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TED-Ed, A day in the life of a Cossack warrior - Alex Gendler

A day in the life of a Cossack warrior - Alex Gendler

Despite a serene sunset on the Dnipro river,

the mood is tense for the Zaporozhian Cossacks.

The year is 1676, and the Treaty of Żurawno has officially ended hostilities

between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire.

But as Stepan and his men ride towards their stronghold,

peace is far from their minds.

Having made their home in the Wild Fields north of the Black Sea,

these cossacks— derived from a Turkic word for "free man"—

are renowned as one of Europe's most formidable military forces.

Composed of hunters, fishermen, nomads and outlaws,

the Cossacks found freedom in these fertile unclaimed lands.

Yet this freedom has proven increasingly difficult to maintain.

Their decades-long strategy of shifting alliances between Poland and Moscow

has led to the partitioning of their lands.

In a desperate bid to reclaim independence and reunite the fractured Cossack state,

their most recent leader, hetman Petro Doroshenko allied with the Ottoman Empire.

This alliance successfully freed the Zaporozhian Cossacks

in the west from Polish dominion, but their victory was a bitter one.

Doroshenko's Ottoman allies ravaged the countryside,

carrying off peasants into slavery.

And outrage at allying with Muslims against fellow Christians

cost him any remaining local support.

Now, with Doroshenko deposed and exiled,

the Cossacks are at odds, disagreeing on what their next move should be.

Until then, Stepan must keep order.

With his musket and curved saber, he cuts an imposing figure.

He surveys his battalion of 180 men.

Most are Orthodox Christians and speak a Slavic language

that will become modern Ukrainian.

But there are also Greeks, Tatars, and even some Mongolian Kalmyks,

many with different opinions on recent events.

Officially, all of Stepan's men have sworn to uphold the Cossack code

by undergoing seven years of military training and remaining unmarried.

In practice, some are part-timers, holding more closely to their own traditions,

and maintaining families in nearby villages, outside Cossack lands.

Thankfully, the tenuous peace is not broken before they reach the Sich—

the center of Cossack military life.

Currently located at Chortomlyk,

the Sich's location shifts with the tide of military action.

The settlement is remarkably well- organized, with administrative buildings,

officers' quarters, and even schools, as Cossacks prize literacy.

Stepan and his men make their way to the barracks where they live and train

alongside several other battalions or kurins,

all of which make up a several hundred man regiment.

Inside, the men dine on dried fish, sheep's cheese, and salted pork fat—

along with plenty of wine.

Stepan instructs his friend Yuri to lighten the mood with his bandura.

But before long, an argument has broken out.

One of his men has raised a toast to Doroshenko.

Stepan cuts him off.

The room is silent until he raises his own toast to Ivan Sirko,

the new hetman who favors an alliance with Moscow against the Turks.

Stepan plans to support him, and he expects his men to do the same.

Suddenly, one of Sirko's men rushes in,

calling an emergency Rada, or general council meeting.

Stepan and the others make their way towards the church square—

the center of Sich life.

Ivan Sirko welcomes the confused crowd with exciting news—

scouts have located a large Ottoman camp completely vulnerable on one side.

Sirko vows that tomorrow, they will ride against their common enemy,

defend the Cossacks' autonomy, and bring unity to the Wild Fields.

As the men cheer in unison,

Stepan is relieved at their renewed sense of brotherhood.

Over the next 200 years, these freedom fighters would take on many foes.

And tragically,

they would eventually become the oppressive hand of the Russian government

they once opposed.

But today, these 17th century Cossacks

are remembered for their spirit of independence and defiance.

As the Russian painter Ilya Repin once said:

“No people in the world held freedom, equality, and fraternity so deeply.”

A day in the life of a Cossack warrior - Alex Gendler Ein Tag im Leben eines Kosakenkriegers - Alex Gendler Μια μέρα στη ζωή ενός Κοζάκου πολεμιστή - Alex Gendler Un día en la vida de un guerrero cosaco - Alex Gendler Une journée dans la vie d'un guerrier cosaque - Alex Gendler Un giorno nella vita di un guerriero cosacco - Alex Gendler コサック戦士の一日 - アレックス・ゲンドラー Kazokų kario gyvenimo diena - Alex Gendler Dzień z życia kozackiego wojownika - Alex Gendler Um dia na vida de um guerreiro cossaco - Alex Gendler Один день из жизни казачьего воина - Алекс Гендлер Bir Kazak savaşçısının hayatından bir gün - Alex Gendler Один день з життя козака-воїна - Алекс Гендлер 哥萨克战士的一天 - Alex Gendler 哥薩克戰士的一天 - Alex Gendler

Despite a serene sunset on the Dnipro river, A pesar de una serena puesta de sol sobre el río Dnipro, Незважаючи на тихий захід сонця на Дніпрі, 尽管第聂伯河上的日落十分宁静,

the mood is tense for the Zaporozhian Cossacks.

The year is 1676, and the Treaty of Żurawno has officially ended hostilities |||||||Żurawno|||| Йде 1676 рік, і Журавнський договір офіційно завершує військові дії 1676 年,祖拉夫诺条约正式结束了敌对状态

between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire.

But as Stepan and his men ride towards their stronghold,

peace is far from their minds.

Having made their home in the Wild Fields north of the Black Sea,

these cossacks— derived from a Turkic word for "free man"—

are renowned as one of Europe's most formidable military forces. відомі як одна з наймогутніших військових сил Європи.

Composed of hunters, fishermen, nomads and outlaws, Складається з мисливців, рибалок, кочівників і розбійників,

the Cossacks found freedom in these fertile unclaimed lands.

Yet this freedom has proven increasingly difficult to maintain. However|||||||| Проте зберегти цю свободу стає все важче.

Their decades-long strategy of shifting alliances between Poland and Moscow

has led to the partitioning of their lands. призвело до поділу їхніх земель.

In a desperate bid to reclaim independence and reunite the fractured Cossack state, У відчайдушних спробах відвоювати незалежність і возз’єднати роздроблену козацьку державу,

their most recent leader, hetman Petro Doroshenko allied with the Ottoman Empire. |||||Petro Doroshen||||||

This alliance successfully freed the Zaporozhian Cossacks

in the west from Polish dominion, but their victory was a bitter one.

Doroshenko's Ottoman allies ravaged the countryside, Doroshenko's||||| Османські союзники Дорошенка спустошували село,

carrying off peasants into slavery.

And outrage at allying with Muslims against fellow Christians І обурення союзом з мусульманами проти співхристиян

cost him any remaining local support.

Now, with Doroshenko deposed and exiled,

the Cossacks are at odds, disagreeing on what their next move should be. козаки ворогують, не погоджуються, якими мають бути їхні подальші дії.

Until then, Stepan must keep order. |||moet||

With his musket and curved saber, he cuts an imposing figure. Своим мушкетом и изогнутым саблей он представляет внушительное зрелище. Своїм мушкетом і вигнутою шаблею він вирізає вражаючу фігуру.

He surveys his battalion of 180 men. Он осматривает свой батальон из 180 человек. Він оглядає свій батальйон із 180 чоловік.

Most are Orthodox Christians and speak a Slavic language Большинство из них - православные христиане и говорят на славянском языке

that will become modern Ukrainian.

But there are also Greeks, Tatars, and even some Mongolian Kalmyks, ||||||||||Kalmyken

many with different opinions on recent events.

Officially, all of Stepan's men have sworn to uphold the Cossack code |||Stepan's||||||||

by undergoing seven years of military training and remaining unmarried.

In practice, some are part-timers, holding more closely to their own traditions, На практиці деякі працюють неповний робочий день, більше дотримуючись власних традицій,

and maintaining families in nearby villages, outside Cossack lands.

Thankfully, the tenuous peace is not broken before they reach the Sich— На щастя, крихкий мир не порушується, поки вони не досягають Січі…

the center of Cossack military life.

Currently located at Chortomlyk, |||Chortomlyk

the Sich's location shifts with the tide of military action. |locatie van Sich|||||||| місце розташування Січі змінюється разом із хвилею військових дій.

The settlement is remarkably well- organized, with administrative buildings,

officers' quarters, and even schools, as Cossacks prize literacy.

Stepan and his men make their way to the barracks where they live and train

alongside several other battalions or kurins, |||||bataljons поряд з кількома іншими батальйонами чи курінами,

all of which make up a several hundred man regiment. усі вони складають полк із кількох сотень чоловік.

Inside, the men dine on dried fish, sheep's cheese, and salted pork fat—

along with plenty of wine.

Stepan instructs his friend Yuri to lighten the mood with his bandura. Степан доручає своєму другові Юрію підняти настрій бандурою.

But before long, an argument has broken out. Но вскоре разгорается спор.

One of his men has raised a toast to Doroshenko. Один из его людей поднял тост за Дорошенко.

Stepan cuts him off. Степан его перебивает. — обриває його Степан.

The room is silent until he raises his own toast to Ivan Sirko, ||||||||||||Sirko

the new hetman who favors an alliance with Moscow against the Turks. the||||||||||| новий гетьман, який виступає за союз із Москвою проти турків.

Stepan plans to support him, and he expects his men to do the same.

Suddenly, one of Sirko's men rushes in, |||Sirko's mannen||| Раптом вбігає один із Сіркових людей,

calling an emergency Rada, or general council meeting. |||raad|||| созыв срочного совета Рады или общего собрания.

Stepan and the others make their way towards the church square— Степан и остальные направляются к церковной площади —

the center of Sich life. центру жизни Сечи.

Ivan Sirko welcomes the confused crowd with exciting news—

scouts have located a large Ottoman camp completely vulnerable on one side. розвідники виявили великий османський табір, абсолютно вразливий з одного боку.

Sirko vows that tomorrow, they will ride against their common enemy, Сірко клянеться, що завтра вони виступлять на спільного ворога,

defend the Cossacks' autonomy, and bring unity to the Wild Fields.

As the men cheer in unison, Коли чоловіки в унісон радіють,

Stepan is relieved at their renewed sense of brotherhood. Степан облегчен их возрожденным чувством братства. Степан відчуває полегшення від їхнього відновленого почуття братерства.

Over the next 200 years, these freedom fighters would take on many foes. В течение следующих 200 лет эти борцы за свободу столкнутся с многими врагами. Протягом наступних 200 років ці борці за свободу зіткнуться з багатьма ворогами.

And tragically, И трагично,

they would eventually become the oppressive hand of the Russian government вони зрештою стануть гнітючою рукою російського уряду

they once opposed.

But today, these 17th century Cossacks

are remembered for their spirit of independence and defiance. пам’ятають своїм духом незалежності та непокори.

As the Russian painter Ilya Repin once said: |||||Repin||

“No people in the world held freedom, equality, and fraternity so deeply.” |||||拥有|||||| “No people in the world held freedom, equality, and fraternity so deeply.” «Жоден народ у світі так глибоко не ставився до свободи, рівності та братерства».