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Listen to know everything, Unit 140 The Audition

Unit 140 The Audition

B : Hi, Cindy.

Are you ready for the big audition this afternoon? G : I don't know, Greg.

I've been practicing the script all week, but the princess has so many lines that I don't know if I can remember them all! B : You don't have to remember all of them for the audition, just the lines for the main scene, where the pirate meets the princess and tries to kidnap her.

G : I know, but even in that scene, the princess has quite a few lines!

B : You've got to think positive and have some confidence in yourself.

I think that you're going to get the part, and that you'll be a fantastic princess! G : Well, I'm glad that somebody has confidence in me.

I think I'm just worried that I'll forget my lines. By the way, which part are you going to try out for? B : I'm trying out for the part of the pirate, the one who tries to steal the princess away from the prince.

G : Oh yeah, the pirate and the prince get to have that cool sword fight in the final scene, and then the prince kills the pirate with his own sword!

B : Yeah, I remember reading that in the script.

But at the audition today, we'll be practicing the scene where the pirate first sees the princess, and falls in love with her. G : Hey, I'll help you practice your scene if you'll help me practice mine.

B : You've got a deal!

Let's start now.

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Unit 140 The Audition ||オーディション ||audición Referat 140 Das Vorsprechen Unidad 140 La Audición Unidade 140 A audição Unit 140 The Audition Ünite 140 Seçme Sınavı 单元140试镜

B : Hi, Cindy. B: Hola, Cindy.

Are you ready for the big audition this afternoon? ¿Estás lista para la gran audición de esta tarde? G : I don’t know, Greg. G: No sé, Greg.

I’ve been practicing the script all week, but the princess has so many lines that I don’t know if I can remember them all! ||||guion|toda|||||||||||||||||| He estado practicando el guion toda la semana, ¡pero la princesa tiene tantas líneas que no sé si podré recordarlas todas! ずっと台本を練習してきたんだけど、お姫様のセリフが多すぎて、全部覚えられるかどうかわからないんだ! Я всю неделю репетировала сценарий, но у принцессы так много реплик, что я не знаю, смогу ли я их все запомнить! B : You don’t have to remember all of them for the audition, just the lines for the main scene, where the pirate meets the princess and tries to kidnap her. |||||||||||||||||||||pirate character|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||誘拐する| ||||||||||||||||||сцена||||||||||| B : No tienes que recordar todas ellas para la audición, solo las líneas de la escena principal, donde el pirata se encuentra con la princesa e intenta secuestrarla. В: Для прослушивания вам не нужно помнить их все, только реплики для главной сцены, где пират встречает принцессу и пытается ее похитить.

G : I know, but even in that scene, the princess has quite a few lines! |||||||||||досить||досить багато| G : Lo sé, pero incluso en esa escena, ¡la princesa tiene bastantes líneas! G:そうなんだけど、あのシーンでもお姫様のセリフは結構多いんだ!

B : You’ve got to think positive and have some confidence in yourself. B : Tienes que pensar de forma positiva y tener confianza en ti misma.

I think that you’re going to get the part, and that you’ll be a fantastic princess! ¡Creo que vas a conseguir el papel y que serás una princesa fantástica! あなたならきっと役を手に入れ、素晴らしいプリンセスになれると思うわ! G : Well, I’m glad that somebody has confidence in me. G: Bueno, me alegra que alguien confíe en mí. G : まあ、誰かが僕を信頼してくれているのはうれしいよ。

I think I’m just worried that I’ll forget my lines. |||||||||репліки Creo que simplemente estoy preocupada de que me olvide de mis líneas. セリフを忘れてしまうんじゃないかと心配なんだと思う。 Думаю, я просто беспокоюсь, что забуду свои реплики. By the way, which part are you going to try out for? Por cierto, ¿para qué parte vas a hacer la prueba? B : I’m trying out for the part of the pirate, the one who tries to steal the princess away from the prince. |||||||||пірат|||||||||||| B : Estoy audicionando para el papel del pirata, el que intenta robar a la princesa del príncipe. В: Я пробую себя на роль пирата, того, кто пытается увести принцессу у принца.

G : Oh yeah, the pirate and the prince get to have that cool sword fight in the final scene, and then the prince kills the pirate with his own sword! ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||su propia| G : ¡Oh sí, el pirata y el príncipe tienen esa genial pelea de espadas en la escena final, y luego el príncipe mata al pirata con su propia espada! G: Oh sim, o pirata e o príncipe têm aquela luta de espadas legal na cena final, e então o príncipe mata o pirata com sua própria espada!

B : Yeah, I remember reading that in the script. B : Sí, recuerdo haber leído eso en el guion. Б: Да, я помню, что читал это в сценарии.

But at the audition today, we’ll be practicing the scene where the pirate first sees the princess, and falls in love with her. Але|||||||||||||||||||||| Pero en la audición de hoy, estaremos practicando la escena donde el pirata ve por primera vez a la princesa y se enamora de ella. G : Hey, I’ll help you practice your scene if you’ll help me practice mine. G : Hey, te ayudaré a practicar tu escena si me ayudas a practicar la mía.

B : You’ve got a deal! B : ¡Tienes un trato! B : 取引成立だね! Б: Договорились!

Let’s start now. Comencemos ahora. さあ、始めよう。