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Listen to know everything, Unit 148 The Right Career

Unit 148 The Right Career

B : People need to consider important factors when choosing a career.

In my opinion, the most important factor is to choose a job that goes well with your personality. Are you an outgoing person who loves meeting new people and talking to them? Perhaps you should become a tour guide or a teacher. Are you shy? Maybe you should be an accountant or a scientist. Remember, you will do your job almost every day. If you have to change your personality when you work, you probably won't be very happy. And neither will the people you work with. Nobody wants an unfriendly tour guide or an impatient teacher. Are you a moody person? In most jobs, you will be expected to control your emotions. That's hard to do if your mood changes often. In that case, you might want to work alone. Perhaps you could be a writer or an artist. There are other factors to consider, such as salary and status. However, what good is a large salary or high status if you don't like your job? You should consider your personality, find out what you are very good at doing, and then find the right career to go with all this. Too many people choose a career because it pays well. Too often, they find they don't like their jobs. But by then they feel like they're in a trap, and they can't escape. Finding a good career is important. Think about it and choose carefully.

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Unit 148 The Right Career Unidad 148 La carrera adecuada واحد 148 شغل مناسب ユニット 148 正しいキャリア Jednostka 148 Właściwa kariera Unidade 148 A carreira certa Unit 148 Правильная карьера Ünite 148 Doğru Kariyer 单元 148 正确的职业

B : People need to consider important factors when choosing a career. ||||||||||кар'єру B : Las personas necesitan considerar factores importantes al elegir una carrera. B : 人はキャリアを選択する際に重要な要素を考慮する必要がある。 B: İnsanların kariyer seçerken önemli faktörleri göz önünde bulundurmaları gerekir. B:人们在选择职业时需要考虑一些重要因素。

In my opinion, the most important factor is to choose a job that goes well with your personality. En mi opinión, el factor más importante es elegir un trabajo que vaya bien con tu personalidad. На мой взгляд, самый важный фактор - выбрать работу, которая хорошо сочетается с вашей личностью. 在我看来,最重要的因素是选择一份适合你性格的工作。 Are you an outgoing person who loves meeting new people and talking to them? |||extrovertido|||||||||| |||комунікабельний|||||||||| ¿Eres una persona extrovertida que ama conocer gente nueva y hablar con ellos? 您是一个外向、喜欢结识新朋友并与他们交谈的人吗? Perhaps you should become a tour guide or a teacher. |||||екскурсійний|екскурсовод||| quizás||||||||| Tal vez deberías convertirte en guía turístico o profesor. Возможно, вам стоит стать гидом или учителем. 也许你应该成为一名导游或者一名老师。 Are you shy? ¿Eres tímido? Maybe you should be an accountant or a scientist. Quizás deberías ser contador o científico. 也许你应该成为一名会计师或者科学家。 Remember, you will do your job almost every day. Recuerda, harás tu trabajo casi todos los días. 记住,你几乎每天都要做你的工作。 If you have to change your personality when you work, you probably won’t be very happy. Si tienes que cambiar tu personalidad cuando trabajas, probablemente no serás muy feliz. Если вам приходится менять свою личность во время работы, вы, вероятно, не будете очень счастливы. 如果工作时你必须改变自己的性格,你可能不会很高兴。 And neither will the people you work with. |tampoco lo harán|||||| Y tampoco lo serán las personas con las que trabajas. 一緒に働く仲間もそうだろう。 Ve birlikte çalıştığınız insanlar da olmayacak. 和你一起工作的人也不会。 Nobody wants an unfriendly tour guide or an impatient teacher. Nadie quiere un guía turístico antipático o un profesor impaciente. Никому не нужен недружелюбный гид или нетерпеливый учитель. 没有人想要一个不友好的导游或一个没有耐心的老师。 Are you a moody person? |||cambiante| |||настрійний| ¿Eres una persona de mal genio? Huysuz bir insan mısın? 你是一个喜怒无常的人吗? In most jobs, you will be expected to control your emotions. ||||||se espera que|||| En la mayoría de trabajos, se espera que controles tus emociones. ほとんどの仕事では、自分の感情をコントロールすることが求められる。 在大多数工作中,你都需要控制自己的情绪。 That’s hard to do if your mood changes often. ||||||estado de ánimo|| Eso es difícil de hacer si tu estado de ánimo cambia a menudo. Ruh haliniz sık sık değişiyorsa bunu yapmak zordur. 如果你的情绪经常变化,那就很难做到。 In that case, you might want to work alone. En ese caso, podrías querer trabajar solo. В этом случае вам лучше работать в одиночку. 在这种情况下,您可能想要单独工作。 Perhaps you could be a writer or an artist. Quizás podrías ser escritor o artista. 也许您可以成为一名作家或艺术家。 There are other factors to consider, such as salary and status. ||||||||||статус Hay otros factores a considerar, como el salario y el estatus. 还有其他因素需要考虑,例如薪水和地位。 However, what good is a large salary or high status if you don’t like your job? Sin embargo, ¿de qué sirve un salario alto o un alto estatus si no te gusta tu trabajo? しかし、自分の仕事が好きでなければ、高い給料や高い地位も意味がない。 Однако что толку в большой зарплате или высоком статусе, если вы не любите свою работу? 然而,如果你不喜欢自己的工作,再高的薪水或高的地位又有什么好处呢? You should consider your personality, find out what you are very good at doing, and then find the right career to go with all this. Deberías considerar tu personalidad, descubrir en qué eres muy bueno, y luego encontrar la carrera adecuada que vaya con todo esto. あなたは自分の性格を考慮し、自分が何をするのが非常に得意であるかを見つけ、そしてこれらすべてに取り組むための適切なキャリアを見つける必要があります。 Você deve considerar sua personalidade, descobrir o que você é muito bom em fazer e, em seguida, encontrar a carreira certa para seguir com tudo isso. Вы должны учесть особенности своей личности, выяснить, что у вас хорошо получается, а затем найти подходящую профессию, которая будет сочетаться со всем этим. Kişiliğinizi göz önünde bulundurmalı, ne yaptığınızda çok iyi olduğunuzu bulmalı ve sonra tüm bunlara uygun kariyeri bulmalısınız. 您应该考虑自己的性格,找出自己擅长做的事情,然后找到与之相匹配的合适职业。 Too many people choose a career because it pays well. |||eligen|||||| Demasiadas personas eligen una carrera porque paga bien. Muitas pessoas escolhem uma carreira porque ela paga bem. 太多人选择某种职业是因为它薪水丰厚。 Too often, they find they don’t like their jobs. ||вони|||||| Con demasiada frecuencia, descubren que no les gusta su trabajo. 他们常常发现自己不喜欢自己的工作。 But by then they feel like they’re in a trap, and they can’t escape. |||||||||trampa|||| Pero para entonces sienten que están atrapados y no pueden escapar. しかし、そのころには罠にかかったような気分になっており、逃げ出すことはできない。 Mas então eles sentem que estão em uma armadilha e não podem escapar. Но к этому времени они чувствуют, что попали в ловушку и не могут выбраться. Finding a good career is important. Encontrar uma boa carreira é importante. Think about it and choose carefully. Piénsalo y elige con cuidado. よく考えて慎重に選ぶことだ。 请考虑一下并慎重选择。