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Vlog Brothers 1., 13. Is College Worth It?

13. Is College Worth It?

Good morning Hank! It"s Tuesday (evil baby Genghis Khan) So last night, long time nerdfighter roxinpunch posted this to her Tumblr: I keep looking through college degrees and the jobs you could land with them and I just keep going back to how overpriced it all is.

Is it even worth it? That's a really interesting question, not just to prospective college students, but also to people in their mid 30's still paying off their college loans, so let's examine it. Now of course most people outside of the United States will be like, "Of course university is worth it." "University is free," or, at least, very inexpensive. We also have subsidized education here in the United States, but it's much less subsidized so here, if you live in Indiana for instance Indiana University costs about ten thousand dollars if you don't live in Indiana it costs about thirty thousand a year. So is it worth it? Well let's say you spend a hundred thousand dollars on college including like, sixty thousand in student loans. With interest you're going to pay about eighty thousand total on those loans So your total college cost will be one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Expect you will also have spent a lot of time writing papers, and attending classes, and going to supposedly epic frat parties that are never actually very fun because even as you're dancing and drinking and talking to vaguely attractive strangers there's this omnipresent, gnawing feeling in your gut that nothing means anything and you feel this endless existential isolation Was that just me? Right, so anyway, you're doing all of that when you might be working That's called "opportunity cost". On the other hand, the eighty thousand dollars that you spend will actually be slightly less than eighty thousand dollars would've been because of inflation I'm gonna ballpark here and just say that your college cost is like $140,000 in this example. But then you have 50ish years of labor-forced drudgery to look forward to.

Now again we have to deal with inflation and stuff, but let's just say that if you make $175,000 more than you would've made, then college was "worth it." So how much in per hour earnings over your career does a college degree have to generate in order to be worth it? About $1.75 So over the course of your career, if you make $13 an hour on average when you would've otherwise made $11.25 college has paid for itself. And so most studies show that on average college is still very much worth it Although I should note that there are some for-profit universities and misleading vocational training programs that probably aren't worth it. But assuming you go to a reasonably good, accredited university there are two things that are true:

One- it is criminally overpriced.

Two- it is probably still worth it.

But Hank, my problem is that calculation assumes that human life is a purely economic phenomenon, which it isn't. Let me give you an example. As you know, Hank, a long time ago I worked the graveyard shift at Steak and Shake, and I made about $14 an hour on average.

It was a great job with good benefits, there was even a stock buying program which is why I still own 15 shares of Steak and Shake stock. But about once a week at 3 or 3:30 in the morning I'd walk into the bathroom and even though the toilet was fully functional, I'd notice that there was vomit in the urinal. Now Hank, I don't know if you've ever cleaned a stranger's vomit out of a urinal but let me assure you that the most intense games of rock-paper-scissors I will ever play were played to decide who was gonna be on vomit-urinal duty. After graduating from college, I actually made $1 per hour less when I started working as an assistant at Booklist Magazine, but the job was better in every way. I was surrounded by books and people who loved them I had opportunities for advancement, and in 6 years of working there I never once saw vomit in the urinal!

Hank, it's been my experience that maximizing income is a hell of a lot less important than maximizing passion and fulfillment in your life both professionally and personally when I was in college, I remember fearing that the dreary grind of adulthood would feature, like, infinitely more existential dread than frat parties had, but the opposite has been true for me. I'm much less likely to feel that gnawing fear of aimlessness and nihilism than I used to be, and that's partly because education gave me job opportunities. But it's mostly because education gave me perspective and context. Whether you're studying electrical engineering or poetry, college is not finally about maximizing income It's about becoming a better, and more informed observer of the universe. And for me, at least, that's what leads to a more fulfilling life. Hank, in a world where about half of humans live on less than $2.50 a day the opportunity to learn and study in a formal, dedicated way is still a gift, even if it has become a very expensive one.

I'll see you on Friday.

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13. Is College Worth It? |Higher education institution|| Değer mi|Üniversite eğitimi|Değer mi?| É|||Isso 13. Ist das College es wert? 13. ¿Merece la pena ir a la universidad? 13. l'université en vaut-elle la peine ? 13. L'università vale la pena? 13.大学に行く価値はあるか? 13) Czy warto studiować? 13. A faculdade vale a pena? 13. Стоит ли колледж того? 13. Üniversite Buna Değer mi? 13. чи вартий коледж того? 13. 大学值得吗? 13. 大學值得嗎?

Good morning Hank! İyi|| Bom|| It"s Tuesday (evil baby Genghis Khan) |||||チンギス・ハーン| |||||Gengis Khan bebé| So last night, long time nerdfighter roxinpunch posted this to her Tumblr: I keep looking through college degrees and the jobs you could land with them and I just keep going back to how overpriced it all is. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||завышенной стоимости||| |previous|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||štreber fanatik|roxinpunch||||||||||||||||||||||||||||preskupo||| |||||||yayınladı|bunu||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||fan de nerds|roxinpunch|publicó||||||||a través de|universidad|títulos universitarios|||||||||||||||||||| |||||ナードファイター|ロクシンパンチ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||nerd fighter|roxinpunch||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ontem à noite, a nerdfighter de longa data roxinpunch publicou isto no seu Tumblr: Estou sempre a ver os diplomas universitários e os empregos que se podem conseguir com eles e não paro de pensar no preço excessivo que tudo isto tem.

Is it even worth it? Vale mesmo a pena? That's a really interesting question, not just to prospective college students, but also to people in their mid 30's still paying off their college loans, so let's examine it. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||zbadać| Esta é uma pergunta muito interessante, não só para os futuros estudantes universitários, mas também para as pessoas de 30 e poucos anos que ainda estão a pagar os seus empréstimos universitários. Now of course most people outside of the United States will be like, "Of course university is worth it." Agora, é claro que a maioria das pessoas fora dos Estados Unidos dirá: "Claro que a universidade vale a pena". "University is free," or, at least, very inexpensive. |||||||bardzo tanie |||||al menos|| "A universidade é gratuita" ou, pelo menos, muito barata. We also have subsidized education here in the United States, but it's much less subsidized so here, if you live in Indiana for instance Indiana University costs about ten thousand dollars if you don't live in Indiana it costs about thirty thousand a year. |||subvencionisano|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||subvencionada||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||dotowane|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| So is it worth it? Well let's say you spend a hundred thousand dollars on college including like, sixty thousand in student loans. Bem, digamos que gastas cem mil dólares na universidade, incluindo cerca de sessenta mil em empréstimos para estudantes. With interest you're going to pay about eighty thousand total on those loans So your total college cost will be one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Com os juros, vai pagar cerca de oitenta mil dólares no total desses empréstimos, pelo que o custo total da faculdade será de cento e vinte mil dólares. Expect you will also have spent a lot of time writing papers, and attending classes, and going to supposedly epic frat parties that are never actually very fun because even as you're dancing and drinking and talking to vaguely attractive strangers there's this omnipresent, gnawing feeling in your gut that nothing means anything and you feel this endless existential isolation Was that just me? ||||||||||||||||||||bratske žurke||||||||||||||||||nejasno atraktivnim strancima|||||sveprisutan|||||||||||||||egzistencijalna izolacija||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||常に存在する|かじるような||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||rzekomo, podobno||bractwo studenckie||||||||||||||||||niejasno|w miarę atrakcyjni||||wszechobecny|gryzące uczucie||||||||||||||egzystencjalna izolacja||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||existencial||||| Espera-se que também tenha passado muito tempo a escrever trabalhos, a frequentar aulas e a ir a festas de fraternidade supostamente épicas que nunca são realmente muito divertidas, porque mesmo quando está a dançar, a beber e a falar com estranhos vagamente atraentes, há uma sensação omnipresente e corrosiva nas suas entranhas de que nada significa nada e sente um isolamento existencial sem fim. Right, so anyway, you're doing all of that when you might be working That's called "opportunity cost". |||||||||||||||trošak propuštene prilike| Pois, de qualquer forma, estamos a fazer tudo isso quando poderíamos estar a trabalhar. On the other hand, the eighty thousand dollars that you spend will actually be slightly less than eighty thousand dollars would've been because of inflation I'm gonna ballpark here and just say that your college cost is like $140,000 in this example. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||calcular aproximadamente||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||nieco|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Por outro lado, os oitenta mil dólares que gastares serão, na verdade, um pouco menos do que oitenta mil dólares teriam sido devido à inflação. But then you have 50ish years of labor-forced drudgery to look forward to. ||||około|||pracy|przymusowej|harówka|||| ||||aproximadamente|||trabajo forzado|forzado|trabajo monótono|||| Mas depois temos 50 e tal anos de trabalho forçado para esperar.

Now again we have to deal with inflation and stuff, but let's just say that if you make $175,000 more than you would've made, then college was "worth it." Agora, mais uma vez, temos de lidar com a inflação e outras coisas, mas digamos que se ganhares 175.000 dólares a mais do que ganharias, então a faculdade "valeu a pena". So how much in per hour earnings over your career does a college degree have to generate in order to be worth it? Então, quanto é que um diploma universitário tem de gerar em ganhos por hora ao longo da sua carreira para valer a pena? About $1.75 So over the course of your career, if you make $13 an hour on average when you would've otherwise made $11.25 college has paid for itself. ||||||||||||||||||w przeciwnym razie||||zapłacił||samo się opłaciło Cerca de 1,75 dólares Assim, ao longo da sua carreira, se ganhar em média 13 dólares por hora, quando de outra forma ganharia 11,25 dólares, a universidade pagou-se a si própria. And so most studies show that on average college is still very much worth it Although I should note that there are some for-profit universities and misleading vocational training programs that probably aren't worth it. i||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E assim, a maioria dos estudos mostra que, em média, a faculdade ainda vale muito a pena Embora deva notar que há algumas universidades com fins lucrativos e programas de formação profissional enganosos que provavelmente não valem a pena. But assuming you go to a reasonably good, accredited university there are two things that are true: |zakładając|||||||akredytowany|||||||| Mas, partindo do princípio que se frequenta uma universidade acreditada de qualidade razoável, há duas coisas que são verdadeiras:

One- it is criminally overpriced. Primeiro: o seu preço é criminosamente excessivo.

Two- it is probably still worth it. Dois - provavelmente ainda vale a pena.

But Hank, my problem is that calculation assumes that human life is a purely economic phenomenon, which it isn't. |||||||zakłada||||||||zjawisko||| Mas Hank, o meu problema é que o cálculo parte do princípio de que a vida humana é um fenómeno puramente económico, o que não é o caso. Let me give you an example. As you know, Hank, a long time ago I worked the graveyard shift at Steak and Shake, and I made about $14 an hour on average. Como sabes, Hank, há muito tempo trabalhei no turno da noite no Steak and Shake, e ganhava cerca de 14 dólares por hora, em média.

It was a great job with good benefits, there was even a stock buying program which is why I still own 15 shares of Steak and Shake stock. Era um ótimo emprego com bons benefícios, havia até um programa de compra de acções e é por isso que ainda possuo 15 acções da Steak and Shake. But about once a week at 3 or 3:30 in the morning I'd walk into the bathroom and even though the toilet was fully functional, I'd notice that there was vomit in the urinal. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||wymioty||| Now Hank, I don't know if you've ever cleaned a stranger's vomit out of a urinal but let me assure you that the most intense games of rock-paper-scissors I will ever play were played to decide who was gonna be on vomit-urinal duty. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||嘔吐物|小便器| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||pisuar|obowiązek wymiotów Hank, não sei se alguma vez limpou o vómito de um estranho de um urinol, mas garanto-lhe que os jogos mais intensos de pedra-papel-tesoura que alguma vez joguei foram disputados para decidir quem ia ficar com o dever do urinol do vómito. After graduating from college, I actually made $1 per hour less when I started working as an assistant at Booklist Magazine, but the job was better in every way. Depois de terminar a faculdade, ganhei menos um dólar por hora quando comecei a trabalhar como assistente na Booklist Magazine, mas o trabalho era melhor em todos os aspectos. I was surrounded by books and people who loved them I had opportunities for advancement, and in 6 years of working there I never once saw vomit in the urinal! ||otoczony||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Hank, it's been my experience that maximizing income is a hell of a lot less important than maximizing passion and fulfillment in your life both professionally and personally when I was in college, I remember fearing that the dreary grind of adulthood would feature, like, infinitely more existential dread than frat parties had, but the opposite has been true for me. ||||||||||||||||||||充実感|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||spełnienie życiowe|||||||||||||||||||||dorosłość|||||||lęk|||||||||||| Hank, a minha experiência diz-me que maximizar o rendimento é muito menos importante do que maximizar a paixão e a realização na nossa vida, tanto a nível profissional como pessoal. Quando andava na faculdade, lembro-me de recear que a rotina monótona da vida adulta fosse ter um pavor existencial infinitamente maior do que as festas da fraternidade. I'm much less likely to feel that gnawing fear of aimlessness and nihilism than I used to be, and that's partly because education gave me job opportunities. ||||||||||目的のなさ||虚無主義|||||||||||||| |||||||gryzący|||brak celu||nihilizm|||||||||||||| É muito menos provável que eu sinta esse medo de não ter objetivo e de ser niilista do que antes, e isso deve-se em parte ao facto de a educação me ter dado oportunidades de emprego. But it's mostly because education gave me perspective and context. Mas é sobretudo porque a educação me deu perspetiva e contexto. Whether you're studying electrical engineering or poetry, college is not finally about maximizing income It's about becoming a better, and more informed observer of the universe. ||||||||||||||||||||||obserwator||| Quer esteja a estudar engenharia eletrotécnica ou poesia, a faculdade não é, finalmente, uma questão de maximizar o rendimento. É uma questão de se tornar um observador melhor e mais informado do universo. And for me, at least, that's what leads to a more fulfilling life. |||||||||||spełniające| E, pelo menos para mim, é isso que conduz a uma vida mais preenchida. Hank, in a world where about half of humans live on less than $2.50 a day the opportunity to learn and study in a formal, dedicated way is still a gift, even if it has become a very expensive one. Hank, num mundo em que cerca de metade dos seres humanos vive com menos de 2,50 dólares por dia, a oportunidade de aprender e estudar de uma forma formal e dedicada continua a ser uma dádiva, mesmo que se tenha tornado muito cara.

I'll see you on Friday.