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English in 10 Minutes, Episode 22b: Turtles in Panama (Part 2)

Episode 22b: Turtles in Panama (Part 2)

Nick: This is Part 2 of Wendy and I talking about our experience volunteering at a turtle conversation project in Panama. And so we were talking last time about how we saw a mother turtle come and lay her eggs and it was quite a beautiful and amazing experience to see. And in fact, uhh, these sea turtles will come back to the same beach that they were born on to lay their eggs.

Wendy: Yeah.

Nick: And so it was, it's quite amazing that they are able to instinctively know where to go back to to do that. And this particular turtle, it was the first time that she'd come to lay eggs on that beach because - or certainly since the conservation project had started - because they tag the turtles and they're able to recognise them that way. And as we were saying at the end of Part 1, the … we were taking the eggs out as the turtle was laying them so that we could save them, essentially, from poachers. And so, as you mentioned, they have a hatchery, uhh, which is where you can rebury the eggs and then that's a safe place that's guarded by the people who work for the conservation project and then the poachers can't get to them. But unfortunately the turtle didn't know that and she actually spent quite a lot of time covering up her hole even though the eggs were already gone, and as you said she was in this trance and not really aware of what we were doing. And, so she spends a huge amount of time and effort trying to cover up the hole so that no one will know where her eggs are, but of course as we talked about, they make such a huge mess, and they make these huge tracks, when they move back down to the water, that it's very obvious exactly where the eggs are laid.

Wendy: Yeah, because she's never going to be able to cover up her tracks behind her, you know, as she heads back down the beach into the water.

Nick: And it's possible when the tide comes in that those tracks could be covered up at a later time. But certainly, for example, if there was no conservation project, the poachers could easily determine that night or the next morning where those eggs were. And so sometimes if … because the eggs need to be re-laid quite quickly, so sometimes if you're at the far end of the beach, the people working at the conservation project would re-lay them, uhh, just a little bit away from where they were originally and then they would create a kind of map, almost like a treasure map, so that they would know where they were, umm, but that the poachers wouldn't know where they were. And so we had the honour of being able to name this turtle.

Wendy: Yeah.

Nick: Because it was a turtle that was unknown to them, umm, as we said, and so we named her Jessie after our friend Jessie who had given birth herself, I think, a week or two before.

Wendy: Yeah, just a few days before that.

Nick: And so that was a nice little thing that we got the opportunity to do. And so that was on our first night and so we thought, “Oh, this is great! Every night we get to go out and see this amazing thing of seeing a mother turtle lay her eggs.” Unfortunately on all of the subsequent nights, I think two or three more nights, we didn't see, uhh, another turtle laying eggs.

Wendy: No, we didn't. And I remember there was a group of students who came just for one night and we went out with some of them and that was their only night there and so they were really disappointed that they didn't get to see a turtle laying eggs. Umm, but we were happy that we were at least, you know, able to stay for a few nights, so one out of those four nights or whatever it was that we were there, we did have that experience.

Nick: Yeah and it just happened to be the first night. But certainly when you get up in the middle of the night and you walk for four hours up and down the beach, it's a little bit disappointing and you're a little bit deflated when you go back. And so basically when we were staying at this place, you just spend the days lazing around, there wasn't really much else to do, and you'd be sleeping so that you could be ready to get up in the middle of the night for your turtle patrol.

And so on our last morning, just before we were about to leave, we got told that there was, umm, that there were some baby turtles which were about to hatch. And I guess they knew that, uhh, the conservation project people knew that because they had seen that some of them had already hatched. And it seems as though they don't all hatch right exactly at the same time, it can take place over several hours. So they said six of them had already hatched and they'd seen the shells on the beach, so they said that they knew that there were more that hadn't hatched yet. And so they told us and then we went out on the beach again and we had to walk quite a long way up the beach again, but this time during the day, so we could at least see a little bit better, umm, to wait for the rest of these baby turtles to hatch.

Wendy: Umm-hmm.

Nick: And so there were eleven more that hatched while we were there, and that was really something.

Wendy: Yeah, it was.

Nick: And it was great to have that, to have those two different experiences because it's the two end points, I guess, of this cycle, that we got to see the mother turtle laying eggs and then we got to see the turtles, obviously from a different mother, umm, hatching, right there on the beach.

Wendy: Yeah, and you really see the difference, uhh, between the baby turtle and the adult. Uhh, these were leatherback turtles which is the largest species of sea turtle and the adult, the female that we saw laying eggs, just looked enormous to us, and the biologist that we, uhh, were working with, he told us, “No actually she's small compared to most adults,” uhh, but to us she seemed enormous. And then the babies, I could hold them in the palm of my hand. Uhh, they were so, so tiny and so cute, and it was amazing to think that they would grow up into that size.

Nick: And so when they hatch, what they're trying to do is get into the water. But they're very disoriented, umm, and they don't, obviously, have their parent to help them, and so they were just kind of spinning around, and just looked completed dazed and didn't know what they were doing. And so we were there with a couple of biologists from the project, umm, but they said it's very important that the turtles do find their own way to the water. We could have easily lifted them up and helped them go down to the water, and they did let us lift them up a little but, but they said, “You have to put them down and you have to let them find their way,” and then that's maybe one of the reasons why they're able to come back to that beach to lay eggs if they become mothers later on in their life, that they have this very short experience of being on that beach when they were born.

Wendy: Umm-hmm.

Nick: And so some of them adapted more quickly than others and they started to go towards the water but they're so small and they're turtles so they're very slow that it took a long time. And we were trying to clear a path, to clear away some of the wood, umm, away so that it would be easier for them to do it. But they didn't work in a team or as a group in any way, they were just these 11 individuals just kind of trying to find their own way and some of them found it more quickly than others.

Wendy: Yep, and the ones who hadn't found it yet, they didn't seem to necessarily follow the same path when they saw that their brothers or sisters had found the right way. They just kept doing their own thing and going around in circles and they were confused. And to be fair, they were newborns, you know. I mean, a human newborn would be completely at a loss too, so these guys are much more independent than humans are at that age.

Nick: And so it was only about 20 metres from the, where … the place where they hatched but it took the earliest ones about half an hour and the latest ones about one hour to make that journey to the water. And so we just stood there that whole time watching them and it was just incredible to see these tiny little things just taking their very first steps and trying to get themselves to the water where they're far more comfortable in terms of their movement and everything else. And so finally we would see them hit the water and the waves would be crashing and it was, you know, it just seemed like such a daunting, uhh, challenge for them to survive at that age by themselves and, unfortunately, many of them don't survive.

Wendy: No, most of them don't grow up to reach adulthood, uhh, because they have so many predators in the ocean who can just swallow them up in one bite and, uhh, yeah, and perhaps, you know, if we hadn't been there, many of them might not have made it out of the hole and might not have made it, you know, down to the beach to begin with. Because the biologists were actually helping some of them to get out of the sand in the very beginning when they were hatching. So, yeah, they have lots of, umm, lots of obstacles to overcome and, uhh, hopefully with these projects, uhh, more and more of them will have a chance to live long enough to grow up and lay their own eggs and the species will continue.

Nick: Yeah, and certainly I think, we … it was a great way to end that experience for us was to see these tiny little turtles hit the water and start swimming away for the first time and, you know, even though the odds are against them, it was the start of their journey and it was a really nice thing to see.

Wendy: It was, yeah.

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Episode 22b: Turtles in Panama (Part 2) ||rùa||Panama| Episode 22b: Schildkröten in Panama (Teil 2) Επεισόδιο 22β: Χελώνες στον Παναμά (Μέρος 2) Episodio 22b: Tortugas en Panamá (2ª parte) Épisode 22b : Tortues au Panama (Partie 2) Episodio 22b: Tartarughe a Panama (parte 2) 第22話b:パナマのカメ(後編) 에피소드 22b: 파나마의 거북이 (2부) 22b epizodas: vėžliai Panamoje (2 dalis) Odcinek 22b: Żółwie w Panamie (część 2) Episódio 22b: Tartarugas no Panamá (Parte 2) Эпизод 22b: Черепахи в Панаме (часть 2) Avsnitt 22b: Sköldpaddor i Panama (del 2) Bölüm 22b: Panama'da Kaplumbağalar (Bölüm 2) Епізод 22b: Черепахи в Панамі (частина 2) 第 22b 集:巴拿马的海龟(第二部分) 第 22b 集:巴拿馬的海龜(第 2 部分)

Nick: This is Part 2 of Wendy and I talking about our experience volunteering at a turtle conversation project in Panama. ||||||||||||tình nguyện|||rùa||dự án|| Nick: Dies ist Teil 2 von Wendy und ich sprechen über unsere Erfahrungen als Freiwilliger bei einem Schildkröten-Gesprächsprojekt in Panama. Nick: This is Part 2 of Wendy and I talking about our experience volunteering at a turtle conversation project in Panama. And so we were talking last time about how we saw a mother turtle come and lay her eggs and it was quite a beautiful and amazing experience to see. ||||||||||||mẹ||||đẻ trứng|cô ấy|||||||||||| Und so sprachen wir das letzte Mal darüber, wie wir eine Mutterschildkröte kommen sahen, die ihre Eier legte, und es war eine ziemlich schöne und erstaunliche Erfahrung zu sehen. And in fact, uhh, these sea turtles will come back to the same beach that they were born on to lay their eggs. Und tatsächlich werden diese Meeresschildkröten an denselben Strand zurückkehren, an dem sie geboren wurden, um ihre Eier zu legen.

Wendy: Yeah. Wendy: Ja.

Nick: And so it was, it’s quite amazing that they are able to instinctively know where to go back to to do that. Nick: Und so war es ziemlich erstaunlich, dass sie instinktiv wissen können, wohin sie zurückkehren müssen, um das zu tun. And this particular turtle, it was the first time that she’d come to lay eggs on that beach because - or certainly since the conservation project had started - because they tag the turtles and they’re able to recognise them that way. ||||||||||cô ấy đã|||||||||||||bảo tồn|||bắt đầu|||đánh dấu|||||||nhận diện||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||oznaczać|||||||||| Und diese besondere Schildkröte war das erste Mal, dass sie Eier an diesen Strand legte, weil - oder sicherlich seit Beginn des Naturschutzprojekts - sie die Schildkröten markierten und sie auf diese Weise erkennen konnten. E questa tartaruga particolare, era la prima volta che veniva a depositare le uova su quella spiaggia perché - o certamente da quando era iniziato il progetto di conservazione - perché contrassegnano le tartarughe e sono in grado di riconoscerle in quel modo. And as we were saying at the end of Part 1, the … we were taking the eggs out as the turtle was laying them so that we could save them, essentially, from poachers. ||||nói rằng|||||||||||||||||đẻ trứng||||||bảo vệ||về cơ bản||kẻ săn trộm |||||||||||||||||||||||||||retten|||| |||||||||||||||||||||składała jaja|||||||||| Und wie wir am Ende von Teil 1 sagten, nahmen wir die Eier heraus, als die Schildkröte sie legte, damit wir sie im Wesentlichen vor Wilderern retten konnten. E come stavamo dicendo alla fine della Parte 1, ... stavamo prendendo le uova mentre la tartaruga le deponeva in modo da poterle salvare, essenzialmente, dai bracconieri. And so, as you mentioned, they have a hatchery, uhh, which is where you can rebury the eggs and then that’s a safe place that’s guarded by the people who work for the conservation project and then the poachers can’t get to them. ||||||||trại ấp trứng|||||||chôn lại|||||||an toàn|||được bảo vệ|||||||||||||kẻ săn trộm|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||strzeżone||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||rinterrare||||||||||sorvegliato||||||||||||||||| ||||||||incubadora de ovos|||||||reenterrar||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||重新埋葬||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und wie Sie bereits erwähnt haben, haben sie eine Brüterei, in der Sie die Eier reburyen können. Dann ist dies ein sicherer Ort, der von den Leuten bewacht wird, die für das Naturschutzprojekt arbeiten, und dann können die Wilderer nicht zu ihnen gelangen. E quindi, come hai detto, hanno un allevamento, uhh, dove puoi riesumare le uova e poi è un luogo sicuro sorvegliato dalle persone che lavorano per il progetto di conservazione e quindi i bracconieri non possono raggiungerle. But unfortunately the turtle didn’t know that and she actually spent quite a lot of time covering up her hole even though the eggs were already gone, and as you said she was in this trance and not really aware of what we were doing. |thật không may|||||||cô||||||||lấp đầy|||ổ|||||||đã mất|||||||||trạng thái thôi miên||||nhận thức||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tu||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||zniknęły|||||||||||||świadoma||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||恍惚状态||||||||| Aber leider wusste die Schildkröte das nicht und sie verbrachte tatsächlich ziemlich viel Zeit damit, ihr Loch zu vertuschen, obwohl die Eier bereits weg waren, und wie Sie sagten, war sie in dieser Trance und wusste nicht wirklich, was wir taten. Ma sfortunatamente la tartaruga non lo sapeva e in realtà ha trascorso parecchio tempo a coprire il suo buco anche se le uova erano già scomparse, e come hai detto era in trance e non era davvero consapevole di ciò che stavamo facendo. And, so she spends a huge amount of time and effort trying to cover up the hole so that no one will know where her eggs are, but of course as we talked about, they make such a huge mess, and they make these huge tracks, when they move back down to the water, that it’s very obvious exactly where the eggs are laid. |||dành thời gian||rất lớn||||||||che giấu|||||||||||||||||||nói chuyện|||||||mớ hỗn độn||||||dấu vết|||di chuyển|||||||||rõ ràng||||||được đặt |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||pegadas|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||zakryć|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und so verbringt sie viel Zeit und Mühe damit, das Loch zu vertuschen, damit niemand weiß, wo sich ihre Eier befinden, aber natürlich machen sie, wie wir bereits sagten, ein so großes Durcheinander und machen diese riesigen Spuren Wenn sie wieder ins Wasser gehen, ist es sehr offensichtlich, wo genau die Eier gelegt werden. E così lei passa una grande quantità di tempo ed sforzo cercando di coprire il buco in modo che nessuno sappia dove sono le sue uova, ma naturalmente come abbiamo parlato, fanno un tale disordine enorme e lasciano queste tracce enormi quando si dirigono di nuovo verso l'acqua, che è molto ovvio esattamente dove le uova vengono deposte.

Wendy: Yeah, because she’s never going to be able to cover up her tracks behind her, you know, as she heads back down the beach into the water. |||||||||||||tracce|||||||si dirige||||||| ||||||||||zatuszować||||||||||||||||| Wendy: Ja, weil sie niemals in der Lage sein wird, ihre Spuren hinter sich zu verbergen, weißt du, als sie wieder den Strand hinunter ins Wasser geht. Wendy: Sí, porque ella nunca va a ser capaz de cubrir sus huellas detrás de ella, ya sabes, como ella se dirige de nuevo por la playa en el agua. Wendy: Sì, perché lei non sarà mai in grado di coprire le sue tracce dietro di sé, sai, mentre si dirige di nuovo lungo la spiaggia verso l'acqua.

Nick: And it’s possible when the tide comes in that those tracks could be covered up at a later time. ||||||||||||||||||un momento successivo| Nick: Und wenn die Flut kommt, ist es möglich, dass diese Spuren zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt vertuscht werden. Nick: Ed è possibile che quando arriva la marea quei segni possano essere coperti in seguito. But certainly, for example, if there was no conservation project, the poachers could easily determine that night or the next morning where those eggs were. Aber wenn es zum Beispiel kein Naturschutzprojekt gab, konnten die Wilderer leicht feststellen, in welcher Nacht oder am nächsten Morgen sich diese Eier befanden. Ma certamente, ad esempio, se non ci fosse un progetto di conservazione, i bracconieri potrebbero facilmente scoprire quella notte o la mattina successiva dove si trovano quegli uova. And so sometimes if … because the eggs need to be re-laid quite quickly, so sometimes if you’re at the far end of the beach, the people working at the conservation project would re-lay them, uhh, just a little bit away from where they were originally and then they would create a kind of map, almost like a treasure map, so that they would know where they were, umm, but that the poachers wouldn’t know where they were. Und manchmal, wenn ... weil die Eier ziemlich schnell neu gelegt werden müssen, und manchmal, wenn Sie am anderen Ende des Strandes sind, würden die Leute, die am Naturschutzprojekt arbeiten, sie nur ein wenig neu legen, ähm weg von wo sie ursprünglich waren und dann würden sie eine Art Karte erstellen, fast wie eine Schatzkarte, damit sie wissen würden, wo sie waren, ähm, aber dass die Wilderer nicht wissen würden, wo sie waren. E così, a volte se... perché le uova devono essere rimesso velocemente, a volte se sei all'estremità della spiaggia, le persone che lavorano al progetto di conservazione le rilascerebbero, uh, appena un po' lontano da dove erano originariamente e poi creerebbero una sorta di mappa, quasi come una mappa del tesoro, in modo che saprebbero dove si trovano, ehm, ma che i bracconieri non saprebbero dove si trovano. And so we had the honour of being able to name this turtle. E così abbiamo avuto l'onore di poter dare un nome a questa tartaruga.

Wendy: Yeah. Wendy: Sì.

Nick: Because it was a turtle that was unknown to them, umm, as we said, and so we named her Jessie after our friend Jessie who had given birth herself, I think, a week or two before. Nick: Weil es eine Schildkröte war, die ihnen unbekannt war, ähm, wie wir sagten, und deshalb haben wir sie Jessie nach unserer Freundin Jessie benannt, die selbst, glaube ich, ein oder zwei Wochen zuvor geboren hat. Nick: Perché era una tartaruga a loro sconosciuta, umm, come abbiamo detto, e così l'abbiamo chiamata Jessie in onore della nostra amica Jessie che aveva partorito lei stessa, credo, una settimana o due prima.

Wendy: Yeah, just a few days before that. Wendy: Ja, nur ein paar Tage vorher. Wendy: Sì, solo pochi giorni prima di quello.

Nick: And so that was a nice little thing that we got the opportunity to do. |||||||||||mieliśmy|||| Nick: E così è stata una bella piccola cosa che abbiamo avuto l'opportunità di fare. And so that was on our first night and so we thought, “Oh, this is great! Und so war das in unserer ersten Nacht und so dachten wir: „Oh, das ist großartig! E così è stato nella nostra prima notte e quindi abbiamo pensato: “Oh, questo è fantastico! Every night we get to go out and see this amazing thing of seeing a mother turtle lay her eggs.” Unfortunately on all of the subsequent nights, I think two or three more nights, we didn’t see, uhh, another turtle laying eggs. |||||||||||||||||||||||||随后的|||||||||||||||| |||mamy okazję|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ogni notte possiamo uscire e vedere questa cosa incredibile di vedere una mamma tartaruga deporre le uova.” Sfortunatamente, nelle successive notti, credo due o tre notti in più, non abbiamo visto, uhh, un'altra tartaruga deporre le uova.

Wendy: No, we didn’t. Wendy: No, non lo abbiamo fatto. And I remember there was a group of students who came just for one night and we went out with some of them and that was their only night there and so they were really disappointed that they didn’t get to see a turtle laying eggs. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||deluso|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zobaczyć|||||| E ricordo c'era un gruppo di studenti che vennero solo per una notte e siamo usciti con alcuni di loro ed era la loro unica notte lì, quindi erano davvero delusi di non aver visto una tartaruga deporre le uova. Umm, but we were happy that we were at least, you know, able to stay for a few nights, so one out of those four nights or whatever it was that we were there, we did have that experience. Ma eravamo felici che almeno, sai, eravamo in grado di restare per qualche notte, quindi una delle quattro notti o quante ce ne fossero, abbiamo avuto quell'esperienza.

Nick: Yeah and it just happened to be the first night. |||||stało się||||| Nick: Sì ed è capitato proprio la prima notte. But certainly when you get up in the middle of the night and you walk for four hours up and down the beach, it’s a little bit disappointing and you’re a little bit deflated when you go back. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||泄气|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||desanimado|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sconfortato|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||przygnębiony|||| Ale když vstáváte uprostřed noci a čtyři hodiny chodíte po pláži, je to trochu zklamání a po návratu jste trochu rozčarovaní. Aber sicherlich, wenn Sie mitten in der Nacht aufstehen und vier Stunden am Strand auf und ab gehen, ist es ein bisschen enttäuschend und Sie sind ein bisschen entleert, wenn Sie zurückkehren. Ma certamente quando ti alzi nel cuore della notte e cammini per quattro ore su e giù per la spiaggia, è un po' deludente e ti senti un po' sgonfio quando torni. And so basically when we were staying at this place, you just spend the days lazing around, there wasn’t really much else to do, and you’d be sleeping so that you could be ready to get up in the middle of the night for your turtle patrol. |||||||||||||||闲散度日|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||巡逻海龟 |||||||||||||||descansando à toa||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||oziando|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||patrulla |||||||||||||||leniuchując||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Wenn wir also an diesem Ort waren, verbringst du nur die Tage damit, zu faulenzen, es gab nicht wirklich viel anderes zu tun, und du würdest schlafen, damit du bereit bist, mitten in der Nacht aufzustehen für Ihre Schildkrötenpatrouille. Quindi fondamentalmente quando stavamo soggiornando in quel posto, passavamo le giornate oziose, non c'era veramente molto altro da fare, e dormivi in modo da poterti alzare nel bel mezzo della notte per la tua pattuglia sulle tartarughe.

And so on our last morning, just before we were about to leave, we got told that there was, umm, that there were some baby turtles which were about to hatch. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||eclodir ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||schiudersi ||||||||||||||zostaliśmy poinformowani||||||||||||||mieliśmy zamiar|| E così, la mattina del nostro ultimo giorno, poco prima di partire, ci è stato detto che c'erano, hmm, che c'erano delle tartarughe neonate che stavano per schiudersi. Ostatniego ranka, tuż przed naszym wyjazdem, powiedziano nam, że są tam małe żółwie, które mają się wykluć. And I guess they knew that, uhh, the conservation project people knew that because they had seen that some of them had already hatched. |||||||||||||||||||||||schiusi E suppongo che lo sapevano, ehm, le persone del progetto di conservazione lo sapevano perché avevano visto che alcune di loro erano già schiuse. And it seems as though they don’t all hatch right exactly at the same time, it can take place over several hours. E sembra che non tutti schiudano esattamente nello stesso momento, può avvenire in diverse ore. So they said six of them had already hatched and they’d seen the shells on the beach, so they said that they knew that there were more that hadn’t hatched yet. Così hanno detto che sei di loro erano già schiusi e avevano visto i gusci sulla spiaggia, quindi hanno detto che sapevano che ce n'erano altri che non erano ancora schiusi. And so they told us and then we went out on the beach again and we had to walk quite a long way up the beach again, but this time during the day, so we could at least see a little bit better, umm, to wait for the rest of these baby turtles to hatch. E così ci hanno detto e poi siamo tornati di nuovo sulla spiaggia e abbiamo dovuto camminare abbastanza lungo la spiaggia di nuovo, ma questa volta durante il giorno, in modo da poter almeno vedere un po' meglio, umm, ad attendere che il resto di queste tartarughe neonate schiudessero.

Wendy: Umm-hmm.

Nick: And so there were eleven more that hatched while we were there, and that was really something. Nick: Y así hubo once más que eclosionaron mientras estábamos allí, y eso fue realmente algo. Nick: E così ci sono stati altri undici che si sono schiusi mentre eravamo lì, ed è stato davvero qualcosa.

Wendy: Yeah, it was. Wendy: Sì, lo è stato.

Nick: And it was great to have that, to have those two different experiences because it’s the two end points, I guess, of this cycle, that we got to see the mother turtle laying eggs and then we got to see the turtles, obviously from a different mother, umm, hatching, right there on the beach. |||||||||||二つの||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||mieliśmy okazję||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Nick: Ed è stato fantastico avere questo, avere queste due esperienze diverse perché sono i due punti finali, suppongo, di questo ciclo, che abbiamo potuto vedere la madre tartaruga deporre le uova e poi abbiamo potuto vedere le tartarughine, ovviamente da un'altra madre, umm, schiudersi, proprio lì sulla spiaggia.

Wendy: Yeah, and you really see the difference, uhh, between the baby turtle and the adult. Wendy: Sì, e si vede davvero la differenza, eh, tra la tartaruga neonata e quella adulta. Uhh, these were leatherback turtles which is the largest species of sea turtle and the adult, the female that we saw laying eggs, just looked enormous to us, and the biologist that we, uhh, were working with, he told us, “No actually she’s small compared to most adults,” uhh, but to us she seemed enormous. |||棱皮龟||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ehm, queste erano tartarughe liuto che è la specie più grande di tartarughe marine e l'adulto, la femmina che abbiamo visto deporre le uova, sembrava enorme a noi, e il biologo con cui stavamo lavorando, ci ha detto, 'In realtà è piccola rispetto alla maggior parte degli adulti', eh, ma a noi sembrava enorme. And then the babies, I could hold them in the palm of my hand. E poi i cuccioli, potevo tenerli nel palmo della mia mano. Uhh, they were so, so tiny and so cute, and it was amazing to think that they would grow up into that size. ||||||||słodkie|||||||||||||| Uhh, erano così, così piccoli e così carini, ed era incredibile pensare che sarebbero cresciuti fino a quella dimensione.

Nick: And so when they hatch, what they’re trying to do is get into the water. ||||||||||||dostać się||| Nick: E quindi quando si schiudono, quello che cercano di fare è entrare nell'acqua. But they’re very disoriented, umm, and they don’t, obviously, have their parent to help them, and so they were just kind of spinning around, and just looked completed dazed and didn’t know what they were doing. |||迷失方向|||||||||||||||||||转来转去||||||茫然不知所措||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||atordoados||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||storditi||||||| |||zdezorientowane|||||||||||||||||||kręcili się||||||oszołomione||||||| Ma sono molto disorientati, e non hanno ovviamente i loro genitori per aiutarli, quindi stavano solo girando intorno, sembravano completamente storditi e non sapevano cosa stessero facendo. And so we were there with a couple of biologists from the project, umm, but they said it’s very important that the turtles do find their own way to the water. E così eravamo lì con un paio di biologi del progetto, ma hanno detto che è molto importante che le tartarughe trovino da sole la strada per raggiungere l'acqua. We could have easily lifted them up and helped them go down to the water, and they did let us lift them up a little but, but they said, “You have to put them down and you have to let them find their way,” and then that’s maybe one of the reasons why they’re able to come back to that beach to lay eggs if they become mothers later on in their life, that they have this very short experience of being on that beach when they were born. Podríamos haberlos levantado fácilmente y ayudarles a bajar al agua, y nos dejaron levantarlos un poco, pero nos dijeron: "Hay que bajarlos y dejar que encuentren su camino", y quizá esa sea una de las razones por las que son capaces de volver a esa playa a poner huevos si se convierten en madres más adelante en su vida, que tienen esta experiencia muy corta de haber estado en esa playa cuando nacieron. Avremmo potuto sollevarle facilmente e aiutarle a scendere in acqua, e ci hanno lasciato sollevarle un po', ma hanno detto: 'Dovete metterle giù e lasciarle trovare la loro strada', e forse questo è uno dei motivi per cui sono in grado di tornare su quella spiaggia per deporre le uova se diventano madri in seguito nella loro vita, che hanno questa brevissima esperienza di essere sulla spiaggia quando sono nate.

Wendy: Umm-hmm.

Nick: And so some of them adapted more quickly than others and they started to go towards the water but they’re so small and they’re turtles so they’re very slow that it took a long time. Nick: E così alcuni di loro si sono adattati più rapidamente di altri e hanno iniziato a dirigersi verso l'acqua, ma sono così piccoli e sono tartarughe, quindi sono molto lente che ci è voluto molto tempo. And we were trying to clear a path, to clear away some of the wood, umm, away so that it would be easier for them to do it. E stavamo cercando di liberare un sentiero, di rimuovere alcuni dei tronchi, eh, in modo che fosse più facile per loro farlo. But they didn’t work in a team or as a group in any way, they were just these 11 individuals just kind of trying to find their own way and some of them found it more quickly than others. Ma non hanno lavorato in squadra o come gruppo in alcun modo, erano solo questi 11 individui che cercavano in qualche modo di trovare la propria strada e alcuni di loro l'hanno trovata più rapidamente di altri.

Wendy: Yep, and the ones who hadn’t found it yet, they didn’t seem to necessarily follow the same path when they saw that their brothers or sisters had found the right way. Wendy: Sì, e quelli che ancora non l'avevano trovato, non sembrava seguissero necessariamente lo stesso percorso quando vedevano che i loro fratelli o sorelle avevano trovato la strada giusta. They just kept doing their own thing and going around in circles and they were confused. |||||||||||||||zdezorientowani Continuavano semplicemente a fare le proprie cose, gironzolando in cerchio e confusi. And to be fair, they were newborns, you know. Y para ser justos, eran recién nacidos. E per essere onesti, erano neonati, capisci. I mean, a human newborn would be completely at a loss too, so these guys are much more independent than humans are at that age. |||||byłby||||||||||||||||są||| Es decir, un recién nacido humano también estaría completamente perdido, así que estos chicos son mucho más independientes que los humanos a esa edad. Voglio dire, anche un neonato umano sarebbe completamente spaesato, quindi questi piccoli sono molto più indipendenti rispetto agli umani a quell'età.

Nick: And so it was only about 20 metres from the, where … the place where they hatched but it took the earliest ones about half an hour and the latest ones about one hour to make that journey to the water. |||||||||||||gdzie|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Nick: Quindi era solo a circa 20 metri di distanza, dal luogo... dove si sono schiuse le uova ma ci sono voluti circa mezz'ora per le prime e circa un'ora per le ultime per fare quel viaggio fino all'acqua. And so we just stood there that whole time watching them and it was just incredible to see these tiny little things just taking their very first steps and trying to get themselves to the water where they’re far more comfortable in terms of their movement and everything else. Così siamo rimasti lì tutto quel tempo a guardarli ed è stato incredibile vedere queste piccole creature fare i loro primi passi e cercare di arrivare all'acqua dove sono molto più a loro agio in termini di movimento e tutto il resto. And so finally we would see them hit the water and the waves would be crashing and it was, you know, it just seemed like such a daunting, uhh, challenge for them to survive at that age by themselves and, unfortunately, many of them don’t survive. |||||||||||||||拍打着||||||||||||艰巨的|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||intimidante|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||schiantandosi||||||||||||impegnativa|||||||||||||||||| |||||||uderzać w||||||||||||||||||||zniechęcające wyzwanie|||||||||||||||||| Und so würden wir endlich sehen, wie sie auf das Wasser treffen und die Wellen krachen und es war, wie Sie wissen, eine so entmutigende Herausforderung für sie, in diesem Alter alleine und leider für viele von ihnen zu überleben überlebe nicht. E così alla fine li vedevamo colpire l'acqua e le onde si schiantavano ed era, lo sai, sembrava così intimidatorio, uhh, una sfida per loro sopravvivere a quell'età da soli e, sfortunatamente, molti di loro non sopravvivono.

Wendy: No, most of them don’t grow up to reach adulthood, uhh, because they have so many predators in the ocean who can just swallow them up in one bite and, uhh, yeah, and perhaps, you know, if we hadn’t been there, many of them might not have made it out of the hole and might not have made it, you know, down to the beach to begin with. |||||||||||||||||捕食者||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||engolir|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||drapieżników||||||||||||kęs|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dały radę|||||||||na początku| Wendy: Nein, die meisten von ihnen werden nicht erwachsen, ähm, weil sie so viele Raubtiere im Ozean haben, die sie einfach mit einem Bissen verschlucken können, und ja, und vielleicht wissen Sie, wenn wir waren nicht dort gewesen, viele von ihnen haben es vielleicht nicht aus dem Loch geschafft und haben es vielleicht nicht bis zum Strand geschafft. Wendy: No, la maggior parte di loro non cresce abbastanza da raggiungere l'età adulta, uhh, perché ci sono così tanti predatori nell'oceano che possono inghiottirli in un solo morso e, uhh, sì, e forse, sai, se non fossimo stati lì, molti di loro forse non sarebbero riusciti a uscire dal nido e forse non sarebbero riusciti, sai, a raggiungere la spiaggia per iniziare. Because the biologists were actually helping some of them to get out of the sand in the very beginning when they were hatching. Weil die Biologen tatsächlich einigen von ihnen geholfen haben, gleich zu Beginn des Schlupfes aus dem Sand zu kommen. Perché i biologi stavano effettivamente aiutando alcuni di loro a uscire dalla sabbia all'inizio quando stavano schiudendo. So, yeah, they have lots of, umm, lots of obstacles to overcome and, uhh, hopefully with these projects, uhh, more and more of them will have a chance to live long enough to grow up and lay their own eggs and the species will continue. |||||||||||superare||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Also, ja, sie haben viele, ähm, viele Hindernisse zu überwinden und hoffentlich haben mit diesen Projekten immer mehr von ihnen die Chance, lange genug zu leben, um erwachsen zu werden und ihre eigenen Eier und Eier zu legen Arten werden fortgesetzt. Quindi, sì, hanno un sacco di, ehm, un sacco di ostacoli da superare e, uhh, sperabilmente con questi progetti, uhh, sempre più di loro avranno la possibilità di vivere abbastanza a lungo da crescere e deporre le proprie uova e la specie continuerà.

Nick: Yeah, and certainly I think, we … it was a great way to end that experience for us was to see these tiny little turtles hit the water and start swimming away for the first time and, you know, even though the odds are against them, it was the start of their journey and it was a really nice thing to see. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||几率||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||szanse||||||||||||||||||| Nick: Sì, e certamente penso che sia stato un ottimo modo per concludere quell'esperienza per noi vedere queste piccole tartarughe colpire l'acqua e cominciare a nuotare via per la prima volta e, sai, anche se le probabilità sono contro di loro, era l'inizio del loro viaggio ed è stato bello da vedere.

Wendy: It was, yeah. Wendy: Lo è stato, sì.