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English at University, 4: Freshers' Week

4: Freshers' Week

Narrator Hello and welcome back to English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year of study abroad.

Mary's a new student whose just arrived at the University of Studies but before her lectures begin there's an important event she can't miss… So Mary, are you ready for Freshers' Week? Mary …what's Freshers' Week? Narrator It's where there are lots of events that'll help you get to know other new students or 'freshers'. You can make friends, and find your way around the campus, and hopefully help you start getting used to living in the UK. It's fun… and it starts right now! Mary Right I'd better go…. Abi Hey Mary - over here! I run the Get Fit Society – we go running, go to the gym – check out some of the hunks there – fancy joining? Mary Well errr…. Abi Great – just sign here – and give me ten pounds. Thanks. See you later. Student 1 Hey, over here – come and join our book club… Mary Oh…hmmm… well… Student 1 New recruits like you get a discount… just errr… nine pounds.

Narrator Mary Mary stop! We can tell you're the new kid on the block – someone who's just started university – you don't need to join everything. You need to use some polite ways to say you're not interested – say you're busy, or you haven't got time, or you'll think about it... Mary Well I'll try but it's not easy saying 'no'. Student 2 Come and have a stab at Fencing Club… Mary Fencing? Like sword fighting? Oh interesting… but I'll have a think about it. Student 3 Would you like to join the Debating Society? Mary Oh sorry… I don't think I've got the time. Oh, Daniel – it's nice to see a familiar face. Daniel Yeah, it is, hi. It's all a bit mad isn't it? I've already signed up for Get Fit Soc… Mary Soc? Daniel Society. And I've joined the Beer Appreciation Soc… Society. Mary Well that's not really my cup of tea. Daniel Oh right. You're thinking of joining Book Club aren't you? Boring - who wants to read more books eh? Mary Excuse me Daniel. Hello again… I love reading so I think Book Club sounds great – sign me up please! Daniel Err yeah… sign me up too mate.

Narrator Poor Mary, she just can't shake off that idiot Daniel – but she has managed to politely say 'no' to some of the people who wanted her to join their clubs and societies by using these phrases… I'll have a think about it. Sorry, I don't think I've got the time. It's not my cup of tea. And when she found something she liked, she said: Great! Sign me up please. You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Now, back to novice student Mary… and it's time to let her hair down – I mean relax and enjoy herself… Abi Hi Mary! Thanks for joining Get Fit. Now this is the fun bit – par-ty! Time to make some new friends and dump that Daniel. Here, have a drink… Mary I don't really… Abi Go on, it's your first university party – you've got to get drunk! Mary No no, really… ooops Prof.Not They are my new shoes! Mary Oh, I'm so sorry… I'm Mary… I'm doing Business Studies. Prof.Not Really… well I'm Professor Not – I'm your new lecturer! Mary Oh no!

4: Freshers' Week

Narrator Hello and welcome back to English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year of study abroad.

Mary’s a new student whose just arrived at the University of Studies but before her lectures begin there’s an important event she can’t miss… So Mary, are you ready for Freshers' Week? Mary …what’s Freshers' Week? Narrator It’s where there are lots of events that’ll help you get to know other new students or 'freshers'. Narrátor Itt rengeteg olyan eseményt tartanak, amelyek segítenek megismerni a többi új diákot vagy "gólyát". You can make friends, and find your way around the campus, and hopefully help you start getting used to living in the UK. It’s fun… and it starts right now! Ez jó móka... és most kezdődik! Mary Right I’d better go…. Mary Jobb, ha megyek.... Abi Hey Mary - over here! I run the Get Fit Society – we go running, go to the gym – check out some of the hunks there – fancy joining? Én vezetem a Get Fit Society-t - futunk, edzőterembe járunk - nézd meg az ottani pasijainkat - szeretnél csatlakozni? Mary Well errr…. Abi Great – just sign here – and give me ten pounds. Abi Nagyszerű - csak írja alá itt - és adjon tíz fontot. Thanks. See you later. Student 1 Hey, over here – come and join our book club… Mary Oh…hmmm… well… Diák 1 Hé, ide - gyere és csatlakozz a könyvklubunkhoz... Mary Ó... hmmm... nos... Student 1 New recruits like you get a discount… just errr… nine pounds. Diák 1 Az olyan újoncok, mint te, kedvezményt kapnak... csak ööö... kilenc fontot.

Narrator Mary Mary stop! We can tell you’re the new kid on the block – someone who’s just started university – you don’t need to join everything. Mondhatjuk, hogy te vagy az új fiú a tömbben - valaki, aki most kezdte az egyetemet -, nem kell mindenhez csatlakoznod. You need to use some polite ways to say you’re not interested – say you’re busy, or you haven’t got time, or you’ll think about it... Mary Well I’ll try but it’s not easy saying 'no'. Udvariasan kell kifejezned, hogy nem érdekel a dolog - mondd, hogy elfoglalt vagy, vagy hogy nincs időd, vagy hogy majd gondolkodsz rajta... Mary Nos, megpróbálom, de nem könnyű nemet mondani. Student 2 Come and have a stab at Fencing Club… Mary Fencing? Diák 2 Gyere és próbáld ki a Vívóklubot... Mary Fencing? Like sword fighting? Mint a kardvívás? Oh interesting… but I’ll have a think about it. Student 3 Would you like to join the Debating Society? Diák 3 Szeretnél csatlakozni a Debatáló Társasághoz? Mary Oh sorry… I don’t think I’ve got the time. Oh, Daniel – it’s nice to see a familiar face. Ó, Daniel - jó látni egy ismerős arcot. Daniel Yeah, it is, hi. It’s all a bit mad isn’t it? Ez az egész egy kicsit őrült, nem igaz? I’ve already signed up for Get Fit Soc… Mary Soc? Daniel Society. And I’ve joined the Beer Appreciation Soc… Society. Mary Well that’s not really my cup of tea. Daniel Oh right. You’re thinking of joining Book Club aren’t you? Boring - who wants to read more books eh? Mary Excuse me Daniel. Hello again… I love reading so I think Book Club sounds great – sign me up please! Daniel Err yeah… sign me up too mate. Daniel Err igen... írj fel engem is, haver.

Narrator Poor Mary, she just can’t shake off that idiot Daniel – but she has managed to politely say 'no' to some of the people who wanted her to join their clubs and societies by using these phrases… I’ll have a think about it. Narrátor Szegény Mary, egyszerűen nem tudja lerázni magáról azt az idióta Dánielt - de sikerült udvariasan nemet mondania néhány embernek, akik azt akarták, hogy csatlakozzon a klubjaikhoz és társaságaikhoz, ezekkel a mondatokkal... Majd elgondolkodom rajta. Sorry, I don’t think I’ve got the time. It’s not my cup of tea. Nem az én világom. And when she found something she liked, she said: Great! Sign me up please. Írj fel, kérlek. You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Now, back to novice student Mary… and it’s time to let her hair down – I mean relax and enjoy herself… Abi Hi Mary! Most pedig vissza a kezdő diákhoz, Maryhez... és itt az ideje, hogy elengedje a haját - úgy értem, hogy lazítson és jól érezze magát... Abi Hi Mary! Thanks for joining Get Fit. Köszönjük, hogy csatlakozott a Get Fithez. Now this is the fun bit – par-ty! Time to make some new friends and dump that Daniel. Ideje új barátokat szerezni, és kidobni azt a Dánielt. Here, have a drink… Mary I don’t really… Abi Go on, it’s your first university party – you’ve got to get drunk! Tessék, igyál egyet... Mary Nem igazán... Abi Gyerünk, ez az első egyetemi bulid - le kell rúgnod magad! Mary No no, really… ooops Prof.Not They are my new shoes! Mary Oh, I’m so sorry… I’m Mary… I’m doing Business Studies. Prof.Not Really… well I’m Professor Not – I’m your new lecturer! Mary Oh no!