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English at University, 2: Just landed

2: Just landed

Narrator Hello and welcome to English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year at university. Mary's just landed in London and is heading off for the University of Studies – but there's a problem – she's already lost. Mary, what's happened? Mary I think I got off at the wrong station and now I don't know which way to go. Narrator It's time to ask for help. Don't be scared. You'll find Londoners helpful and friendly people. Just be polite and ask them the way and see what they say. Mary OK. Here goes. Err, help me will you. I don't know where to go. Passer-by What? Sorry, I'm in a rush. Narrator You need to be polite, smile and start with 'excuse me'… Mary OK then. Excuse me… could you tell me the way to the University of Studies… please? Passer-by No. Never heard of it. Mary Oh dear. How am I going to find my way there? Oh, I'll ask him… I wonder if you could help me… please? Daniel Are you lost?! Mary Yes, I am. Please could you give me directions to the University of Studies? Daniel Yeah. Of course. I'm going there myself. It's my first day… Mary Me too! I don't suppose you could show me the way, could you? Daniel … I don't know why I'm studying there though. I should have gone to Oxford or Cambridge… I did so well in my A levels… but I suppose I can share my 'wisdom' with the other undergraduates… anyway… Mary Ermm, there's a sign… Daniel …my name's Daniel by the way. Are you just visiting? Mary No. I said I'm studying here too. My names Mary and look… there's a sign for the university. Daniel Nice to meet you Mabel. I think it's a left turn here then straight on. Narrator Oh dear Mary. Let's hope he's not doing the same course as you. He sounds like a complete loser – an idiot. Anyway, while Daniel's showing her where to go, let's look at the phrases she used to ask for directions… Excuse me, could you tell me the way to… I wonder if you could help me please? Please could you give me directions to… I don't suppose you could show me the way, could you? You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for travelling in the UK on our website at BBC Learning English dot com. Now, back to Mary… I've got a feeling she's has asked the wrong person for directions. This Daniel seems like a bit of a numpty – an idiot.

Daniel Strange… I thought it was down here. Maybe it was right at the junction? Narrator Yep, he's a muppet. A total idiot. Mary Oh dear. Maybe we should ask that policeman over there? Daniel No, no, we'll be fine. Err… taxi! Taxi!

2: Just landed 2: Gerade gelandet

Narrator Hello and welcome to English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year at university. Mary's just landed in London and is heading off for the University of Studies – but there's a problem – she's already lost. Mary, what's happened? Mary I think I got off at the wrong station and now I don't know which way to go. Narrator It's time to ask for help. Don't be scared. You'll find Londoners helpful and friendly people. Just be polite and ask them the way and see what they say. Mary OK. Here goes. Err, help me will you. I don't know where to go. Passer-by What? Sorry, I'm in a rush. Narrator You need to be polite, smile and start with 'excuse me'… Mary OK then. Excuse me… could you tell me the way to the University of Studies… please? Passer-by No. Never heard of it. Mary Oh dear. How am I going to find my way there? Oh, I'll ask him… I wonder if you could help me… please? Daniel Are you lost?! Mary Yes, I am. Please could you give me directions to the University of Studies? Daniel Yeah. Of course. I'm going there myself. It's my first day… Mary Me too! I don't suppose you could show me the way, could you? Nem hiszem, hogy meg tudnád mutatni az utat, igaz? Daniel … I don't know why I'm studying there though. Daniel… Nem tudom, miért tanulok ott. I should have gone to Oxford or Cambridge… I did so well in my A levels… but I suppose I can share my 'wisdom' with the other undergraduates… anyway… Mary Ermm, there's a sign… Daniel …my name's Daniel by the way. Oxfordba vagy Cambridge-be kellett volna mennem… olyan jól teljesítettem az A szintjeimben… de azt hiszem, meg tudom osztani a "bölcsességemet" a többi egyetemistával… mindenesetre… Mary Ermm, van egy jel… Daniel … a nevem egyébként Daniel . Are you just visiting? Mary No. I said I'm studying here too. Mondtam, hogy én is itt tanulok. My names Mary and look… there's a sign for the university. A nevem Mary, és nézd… van egy tábla az egyetemre. Daniel Nice to meet you Mabel. I think it's a left turn here then straight on. Szerintem itt balra, majd egyenesen. Narrator Oh dear Mary. Let's hope he's not doing the same course as you. Reméljük, nem ugyanazt a kurzust csinálja, mint te. He sounds like a complete loser – an idiot. Teljesen lúzernek hangzik – idiótának. Anyway, while Daniel's showing her where to go, let's look at the phrases she used to ask for directions… Excuse me, could you tell me the way to… I wonder if you could help me please? Please could you give me directions to… I don't suppose you could show me the way, could you? You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for travelling in the UK on our website at BBC Learning English dot com. Now, back to Mary… I've got a feeling she's has asked the wrong person for directions. This Daniel seems like a bit of a numpty – an idiot. Ez a Daniel kissé zsiványnak tűnik – idiótának.

Daniel Strange… I thought it was down here. Daniel Strange… Azt hittem, itt van lent. Maybe it was right at the junction? Narrator Yep, he's a muppet. Narrátor Igen, ő egy muppet. A total idiot. Mary Oh dear. Maybe we should ask that policeman over there? Daniel No, no, we'll be fine. Daniel Nem, nem, minden rendben lesz. Err… taxi! Taxi!