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Big Think, If the Novel is Dead, So Are We All. Junot Díaz.

If the Novel is Dead, So Are We All. Junot Díaz.

One of the functions that art has is not only is art didactic.

Art can be in many ways persuasive or seductive. But art is also transgressive and the transgressive function of art is fundamental in a society that often shies away from the difficult topics, the difficult subjects and the difficult conversations it needs to engage in. We all live in societies that repress and silence what's troubling, what's naughty, what's sort of in some ways I think threatening.

But art has this way of provoking. Art has this way of imposing these silences, breaking these silences and posing these conversations on us. And I think it's absolutely important that we as a society think in ways that we often don't imagine subjects that we often sort of shy away from and enter silences that we're not often encouraged to do so. Because in these silences in what's disavowed awaits who we really are as a culture and a society. And I think art has been great for this. But as people, you know, members of a civic society we also have to push ourselves into the places that are not entirely comfortable.

In silence is where tyranny and oppression really does its work and therefore the conversations that are often relegated to the margins, the conversations that are considered impolite, those are the conversations that are much more likely to lead to a more fair and just society. It's not readily apparent to folks but literature is one of our great artistic mediums. It's one of our great innovations which allows a reader to not only transport themselves temporally but also spatially that permits them to enter not just other people but other worlds. It's the closest that we come to telepathy, to be able to inhabit other people's minds.

It's a wonderful exercise in compassion and sympathies and when one thinks about it sort of, you know over the long term a relationship with literature produces extraordinary effects in that it brings the reader not only in contact with other times and other places but it brings the reader in contact with themselves. Literature opens inside of a reader a space of deliberation which allows them to not only reconstruct their own subjectivity but also to dialogue with themselves and with other conceptualizations of other selves. It's an extraordinary art and I think that it's one of the best ways that people can educate the soul. And simply because it's not as popular as say as like Twitter doesn't make it any less significant or any less important.

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If the Novel is Dead, So Are We All. Junot Díaz. Wenn der Roman tot ist, sind wir es auch alle. Junot Díaz. If the Novel is Dead, So Are We All. Junot Díaz. Si la novela ha muerto, todos nosotros también. Junot Díaz. Si le roman est mort, nous le sommes tous. Junot Díaz. Se il romanzo è morto, lo siamo tutti. Junot Díaz. 小説が死んだら、私たち全員も死んだ。ジュノ・ディアズ。 소설이 죽으면 우리 모두도 죽는다. 주노 디아즈. Jeśli powieść umarła, to my wszyscy też. Junot Díaz. Se o romance está morto, todos nós também estamos. Junot Díaz. Если роман мертв, то мертвы и мы все. Хунот Диас. Om romanen är död, är vi alla det också. Junot Díaz. Roman Öldüyse, Hepimiz Ölürüz. Junot Díaz. Якщо роман мертвий, то ми всі мертві. Хуно Діас. 如果小说死了,我们也死了。朱诺·迪亚兹。 如果小說死了,我們也死了。朱諾·迪亞茲。

One of the functions that art has is not only is art didactic. ||||||||||||didactique ||||||||||||educational or instructive One of the functions that art has is not only is art didactic. アートが持つ機能の1つは、アートの教訓だけではありません。 예술이 가진 기능 중 하나는 교훈적 기능뿐이 아닙니다. Uma das funções que a arte tem não é apenas didática. Одна из функций, которую выполняет искусство, - не только дидактическая. Sanatın sahip olduğu işlevlerden biri sadece didaktik olması değildir. 艺术所具有的功能之一不仅仅是艺术的教育作用。

Art can be in many ways persuasive or seductive. ||||||überzeugend|| アートは多くの点で説得力があり、魅惑的です。 A arte pode ser persuasiva ou sedutora de muitas formas. Искусство может быть во многом убедительным или соблазнительным. Sanat birçok yönden ikna edici veya baştan çıkarıcı olabilir. 艺术在很多方面都有说服力和诱惑力。 But art is also transgressive and the transgressive function of art is fundamental in a society that often shies away from the difficult topics, the difficult subjects and the difficult conversations it needs to engage in. ||||transgressif||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||boundary-breaking||||||||||||||avoids or evades||||||||||||||||| But art is also transgressive and the transgressive function of art is fundamental in a society that often shies away from the difficult topics, the difficult subjects and the difficult conversations it needs to engage in. しかし、芸術はまた、超越的であり、芸術の超越的な機能は、困難なトピック、困難な主題、およびそれに従事する必要のある困難な会話からしばしば遠ざかる社会において基本的です。 Mas a arte também é transgressora e a função transgressora da arte é fundamental numa sociedade que muitas vezes se esquiva aos temas difíceis, aos assuntos difíceis e às conversas difíceis que precisa de ter. Но искусство также трансгрессивно, и трансгрессивная функция искусства является основополагающей в обществе, которое часто уклоняется от трудных тем, трудных сюжетов и трудных разговоров, в которых оно должно участвовать. Ancak sanat aynı zamanda transgresiftir ve sanatın transgresif işlevi, genellikle zor konulardan, zor konulardan ve girmesi gereken zor konuşmalardan kaçınan bir toplumda temeldir. 但是艺术也具有超越性,而艺术的超越性功能在一个经常回避困难话题、困难主题和需要参与的困难对话的社会中是根本性的。 We all live in societies that repress and silence what’s troubling, what’s naughty, what’s sort of in some ways I think threatening. ||||||||||||شیطنت‌آمیز||||||||| ||||||||||préoccupant||malicieux||||||||| ||||||suppress or control||||||||||||||| Wir alle leben in Gesellschaften, die verdrängen und zum Schweigen bringen, was beunruhigend ist, was anstößig ist, was in gewisser Weise meiner Meinung nach bedrohlich ist. 私たちは皆、何が厄介で、何がいたずらで、何が脅かされていると思うかを抑圧し、沈黙させる社会に住んでいます。 Todos nós vivemos em sociedades que reprimem e silenciam o que é perturbador, o que é maroto, o que é, de certa forma, ameaçador. 我们生活在一个压制和沉默那些令人不安的、邪恶的、我认为在某种程度上具有威胁性的事物的社会里。

But art has this way of provoking. ||possesses|||| しかし、芸術にはこのような挑発的な方法があります。 Mas a arte tem esta forma de provocar. Ama sanatın kışkırtma gibi bir özelliği var. 但艺术有这种激发的方式。 Art has this way of imposing these silences, breaking these silences and posing these conversations on us. |||||enforcing|||||||"presenting"|||| アートには、これらの沈黙を課し、これらの沈黙を破り、私たちにこれらの会話をもたらすこの方法があります。 A arte tem esta forma de impor estes silêncios, de quebrar estes silêncios e de nos colocar estas conversas. Искусство умеет навязывать нам это молчание, нарушать его и ставить перед нами эти вопросы. Sanatın bu sessizlikleri dayatma, bu sessizlikleri bozma ve bu konuşmaları bize yöneltme gibi bir yolu var. 艺术以某种方式强加这些沉默、打破这些沉默并向我们提出这些对话。 And I think it’s absolutely important that we as a society think in ways that we often don’t imagine subjects that we often sort of shy away from and enter silences that we’re not often encouraged to do so. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||motivated||| そして、社会として私たちがしばしば恥ずかしがり屋である主題を想像しないような方法で考え、そうするようにしばしば勧められない沈黙に入ることが絶対に重要だと思います。 E penso que é absolutamente importante que nós, enquanto sociedade, pensemos de formas que muitas vezes não imaginamos, em assuntos que muitas vezes evitamos e que nos silenciam, mas que nem sempre somos encorajados a fazê-lo. И я думаю, что очень важно, чтобы мы как общество думали так, как мы часто не представляем себе темы, которых мы часто как бы сторонимся и вступаем в молчание, к которому нас не часто призывают. 我认为,绝对重要的是,我们作为一个社会,要以我们通常无法想象的方式思考问题,思考那些我们经常回避的话题,并进入我们通常不被鼓励的沉默状态。 Because in these silences in what’s disavowed awaits who we really are as a culture and a society. ||||||désavoué||||||||||| ||||||abgelehnt||||||||||| ||||||denied or rejected|lies in wait|||||||||| Porque nestes silêncios, naquilo que é repudiado, está o que realmente somos enquanto cultura e sociedade. Потому что в этих молчаниях, в том, от чего отрекаются, скрывается то, кем мы на самом деле являемся как культура и общество. 因为在这些被否认的沉默中,等待着我们的是作为一种文化和一个社会的我们真正的身份。 And I think art has been great for this. But as people, you know, members of a civic society we also have to push ourselves into the places that are not entirely comfortable. Mas, como pessoas, membros de uma sociedade cívica, também temos de nos esforçar para ir a sítios que não são totalmente confortáveis. Но как люди, как члены гражданского общества мы также должны проникать туда, где нам не совсем комфортно.

In silence is where tyranny and oppression really does its work and therefore the conversations that are often relegated to the margins, the conversations that are considered impolite, those are the conversations that are much more likely to lead to a more fair and just society. ||||||ستم||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||équitable||| ||||||unjust control||||||||||||pushed to sidelines|||peripheral areas|||||||||||||||||||||||| É no silêncio que a tirania e a opressão fazem realmente o seu trabalho e, por conseguinte, as conversas que são frequentemente relegadas para as margens, as conversas que são consideradas indelicadas, são as conversas que têm muito mais probabilidades de conduzir a uma sociedade mais justa e equitativa. Именно в молчании тирания и угнетение делают свое дело, и поэтому разговоры, которые часто отодвигаются на задворки, разговоры, которые считаются невежливыми, - это те разговоры, которые с гораздо большей вероятностью приведут к созданию более честного и справедливого общества. It’s not readily apparent to folks but literature is one of our great artistic mediums. A literatura é um dos nossos grandes meios artísticos. Не сразу поймешь, что литература - один из величайших видов искусства. 人们可能不太清楚,但文学是我们伟大的艺术媒介之一。 It’s one of our great innovations which allows a reader to not only transport themselves temporally but also spatially that permits them to enter not just other people but other worlds. ||||||||||||||||||räumlich|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||in physical space|||||||||||| É uma das nossas grandes inovações que permite ao leitor não só transportar-se temporalmente, mas também espacialmente, o que lhe permite entrar não só noutras pessoas, mas também noutros mundos. Это одна из наших великих инноваций, которая позволяет читателю не только перенестись во времени, но и в пространстве, что позволяет ему попасть не просто в другие люди, а в другие миры. It’s the closest that we come to telepathy, to be able to inhabit other people’s minds. ||||||||||||habiter||| ||||||||||||occupy||| É o mais próximo que chegamos da telepatia, de sermos capazes de habitar a mente de outras pessoas. Это самое близкое к телепатии, когда мы можем вселяться в сознание других людей. 这是我们最接近心灵感应的能力,能够进入别人的思想。

It’s a wonderful exercise in compassion and sympathies and when one thinks about it sort of, you know over the long term a relationship with literature produces extraordinary effects in that it brings the reader not only in contact with other times and other places but it brings the reader in contact with themselves. |||||Empathy and care|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| It's a wonderful exercise in compassion and sympathies and when one thinks about it sort of, you know over the long term a relationship with literature produces extraordinary effects in that it brings the reader not only in contact with other times and other places but it brings the reader in contact with themselves. それは思いやりと共感の素晴らしい運動であり、ある種のことを考えると、文学との関係は、読者を他の時間や他の場所と接触させるだけでなく、自分自身と接触している読者。 É um exercício maravilhoso de compaixão e simpatia e, quando se pensa nisso, sabe-se que, a longo prazo, uma relação com a literatura produz efeitos extraordinários, na medida em que coloca o leitor não só em contacto com outros tempos e outros lugares, mas também com ele próprio. Literature opens inside of a reader a space of deliberation which allows them to not only reconstruct their own subjectivity but also to dialogue with themselves and with other conceptualizations of other selves. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||soi-même |||||||||thoughtful consideration|||||||rebuild|||personal perspective||||Engage with||||||ideas of identity||| 文学は読者の中に、彼ら自身の主観性を再構築するだけでなく、彼ら自身や他の自分自身の他の概念化と対話することを可能にする審議の空間を開きます。 A literatura abre dentro do leitor um espaço de deliberação que lhe permite não só reconstruir a sua própria subjetividade, mas também dialogar consigo próprio e com outras conceptualizações de outros "eus". 文学在读者内心打开了一个思考的空间,使他们不仅能够重建自己的主观性,还能与自己以及其他自我的概念进行对话。 It’s an extraordinary art and I think that it’s one of the best ways that people can educate the soul. それは並外れた芸術であり、人々が魂を教育することができる最良の方法の1つだと思います。 É uma arte extraordinária e penso que é uma das melhores formas de educar a alma. And simply because it’s not as popular as say as like Twitter doesn’t make it any less significant or any less important. |||||||||||||||||significatif|||| そして、Twitterのように人気がないという理由だけで、重要性が低下したり、重要性が低下したりすることはありません。 E o simples facto de não ser tão popular como, por exemplo, o Twitter, não o torna menos significativo ou menos importante. И то, что он не так популярен, как, скажем, Twitter, не делает его менее значимым или менее важным. 而且仅仅因为它不像 Twitter 那样流行,并不意味着它就不那么重要或不那么重要。