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Listen to know everything, Unit 149 Body Language

Unit 149 Body Language

G : Did you know that words are not the only thing we use to communicate?

Most of our messages are sent through body language. Only about 10 percent of communication is done through the actual words of a conversation. Isn't that strange? If we understand body language well, we can learn a lot more about what other people really think. We can also use body language to send the right message to others. Have you ever felt dislike for someone without knowing why? Well, he or she might have been sending out a negative message through body language. What kind of things should you look for if you want to understand body language? First, look at people's eyes. If people are lying, they may not look directly at the person they are talking to, and the pupils of their eyes may shrink. Next, look at people's arms. Arms crossed in front of the body might mean a person is unfriendly or afraid. He or she might be trying to say, “Stay away.” If the arms are by the side or at the back of the body, the person might be saying, “Come closer. I won't hurt you.” But keep in mind that there is no accurate way to interpret body language all the time. Sometimes, talking is still the best way to communicate. However, knowing about body language will improve the way you communicate and help you understand other people better.

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Unit 149 Body Language ||Мова тіла Referat 149 Körpersprache Unidad 149 Lenguaje corporal Unité 149 Langage corporel 단원 149 신체 언어 Jednostka 149 Mowa ciała Unidade 149 Linguagem corporal 149单元肢体语言

G : Did you know that words are not the only thing we use to communicate? G : ¿Sabías que las palabras no son la única forma que usamos para comunicarnos? G: Знаете ли вы, что слова - не единственное, что мы используем для общения?

Most of our messages are sent through body language. La mayoría de nuestros mensajes se envían a través del lenguaje corporal. Only about 10 percent of communication is done through the actual words of a conversation. |||||||||самих слів|||| Solo alrededor del 10 por ciento de la comunicación se realiza a través de las palabras reales de una conversación. コミュニケーションの約10パーセントだけが会話の実際の言葉を通して行われます。 Isn’t that strange? ¿No es eso extraño? 変じゃない? If we understand body language well, we can learn a lot more about what other people really think. Si entendemos bien el lenguaje corporal, podemos aprender mucho más sobre lo que realmente piensan otras personas. Если мы хорошо понимаем язык тела, мы можем узнать гораздо больше о том, что на самом деле думают другие люди. We can also use body language to send the right message to others. También podemos usar el lenguaje corporal para enviar el mensaje correcto a los demás. Have you ever felt dislike for someone without knowing why? ¿Alguna vez has sentido antipatía por alguien sin saber por qué? 理由がわからないまま誰かに嫌悪感を覚えたことはありますか? Nedenini bilmeden birini sevmediniz mi? Well, he or she might have been sending out a negative message through body language. Bueno, él o ella podrían haber estado enviando un mensaje negativo a través del lenguaje corporal. Bem, ele ou ela pode ter enviado uma mensagem negativa por meio da linguagem corporal. What kind of things should you look for if you want to understand body language? ¿Qué tipo de cosas deberías buscar si quieres entender el lenguaje corporal? ボディーランゲージを理解したいのなら、どんなことを探すべきですか? На что следует обратить внимание, если вы хотите понять язык тела? Vücut dilini anlamak istiyorsanız ne tür şeyler aramalısınız? First, look at people’s eyes. Primero, mira a los ojos de las personas. Во-первых, посмотрите на глаза людей. If people are lying, they may not look directly at the person they are talking to, and the pupils of their eyes may shrink. |||||||||||||||||||||||se contraen ||||||||безпосередньо||||||||||||||| Si las personas están mintiendo, es posible que no miren directamente a la persona con la que están hablando y que las pupilas de sus ojos se contraigan. 嘘をついていると、話している相手を直視できず、瞳孔が縮むことがあります。 Se as pessoas estiverem mentindo, elas podem não olhar diretamente para a pessoa com quem estão falando e as pupilas de seus olhos podem encolher. Next, look at people’s arms. Después, fíjate en los brazos de las personas. A seguir, olhe para os braços das pessoas. Arms crossed in front of the body might mean a person is unfriendly or afraid. Los brazos cruzados delante del cuerpo podrían significar que una persona es poco amigable o está asustada. Braços cruzados na frente do corpo podem significar que uma pessoa é hostil ou tem medo. He or she might be trying to say, “Stay away.” If the arms are by the side or at the back of the body, the person might be saying, “Come closer. ||||||||тримайся|||||||||||||||||||||| Él o ella podrían estar tratando de decir, "Mantente alejado." Si los brazos están a los lados o en la espalda, la persona podría estar diciendo, "Acércate." Ele ou ela pode estar tentando dizer: “Fique longe”. Se os braços estiverem ao lado ou atrás do corpo, a pessoa pode estar dizendo: “Aproxime-se. Возможно, он или она пытается сказать: "Не подходи". Если руки находятся рядом или сзади тела, человек, возможно, говорит: "Подойди ближе". I won’t hurt you.” But keep in mind that there is no accurate way to interpret body language all the time. ||||||||||||||інтерпретувати|інтерпретувати||||| "No te haré daño." Pero ten en cuenta que no hay una forma precisa de interpretar el lenguaje corporal todo el tiempo. Eu não vou te machucar. ” Mas lembre-se de que não existe uma maneira precisa de interpretar a linguagem corporal o tempo todo. Sana zarar vermeyeceğim. ” Ancak, vücut dilini her zaman yorumlamanın doğru bir yolu olmadığını unutmayın. Sometimes, talking is still the best way to communicate. A veces, hablar todavía es la mejor manera de comunicarse. Às vezes, falar ainda é a melhor maneira de se comunicar. However, knowing about body language will improve the way you communicate and help you understand other people better. Sin embargo, conocer el lenguaje corporal mejorará la forma en que te comunicas y te ayudará a entender mejor a otras personas. しかし、ボディーランゲージを知ることで、コミュニケーションの方法が改善され、他人をよりよく理解できるようになる。 No entanto, saber mais sobre a linguagem corporal melhorará a maneira como você se comunica e o ajudará a compreender melhor as outras pessoas. Однако знание языка тела улучшит вашу манеру общения и поможет лучше понимать других людей.