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TED-Ed, Is fire a solid, a liquid, or a gas? - Elizabeth Cox

Is fire a solid, a liquid, or a gas? - Elizabeth Cox

Sitting around a campfire, you can feel its heat,

smell the woody smoke, and hear it crackle.

If you get too close,

it burns your eyes and stings your nostrils.

You could stare at the bright flames forever

as they twist and flicker in endless incarnations.

But what exactly are you looking at?

The flames are obviously not solid,

nor are they liquid.

Mingling with the air, they're more like a gas,

but more visible--and more fleeting.

And on a scientific level, fire differs from gas

because gases can exist in the same state indefinitely

while fires always burn out eventually.

One misconception is that fire is a plasma,

the fourth state of matter in which atoms

are stripped of their electrons.

Like fire and unlike the other kinds of matter,

plasmas don't exist in a stable state on earth.

They only form when gas is exposed to an electric field or superheated

to temperatures of thousands or tens of thousands of degrees.

By contrast, fuels like wood and paper burn

at a few hundred degrees —far below the

threshold of what's usually considered a plasma.

So if fire isn't a solid, liquid, gas,

or a plasma, what does that leave?

It turns out fire isn't actually matter at all.

Instead, it's our sensory experience of a

chemical reaction called combustion.

In a way, fire is like the leaves changing color in fall,

the smell of fruit as it ripens,

or a firefly's blinking light.

All of these are sensory clues that a

chemical reaction is taking place.

What differs about fire is that it engages a lot of

our senses at the same time, creating the kind of vivid

experience we expect to come from a physical thing.

Combustion creates that sensory experience

using fuel, heat, and oxygen.

In a campfire, when the logs are heated to their ignition temperature,

the walls of their cells decompose,

releasing sugars and other molecules into the air.

These molecules then react with airborne oxygen

to create carbon dioxide and water.

At the same time, any trapped water in the logs

vaporizes, expands, ruptures the wood around it,

and escapes with a satisfying crackle.

As the fire heats up, the carbon dioxide and water vapor

created by combustion expand.

Now that they're less dense, they rise in a thinning column.

Gravity causes this expansion and rising, which gives

flames their characteristic taper.

Without gravity, molecules don't separate

by density and the flames have a totally different shape.

We can see all of this because combustion

also generates light.

Molecules emit light when heated,

and the color of the light depends

on the temperature of the molecules.

The hottest flames are white or blue.

The type of molecules in a fire can

also influence flame color.

For instance, any unreacted carbon atoms from the logs

form little clumps of soot that rise

into the flames and emit the yellow-orange

light we associate with a campfire.

Substances like copper, calcium chloride,

and potassium chloride can add their

own characteristic hues to the mix.

Besides colorful flames,

fire also continues to generate heat as it burns.

This heat sustains the flames by keeping

the fuel at or above ignition temperature.

Eventually, though, even the hottest fires

run out of fuel or oxygen.

Then, those twisting flames give a final hiss

and disappear with a wisp of smoke

as if they were never there at all.

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Is fire a solid, a liquid, or a gas? - Elizabeth Cox verbo auxiliar|||||||||| Ist Feuer ein Feststoff, eine Flüssigkeit oder ein Gas? - Elizabeth Cox Is fire a solid, a liquid, or a gas? - Elizabeth Cox ¿Es el fuego un sólido, un líquido o un gas? - Elizabeth Cox Le feu est-il un solide, un liquide ou un gaz ? - Elizabeth Cox Il fuoco è un solido, un liquido o un gas? - Elisabetta Cox 火は固体か、液体か、それとも気体か?- エリザベス・コックス Ar ugnis yra kieta medžiaga, skystis, ar dujos? - Elizabeth Cox Czy ogień jest ciałem stałym, cieczą czy gazem? - Elizabeth Cox O fogo é um sólido, um líquido ou um gás? - Isabel Cox Огонь - это твердое тело, жидкость или газ? - Элизабет Кокс Ateş katı mı, sıvı mı, yoksa gaz mıdır? - Elizabeth Cox Вогонь - це тверда речовина, рідина чи газ? - Елізабет Кокс 火是固体、液体还是气体?- 伊丽莎白-考克斯 火是固體、液體還是氣體? ——伊麗莎白·考克斯

Sitting around a campfire, you can feel its heat, 围坐|||篝火旁|||感受到||热量 |||Lagerfeuer||||| |alrededor||||||| Bir kamp ateşinin etrafında otururken, onun sıcaklığını hissedebilirsiniz,

smell the woody smoke, and hear it crackle. ||木质的|烟雾||听到||噼啪作响

If you get too close, Eğer çok yaklaşırsan,

it burns your eyes and stings your nostrils. |灼烧||||刺痛||鼻孔 |||||stechen||Nasenlöcher |||||||鼻孔 gözlerinizi yakar ve burun deliklerinizi sokar. воно пече очі і щипає ніздрі.

You could stare at the bright flames forever ||凝视|||明亮的|火焰|永远 Sonsuza kadar parlak alevlere bakabilirsin.

as they twist and flicker in endless incarnations. ||扭动||闪烁||无尽的|化身 |||||||Inkarnationen terwijl ze draaien en flikkeren in eindeloze incarnaties. sonsuz enkarnasyonlarda bükülürken ve titrerken. як вони звиваються і мерехтять у нескінченних втіленнях.

But what exactly are you looking at? Ama tam olarak neye bakıyorsunuz?

The flames are obviously not solid, |火焰显然不固体||显然||固体的 |Flammen|||| Alevlerin katı olmadığı açık,

nor are they liquid. |||流动性 ne de sıvıdırlar.

Mingling with the air, they're more like a gas, 混合|||空气|||||气体 Vermischung|||||||| Havayla karıştıklarında daha çok gaz gibi olurlar, Змішуючись з повітрям, вони більше схожі на газ,

but more visible--and more fleeting. ||更显眼|||短暂的 |||||vergänglich |||||儚い ama daha görünür - ve daha geçici. але більш помітні - і більш швидкоплинні.

And on a scientific level, fire differs from gas |||科学的|层面||不同于||气体 Ve bilimsel düzeyde, ateş gazdan farklıdır

because gases can exist in the same state indefinitely |气体||存在||||状态|无限期地 ||||||||無限に çünkü gazlar sonsuza kadar aynı durumda kalabilir

while fires always burn out eventually. |||燃烧||最终 enquanto os incêndios acabam sempre por se extinguir. Yangınlar ise her zaman eninde sonunda söner.

One misconception is that fire is a plasma, |误解||||||等离子体 |||||||プラズマ Bir yanlış anlama da ateşin bir plazma olduğudur,

the fourth state of matter in which atoms |第四态|等离子态||等离子体|||原子 ||状態||||| atomların içinde bulunduğu maddenin dördüncü hali

are stripped of their electrons. |被剥夺||| elektronlarından arındırılır. позбавляються своїх електронів.

Like fire and unlike the other kinds of matter, |像火一样||不同于||||| Ateş gibi ve diğer madde türlerinden farklı olarak, Як вогонь і на відміну від інших видів матерії,

plasmas don't exist in a stable state on earth. 等离子体||存在|||||| Plasmen|||||||| plazmalar yeryüzünde kararlı bir halde bulunmazlar.

They only form when gas is exposed to an electric field or superheated ||||气体||||||||过热的 Sadece gaz bir elektrik alanına maruz kaldığında veya aşırı ısındığında oluşurlar Вони утворюються лише тоді, коли газ піддається дії електричного поля або перегрівається

to temperatures of thousands or tens of thousands of degrees. |温度||数千度||数万||||度 binlerce veya on binlerce derecelik sıcaklıklara kadar.

By contrast, fuels like wood and paper burn |相比之下|燃料||||纸张|燃烧

at a few hundred degrees —far below the |||几百度|几百度|||

threshold of what's usually considered a plasma. 临界点|||||| limiar do que é normalmente considerado um plasma. поріг того, що зазвичай вважається плазмою.

So if fire isn't a solid, liquid, gas, |||||固体|液体|气体 Então, se o fogo não é um sólido, um líquido, um gás,

or a plasma, what does that leave? ou um plasma, o que é que isso deixa?

It turns out fire isn't actually matter at all. |||火焰||实际上||| Acontece que o fogo não é de facto uma matéria. Оказывается, огонь вовсе не материя.

Instead, it's our sensory experience of a |||感官体验|感官体验|| Em vez disso, é a nossa experiência sensorial de um Вместо этого это наше сенсорное восприятие Натомість це наш чуттєвий досвід a

chemical reaction called combustion. 化学反应|反应||燃烧反应 |||Verbrennung reação química chamada combustão. химической реакции под названием горение. хімічна реакція, яка називається горінням.

In a way, fire is like the leaves changing color in fall, |||火焰||||树叶|变色|||秋天 De certa forma, o fogo é como as folhas que mudam de cor no outono,

the smell of fruit as it ripens, |||水果的香味|||成熟时 ||||||reift

or a firefly's blinking light. ||萤火虫的|| ||Glühwürmchen|| ou a luz intermitente de um pirilampo. або мерехтливий вогник світлячка.

All of these are sensory clues that a ||||感官的|线索||

chemical reaction is taking place. 化学反应||正在发生|进行|

What differs about fire is that it engages a lot of |||火焰不同之处在于它涉及很多。||||吸引了很多||| |||||||einbezieht||| O que difere o fogo é o facto de envolver uma grande quantidade de Вогонь відрізняється тим, що він залучає багато

our senses at the same time, creating the kind of vivid |感官|||||创造出|||| наші органи чуття водночас створюють вигляд яскравих

experience we expect to come from a physical thing. 体验||期望||||||

Combustion creates that sensory experience 燃烧产生感官体验|||感官体验|体验

using fuel, heat, and oxygen. ||燃烧||

In a campfire, when the logs are heated to their ignition temperature, ||篝火|||木柴||加热|||着火点|着火温度 У багатті, коли поліна нагріваються до температури займання,

the walls of their cells decompose, |||||分解 as paredes das suas células decompõem-se,

releasing sugars and other molecules into the air. 释放|糖分|||分子|||

These molecules then react with airborne oxygen |这些分子||反应||空气中的|氧气 Estas moléculas reagem depois com o oxigénio do ar

to create carbon dioxide and water. ||碳|二氧化物||

At the same time, any trapped water in the logs |||||困住的||||原木

vaporizes, expands, ruptures the wood around it, 汽化|膨胀|破裂|||| ||zerreißt|||| випаровується, розширюється, розриває деревину навколо себе,

and escapes with a satisfying crackle. |逸出||||

As the fire heats up, the carbon dioxide and water vapor |||加热|||二氧化碳|二氧化碳|和||水蒸气 À medida que o fogo aquece, o dióxido de carbono e o vapor de água Коли вогонь нагрівається, вуглекислий газ і водяна пара

created by combustion expand.

Now that they're less dense, they rise in a thinning column. ||他们||稠密的||上升|||稀疏的|柱状体 |||||||||dünner werdenden| Agora que são menos densas, sobem numa coluna mais fina. Тепер, коли вони менш щільні, вони піднімаються тонким стовпчиком.

Gravity causes this expansion and rising, which gives 重力作用|引起||膨胀||上升||导致

flames their characteristic taper. 火焰的锥形||特有的|锥形 |||Verjüngung chama a sua conicidade caraterística. полум'я їх характерна конусність.

Without gravity, molecules don't separate 没有|重力|分子||分离

by density and the flames have a totally different shape. |密度|||火焰形状|||完全地|不同的|形状 за щільністю і полум'я мають зовсім іншу форму.

We can see all of this because combustion |||||||燃烧过程 Podemos ver tudo isto porque a combustão

also generates light.

Molecules emit light when heated, 分子发光|发射|||加热 Молекули випромінюють світло при нагріванні,

and the color of the light depends ||||||取决于

on the temperature of the molecules. ||温度|||分子的温度

The hottest flames are white or blue. |最热的|火焰||白色||

The type of molecules in a fire can |||火中的分子|||| O tipo de moléculas num incêndio pode

also influence flame color. |影响|火焰颜色| também influenciam a cor da chama.

For instance, any unreacted carbon atoms from the logs |例如||未反应的|碳原子|碳原子|||木材 |||nicht reagierten||||| Por exemplo, quaisquer átomos de carbono que não tenham reagido dos toros

form little clumps of soot that rise ||小团块||烟灰|| ||||すす|| formam pequenos aglomerados de fuligem que sobem утворюють маленькі грудочки сажі, які піднімаються

into the flames and emit the yellow-orange ||火焰中||||黄色橙色|

light we associate with a campfire. ||联想到|||篝火光芒

Substances like copper, calcium chloride, 物质||铜|钙|氯化物 ||||Chlorid Такі речовини, як мідь, хлорид кальцію,

and potassium chloride can add their |钾|氯化物||| |Kalium|||| а хлористий калій можна додати свої

own characteristic hues to the mix. |特有的|色调||| ||Farben||| власні характерні відтінки суміші.

Besides colorful flames, 除了|五彩斑斓|五彩火焰

fire also continues to generate heat as it burns. ||继续||产生|热量|||燃烧 o fogo também continua a gerar calor enquanto arde.

This heat sustains the flames by keeping ||维持||火焰||保持 ||erhält|||| Це тепло підтримує полум'я, зберігаючи

the fuel at or above ignition temperature. |燃料|||以上|点火温度|温度 o combustível a uma temperatura igual ou superior à temperatura de ignição.

Eventually, though, even the hottest fires 最终||甚至||最炽热的|火焰 Eventualmente, porém, mesmo os fogos mais quentes

run out of fuel or oxygen. |||||氧气 ficar sem combustível ou oxigénio.

Then, those twisting flames give a final hiss ||扭曲的|火焰|||最后|嘶嘶声 |||||||Zischen Depois, aquelas chamas retorcidas dão um assobio final Потім це звивисте полум’я видає останнє шипіння

and disappear with a wisp of smoke |消失不见|||一缕烟雾||烟雾消失 ||||und verschwindet mit einer Rauchwolke|| e desaparecem com uma nuvem de fumo і зникає з повітром диму

as if they were never there at all. como se nunca tivessem estado lá.