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English at University, 6: Lectures begin

6: Lectures begin

Narrator Hello and welcome to English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year of study abroad. Mary's a new student who has just arrived at the University of Studies and now after settling in, her studying can finally begin. Mary, it's time for your first lecture – but you look like a bundle of nerves… Mary …well I am a bit nervous, I couldn't sleep last night. Narrator Don't worry, you're not alone – everyone's in the same position. Everything will be fine - good luck! Mary OK, well it's time to go in…. Prof. Not Ah Mary - we meet again. How's your head today? Mary Better thanks – I see you managed to err… clean your shoes. Prof. Not Yes, I did – they still smell a bit but I'll survive. Shall we get down to business - Business Studies – now that most of us are here? Mary Yes, of course. Daniel Oh… err… sorry I'm late. I went to the wrong room. Prof. Not Hmmm… the first rule of business is punctuality. As T.C.Haliburton once said "Punctuality is the soul of business." Now, what is business and why do we study it? Business is an economic system… A company transacts business activities… Mary Daniel, what's he talking about? Daniel Haven't a clue… have you got a spare pen by the way? Look, you're going to have to ask him to explain. Mary Me!? Prof. Not What was that Mary? Mary Oh, nothing. Sorry. Narrator I think Daniel's a nervous wreck – he's not going to help you so I will! If something doesn't make sense, put your hand up and say 'excuse me, could you say that again please?' or 'I don't understand, can you explain that again please?' – or maybe 'could you explain that in a different way please?' Mary OK. Prof. Not Errr, yes Mary, what is it? Mary Prof. Not… it's all very interesting but could you say that again please? Sorry, I don't understand what you mean…. Prof. Not Oh! Mary I'd appreciate it if you could explain it in a different way… please? Daniel I think what Professor Not means is you have to have a soul to be in business. Prof. Not No…Daniel isn't it? What I mean is… Narrator Daniel's got a nerve, pretending he knows it all – perhaps it's just nervous energy that makes him such an idiot! Anyway, well done Mary – you spoke up and asked for clarification. It's a good idea to ask if you don't understand something. Don't pretend you know something when you don't – like Daniel did! Here's a reminder of the questions Mary asked… Could you say that again please? Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Could you explain that in a different way please? You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Now, the lecture is over, I wonder if things are a bit clearer for Mary? Mary Thanks Professor. Everything's much clearer now. Prof. Not Well I recommend you get my book from the library – 'Mind Your Own Business' – oh and Mary… I hold a seminar every Monday at the local pub should you wish to join us sometime? Mary Yes Professor… thanks, I will. Prof. Not You can call me Robert. Daniel Ok Robert! It's a date! Prof. Not Oh, it's you. Well, don't forget to bring your notes. Daniel Oh no, my notes! I left them in the classroom.

6: Lectures begin 6: Beginn der Vorlesungen

Narrator Hello and welcome to English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year of study abroad. Narrátor Üdvözlöm önöket az English at University című sorozatban, amely megtanít néhány angol kifejezést, hogy segítsen átvészelni a külföldi tanulmányok első évét. Mary's a new student who has just arrived at the University of Studies and now after settling in, her studying can finally begin. Mary, it's time for your first lecture – but you look like a bundle of nerves… Mary …well I am a bit nervous, I couldn't sleep last night. Narrator Don't worry, you're not alone – everyone's in the same position. Everything will be fine - good luck! Mary OK, well it's time to go in…. Prof. Not Ah Mary - we meet again. How's your head today? Hogy van ma a fejed? Mary Better thanks – I see you managed to err… clean your shoes. Mary Jobb köszönöm - látom, sikerült... megtisztítanod a cipődet. Prof. Not Yes, I did – they still smell a bit but I'll survive. Prof. Nem Igen, megtettem - még mindig büdösek egy kicsit, de túl fogom élni. Shall we get down to business - Business Studies – now that most of us are here? Térjünk rá az üzletre - az üzleti tanulmányokra - most, hogy a legtöbben itt vagyunk? Mary Yes, of course. Daniel Oh… err… sorry I'm late. I went to the wrong room. Rossz szobába mentem. Prof. Not Hmmm… the first rule of business is punctuality. As T.C.Haliburton once said "Punctuality is the soul of business." Now, what is business and why do we study it? Mi is az üzlet, és miért tanulmányozzuk? Business is an economic system… A company transacts business activities… Mary Daniel, what's he talking about? Az üzlet egy gazdasági rendszer... Egy vállalat üzleti tevékenységet folytat... Mary Daniel, miről beszél? Daniel Haven't a clue… have you got a spare pen by the way? Daniel Fogalmam sincs... egyébként van egy tartalék tollad? Look, you're going to have to ask him to explain. Nézze, meg kell kérnie, hogy magyarázza meg. Mary Me!? Prof. Not What was that Mary? Prof. Nem Mi volt ez a Mary? Mary Oh, nothing. Sorry. Narrator I think Daniel's a nervous wreck – he's not going to help you so I will! Narrátor Szerintem Daniel idegroncs - ő nem fog segíteni neked, úgyhogy majd én segítek! If something doesn't make sense, put your hand up and say 'excuse me, could you say that again please?' Ha valaminek nincs értelme, emelje fel a kezét, és mondja: "Elnézést, megismételné, kérem?". or 'I don't understand, can you explain that again please?' – or maybe 'could you explain that in a different way please?' Mary OK. Prof. Not Errr, yes Mary, what is it? Mary Prof. Not… it's all very interesting but could you say that again please? Sorry, I don't understand what you mean…. Prof. Not Oh! Mary I'd appreciate it if you could explain it in a different way… please? Daniel I think what Professor Not means is you have to have a soul to be in business. Daniel Azt hiszem, Not professzor arra gondol, hogy az üzleti élethez lélek kell. Prof. Not No…Daniel isn't it? What I mean is… Narrator Daniel's got a nerve, pretending he knows it all – perhaps it's just nervous energy that makes him such an idiot! Úgy értem... Narrátor Danielnek van bőr a képén, hogy úgy tesz, mintha mindent tudna - talán csak az idegesség teszi ilyen idiótává! Anyway, well done Mary – you spoke up and asked for clarification. Mindenesetre, szép munka, Mary - felemelte a szavát, és felvilágosítást kért. It's a good idea to ask if you don't understand something. Don't pretend you know something when you don't – like Daniel did! Ne tégy úgy, mintha tudnál valamit, amikor nem tudsz - mint Dániel tette! Here's a reminder of the questions Mary asked… Could you say that again please? Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Could you explain that in a different way please? You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Ezeket a kifejezéseket gyakorolhatja, és még néhányat elsajátíthat, valamint néhány tippet is megtudhat az Egyesült Királyságban való tanuláshoz a bbclearningenglish.com weboldalunkon. Now, the lecture is over, I wonder if things are a bit clearer for Mary? Most, hogy vége az előadásnak, vajon tisztábbak-e egy kicsit a dolgok Mária számára? Mary Thanks Professor. Everything's much clearer now. Most már minden sokkal világosabb. Prof. Not Well I recommend you get my book from the library – 'Mind Your Own Business' – oh and Mary… I hold a seminar every Monday at the local pub should you wish to join us sometime? Prof. Nem Nos, azt ajánlom, hogy szerezze be a könyvtárból a könyvemet - "Törődjön a saját dolgával" - ó, és Mary... minden hétfőn tartok egy szemináriumot a helyi kocsmában, ha valamikor csatlakozni szeretne hozzánk. Mary Yes Professor… thanks, I will. Prof. Not You can call me Robert. Prof. Nem Hívhat Robertnek. Daniel Ok Robert! It's a date! Ez egy randi! Prof. Not Oh, it's you. Prof. Nem Ó, te vagy az. Well, don't forget to bring your notes. Daniel Oh no, my notes! I left them in the classroom.