий вторник вечером. Far from being freaked out by these regular-looking people singing to God, I instead felt my soul rise diaphanous in the wake of that chanting. |||||||||||||||||||şeffaf ve hafif||||||ilahi söyleme Я вовсе не испугался этих обычных на вид людей, поющих Богу, вместо этого я почувствовал, как моя душа становится прозрачной после этого пения. I walked home that night feeling like the air could move through me, like I was clean linen fluttering on a clothes-line, like New York itself had become a city made of rice paper—and I was light enough to run across every rooftop. В ту ночь я шел домой, чувствуя, что воздух может проходить сквозь меня, как будто я был чистым бельем, развевающимся на бельевой веревке, как сам Нью-Йорк стал городом, сделанным из рисовой бумаги, и я был достаточно легким, чтобы перебежать любую крышу. I started going to the chants every Tuesday. Then I started meditating every morning on the ancient Sanskrit mantra the Guru gives to all her students (the regal Om Namah Shivaya, meaning, “I honor the divinity that resides within me”). Затем я начала каждое утро медитировать на древнюю санскритскую мантру, которую Гуру дает всем своим ученикам (царственная Ом Намах Шивая, что означает «Я чту божественность, которая живет во мне»). Then I listened to the Guru speak in person for the first time, and her words gave me chill bumps over my whole body, even across the skin of my face. Затем я впервые услышал личное выступление Гуру, и от ее слов у меня по всему телу, даже по коже лица, побежали мурашки. And when I heard she had an Ashram in India, I knew I must take myself there as quickly as possible. И когда я услышал, что у нее есть ашрам в Индии, я понял, что должен отправиться туда как можно быстрее.