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Critical thinking in a Nutshell., An Introduction to Thomas Paine's Common Sense.

An Introduction to Thomas Paine's Common Sense.

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A Macat Analysis of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Only a handful of texts have inspired and impassioned whole nations to take action.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense is one of them. This pamphlet, written by a British born emigrant to the American Colonies, political activist in 1776, it challenged British authority – and was the first work that openly called for American independence. At the time, America paid Britain taxes – but saw little benefit from them.

Instead, their taxes were used to line the pockets of the British treasury and pay for European wars. So, what comparisons can we draw to explain the relationship between Britain and America that Thomas Paine took such exception to? Let's imagine a shopkeeper.

He works on a street where crimes are occasionally committed. As a result, the shopkeeper develops some legitimate worries about the safety of his shop and his stock. A criminal gang turns up – posing as a protector. The ring-leader promises the shopkeeper protection from harm or thieves – in return for payment of a regular fee – a tax. The shopkeeper agrees to this tax, thinking that the money will be spent on increased security – perhaps a few patrol guards.

After a while, the shopkeeper's shop is vandalised, and much of his stock stolen. He realises that his money has not been spent on increasing security and decides to visit the ring-leader of the gang to tell him about the robbery and ask him how his money has been spent.

As he approaches the driveway of the ring-leader's large house, the shopkeeper sees what his money has paid for – large gates, armed guards and security cameras – to prevent him from even getting close to the house.

Instead of fulfilling the promise of protection, the gang uses the money for its own benefit instead – the shopkeeper has been swindled. At the same time the shopkeeper feels cheated, so too did American people – but again, like the shopkeeper, their voices were not heard.

Common Sense focused specifically on this injustice – asserting that Britain would never act in the interests of Americans and that America would never thrive under British rule.

Paine's pamphlet had the largest sale and circulation of any book published in American history relative to the population at the time – and was hugely popular, throughout the entire American revolutionary era.

A more detailed examination of Paine's ideas can be found in the Macat Analysis.

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An Introduction to Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Eine Einführung in Thomas Paines Common Sense. Εισαγωγή στην Κοινή Λογική του Thomas Paine. An Introduction to Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Introducción al Sentido Común de Thomas Paine. Une introduction au Common Sense de Thomas Paine. Introduzione al Senso Comune di Thomas Paine. トマス・ペイン『コモン・センス』入門。 토마스 페인의 상식 소개. Wprowadzenie do zdrowego rozsądku Thomasa Paine'a. Uma Introdução ao Senso Comum de Thomas Paine. Введение в "Здравый смысл" Томаса Пейна. Thomas Paine'in Sağduyusuna Giriş. Вступ до "Здорового глузду" Томаса Пейна. 托马斯·潘恩的常识简介。 托馬斯·潘恩的常識簡介。

Welcome to the Macat Multimedia Series. Bienvenido a la serie multimedia Macat.

A Macat Analysis of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. Un análisis Macat del sentido común de Thomas Paine. Only a handful of texts have inspired and impassioned whole nations to take action. ||||||||激励人心的||||| ||few||||||||||| Solo unos pocos textos han inspirado y apasionado a naciones enteras a actuar. Seule une poignée de textes a inspiré et passionné des nations entières pour qu'elles agissent. 一握りのテキストが、国家全体を刺激し、行動を起こさせるのです。

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is one of them. El sentido común de Thomas Paine es uno de ellos. This pamphlet, written by a British born emigrant to the American Colonies, political activist in 1776, it challenged British authority – and was the first work that openly called for American independence. Este folleto, escrito por un emigrante de origen británico a las colonias americanas, activista político en 1776, desafió la autoridad británica y fue el primer trabajo que pedía abiertamente la independencia estadounidense. Ce pamphlet, écrit en 1776 par un Britannique émigré dans les colonies américaines, militant politique, remettait en cause l'autorité britannique et était le premier ouvrage à appeler ouvertement à l'indépendance des États-Unis. At the time, America paid Britain taxes – but saw little benefit from them. En ese momento, Estados Unidos pagó impuestos a Gran Bretaña, pero vio pocos beneficios de ellos. À l'époque, l'Amérique payait des impôts à la Grande-Bretagne, mais n'en retirait que peu de bénéfices.

Instead, their taxes were used to line the pockets of the British treasury and pay for European wars. ||||||填满||||||||||| ||||||fill||||||||||| En cambio, sus impuestos se utilizaron para llenar los bolsillos del tesoro británico y pagar las guerras europeas. Au lieu de cela, leurs impôts ont servi à remplir les poches du trésor britannique et à payer les guerres européennes. So, what comparisons can we draw to explain the relationship between Britain and America that Thomas Paine took such exception to? ||比较|||||||||||||||||反对| Entonces, ¿qué comparaciones podemos hacer para explicar la relación entre Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos a la que Thomas Paine hizo tanta excepción? Quelles comparaisons pouvons-nous donc faire pour expliquer les relations entre la Grande-Bretagne et l'Amérique que Thomas Paine a tant contestées ? 那么,我们能用什么来解释托马斯·潘恩如此反感的英美关系呢? Let’s imagine a shopkeeper. |||store owner Imaginemos un comerciante. 让我们想象一位店主。

He works on a street where crimes are occasionally committed. Trabaja en una calle donde ocasionalmente se cometen delitos. 他工作的街道上时常发生犯罪事件。 As a result, the shopkeeper develops some legitimate worries about the safety of his shop and his stock. Como resultado, el comerciante desarrolla algunas preocupaciones legítimas sobre la seguridad de su tienda y sus existencias. A criminal gang turns up – posing as a protector. Aparece una banda criminal, haciéndose pasar por un protector. Un gang criminel fait son apparition, se faisant passer pour un protecteur. The ring-leader promises the shopkeeper protection from harm or thieves – in return for payment of a regular fee – a tax. |leader||||||||||||||||||| El líder de la red promete al comerciante protección contra daños o ladrones, a cambio del pago de una tarifa regular, un impuesto. Le chef du cercle promet au commerçant une protection contre le danger ou les voleurs, en échange du paiement d'une redevance régulière - une taxe. The shopkeeper agrees to this tax, thinking that the money will be spent on increased security – perhaps a few patrol guards. El comerciante acepta este impuesto, pensando que el dinero se gastará en una mayor seguridad, tal vez algunos guardias de patrulla. Le commerçant accepte cette taxe, pensant que l'argent sera dépensé pour renforcer la sécurité - peut-être quelques patrouilleurs.

After a while, the shopkeeper’s shop is vandalised, and much of his stock stolen. |||||||被破坏|||||| Después de un tiempo, la tienda del comerciante es objeto de vandalismo y gran parte de sus acciones son robadas. Au bout d'un certain temps, le magasin du commerçant est vandalisé et une grande partie de son stock est volée. He realises that his money has not been spent on increasing security and decides to visit the ring-leader of the gang to tell him about the robbery and ask him how his money has been spent. |||||||||||||||||头目||||||||||||||||||| Se da cuenta de que su dinero no se ha gastado en aumentar la seguridad y decide visitar al líder de la banda para contarle sobre el robo y preguntarle cómo se ha gastado su dinero.

As he approaches the driveway of the ring-leader’s large house, the shopkeeper sees what his money has paid for – large gates, armed guards and security cameras – to prevent him from even getting close to the house. ||||车道|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Cuando se acerca al camino de entrada de la gran casa del líder del círculo, el comerciante ve lo que ha pagado con su dinero: puertas grandes, guardias armados y cámaras de seguridad, para evitar que se acerque siquiera a la casa. Alors qu'il s'approche de l'allée de la grande maison du chef de file, le commerçant voit ce que son argent lui a permis de payer : de grandes barrières, des gardes armés et des caméras de sécurité pour l'empêcher de s'approcher de la maison.

Instead of fulfilling the promise of protection, the gang uses the money for its own benefit instead – the shopkeeper has been swindled. |||||||||||||||||||||被骗 ||honoring|||||||||||||||||||defrauded En lugar de cumplir la promesa de protección, la pandilla usa el dinero para su propio beneficio: el comerciante ha sido estafado. At the same time the shopkeeper feels cheated, so too did American people – but again, like the shopkeeper, their voices were not heard. Al mismo tiempo, el comerciante se siente estafado, también los estadounidenses, pero nuevamente, como el comerciante, sus voces no fueron escuchadas. En même temps que le commerçant, les Américains se sentent floués, mais, comme le commerçant, leur voix n'a pas été entendue.

Common Sense focused specifically on this injustice – asserting that Britain would never act in the interests of Americans and that America would never thrive under British rule. |||||||||||||||||||||||prosper||| Common Sense se centró específicamente en esta injusticia, afirmando que Gran Bretaña nunca actuaría en interés de los estadounidenses y que Estados Unidos nunca prosperaría bajo el dominio británico. Common Sense se concentre spécifiquement sur cette injustice, affirmant que la Grande-Bretagne n'agira jamais dans l'intérêt des Américains et que l'Amérique ne prospérera jamais sous la domination britannique.

Paine’s pamphlet had the largest sale and circulation of any book published in American history relative to the population at the time – and was hugely popular, throughout the entire American revolutionary era. El panfleto de Paine tuvo la mayor venta y circulación de cualquier libro publicado en la historia de Estados Unidos en relación con la población en ese momento, y fue muy popular durante toda la era revolucionaria estadounidense. Le pamphlet de Paine a connu la plus grande vente et le plus grand tirage de tous les livres publiés dans l'histoire américaine par rapport à la population de l'époque - et a été extrêmement populaire pendant toute la période révolutionnaire américaine.

A more detailed examination of Paine’s ideas can be found in the Macat Analysis. Se puede encontrar un examen más detallado de las ideas de Paine en el Análisis de Macat. Un examen plus détaillé des idées de Paine se trouve dans l'analyse Macat.