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English at University, 9: Dinner time

9: Dinner time

Narrator Welcome back to English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year of study abroad. It's the most important time of the day – dinner time – time for some grub – I mean food - and Mary's gone to the canteen with Abi but Mary's hasn't quite worked out the system for getting what she wants. Abi …some of that… and some of that… ooo, and a bit of that… Mary Gosh, that's a lot of food Abi. Abi Yeah but you can eat as much as you like here – it's the same price – so go on, fill your boots! I'll see you over at the table. Mary Fill my boots? Narrator She means eat a lot! Abi may be pigging out on lots of food but you don't have to. Do you need some help Mary? Mary Yes please. I can't remember where anything is – and I'm a vegetarian but the food labels are so confusing. Narrator Don't worry. Before you tuck in to a vegetarian meal, just ask 'can you tell me which food is suitable for vegetarians?' or 'has this got meat in it?' and then when you want to find stuff like the cutlery – the knives and forks – just ask 'where can I find…' or 'do you have any…?' Go on give it a go. Mary OK then. Excuse me, can you tell me if you have any food suitable for vegetarians… please? Dinner lady Dunno… have we got any veggie stuff? Well there's the spaghetti bolognaise over there. Mary Ermm… has that got meat in it? Dinner lady Well a little bit. Prof. Not Hi Mary… looking for something veggie? I'd recommend the lentil dal over there… delicious… a real taste of Asia. Mary Thanks Professor. But what are you doing here? Prof.Not Well err… my wife… Mrs Not… likes me to eat out sometimes… since I… err…not to worry. Dinner lady Right, anything else? I just need your meal ticket. No… that's a blue one… for breakfast… you need a red one for dinner. Prof. Not Allow me… I have a spare ticket… there you go. Mary Thanks. Now, where do I find the knives and forks? Prof. Not Just over here…. Oh no, it's that idiot Daniel. Daniel Hello Mary… Professor Not… can I join you, tell you about my business idea? I got the idea from your book…. look… ooops… Prof.Not Idiot! Now I have lentil dal all over my suit – what will Mrs Not say? Mary Oh dear. Excuse me, do you have any serviettes? Narrator What a mess! Daniel has certainly left his mark on Professor Not but at least Mary has managed to find her way around the canteen. Here are some of the phrases she used… Excuse me, can you tell me if you have any food suitable for vegetarians please? Has this got meat in it? Where can I find…? Do you have any…? You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Now, back to dinner – and Daniel won't be stuffing himself with food – he's got some clearing up to do. Daniel So sorry about that… if I just scrape this bit off… err you'll be fine. Prof.Not So what was your 'business idea'? Dry cleaning perhaps? Daniel No… it was an idea to… Prof.Not Never mind. See you at tomorrow's lecture. It starts at 10am sharp. Goodbye. Mary Oh dear Daniel. Would you like to share my food?

9: Dinner time

Narrator Welcome back to English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year of study abroad. It’s the most important time of the day – dinner time – time for some grub – I mean food - and Mary’s gone to the canteen with Abi but Mary’s hasn’t quite worked out the system for getting what she wants. Abi …some of that… and some of that… ooo, and a bit of that… Mary Gosh, that’s a lot of food Abi. Abi ...egy kicsit ebből... és egy kicsit abból... ooo, és egy kicsit abból... Mary A mindenit, ez aztán a sok kaja Abi. Abi Yeah but you can eat as much as you like here – it’s the same price – so go on, fill your boots! I’ll see you over at the table. Találkozunk az asztalnál. Mary Fill my boots? Narrator She means eat a lot! Narrátor Úgy érti, hogy egyél sokat! Abi may be pigging out on lots of food but you don’t have to. Lehet, hogy Abi sok ételt eszik, de neked nem kell. Do you need some help Mary? Segítségre van szükséged Mary? Mary Yes please. I can’t remember where anything is – and I’m a vegetarian but the food labels are so confusing. Nem emlékszem, hol van valami - pedig vegetáriánus vagyok, de az élelmiszercímkék annyira zavaróak. Narrator Don’t worry. Before you tuck in to a vegetarian meal, just ask 'can you tell me which food is suitable for vegetarians?' Mielőtt vegetáriánus ételt fogyasztana, kérdezze meg: "Meg tudja mondani, hogy melyik étel alkalmas vegetáriánusoknak?". or 'has this got meat in it?' vagy "van-e benne hús? and then when you want to find stuff like the cutlery – the knives and forks – just ask 'where can I find…' or 'do you have any…?' Go on give it a go. Gyerünk, próbáld meg. Mary OK then. Excuse me, can you tell me if you have any food suitable for vegetarians… please? Dinner lady Dunno… have we got any veggie stuff? Vacsora hölgy Nem tudom... van valami zöldséges cuccunk? Well there’s the spaghetti bolognaise over there. Nos, ott van a bolognai spagetti. Mary Ermm… has that got meat in it? Dinner lady Well a little bit. Vacsorázó hölgy Hát egy kicsit. Prof. Not Hi Mary… looking for something veggie? Prof. Nem Szia Mary... valami vegetáriánust keresel? I’d recommend the lentil dal over there… delicious… a real taste of Asia. Mary Thanks Professor. But what are you doing here? Prof.Not Well err… my wife… Mrs Not… likes me to eat out sometimes… since I… err…not to worry. Prof.Not Nos, ööö... a feleségem... Mrs Not... szereti, ha néha étteremben eszem... mivel én... ööö... nem kell aggódni. Dinner lady Right, anything else? Vacsorázó hölgy Rendben, még valami? I just need your meal ticket. No… that’s a blue one… for breakfast… you need a red one for dinner. Prof. Not Allow me… I have a spare ticket… there you go. Prof. Ne engedje meg... van egy tartalék jegyem... tessék. Mary Thanks. Now, where do I find the knives and forks? Prof. Not Just over here…. Oh no, it’s that idiot Daniel. Daniel Hello Mary… Professor Not… can I join you, tell you about my business idea? I got the idea from your book…. Az ötletet a könyvedből vettem.... look… ooops… Prof.Not Idiot! Nézd... hoppá... Prof.Nem Idióta! Now I have lentil dal all over my suit – what will Mrs Not say? Most lencse dál van az öltönyömön - mit fog szólni Mrs Not? Mary Oh dear. Excuse me, do you have any serviettes? Narrator What a mess! Narrátor Micsoda rendetlenség! Daniel has certainly left his mark on Professor Not but at least Mary has managed to find her way around the canteen. Daniel minden bizonnyal nyomot hagyott Not professzoron, de legalább Marynek sikerült eligazodnia a menzán. Here are some of the phrases she used… Excuse me, can you tell me if you have any food suitable for vegetarians please? Has this got meat in it? Where can I find…? Do you have any…? You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Now, back to dinner – and Daniel won’t be stuffing himself with food – he’s got some clearing up to do. Most pedig vissza a vacsorához - és Daniel nem fogja magát tömni az étellel -, neki még van egy kis takarítani valója. Daniel So sorry about that… if I just scrape this bit off… err you’ll be fine. Daniel Nagyon sajnálom... ha ezt a darabot lekaparom... ööö... nem lesz semmi baj. Prof.Not So what was your 'business idea'? Dry cleaning perhaps? Talán a vegytisztítás? Daniel No… it was an idea to… Prof.Not Never mind. Daniel Nem... ez egy ötlet volt, hogy... Prof.Nem Mindegy. See you at tomorrow’s lecture. Találkozunk a holnapi előadáson. It starts at 10am sharp. Pontosan 10 órakor kezdődik. Goodbye. Mary Oh dear Daniel. Would you like to share my food?