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Vlog Brothers 1., 20. Why Paper Towns is Awesome

20. Why Paper Towns is Awesome

Good morning, John, how's it going? Just settin' up my shot here. I'm making this video without a script, which I usually don't do, so we're just gonna go right off the cuff here and see what happens.

I finally got to see Paper Towns. I feel bad that it took me so long to do it. It is a weird thing with your movie career, if you can call it that. We started off with The Fault in Our Stars, and boy, was that somethin', right, like, it -- number one movie in America, beating out a Tom Cruise movie that was really quite good, I saw it later even if I have a hard time figuring out what the title was, because they didn't seem to be sure themselves what the title was, whether it was Edge of Tomorrow or Live, Die, Repeat, and I late found out that that movie was also based on a book, and that book, a Japanese book, was called All You Need is Kill, which is just a way better name than either of the other names.

But Paper Towns has been, by most measures, less successful than The Fault in Our Stars, and that made me a little worried when I was going to go see it, because the thing you don't want to have happen is you know, somebody makes some movie based on your brother's book, it's a big deal, it's a big movie, and then you go see and you don't like it.

That's the thing that you really don't want to have happen. I mean, it's not the end of the world if that happens, I just probably would be quiet about, I'd be like, oh, congratulations on the movie, John.

So imagine my relief when the movie is good, it's quite good, I like it a lot. It's full of really great moments, I'm laughing out loud, I'm just like, clutching Katherine, and the people behind me in the theater are having a great time, too.

But the thing is, it's a movie full of normal people having normal but wonderful moments, and that's really kind of what the movie's about, it's about how life is full of these great moments that happen to us, but they aren't necessarily exceptional in any way, it's not Frodo going to Mordor, it's just people having a good time, having adventures, liking each other, hanging out, having relationships, coming to understand each other more fully.

So in a weird way, the sort of success trajectory of Paper Towns is very similar to the sort of story of Paper Towns, which is that things don't have to be exceptional for them to be good and for them to be lovely experiences for the people who make them and for the people who enjoy them.

And it's maybe gonna have a bigger impact on the people it does impact, even if it impacts a smaller number of people, because it really does have a lot of practical knowledge of how the world and relationships work, and maybe that's part of why it isn't so successful.

Maybe that means that, you know, how we measure "success" in general isn't super great. I know that it can be stressful when stuff doesn't go exactly as you want it to go, but as your brother and a fan of your work, I wanna say, John, you're great and you make really great stuff that people love and I'm really proud of you, so that's. Okay, moving – we gotta -- we've gotta change topics real fast! So VidCon happened, it was great, I'm really sort of buzzing with how interesting online video and internet culture is and what it means.

Thank you to everyone who made VidCon possible from our sponsors to the attendees to the creators to the whole team of people that works on it, so many wonderful people and our volunteers and we just had a great conference, and I had a great time and I was so freaked out beforehand, and I can't believe how well it went, so I'm just really happy.

I'm happy, and just, even though I have to get a colonoscopy tomorrow and I haven't been able to eat anything today, and I'm only drinking Gatorade and that's my whole calories for the day, I'm really happy.

So yeah, this was my unscripted vlogbrothers video, unscripted and unfed and a little bit unhappy 'cause I gotta have a camera put in my butt tomorrow, but other than that, things are going really great.

John, thank you for being a pretty cool brother and I'll see you on Tuesday.

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20. Why Paper Towns is Awesome 20. Warum Paper Towns großartig ist 20. Por qué Ciudades de Papel es increíble 20. Perché Città di carta è fantastica 20.ペーパー・タウンズが素晴らしい理由 20. Porque é que as Cidades de Papel são espectaculares 20. Kağıttan Kentler Neden Harika? 20\. Чому Paper Towns чудові 20.《纸镇》为何如此精彩

Good morning, John, how's it going? Доброго ранку, Джоне, як справи? Just settin' up my shot here. Просто налаштовую свій удар тут. I'm making this video without a script, which I usually don't do, so we're just gonna go right off the cuff here and see what happens. Я знімаю це відео без сценарію, чого я зазвичай не роблю, тому ми просто почнемо з цього моменту і подивимось, що вийде.

I finally got to see Paper Towns. Нарешті я побачив Паперові міста. I feel bad that it took me so long to do it. Мені погано, що мені знадобилося так багато часу, щоб це зробити. It is a weird thing with your movie career, if you can call it that. Це дивна річ у вашій кінокар’єрі, якщо це можна так назвати. We started off with The Fault in Our Stars, and boy, was that somethin', right, like, it -- number one movie in America, beating out a Tom Cruise movie that was really quite good, I saw it later even if I have a hard time figuring out what the title was, because they didn't seem to be sure themselves what the title was, whether it was Edge of Tomorrow or Live, Die, Repeat, and I late found out that that movie was also based on a book, and that book, a Japanese book, was called All You Need is Kill, which is just a way better name than either of the other names. Ми почали з фільму «Винні наші зірки», і, хлопче, це було щось, правда, таке... фільм номер один в Америці, випереджаючи фільм Тома Круза, який був справді непоганим, я побачив його пізніше, навіть якщо я Мені було важко зрозуміти назву, тому що вони, здається, самі не були впевнені, що це за назва, чи то «На межі завтрашнього дня», чи «Живи, помри, повтори», і я пізно дізнався, що цей фільм також заснований на книзі, і ця книга, японська книга, називалася «Все, що вам потрібно, це вбити», що є кращою назвою, ніж будь-яка з інших назв.

But Paper Towns has been, by most measures, less successful than The Fault in Our Stars, and that made me a little worried when I was going to go see it, because the thing you don't want to have happen is you know, somebody makes some movie based on your brother's book, it's a big deal, it's a big movie, and then you go see and you don't like it. Але «Паперові міста» були, за більшістю показників, менш успішними, ніж «Винні наші зірки», і це змусило мене трохи хвилюватися, коли я збирався це подивитися, тому що ви не хочете, щоб сталося те, що ви знаєте, хтось знімає якийсь фільм за книгою вашого брата, це велика справа, це великий фільм, а потім ви йдете дивитися і вам це не подобається.

That's the thing that you really don't want to have happen. Це те, чого ви дійсно не хочете, щоб сталося. I mean, it's not the end of the world if that happens, I just probably would be quiet about, I'd be like, oh, congratulations on the movie, John. Я маю на увазі, що це не кінець світу, якщо це станеться, я просто, мабуть, мовчу про це, я б сказав, о, вітаю з фільмом, Джоне.

So imagine my relief when the movie is good, it's quite good, I like it a lot. Тож уявіть собі моє полегшення, коли фільм хороший, непоганий, мені дуже подобається. It's full of really great moments, I'm laughing out loud, I'm just like, clutching Katherine, and the people behind me in the theater are having a great time, too. Він сповнений справді чудових моментів, я голосно сміюся, я просто хапаюся за Кетрін, і люди позаду мене в театрі теж чудово проводять час.

But the thing is, it's a movie full of normal people having normal but wonderful moments, and that's really kind of what the movie's about, it's about how life is full of these great moments that happen to us, but they aren't necessarily exceptional in any way, it's not Frodo going to Mordor, it's just people having a good time, having adventures, liking each other, hanging out, having relationships, coming to understand each other more fully. Але справа в тому, що це фільм, наповнений нормальними людьми, які переживають звичайні, але чудові моменти, і це справді те, про що фільм, він про те, як життя сповнене чудових моментів, які трапляються з нами, але вони не обов’язково виняткові у будь-якому випадку, це не Фродо, який їде до Мордору, це просто люди, які добре проводять час, переживають пригоди, подобаються одне одному, тусуються, мають стосунки, глибше розуміють один одного.

So in a weird way, the sort of success trajectory of Paper Towns is very similar to the sort of story of Paper Towns, which is that things don't have to be exceptional for them to be good and for them to be lovely experiences for the people who make them and for the people who enjoy them. Таким чином, у якийсь дивний спосіб траєкторія успіху Paper Towns дуже схожа на історію Paper Towns, яка полягає в тому, що речі не обов’язково мають бути винятковими, щоб вони були хорошими, і щоб вони приносили чудовий досвід для людей, які їх роблять, і для людей, яким вони подобаються.

And it's maybe gonna have a bigger impact on the people it does impact, even if it impacts a smaller number of people, because it really does have a lot of practical knowledge of how the world and relationships work, and maybe that's part of why it isn't so successful. І, можливо, це матиме більший вплив на людей, на яких воно справді впливає, навіть якщо це вплине на меншу кількість людей, тому що воно справді має багато практичних знань про те, як влаштований світ і стосунки, і, можливо, це частково чому не так успішно.

Maybe that means that, you know, how we measure "success" in general isn't super great. Можливо, це означає, що, знаєте, те, як ми вимірюємо «успіх» загалом, не дуже добре. I know that it can be stressful when stuff doesn't go exactly as you want it to go, but as your brother and a fan of your work, I wanna say, John, you're great and you make really great stuff that people love and I'm really proud of you, so that's. Я знаю, що це може бути стресом, коли все йде не так, як ти хочеш, але як твій брат і шанувальник твоєї роботи, я хочу сказати, Джоне, ти чудовий і робиш справді чудові речі, які люди люблю, і я справді пишаюся тобою, отже. Okay, moving – we gotta -- we've gotta change topics real fast! Гаразд, рухаємося – ми повинні... ми повинні швидко змінити теми! So VidCon happened, it was great, I'm really sort of buzzing with how interesting online video and internet culture is and what it means. Так відбувся VidCon, це було чудово, я справді в захваті від того, наскільки цікаве онлайн-відео та інтернет-культура та що це означає.

Thank you to everyone who made VidCon possible from our sponsors to the attendees to the creators to the whole team of people that works on it, so many wonderful people and our volunteers and we just had a great conference, and I had a great time and I was so freaked out beforehand, and I can't believe how well it went, so I'm just really happy.

I'm happy, and just, even though I have to get a colonoscopy tomorrow and I haven't been able to eat anything today, and I'm only drinking Gatorade and that's my whole calories for the day, I'm really happy. Я щасливий, і просто, хоча мені завтра на колоноскопію, і я не зміг нічого їсти сьогодні, і я п’ю лише Gatorade, і це всі мої калорії за день, я справді щасливий .

So yeah, this was my unscripted vlogbrothers video, unscripted and unfed and a little bit unhappy 'cause I gotta have a camera put in my butt tomorrow, but other than that, things are going really great. Тож так, це було моє відео без сценарію для vlogbrothers, без сценарію, ненагодоване й трохи нещасливе, бо завтра мені потрібно поставити камеру в дупу, але крім цього, справи йдуть справді чудово.

John, thank you for being a pretty cool brother and I'll see you on Tuesday. Джоне, дякую тобі за крутого брата, і побачимося у вівторок.