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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Thirty: Central American Holiday

Thirty: Central American Holiday

Steve: Hi, Jill.

Jill: Hi, Steve.

Steve: You know, we've been trying to get our various Podcasts going again because we had some difficulty with our computers; with the sound systems.

And, so, we're experimenting today with using what's known as an Mbox with an older computer in our office. And, I hope the sound is better for people. We may get some reaction back from people. But, that's not a very interesting subject. Jill, you have some exciting news. I gather you're gonna' go traveling again. Where are you going?

Jill: Yes.

I'm going to Central America and some of you will already know this. Mark and I discussed this a little bit on a Podcast awhile ago. But, yeah, I'm going to five of the seven countries in Central America just missing El Salvador and Panama.

Steve: Aha. What is it that as you think of your trip to Central America, what is it that you look forward to the most?

Jill: Well, I guess the main thing is that I'm going to get married when I'm there.

Steve: Well, hold it! I didn't want to be the one to announce it, okay; but, since you have brought that into the equation.

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: So, we have two subjects to discuss. One is the fact that you're getting married. Congratulations!

Jill: Thank you.

Steve: I think that's wonderful news. Everybody here, all your friends, we're very happy. I can speak from experience. Marriage is a very nice institution. So, we can talk a little bit about that. Is it fair to ask how long you and your future husband have known each other?

Jill: Yes.

It's been almost five years now; so, quite a while.

Steve: It took you that long to convince him? Or did it take him that long to convince you?

Jill: I was gonna' say, it took him that long to convince me, you know. Steve: Okay. But, so, you've known each other for five years.

Jill: Yes.

Steve: And so, this trip to Latin to South America Central America, rather, is sort of like a pre-marriage honeymoon.

Jill: Yeah.

It's a marriage ceremony, honeymoon, all in

Steve: Oh, you're getting married down there?

Jill: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Steve: Oh, I didn't know that.

Jill: We're getting married in Costa Rica.

Steve: Why?

Jill: Just because we want to.

Steve: You don't want your friends there?

Jill: No.

Nobody is coming.

Steve: Nobody's coming?

Jill: No.

Steve: You're getting married. Are you gonna' have a party or something? Jill: We'll have a party when we come back with everybody.

Steve: Oh, I see.

Jill: But, yeah, for us, getting married, it's not a religious ceremony, it's just a short ceremony. A lawyer performs it on the beach at sunset in Costa Rica. That's it; very simple.

Steve: That's fascinating. And why did you choose Costa Rica?

Jill: Well, really, we were thinking of going on a trip to Central America, basically, because Chris has traveled extensively throughout the world to every continent and he's been to South America a few times and Central America was one place he hadn't been and really wanted to go. And, you know, rain forests and beaches and volcanoes and things like that interest me as well. So, I thought, well, hey, yeah, that sounds fine. And it was either Belize or Costa Rica that we were going to get married in and Belize was just more complicated. You had to be in that country for several days before you could apply for a license and there was just more complications. So, it was just easier in Costa Rica and we went that route.

Steve: So, you're going to fly into Costa Rica. Are you going to get married right away?

Jill: Yes.

Steve: I should hope so!

Jill: Yes.

Steve: I mean and then you will travel?

Jill: Yes.

Steve: And how many days will you spend in Costa Rica?

Jill: We will be there for about a week in Costa Rica and then we will just make our way up. So, we'll go to Nicaragua for about a day and a half - two days, Honduras a couple days, then we will be in Guatemala for about five days. There's quite a lot of interesting things to see there.

Steve: And when you say you're gonna' move around like this, you're gonna' be traveling by what means? Jill: Mostly, probably buses. There are some flights we can take, but most of the bus trips are only gonna' be five hours; not that long. And by the time we get to an airport and take the hour-long flight and out of there, doesn't save us much time to fly and it's a lot of it's very expensive to fly within?

Steve: And I would imagine that the local buses will probably be an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture. I picture people and chickens and donkeys and so forth.

Jill: Yeah.

And I think that's true. I mean, there are local buses that are like that for sure. But, on our longer trips, there's air conditioned, you know, like Greyhound-style buses; sort of first-class, if you will, buses. So, we'll take those for our, you know, longer journeys.

Steve: That's what Chris has promised you?

Jill: Well, yeah. I don't know if I believe him, though.

Steve: But, I'm sure that our stereotype sort of vision of a bus in Central America with all the chickens and the donkeys is probably more a product of Hollywood than reality. I know that, in my own experience, the standard of comfort you now get in buses in countries all over the world -- air conditioned, music, you know, DVDs, you name it -- I'm sure that on the major routes in Central America they have similar service.

Jill: Well, I'm hoping, I'm hoping. I mean, when I was in China last year, we took a bus and it was just fine. It was comfortable, it was air conditioned, you know, it was fine. So, I'm hoping it will be like that.

Steve: Now I know, Jill, that you are not the most adventurous eater in the world. What are your.you know, how local are you guys gonna' go insofar as your eating? Jill: Well, I think Central America is not that different from Canada in a lot of ways. I think it's I've heard there's a lot of chicken and rice.

Steve: Beans.

Jill: I've heard that it can be quite bland, actually. So, for me and my stomach, that will probably be fine.

Steve: Bland is good?

Jill: Well, no, I do like flavor and I do like some spice; but, when I'm traveling, I think something that's a little on the bland side is maybe better for me.

Steve: So, I'll ask my first question again. Leaving aside the fact that you're getting married there, which is wonderful and congratulations, if we just look at the travel part of it, what is it that you are most looking forward to seeing and doing in Latin America or in Central America?

Jill: Well, I think going into the rain forest and the cloud forest in Costa Rica and, you know, seeing all the different birds and monkeys and wildlife, I think, is one of the highlights. And, also, there are some fabulous Mayan ruins in Guatemala as well as Honduras. I'm looking really forward to those some volcanoes that we're gonna' hike up and then, also, we're gonna' have some beach time in Belize on the Caribbean. So, I'm just looking forward to it all. And we'll be in some colonial cities for a couple days. So, it's just a mixture of everything.

Steve: My goodness. Are you apprehensive, concerned, worried, about any aspects of your trip?

Jill: I would say that I'm a little worried about some of the poisonous snakes, spiders, things like that, that we will probably encounter or at least see in the rain forest or, you know, even at our hotel. We are staying at a very nice place in Costa Rica, but there's scorpions around and, you know, I'm not a huge fan of bugs and insects and, especially, poisonous ones. But, I think it will be fascinating at the same time. I'm a little bit scared, but I think it will be interesting, too.

Steve: Okay. Well, you know, I think that's interesting. And maybe we'll have an opportunity when you get back to talk about what you saw and probably you'll find some things down there that you didn't expect to see.

Jill: I'm sure.

Steve: So, thank you very much and congratulations, again.

Jill: Thank you.

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Thirty: Central American Holiday otuz||| Dreißig: Mittelamerikanischer Urlaub Τριάντα: Διακοπές στην Κεντρική Αμερική Thirty: Central American Holiday Treinta Vacaciones en Centroamérica Trente : Vacances en Amérique centrale Trenta: Vacanze in America Centrale 30:中央アメリカの休日 서른: 서른: 중앙 아메리카의 휴일 Trzydzieści: Wakacje w Ameryce Środkowej Trinta: Feriado na América Central Тридцать: Праздник в Центральной Америке Trettio: Centralamerikansk semester Otuz: Orta Amerika Tatili Тридцять: Центральноамериканські канікули 三十:中美洲假期 三十:中美洲假期

Steve: Hi, Jill. |Oi|Jill

Jill: Hi, Steve.

Steve: You know, we’ve been trying to get our various Podcasts going again because we had some difficulty with our computers; with the sound systems. |||||||||||||||||困难||||||| |||||||||||en marche||||||||||||| |||||||||multiple||||||||||||||| ||sabe|||tentando||||||||||||||||||| Steve: Víte, snažili jsme se znovu zprovoznit naše různé podcasty, protože jsme měli potíže s počítači, se zvukovým systémem. Steve: Sabes, hemos estado tratando de poner en marcha nuestros diversos Podcasts porque tuvimos algunas dificultades con nuestras computadoras; con los sistemas de sonido. Steve : Vous savez, nous avons essayé de relancer nos différents podcasts parce que nous avions des problèmes avec nos ordinateurs ; avec les systèmes de sonorisation. Steve: Biliyorsunuz, bilgisayarlarımızda ve ses sistemlerimizde bazı zorluklar yaşadığımız için çeşitli Podcast'lerimizi yeniden başlatmaya çalışıyorduk. 史蒂夫:你知道,我们一直在努力重新开展我们的各种播客,因为我们在计算机和音响系统上遇到了一些困难。

And, so, we’re experimenting today with using what’s known as an Mbox with an older computer in our office. |||||||||||郵件信箱||||||| |||||||||||Mbox(1)||||||| |||||||||||Mbox||||||| |||||||||||邮箱||||||| Et, donc, nous expérimentons aujourd'hui l'utilisation de ce qu'on appelle une Mbox avec un ordinateur plus ancien dans notre bureau. Bugün ofisimizdeki eski bir bilgisayarda Mbox olarak bilinen bir cihaz kullanmayı deniyoruz. 所以,今天我们在办公室里使用一个被称为Mbox的老电脑进行实验。 And, I hope the sound is better for people. Et, j'espère que le son est meilleur pour les gens. 我希望声音对大家来说会更好一些。 We may get some reaction back from people. ||||反应||| ||||反応|返答|| 我们可能会收到一些人们的反应。 But, that’s not a very interesting subject. ||||||tópico 但是那不是一个非常有趣的话题。 Jill, you have some exciting news. 吉尔,你有一些令人兴奋的消息。 I gather you’re gonna' go traveling again. |||要去旅行||| je|||||| |I assume||||| |capisco che||||| Chystáš se znovu cestovat. Ich nehme an, du wirst wieder reisen. I gather you're gonna' go traveling again. Supongo que vas a volver a viajar. Je suppose que tu vas repartir en voyage. Anladığım kadarıyla yine seyahate çıkacaksın. Я думаю, ти знову збираєшся подорожувати. 我猜你要再次去旅行。 Where are you going? où||| 你要去哪里?

Jill: Yes. 吉尔:是的。

I’m going to Central America and some of you will already know this. ||||||certains|||||| Mark and I discussed this a little bit on a Podcast awhile ago. Mark||||||||dans|||| |||||||||||hace un tiempo| But, yeah, I’m going to five of the seven countries in Central America just missing El Salvador and Panama. ||||||||||||||||||巴拿馬 Mais||je vais|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||エルサルバドル||パナマ ||||||||||||||falta El Salvador|||| Pero, sí, voy a cinco de los siete países de Centroamérica, solo me falta El Salvador y Panamá. Но, да, я собираюсь посетить пять из семи стран Центральной Америки, пропуская Сальвадор и Панаму. Ama evet, Orta Amerika'daki yedi ülkeden beşine gidiyorum, sadece El Salvador ve Panama'yı kaçırıyorum.

Steve: Aha. What is it that as you think of your trip to Central America, what is it that you look forward to the most? |||||||||||||quoi|||que|tu|attends|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||más Wenn Sie an Ihre Reise nach Mittelamerika denken, worauf freuen Sie sich am meisten? What is it that as you think of your trip to Central America, what is it that you look forward to the most? ¿Qué es lo que piensas de tu viaje a Centroamérica, qué es lo que más esperas? چه چیزی است که وقتی به سفر خود به آمریکای مرکزی می اندیشید ، بیشتر به دنبال چه چیزی هستید؟ En pensant à votre voyage en Amérique centrale, qu'attendez-vous le plus avec impatience ? Orta Amerika seyahatinizi düşündüğünüzde, en çok neyi dört gözle bekliyorsunuz?

Jill: Well, I guess the main thing is that I’m going to get married when I’m there. Jill: Nun, ich denke, das Wichtigste ist, dass ich heiraten werde, wenn ich dort bin. Jill : Eh bien, je suppose que le principal est que je vais me marier quand je serai là-bas.

Steve: Well, hold it! |Eh bien|| Steve||espera| Steve: Nun, warte! Steve: ¡Bueno, espera! Steve : Eh bien, tiens-le ! Стив: Ну, держись! Dur bakalım! Стів: Ну, тримайся! I didn’t want to be the one to announce it, okay; but, since you have brought that into the equation. |||||||||||||||||||phương trình |||||||||||||||||||consideration |||||||||||||||||||方程式 ||||||a pessoa||||tá bem||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||la ecuación Ich wollte nicht derjenige sein, der es ankündigt, okay; aber, da Sie das in die Gleichung eingebracht haben. Je ne voulais pas être celui qui l'annonçait, d'accord ; mais, puisque vous avez introduit cela dans l'équation. Я не хотел быть тем, кто объявит об этом, хорошо; но, поскольку вы внесли это в уравнение. Bunu duyuran kişi olmak istemezdim, tamam; ama madem ki bunu denkleme dahil ettiniz. Я не хотів бути тим, хто оголошуватиме це, добре; але, оскільки ви довели це до рівняння.

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: So, we have two subjects to discuss. One is the fact that you’re getting married. Congratulations!

Jill: Thank you.

Steve: I think that’s wonderful news. Everybody here, all your friends, we’re very happy. I can speak from experience. Marriage is a very nice institution. |||||hôn nhân |||||social structure |||||制度 matrimonio||||| El matrimonio es una institución muy agradable. So, we can talk a little bit about that. Is it fair to ask how long you and your future husband have known each other? それは||||||||||||||| ¿Es justo preguntar cuánto tiempo hace que usted y su futuro esposo se conocen? Est-il juste de demander depuis combien de temps vous et votre futur mari vous connaissez ? Müstakbel eşinizle birbirinizi ne kadar zamandır tanıdığınızı sormak doğru olur mu?

Jill: Yes.

It’s been almost five years now; so, quite a while. |||||||assez||un certain temps Es ist jetzt fast fünf Jahre her; also eine ganze Weile. Ya han pasado casi cinco años; pues, bastante tiempo. Вже майже п’ять років; так, досить довго.

Steve: It took you that long to convince him? Steve: Hast du so lange gebraucht, um ihn zu überzeugen? Steve : Ça t'a pris autant de temps pour le convaincre ? Steve: Onu ikna etmen bu kadar uzun mu sürdü? Стів: Вам знадобилося стільки часу, щоб переконати його? Or did it take him that long to convince you?

Jill: I was gonna' say, it took him that long to convince me, you know. Jill: Iba a decir que le tomó tanto tiempo convencerme, ya sabes. Steve: Okay. But, so, you’ve known each other for five years.

Jill: Yes.

Steve: And so, this trip to Latin to South America Central America, rather, is sort of like a pre-marriage honeymoon. ||||||||||||||||||||tuần trăng mật ||||||||||||na verdade|||||||| ||||||||||||más bien||||||||luna de miel Steve: Entonces, este viaje a América Latina, a América del Sur, América Central, es más bien como una luna de miel previa al matrimonio. Steve: Latin Amerika'dan Güney Amerika'ya, Orta Amerika'ya yaptığımız bu gezi, evlilik öncesi balayı gibi bir şey.

Jill: Yeah.

It’s a marriage ceremony, honeymoon, all in |||||すべて| Es una ceremonia de matrimonio, luna de miel, todo en

Steve: Oh, you’re getting married down there? Steve: Oh, ¿te vas a casar ahí abajo?

Jill: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Steve: Oh, I didn’t know that.

Jill: We’re getting married in Costa Rica. Jill: Kosta Rika'da evleniyoruz.

Steve: Why?

Jill: Just because we want to.

Steve: You don’t want your friends there? Steve: ¿No quieres a tus amigos allí?

Jill: No.

Nobody is coming.

Steve: Nobody’s coming?

Jill: No.

Steve: You’re getting married. Are you gonna' have a party or something? Jill: We’ll have a party when we come back with everybody.

Steve: Oh, I see.

Jill: But, yeah, for us, getting married, it’s not a religious ceremony, it’s just a short ceremony. ||||||||||tôn giáo|lễ cưới ngắn||||| A lawyer performs it on the beach at sunset in Costa Rica. ||進行||||||||| Un avocat||||||||||| |弁護士|||||||||| ||lo realiza||||||||| Un abogado lo realiza en la playa al atardecer en Costa Rica. That’s it; very simple.

Steve: That’s fascinating. ||Steve: Thật là hấp dẫn. ||Very interesting. And why did you choose Costa Rica?

Jill: Well, really, we were thinking of going on a trip to Central America, basically, because Chris has traveled extensively throughout the world to every continent and he’s been to South America a few times and Central America was one place he hadn’t been and really wanted to go. |||||||||||||||||||widely||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||広範囲に||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Джил: Ну, на самом деле, мы думали о поездке в Центральную Америку, потому что Крис много путешествовал по миру, побывал на всех континентах, несколько раз был в Южной Америке, а Центральная Америка была одним из мест, где он еще не был и очень хотел побывать. And, you know, rain forests and beaches and volcanoes and things like that interest me as well. ||||||||volcanic mountains|||||||| ||||bosques||||volcanes|||||||| So, I thought, well, hey, yeah, that sounds fine. And it was either Belize or Costa Rica that we were going to get married in and Belize was just more complicated. Et c'était au Belize ou au Costa Rica que nous allions nous marier et le Belize était juste plus compliqué. Ya Belize'de ya da Kosta Rika'da evlenecektik ve Belize daha karmaşıktı. You had to be in that country for several days before you could apply for a license and there was just more complications. ||||||||||||||||giấy phép||||||phức tạp hơn ||||||||||||||||||||||more difficulties So, it was just easier in Costa Rica and we went that route.

Steve: So, you’re going to fly into Costa Rica. Are you going to get married right away? ¿Te vas a casar ahora mismo? Собираетесь ли вы сразу жениться?

Jill: Yes. Jill: Evet.

Steve: I should hope so! Steve: ¡Eso espero! Steve : Je devrais l'espérer ! Umarım öyledir!

Jill: Yes.

Steve: I mean and then you will travel?

Jill: Yes.

Steve: And how many days will you spend in Costa Rica?

Jill: We will be there for about a week in Costa Rica and then we will just make our way up. |||||||||||||||||進む||| ||||||||||||||||||||hacia arriba Jill: Estaremos allí durante una semana en Costa Rica y luego seguiremos nuestro camino. Jill: Kosta Rika'da yaklaşık bir hafta kalacağız ve daha sonra yukarı doğru çıkacağız. So, we’ll go to Nicaragua for about a day and a half - two days, Honduras a couple days, then we will be in Guatemala for about five days. ||||Nicaragua||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||Nicaragua||||||||||||||||||||||| Bir buçuk-iki günlüğüne Nikaragua'ya, birkaç günlüğüne Honduras'a gideceğiz ve ardından yaklaşık beş günlüğüne Guatemala'da olacağız. There’s quite a lot of interesting things to see there. Orada görülecek pek çok ilginç şey var.

Steve: And when you say you’re gonna' move around like this, you’re gonna' be traveling by what means? ||at what time||||||||||||||| スティーブ|||||||||||||||どの手段で|何の手段|手段 Steve: ¿Y cuando dices que vas a moverte así, vas a viajar de qué manera? Steve : Et quand tu dis que tu vas te déplacer comme ça, tu vas voyager par quel moyen ? Steve: Peki bu şekilde hareket edeceğinizi söylediğinizde, ne şekilde seyahat edeceksiniz? Стів: І коли ти кажеш, що збираєшся так пересуватися, то яким способом ти будеш подорожувати? Jill: Mostly, probably buses. |principalmente|| There are some flights we can take, but most of the bus trips are only gonna' be five hours; not that long. Il y a des vols que nous pouvons prendre, mais la plupart des trajets en bus ne dureront que cinq heures ; pas si longtemps. And by the time we get to an airport and take the hour-long flight and out of there, doesn’t save us much time to fly and it’s a lot of it’s very expensive to fly within? Y en el momento en que llegamos a un aeropuerto y tomamos el vuelo de una hora y salimos de allí, ¿no nos ahorra mucho tiempo para volar y es muy costoso volar dentro? Et au moment où nous arrivons à un aéroport et prenons le vol d'une heure et partons de là, cela ne nous fait-il pas gagner beaucoup de temps pour voler et c'est beaucoup trop cher de voler à l'intérieur ? Havaalanına varıp bir saatlik uçuşa bindiğimizde ve oradan ayrıldığımızda, uçmak bize çok zaman kazandırmıyor ve içeride uçmak çok pahalı?

Steve: And I would imagine that the local buses will probably be an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture. |||||||||||||||融入||||| |||||||||||||||engage deeply in||||| Steve: Ve yerel otobüslerin muhtemelen kendinizi yerel kültüre kaptırmak için bir fırsat olacağını tahmin ediyorum. I picture people and chickens and donkeys and so forth. ||||||驢子||| ||||||||etc| ||||||donkeys||| ||||鶏||||| ||||||burros||| Ich stelle mir Menschen und Hühner und Esel und so weiter vor. Me imagino gente, gallinas, burros, etc.

Jill: Yeah.

And I think that’s true. I mean, there are local buses that are like that for sure. |||||autobuses locales||||||seguro que sí Je veux dire, il y a des bus locaux qui sont comme ça à coup sûr. Я маю на увазі, що є місцеві автобуси, які точно такі. But, on our longer trips, there’s air conditioned, you know, like Greyhound-style buses; sort of first-class, if you will, buses. |||||||||||灰狗巴士|||||||||| ||||||エアコン|||||グレイハウンド|||||||||| |||||||||||autobuses Greyhound|||||||||| |||||||||||xe khách Greyhound|||||||||| Pero, en nuestros viajes más largos, hay aire acondicionado, ya sabes, como autobuses estilo Greyhound; una especie de autobuses de primera clase, por así decirlo. Но в более длительных поездках есть автобусы с кондиционерами, знаете, как в автобусах Greyhound, своего рода первый класс, если хотите, автобусы. Ancak, uzun yolculuklarımızda klimalı, Greyhound tarzı otobüsler var; bir nevi birinci sınıf otobüsler. So, we’ll take those for our, you know, longer journeys. |||||||||hành trình dài O yüzden uzun yolculuklarımız için bunları alacağız.

Steve: That’s what Chris has promised you? Steve : C'est ce que Chris t'a promis ? Chris'in sana söz verdiği şey bu mu?

Jill: Well, yeah. I don’t know if I believe him, though. Aunque no sé si le creo. Je ne sais pas si je le crois, cependant. Однако я не знаю, верю ли я ему. 不过,我不知道我是否相信他。

Steve: But, I’m sure that our stereotype sort of vision of a bus in Central America with all the chickens and the donkeys is probably more a product of Hollywood than reality. ||||||刻板印象||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||estereotipo||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||khuôn mẫu||||||||||||||||||||||||| I know that, in my own experience, the standard of comfort you now get in buses in countries all over the world -- air conditioned, music, you know, DVDs, you name it -- I’m sure that on the major routes in Central America they have similar service. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||あなた|||||||||||||||| Je sais que, d'après ma propre expérience, le niveau de confort que vous obtenez maintenant dans les bus dans les pays du monde entier -- air conditionné, musique, vous savez, DVD, etc. -- je suis sûr que sur les routes principales en Amérique centrale, ils ont un service similaire.

Jill: Well, I’m hoping, I’m hoping. I mean, when I was in China last year, we took a bus and it was just fine. It was comfortable, it was air conditioned, you know, it was fine. ||快適だった||||||||| Era cómodo, tenía aire acondicionado, ya sabes, estaba bien. So, I’m hoping it will be like that.

Steve: Now I know, Jill, that you are not the most adventurous eater in the world. |||||||||||ưa mạo hiểm|||| |||||||||||willing to try|person who eats||| ||||||||||||挑食者||| Steve: Ahora sé, Jill, que no eres la comensal más aventurera del mundo. Steve : Maintenant, je sais, Jill, que tu n'es pas la mangeuse la plus aventureuse du monde. Steve: Jill, dünyanın en maceracı yiyicisi olmadığını biliyorum. Стів: Тепер я знаю, Джилл, що ти не найпригодніший їдок у світі. What are your.you know, how local are you guys gonna' go insofar as your eating? ||||||||||||trong chừng mực||| ||||||||||||as far as||| ||||||||||||どの程度||| ||||||||||||en la medida||| Quels sont vos... vous savez, jusqu'où allez-vous aller en ce qui concerne votre alimentation ? Yemek yeme konusunda ne kadar yerel davranacaksınız? Ви знаєте, наскільки ви, хлопці, збираєтеся їсти? Jill: Well, I think Central America is not that different from Canada in a lot of ways. ||||||||||||多くの点で|||| ジル:そうですね、中央アメリカはカナダと多くの点でそれほど違いはないと思います。 I think it’s I’ve heard there’s a lot of chicken and rice. 鶏肉とご飯がたくさんあると聞いたと思います。

Steve: Beans.

Jill: I’ve heard that it can be quite bland, actually. ||||||||乏味| ||||||||not flavorful| ||||||||insípido| ||||||||nhạt nhẽo| Jill: He oído que puede ser bastante soso, la verdad. Jill : J'ai entendu dire que ça peut être assez fade, en fait. Jill: Aslında oldukça yavan olabileceğini duymuştum. Джилл: Я чула, що насправді це може бути досить м'яким. 吉尔:我听说它实际上可能很乏味。 So, for me and my stomach, that will probably be fine.

Steve: Bland is good? |not exciting|| |insipido|| |sem sabor|| |ブランド|| Steve : Le fade c'est bien ? スティーブ:ブランドはいいですか? Bland iyi mi? Стів: Bland хороший?

Jill: Well, no, I do like flavor and I do like some spice; but, when I’m traveling, I think something that’s a little on the bland side is maybe better for me. ||||||||||||||||||||qui est||||||||||| ||いや|||||||||||||||||||||少し|||||||| ジル:いや、私はフレーバーが好きで、スパイスも好きだ。でも、旅行中は少し当たり障りのない方がいいと思います。 Jill: Şey, hayır, lezzeti ve baharatı severim; ama seyahat ederken, biraz yumuşak bir şey benim için daha iyi olabilir.

Steve: So, I’ll ask my first question again. Leaving aside the fact that you’re getting married there, which is wonderful and congratulations, if we just look at the travel part of it, what is it that you are most looking forward to seeing and doing in Latin America or in Central America? さておき||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Mis à part le fait que vous vous mariez là-bas, ce qui est merveilleux et félicitations, si nous ne regardons que la partie voyage, qu'est-ce que vous avez le plus hâte de voir et de faire en Amérique latine ou en Amérique centrale ?

Jill: Well, I think going into the rain forest and the cloud forest in Costa Rica and, you know, seeing all the different birds and monkeys and wildlife, I think, is one of the highlights. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||main attractions |||||||||||||||||||||||||猿||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||ver||||||||vida silvestre|||||||los momentos destacados ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||punti salienti Jill : Eh bien, je pense qu'aller dans la forêt tropicale et la forêt nuageuse au Costa Rica et, vous savez, voir tous les différents oiseaux, singes et animaux sauvages, je pense, est l'un des points forts. And, also, there are some fabulous Mayan ruins in Guatemala as well as Honduras. |||||tuyệt vời|||||||| |||||amazing|||||||| ||||||マヤの|遺跡|||||| |||||fabulosas|maya|ruinas|||||| ||||||瑪雅的||||||| I’m looking really forward to those some volcanoes that we’re gonna' hike up and then, also, we’re gonna' have some beach time in Belize on the Caribbean. ||||||||||||||||nous allons|||||||||| ||||||||||||hacia arriba|||||||||||||| J'ai vraiment hâte de voir ces volcans sur lesquels nous allons escalader et ensuite, nous allons aussi passer du temps à la plage à Belize dans les Caraïbes. So, I’m just looking forward to it all. だから、私はそれをすべて楽しみにしています。 And we’ll be in some colonial cities for a couple days. |||||thuộc địa||||| |||||historical colonial-era||||| そして、私たちはいくつかの植民地都市に数日間滞在します。 І ми будемо в деяких колоніальних містах на пару днів. So, it’s just a mixture of everything. ||||mélange|| ||||mezcla||

Steve: My goodness. Steeve : Mon Dieu. Aman Tanrım. Are you apprehensive, concerned, worried, about any aspects of your trip? ||inquiet|||||||| ||anxious|||||||| ||lo lắng|||||||| |||preoccupato||||||| ||不安な|||||||| ||inquieto|||||||| あなたはあなたの旅行のどんな側面についても心配し、心配し、心配していますか?

Jill: I would say that I’m a little worried about some of the poisonous snakes, spiders, things like that, that we will probably encounter or at least see in the rain forest or, you know, even at our hotel. ||||||||||||||serpents|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||venomous||||||||||come across||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||venenosas||||||||||encontraremos||||||||||||||| We are staying at a very nice place in Costa Rica, but there’s scorpions around and, you know, I’m not a huge fan of bugs and insects and, especially, poisonous ones. |||||||||||||蠍子||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||des scorpions|||||||||||les insectes|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||insects||creepy crawlies|||| |||||||||||||サソリ|||||私は||||||||虫||||毒虫 ||||||||||||||||||||||||bichos|||||venenosos| 私たちはコスタリカのとても素敵な場所に滞在していますが、周りにはサソリがいて、私は虫や昆虫、特に有毒なものの大ファンではありません。 But, I think it will be fascinating at the same time. I’m a little bit scared, but I think it will be interesting, too.

Steve: Okay. Well, you know, I think that’s interesting. And maybe we’ll have an opportunity when you get back to talk about what you saw and probably you’ll find some things down there that you didn’t expect to see. ||habremos||||||||||||||||||||allá abajo|||||||

Jill: I’m sure.

Steve: So, thank you very much and congratulations, again.

Jill: Thank you.