Hank: Good morning, John.
John: Good morning, Hank. Where are- oh it's Fort Awesome! We must be at the dftba.com warehouse. Whoa. Oh where's the camera going? Hank: Goodbye, camera.
John: It's question Tuesday, the day that it's- it's- it's- it's- it's question Tuesday, the day that we answer- it's question Tuesday, the day that we answer real questions. Hank: I'm gonna leave all of those in, just by the way. John: I know you will, I know you will. It's question Tuesday, the day that we answer real questions from real nerdfighters. Hank: It's Friday! John: Are you sure that you don't want to upload this on my day? Hank: I'm sure. John: Alright.
Hank : I've just asked on Twitter if people have any questions for us, John. Would you like to answer some questions for people?
John: Yes, that's how question Tuesday and Friday work. Hank: Jessica would like to know, "What were your first cars?" John: My first car was a 1991 Volvo 240 named Arlo.
Hank: Funny! That was my first car, too.
[John laughs]
Hank: Actually, uh, after Arlo, uh, got the same car again, but, uh, white...
John: White.
Hank: ...and smelled more like vomit.
John: Hank, how, after so long, have you guys not gotten tired of each other?
Hank: Oh, I'm so tired of you. John: My question is, how, after all this time, have you guys not gotten tired of us.
[Hank laughs]
Hank: Hey, John.
John: Yes?
Hank: Evelyn would like to know, "How do you find a nerdfighter at your university? John: One of my favorite ways is to wear some kind of, uh, nerdfighter clothing because that tends to attract them. Lots of colleges now have nerdfighter clubs.
Hank: And if you don't have a nerdfighter club at your university, you should start one. John: You can start one. Michaela asks, "Who is playing Margo in the Paper Towns movie?" Hank?
Hank: Uh, I am.
John: Yes! We have been begging Hank. There is no other Margo Roth Spiegelman. That's what we've been saying. It's not a passion project for Hank. It's just... Hank: I'm really not interested in the project itself. John: ...purely financial.
Hank: I'm the Nick Cage of John Green movies. I'll do any John Green movie as long as you pay me enough. [John laughs]
John: Poor Nick Cage. Oh, God.
Hank: Hopefully, he doesn't watch. John: He's- Hank: I am a huge Nick Cage fan, actually. "This wood is fake." John: That Christopher Walken?
Hank: No, that was Nick Cage from Moonstruck.
John: Is that Jack- Jack Nicholson?
Hank: How about you sing the answer to the next question?
[John grunts.]
John: Yes.
Hank: Hey, John.
John: Yes?
Hank: Beth would like to know, will she be able to buy one of those posters you signed?
John: Yeeessss. Is that how you sing?
Hank: We are at the warehouse right now because John's been signing posters all day and I've just been watching him. John: By the way, dftba.com, link in the dooblydoo. Or just go to dftba.com, you can just type it, just five letters.
John: Hannah asks "Any advice on strengthening relationships between siblings?" Hank: Make a video blog together.
John: I am a big believer, actually, in shared projects, like Hank and I are a lot closer because we do stuff together.
Hank: I think that goes for most relationships.
John: Henry and I were just making Legos and it's so fun! Hank: Yeah, like yeah. Father son-
John: He wasn't really doing anything. Hank: Right, you made Legos and he-
John: And he was like "Go, dad. Do it" And then he would be like "That's the bad guy." And I'd be like "I don't know. I mean aren't villains complicated? Isn't it - you know, we don't know that person's backstory; we need to learn to imagine them complexly", and Henry would say "He's REALLY bad." [Hank laughs]
Hank: I have a question.
John: Yeah.
Hank: Tell me some more stuff Henry says.
[John laughs]
John: I will tell you one more thing; we're emphasizing learning, how like knowledge is power, Henry said to Sarah the other day "You know what's a good kind of learning?" and Sarah said "What?" and Henry said "Learning how to turn on the TV." [John laughs]
Hank: How does Henry feel about me? Is he a fan of Hank?
John: Yeah, no, he said right before I left to come about here, he said "I would like you to give a message to Uncle Hank and Auntie Katherine, okaboasdsanfdeanrokloghahhh. ". [John and Hank laugh]
Hank: I'm glad - well I'm glad that that message got passed on. John: It was literally the last thing he said to me before I left, so and I was waiting, you know I was waiting like I love them, I miss them, I can't wait to see them, okasafdseslknrtksdfn. Hank: He probably watched my videos and he knows that that's how I talk. [John laughs]
Hank: John.
John: Yes.
Hank: Thank you for doing question Tuesday with me.
John: It has been my pleasure.
Hank: I'll see you on Tuesday but also... John and Hank: ...now.
Hank: It was good.
John: The world may be broken, but hope is not crazy. I love unironic enthusiasm.
Hank: How do you express your unironic enthusiasm?
John: Gigigigigigigigigigigigigi generally. Some version of that. Sometimes it's internal. Hank: Can I try?
John: Yeah.
Hank: Gigigigigigigigigigigigigi!
John: That's much better than your Nicholas Cage impression. Now you have to put it in the video!
[Hank Laughs]