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TED-Ed, Did ancient Troy really exist? - Einav Zamir Dembin

Did ancient Troy really exist? - Einav Zamir Dembin

When Homer's Iliad was first written down in the 8th century BCE, 00:12 the story of the Trojan war was already an old one. 00:16 From existing oral tradition, 00:17 audiences knew the tales of the long siege, 00:20 the epic duels outside the city walls, 00:23 and the cunning trick that finally won the war. 00:26 In the end, the magnificent city was burned to the ground, 00:29 never to rise again. 00:31 But had it ever existed? 00:34 By the time the field of archaeology began to take shape in the 19th century, 00:39 many were skeptical, considering the epic to be pure fiction, 00:43 a founding myth imagining a bygone heroic era. 00:47 But some scholars believed 00:48 that behind the superhuman feats and divine miracles 00:51 there must have been a grain of historical truth - 00:54 a war that was really fought, 00:56 and a place where it happened. 00:58 Frank Calvert was one such believer. 01:01 He had spent his youth traveling and learning about ancient civilizations 01:05 before accompanying his brother Frederick 01:07 on a diplomatic mission to the northwest Anatolian region of Çanakkale. 01:11 It was here that Homer described the Greek encampment 01:14 at the mouth of the Scamander river. 01:17 And it was here that fate brought Frank into contact 01:20 with a journalist and geologist named Charles Maclaren. 01:24 Locals and travelers had long speculated 01:26 that Troy might've stood on one of the surrounding hilltops. 01:29 But Maclaren had been one of the first 01:32 to publish a detailed topographical study of the area. 01:35 He believed he had found the site – 01:37 a 32-meter mound known by the name Hisarlık, 01:41 derived from the Turkish word for “fortress.” 01:43 Soon after meeting with him in 1847, 01:46 the Calverts bought 2,000 acres of farmland 01:48 that included part of the hill. 01:51 Before they could explore any further, 01:53 the Crimean War broke out 01:54 and forestalled their archaeological ambitions for several years. 01:58 After the war's end, 02:00 Frank Calvert began to survey the site, 02:02 but lacked the funds for a full excavation. 02:05 This was where the wealthy German businessman 02:07 and amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann came in. 02:12 At Calvert's invitation, 02:13 Schliemann visited the grounds in 1868, and decided to excavate. 02:18 Eager to find the ancient city, 02:20 Schliemann tore massive trenches all the way to the base of the hill. 02:24 There, he uncovered a hoard of precious artifacts, 02:27 jewelry, 02:28 and metalwork, 02:29 including two diadems and a copper shield. 02:32 Schliemann took full credit for the discovery, 02:34 announcing that he had found Troy 02:36 and the treasure of its king Priam. 02:38 But the real treasure was elsewhere. 02:40 When later archaeologists studied the site, 02:43 they realized that the mound consisted of no less than nine cities, 02:47 each built atop the ruins of the last. 02:50 The layer Schliemann had uncovered dated back to the Mycenaean Age, 02:54 more than 1,000 years too early for Homer. 02:57 But inside the mound was indeed evidence 02:59 for a city that had thrived during the Bronze Age, 03:02 with charred stone, 03:03 broken arrowheads, 03:05 and damaged human skeletons suggesting a violent end. 03:09 It was Troy VII, contained in the middle layers 03:12 and now ravaged for a second time by Schliemann's careless excavation. 03:17 The settlement, spanning some 200,000 square meters 03:20 and home to as many as 10,000 people, 03:23 thrived until around 1180 BCE. 03:26 Its position at the southern entrance of the Dardanelles strait 03:29 would've made a formidable strategic location for both defense and trade. 03:34 Most importantly, there are the remains of a massive fortification wall – 03:38 perhaps the very same one 03:40 from which Priam and Hector once watched the Greeks approach. 03:44 Of course, it's difficult to be certain 03:46 that these ruins are the true remains of ancient Troy, 03:50 and scholars still dispute 03:51 whether the Trojan War as described by Homer ever happened. 03:55 Yet the evidence is strong enough 03:57 that UNESCO has labelled Hisarlık the archeological site of Troy. 04:01 Regardless of its identity, 04:03 thanks to persistence, 04:04 a bit of faith, 04:05 and a lot of research, 04:07 archaeologists are bringing the long-buried secrets 04:10 of an ancient, lost city to light.

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Did ancient Troy really exist? - Einav Zamir Dembin ||Troja|||Einav Zamir Dembin|Zamir Dembin|Dembin(1) Чи||||||| Hat das antike Troja wirklich existiert? - Einav Zamir Dembin ¿Existió realmente la antigua Troya? - Einav Zamir Dembin L'ancienne Troie a-t-elle vraiment existé ? - Einav Zamir Dembin L'antica Troia è esistita davvero? - Einav Zamir Dembin 古代トロイは本当に存在したのか?- アイナフ・ザミール・デンビン Ar senovės Troja tikrai egzistavo? - Einav Zamir Dembin Czy starożytna Troja istniała naprawdę? - Einav Zamir Dembin A antiga Troia existiu mesmo? - Einav Zamir Dembin Существовала ли древняя Троя на самом деле? - Эйнав Замир Дембин Antik Truva gerçekten var mıydı? - Einav Zamir Dembin Чи існувала стародавня Троя насправді? - Ейнав Замір Дембін 古特洛伊真的存在吗? - Einav Zamir Dembin 古代特洛伊城真的存在嗎? - 埃納夫·扎米爾·登賓

When Homer’s Iliad was first written down in the 8th century BCE, 00:12 the story of the Trojan war was already an old one. |Homer|Ilias|||||||||||||||||||| Kiedy Iliada Homera została po raz pierwszy spisana w VIII wieku p.n.e. 00:12, historia wojny trojańskiej była już stara. Homeros'un İlyada'sı M.Ö. 8. yüzyılda ilk kez yazıya döküldüğünde, 00:12 Truva savaşının hikayesi zaten eski bir hikayeydi. Коли «Іліада» Гомера була вперше записана у 8 столітті до нашої ери, 00:12 історія Троянської війни була вже старою. 00:16 From existing oral tradition, 00:17 audiences knew the tales of the long siege, 00:20 the epic duels outside the city walls, 00:23 and the cunning trick that finally won the war. ||mündlichen||||||||||||Duelle|||||||listige|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||狡猾な|||||その| |існуючої||||||оповідання||||облога|||||||||||||||| 00:16 From existing oral tradition, 00:17 audiences knew the tales of the long siege, 00:20 the epic duels outside the city walls, 00:23 and the cunning trick that finally won the war. 00:16 Z istniejących ustnych tradycji 00:17 widzowie znali opowieści o długim oblężeniu, 00:20 epickich pojedynkach poza murami miasta, 00:23 i sprytnym triku, który ostatecznie wygrał wojnę. 00:16 Mevcut sözlü gelenekten, 00:17 izleyiciler uzun kuşatma hikayelerini, 00:20 şehir surlarının dışındaki destansı düelloları, 00:23 ve sonunda savaşı kazandıran kurnaz hileyi biliyorlardı. 00:16 З існуючої усної традиції 00:17 глядачі знали розповіді про тривалу облогу, 00:20 епічні дуелі за стінами міста, 00:23 та хитрий трюк, який зрештою виграв війну. 00:26 In the end, the magnificent city was burned to the ground, 00:29 never to rise again. ||||||||||||||знову 00:26 Sonunda, muhteşem şehir bir daha asla yükselmemek üzere yakılıp yıkıldı. 00:31 But had it ever existed? 00:31 Ama hiç var olmuş muydu? 00:34 By the time the field of archaeology began to take shape in the 19th century, 00:39 many were skeptical, considering the epic to be pure fiction, 00:43 a founding myth imagining a bygone heroic era. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||vergangenen|| 00:34 Do czasu, gdy archeologia zaczęła nabierać kształtu w XIX wieku, 00:39 wielu było sceptycznych, uważając epos za czystą fikcję, 00:43 mit założycielski wyobrażający minioną erę heroiczną. 00:34 19. yüzyılda arkeoloji alanı şekillenmeye başladığında, 00:39 pek çok kişi destanın saf bir kurgu, 00:43 geçmiş bir kahramanlık çağını hayal eden bir kurucu mit olduğunu düşünerek şüpheyle yaklaştı. 00:47 But some scholars believed 00:48 that behind the superhuman feats and divine miracles 00:51 there must have been a grain of historical truth - 00:54 a war that was really fought, 00:56 and a place where it happened. |||||||Übermenschlichen||||||||||||||||||||||||| 00:47 Ale niektórzy uczeni wierzyli, 00:48, że za nadludzkimi wyczynami i boskimi cudami 00:51 musiało być ziarno prawdy historycznej - 00:54 wojna, która naprawdę się toczyła, 00:56 i miejsce, w którym to się wydarzyło . 00:47 Mas alguns estudiosos acreditavam 00:48 que por detrás dos feitos sobre-humanos e dos milagres divinos 00:51 devia haver um grão de verdade histórica - 00:54 uma guerra que foi realmente travada, 00:56 e um local onde aconteceu. 00:47 Ancak bazı akademisyenler, 00:48 insanüstü başarıların ve ilahi mucizelerin 00:51 ardında bir miktar tarihsel gerçeklik olması gerektiğine inanıyordu - 00:54 gerçekten yapılmış bir savaş, 00:56 ve bunun gerçekleştiği bir yer. 00:47 Але деякі вчені вважали 00:48 що за надлюдськими подвигами та божественними чудесами 00:51 мало бути зерно історичної правди - 00:54 війна, яка справді велася, 00:56 і місце, де це сталося . 00:58 Frank Calvert was one such believer. |Calvert|||| 00:58 Frank Calvert böyle inananlardan biriydi. 01:01 He had spent his youth traveling and learning about ancient civilizations 01:05 before accompanying his brother Frederick 01:07 on a diplomatic mission to the northwest Anatolian region of Çanakkale. ||||||||||||begleitend|||Frederick||||||||anatolischen|||Çanakkale ||||||||||||супроводжую|||||||||||||| 01:01 Spędził swoją młodość podróżując i poznając starożytne cywilizacje 01:05 zanim towarzyszył swojemu bratu Frederickowi 01:07 w misji dyplomatycznej do północno-zachodniego regionu Anatolii, Çanakkale. 01:01 Gençliğini seyahat ederek ve eski uygarlıkları öğrenerek 01:05 geçirmiş, ardından kardeşi Frederick'e 01:07 Çanakkale'nin kuzeybatı Anadolu bölgesinde diplomatik bir görevde eşlik etmişti. 01:01 Він провів свою молодість, подорожуючи та вивчаючи стародавні цивілізації 01:05 перед тим, як супроводжувати свого брата Фредеріка 01:07 у дипломатичній місії до північно-західного анатолійського регіону Чанаккале. 01:11 It was here that Homer described the Greek encampment 01:14 at the mouth of the Scamander river. ||||||||Lager||||||Scamander| 01:11 To tutaj Homer opisał greckie obozowisko 01:14 u ujścia rzeki Scamander. 01:11 Саме тут Гомер описав грецький табір 01:14 у гирлі річки Скамандр. 01:17 And it was here that fate brought Frank into contact 01:20 with a journalist and geologist named Charles Maclaren. ||||||||||||||Geologe|||Maclaren 01:17 Ve kader Frank'i burada Charles Maclaren adında bir gazeteci ve jeologla 01:20 temas ettirdi. 01:24 Locals and travelers had long speculated 01:26 that Troy might’ve stood on one of the surrounding hilltops. ||||||||könnte|||||||Hügelkuppen 01:24 Yerli halk ve gezginler uzun zamandır Truva'nın çevredeki tepelerden birinin üzerinde durmuş olabileceğine dair spekülasyonlar 01:26 yapıyorlardı. 01:29 But Maclaren had been one of the first 01:32 to publish a detailed topographical study of the area. |||||||||veröffentlichen|||topographische|||| 01:29 Ancak Maclaren, bölgenin ayrıntılı bir topografik çalışmasını yayınlayan ilk 01:32 kişilerden biriydi. 01:35 He believed he had found the site – 01:37 a 32-meter mound known by the name Hisarlık, 01:41 derived from the Turkish word for “fortress.” 01:43 Soon after meeting with him in 1847, 01:46 the Calverts bought 2,000 acres of farmland 01:48 that included part of the hill. ||||||||||||||Hisarlık|||||||Festung||||||||Calverts||Acres|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||要塞|||||||||||||||||| 01:35 Wierzył, że znalazł miejsce – 01:37 32-metrowy kopiec znany pod nazwą Hisarlık, 01:41 wywodzący się od tureckiego słowa „forteca”. 01:43 Wkrótce po spotkaniu z nim w 1847, 01:46 Calverts kupili 2000 akrów ziemi 01:48, która obejmowała część wzgórza. 01:35 Bölgeyi bulduğuna inanıyordu - 01:37 Hisarlık adıyla bilinen 32 metrelik bir höyük, 01:41 Türkçe "kale" kelimesinden türetilmişti. 01:43 1847'de onunla tanıştıktan kısa bir süre sonra, 01:46 Calvert'ler tepenin bir kısmını da içeren 2.000 dönümlük bir tarım arazisi 01:48 satın aldılar. 01:35 Він вірив, що знайшов це місце – 01:37 32-метровий курган, відомий під назвою Hisarlık, 01:41 походить від турецького слова, що означає «фортеця». 01:43 Невдовзі після зустрічі з ним у 1847 році, 01:46 Калверти купили 2000 акрів сільськогосподарських угідь 01:48, які включали частину пагорба. 01:51 Before they could explore any further, 01:53 the Crimean War broke out 01:54 and forestalled their archaeological ambitions for several years. |||||||Krimkrieg|||||verhinderte|||Ambitionen||| 01:51 Daha fazla keşif yapamadan 01:53 Kırım Savaşı patlak verdi 01:54 ve arkeolojik hedeflerini birkaç yıl engelledi. 01:51 Перш ніж вони змогли досліджувати далі, 01:53 почалася Кримська війна 01:54 і перешкодила їхнім археологічним амбіціям на кілька років. 01:58 After the war’s end, 02:00 Frank Calvert began to survey the site, 02:02 but lacked the funds for a full excavation. ||Krieg|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||発掘 01:58 Savaşın sona ermesinden sonra, 02:00 Frank Calvert bölgeyi incelemeye başladı, 02:02 ancak tam bir kazı için yeterli fonu yoktu. 01:58 Після закінчення війни, 02:00 Френк Калверт почав досліджувати місце, 02:02 але не вистачило коштів для повних розкопок. 02:05 This was where the wealthy German businessman 02:07 and amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann came in. ||||||||||Heinrich Schliemann|Schliemann|| 02:05 Zengin Alman işadamı 02:07 ve amatör arkeolog Heinrich Schliemann bu noktada devreye girdi. 02:05 Саме тут завітав багатий німецький бізнесмен 02:07 і археолог-любитель Генріх Шліман. 02:12 At Calvert’s invitation, 02:13 Schliemann visited the grounds in 1868, and decided to excavate. |Calverts Einladung|Einladung|||||||||ausgraben 02:12 A convite de Calvert, 02:13 Schliemann visitou o terreno em 1868 e decidiu escavar. 02:12 Calvert'in daveti üzerine, 02:13 Schliemann 1868 yılında araziyi ziyaret etti ve kazı yapmaya karar verdi. 02:18 Eager to find the ancient city, 02:20 Schliemann tore massive trenches all the way to the base of the hill. 02:18 Chcąc znaleźć starożytne miasto, 02:20 Schliemann rozdarł ogromne rowy aż do podstawy wzgórza. 02:18 Antik kenti bulmaya hevesli olan Schliemann, 02:20 tepenin tabanına kadar devasa hendekler açtı. 02:24 There, he uncovered a hoard of precious artifacts, 02:27 jewelry, 02:28 and metalwork, 02:29 including two diadems and a copper shield. ||||||||||Metallarbeiten|||Diademe|||| ||||||цінні||||||||||| 02:24 Tam odkrył skarb cennych artefaktów, 02:27 biżuterię, 02:28 i metaloplastykę, 02:29 w tym dwa diademy i miedzianą tarczę. 02:24 Aí, descobriu um tesouro de artefactos preciosos, 02:27 jóias, 02:28 e trabalhos em metal, 02:29 incluindo dois diademas e um escudo de cobre. 02:24 Orada, aralarında iki diadem ve bakır bir kalkanın da bulunduğu değerli eserler, 02:27 mücevherler, 02:28 ve metal işleri 02:29 ortaya çıkardı. 02:24 Там він виявив скарб дорогоцінних артефактів, 02:27 коштовностей, 02:28 і металевих виробів, 02:29 включаючи дві діадеми та мідний щит. 02:32 Schliemann took full credit for the discovery, 02:34 announcing that he had found Troy 02:36 and the treasure of its king Priam. |||||||||||||||||||Priamos 02:32 Schliemann, 02:34 Truva'yı 02:36 ve kralı Priam'ın hazinesini bulduğunu ilan ederek keşif için tüm krediyi aldı. 02:38 But the real treasure was elsewhere. |||||他の場所 02:38 Ama asıl hazine başka bir yerdeydi. 02:40 When later archaeologists studied the site, 02:43 they realized that the mound consisted of no less than nine cities, 02:47 each built atop the ruins of the last. ||||||||||||||||||||auf||||| ||||||||||||||||||||на вершині||||| 02:40 Kiedy później archeolodzy badali to miejsce, 02:43 zdali sobie sprawę, że kopiec składał się z nie mniej niż dziewięciu miast, 02:47 każde zbudowane na szczycie ruin ostatniego. 02:40 Daha sonra arkeologlar bölgeyi incelediklerinde, 02:43 höyüğün en az dokuz şehirden oluştuğunu fark ettiler, 02:47 her biri bir öncekinin kalıntıları üzerine inşa edilmişti. 02:50 The layer Schliemann had uncovered dated back to the Mycenaean Age, 02:54 more than 1,000 years too early for Homer. |||||||||mykenischen|||||||| 02:50 Warstwa, którą odkrył Schliemann, pochodzi z epoki mykeńskiej, 02:54 ponad 1000 lat za wcześnie dla Homera. 02:50 Schliemann'ın ortaya çıkardığı katman Miken Çağı'na tarihleniyordu, 02:54 Homeros için 1.000 yıldan daha erken bir tarihe. 02:57 But inside the mound was indeed evidence 02:59 for a city that had thrived during the Bronze Age, 03:02 with charred stone, 03:03 broken arrowheads, 03:05 and damaged human skeletons suggesting a violent end. |||||||||||||||||||||Pfeilspitzen||||menschlichen Skeletten|||| 02:57 Ale wewnątrz kopca rzeczywiście był dowód 02:59 miasta, które kwitło w epoce brązu, 03:02 zwęglonym kamieniem, 03:03 złamanymi grotami strzał, 03:05 i uszkodzonymi ludzkimi szkieletami sugerującymi gwałtowny koniec. 02:57 Mas no interior do monte havia de facto provas 02:59 de uma cidade que tinha prosperado durante a Idade do Bronze, 03:02 com pedra carbonizada, 03:03 pontas de seta partidas, 03:05 e esqueletos humanos danificados sugerindo um fim violento. 02:57 Ancak höyüğün içinde gerçekten de Bronz Çağı'nda gelişen bir kente ait 02:59 kanıtlar vardı. 03:02 Kömürleşmiş taşlar, 03:03 kırık ok uçları, 03:05 ve şiddetli bir sona işaret eden hasarlı insan iskeletleri. 03:09 It was Troy VII, contained in the middle layers 03:12 and now ravaged for a second time by Schliemann’s careless excavation. |||||||||||||||||Schliemanns|sorglos| ||||||||шари||||||||||| 03:09 To był Troy VII, zawarty w środkowych warstwach 03:12 i teraz po raz drugi spustoszony przez nieostrożne wykopaliska Schliemanna. 03:09 Bu, orta katmanlarda bulunan Troya VII idi 03:12 ve şimdi Schliemann'ın dikkatsiz kazısı tarafından ikinci kez tahrip edildi. 03:09 Це була Троя VII, яка містилася в середніх шарах 03:12 і тепер знищена вдруге через необережні розкопки Шлімана. 03:17 The settlement, spanning some 200,000 square meters 03:20 and home to as many as 10,000 people, 03:23 thrived until around 1180 BCE. ||площею|||||||||||||| 03:17 Yaklaşık 200.000 metrekarelik 03:20 bir alana yayılan ve 10.000 kadar insana ev sahipliği yapan yerleşim, 03:23 MÖ 1180'lere kadar gelişti. 03:17 Поселення площею близько 200 000 квадратних метрів 03:20 і домом для 10 000 людей 03:23 процвітало приблизно до 1180 року до нашої ери. 03:26 Its position at the southern entrance of the Dardanelles strait 03:29 would’ve made a formidable strategic location for both defense and trade. ||||||||Dardanellen|Meerenge||||||||||| 03:26 Jego położenie przy południowym wejściu do cieśniny Dardanele. 03:29 stworzyłoby niesamowitą strategiczną lokalizację zarówno dla obrony, jak i handlu. 03:26 Çanakkale Boğazı'nın güney girişindeki konumu, 03:29 hem savunma hem de ticaret için zorlu bir stratejik konum oluşturacaktı. 03:34 Most importantly, there are the remains of a massive fortification wall – 03:38 perhaps the very same one 03:40 from which Priam and Hector once watched the Greeks approach. |||||||||Befestigung|||||||||||Hektor||||| 03:34 Co najważniejsze, są tam pozostałości potężnego muru obronnego – 03:38 być może tego samego 03:40, z którego Priam i Hector kiedyś obserwowali zbliżających się Greków. 03:34 Mais importante ainda, há os restos de uma enorme muralha de fortificação - 03:38 talvez a mesma de onde Príamo e Heitor observaram a aproximação dos gregos. 03:34 En önemlisi, devasa bir surun kalıntıları var - 03:38 belki de Priam ve Hektor'un bir zamanlar Yunanlıların yaklaşmasını izledikleri 03:40 surun aynısı. 03:44 Of course, it’s difficult to be certain 03:46 that these ruins are the true remains of ancient Troy, 03:50 and scholars still dispute 03:51 whether the Trojan War as described by Homer ever happened. 03:44 Elbette, bu kalıntıların antik Truva'nın gerçek kalıntıları olduğundan 03:46 emin olmak zor. 03:50 ve akademisyenler Homeros'un anlattığı Truva Savaşı'nın gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğini 03:51 hala tartışıyor. 03:44 Звичайно, важко бути впевненим, 03:46 що ці руїни є справжніми залишками стародавньої Трої, 03:50 і вчені досі сперечаються, 03:51 чи відбулася Троянська війна, як її описав Гомер. 03:55 Yet the evidence is strong enough 03:57 that UNESCO has labelled Hisarlık the archeological site of Troy. ||||||||||||archäologische||| 03:55 Jednak dowody są wystarczająco mocne 03:57, że UNESCO nazwało Hisarlık stanowiskiem archeologicznym w Troi. 04:01 Regardless of its identity, 04:03 thanks to persistence, 04:04 a bit of faith, 04:05 and a lot of research, 04:07 archaeologists are bringing the long-buried secrets 04:10 of an ancient, lost city to light. 04:01 Niezależnie od tożsamości, 04:03 dzięki wytrwałości, 04:04 odrobina wiary, 04:05 i dużo badań, 04:07 archeolodzy przynoszą długo skrywane tajemnice 04:10 starożytności, utracone miasto na światło dzienne. 04:01 Kimliği ne olursa olsun, 04:03 ısrar, 04:04 biraz inanç, 04:05 ve çok fazla araştırma sayesinde, 04:07 arkeologlar antik, kayıp bir şehrin uzun süredir gömülü olan sırlarını 04:10 gün ışığına çıkarıyor. 04:01 Незалежно від його ідентичності, 04:03 завдяки наполегливості, 04:04 трохи віри, 04:05 і великій кількості досліджень, 04:07 археологи приносять давно поховані секрети 04:10 стародавнього, втрачене місто на світло.