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TED-Ed, The breathtaking courage of Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson

The breathtaking courage of Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson

Escaping slavery; 00:08 risking everything to save her family; 00:10 leading a military raid; 00:11 championing the cause of women's suffrage; 00:14 these are just a handful of the accomplishments 00:16 of one of America's most courageous heroes. 00:19 Harriet Tubman was born Araminta Ross in Dorchester County, Maryland, 00:23 in the early 1820s. 00:25 Born into chattel slavery, Araminta, or Minty, was the fifth of nine children. 00:30 Two of Minty's older sisters were sold to a chain gang. 00:33 Even as a small child, 00:35 Minty was hired out to different owners, 00:37 who subjected her to whippings and punishment. 00:39 Young Minty's life changed forever on an errand to a neighborhood store. 00:43 There, an overseer threw a two-pound weight at a fugitive enslaved person, 00:47 missed, and struck Minty instead. 00:50 Her injury caused her to experience sleeping spells, 00:53 which we know of today as narcolepsy, 00:55 for the rest of her life. 00:57 Minty's owner tried to sell her, 00:59 but there were no buyers for an enslaved person who fell into sleeping spells. 01:03 She was instead put to work with her father, Ben Ross, 01:06 who taught her how to lumber. 01:08 Lumbering increased Minty's physical strength 01:10 and put her in touch with free black sailors who shipped the wood to the North. 01:15 From them, Minty learned about the secret communications 01:18 that occurred along trade routes, 01:20 information that would prove invaluable later in her life. 01:24 In this mixed atmosphere of free and enslaved blacks working side by side, 01:28 Minty met John Tubman, a free black man she married in 1844. 01:33 After marriage, she renamed herself Harriet, after her mother. 01:37 Harriet Tubman's owner died in 1849. 01:40 When his widow planned to sell off her enslaved human beings, 01:43 Harriet feared she would be sold away from everyone she loved. 01:47 She had heard of an “underground railroad," 01:49 a secret network of safe houses, 01:51 boat captains, 01:52 and wagon drivers 01:54 willing to harbor fugitive enslaved people on their way north. 01:58 So Tubman fled with two of her brothers, Ben and Harry. 02:01 They eventually turned back, fearing they were lost. 02:04 But in one of her sleeping spells, 02:06 Harriet dreamed that she could fly like a bird. 02:09 Looking down below, she saw the path to liberation. 02:13 And in the autumn of 1849, she set out on her own, 02:17 following the North Star to Pennsylvania, and to freedom. 02:21 Tubman returned to the South 13 times to free her niece, 02:25 brothers, 02:26 parents, 02:27 and many others. 02:28 She earned the nickname Black Moses 02:30 and worked diligently with fellow abolitionists 02:33 to help enslaved people escape, 02:35 first to the North, and later to Canada. 02:38 Harriet Tubman worked as a Union army nurse, 02:41 scout, 02:42 and spy during the Civil War. 02:44 In 1863, she became the first woman in United States history 02:48 to plan and lead a military raid, 02:50 liberating nearly 700 enslaved persons in South Carolina. 02:55 After the war, the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 02:59 legally abolished slavery, 03:01 while the 14th expanded citizenship 03:03 and the 15th gave voting rights to formerly enslaved black men. 03:07 But she was undaunted, and she persisted. 03:10 She raised funds for formerly enslaved persons 03:13 and helped build schools and a hospital on their behalf. 03:17 In 1888, Tubman became more active in the fight for women's right to vote. 03:22 In 1896, she appeared at the founding convention 03:25 of the National Association of Colored Women in Washington D.C. 03:29 and later at a woman's suffrage meeting in Rochester, New York. 03:33 There she told the audience: 03:35 “I was a conductor on the Underground Railroad, 03:38 and I can say what many others cannot. 03:41 I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger.” 03:45 As her fame grew, 03:47 various friends and allies helped her in the fight 03:50 to collect a veteran's pension for her service in the Union Army. 03:53 In 1899, she was finally granted $20 a month. 03:58 In a fitting twist of fate, 03:59 the United States Treasury announced in 2016 04:02 that Tubman's image will appear on a redesigned twenty dollar bill. 04:07 Harriet Tubman died on March 10, 1913. 04:11 Even on her deathbed at age 91, 04:14 she kept the freedom of her people in mind. 04:16 Her final words were: 04:18 "I go away to prepare a place for you.”

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The breathtaking courage of Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson ||||Harriet Tubman|Tubman|Janell Hobson|Janell Hobson ||勇気||||| Der atemberaubende Mut von Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson El impresionante valor de Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson Le courage époustouflant de Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson Il coraggio mozzafiato di Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson ハリエット・タブマンの息をのむ勇気 - ジャネル・ホブソン Kvapą gniaužianti Harietos Tubman drąsa - Janell Hobson De adembenemende moed van Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson Zapierająca dech w piersiach odwaga Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson A coragem arrebatadora de Harriet Tubman - Janell Hobson Захватывающее мужество Гарриет Табман - Джанелл Хобсон Harriet Tubman'ın nefes kesen cesareti - Janell Hobson Захоплююча дух мужність Гаррієт Табмен - Джанелл Гобсон 哈丽特·塔布曼的惊人勇气——珍妮尔·霍布森 哈麗特·塔布曼的驚人勇氣——珍妮爾·霍布森

Escaping slavery; 00:08 risking everything to save her family; 00:10 leading a military raid; 00:11 championing the cause of women’s suffrage; 00:14 these are just a handful of the accomplishments 00:16 of one of America’s most courageous heroes. ||冒险|||||||||突袭||||||||||||||||||||| ||alles riskierend||||||||||für die Sache|||||Frauenwahlrecht||||||||Errungenschaften||||||| Kölelikten kaçmak; 00:08 ailesini kurtarmak için her şeyi riske atmak; 00:10 askeri bir baskına liderlik etmek; 00:11 kadınların oy hakkı davasını savunmak; 00:14 bunlar Amerika'nın en cesur kahramanlarından birinin 00:16 başarılarından sadece birkaçı. Втеча з рабства; 00:08 ризикує всім, щоб врятувати свою сім'ю; 00:10 ведення військового рейду; 00:11 відстоювання права жінок на вибори; 00:14 це лише невелика частина досягнень 00:16 одного з найсміливіших героїв Америки. 00:19 Harriet Tubman was born Araminta Ross in Dorchester County, Maryland, 00:23 in the early 1820s. ||||Araminta Ross|Ross||Dorchester County||Maryland|||| 00:19 Harriet Tubman, 1820'lerin başında Maryland, Dorchester County'de 00:23 Araminta Ross olarak doğdu. 00:25 Born into chattel slavery, Araminta, or Minty, was the fifth of nine children. ||Leibeigenschaft||||Minty|||||| 00:25 Menkul köleliğinde doğan Araminta ya da Minty, dokuz çocuğun beşincisiydi. 00:25 Народившись у рабстві, Арамінта, або Мінті, була п'ятою з дев'яти дітей. 00:30 Two of Minty’s older sisters were sold to a chain gang. ||Mintys|||||||| 00:30 Две старшие сестры Минти были проданы в каторжный лагерь. 00:30 Minty'nin iki ablası bir zincir çetesine satıldı. 00:30 Дві старші сестри Мінті були продані банді. 00:33 Even as a small child, 00:35 Minty was hired out to different owners, 00:37 who subjected her to whippings and punishment. ||||||||||||||||Prügel|| 00:33 Еще будучи маленьким ребенком, Минти была сдана в аренду разным владельцам, которые подвергали ее побоям и наказаниям. 00:33 Küçük bir çocukken bile, 00:35 Minty, onu kırbaçlamaya ve cezalandırmaya maruz bırakan 00:37 farklı sahiplere kiralandı. 00:33 Навіть будучи маленькою дитиною, 00:35 Мінті віддавали в найми різним власникам, 00:37 які піддавали її бичуванням і покаранням. 00:39 Young Minty’s life changed forever on an errand to a neighborhood store. |||||||Besorgung|||| 00:39 Жизнь молодой Минти изменилась навсегда во время поручения в магазин в соседнем районе. 00:39 Genç Minty'nin hayatı, mahalledeki bir dükkâna yaptığı bir ayak işi sırasında sonsuza dek değişti. 00:39 Життя молодої Мінті назавжди змінилося під час поїздки до сусіднього магазину. 00:43 There, an overseer threw a two-pound weight at a fugitive enslaved person, 00:47 missed, and struck Minty instead. ||Aufseher||||||||flüchtigen||||||| 00:43 そこで、監督が逃亡中の奴隷に2ポンドの重りを投げつけたが、00:47は外れ、代わりにミンティに命中した。 00:43 Lá, um feitor atirou um peso de dois quilos a um escravo fugitivo, 00:47 falhou e atingiu Minty em vez dele. 00:43 Там надзиратель бросил двухфунтовый груз на беглого раба, 00:47 промахнулся и попал в Минти вместо него. 00:43 Orada, bir gözetmen kaçak bir köleye iki kiloluk bir ağırlık fırlattı, 00:47 ıskaladı ve onun yerine Minty'ye çarptı. 00:43 Там наглядач кинув двофунтову гирю у бігла поневолену особу, 00:47 промахнувся й натомість вдарив Мінті. 00:50 Her injury caused her to experience sleeping spells, 00:53 which we know of today as narcolepsy, 00:55 for the rest of her life. |||||||Schlafanfälle|||||||Narkolepsie||die|||| 00:50 Ее травма вызвала у нее приступы бессознательности, 00:53 которые мы сегодня знаем как нарколепсию, 00:55 на протяжении всей жизни. 00:50 Yaralanması, bugün narkolepsi olarak bildiğimiz 00:53 uyku nöbetlerini hayatının geri kalanında 00:55 yaşamasına neden oldu. 00:50 Її травма змусила її відчувати заклинання сну, 00:53 які ми сьогодні називаємо нарколепсією, 00:55 протягом усього життя. 00:57 Minty’s owner tried to sell her, 00:59 but there were no buyers for an enslaved person who fell into sleeping spells. |Besitzer|||||||||||||||||| 00:57 Хозяин Минти пытался ее продать, 00:59 но не было покупателей на раба, который падал в бессознательное состояние. 00:57 Minty'nin sahibi onu satmaya çalıştı, 00:59 ancak uyku nöbetlerine giren köleleştirilmiş bir kişi için alıcı yoktu. 01:03 She was instead put to work with her father, Ben Ross, 01:06 who taught her how to lumber. ||||||||||||||||Holzarbeiten ||||||||||||||||木材を切る 01:03 Вместо этого ее посылали работать с ее отцом, Беном Россом, который научил ее работе лесоруба. 01:03 Bunun yerine, ona keresteciliği öğreten babası Ben Ross'un yanında çalışmaya başladı. 01:06 01:03 Натомість її залучили до роботи з її батьком, Беном Россом, 01:06 який навчив її лісопиляти. 01:08 Lumbering increased Minty’s physical strength 01:10 and put her in touch with free black sailors who shipped the wood to the North. Holzern|||||||||||||||versendeten||||| 木材運搬|||||||||||||||||||| 01:08 A exploração madeireira aumentou a força física de Minty 01:10 e colocou-a em contacto com marinheiros negros livres que transportavam a madeira para o Norte. 01:08 Работа лесорубом увеличила физическую силу Минти и позволила ей познакомиться с свободными чернокожими моряками, которые отправляли дерево на север. 01:08 Kerestecilik Minty'nin fiziksel gücünü artırdı 01:10 ve onu Kuzey'e odun taşıyan özgür siyah denizcilerle temasa geçirdi. 01:08 Лісоматеріали збільшили фізичну силу Мінті 01:10 і зв'язали її з вільними чорношкірими моряками, які відправляли деревину на північ. 01:15 From them, Minty learned about the secret communications 01:18 that occurred along trade routes, 01:20 information that would prove invaluable later in her life. |||||||||||||||||unbezahlbar|||| 01:15 У них Минти узнала о тайных связях, которые существовали по торговым маршрутам, информация, которая позже оказалась бесценной в ее жизни. 01:15 Minty onlardan ticaret yolları boyunca gerçekleşen gizli iletişimleri 01:18 öğrendi, 01:20 bu bilgiler hayatının ilerleyen dönemlerinde çok değerli olacaktı. 01:24 In this mixed atmosphere of free and enslaved blacks working side by side, 01:28 Minty met John Tubman, a free black man she married in 1844. 01:24 Özgür ve köleleştirilmiş siyahların yan yana çalıştığı bu karışık ortamda, 01:28 Minty 1844'te evlendiği özgür bir siyah olan John Tubman ile tanıştı. 01:33 After marriage, she renamed herself Harriet, after her mother. 01:37 Harriet Tubman’s owner died in 1849. |Tubmans||| 01:40 When his widow planned to sell off her enslaved human beings, 01:43 Harriet feared she would be sold away from everyone she loved. 01:40 Quando a sua viúva planeou vender os seus seres humanos escravizados, 01:43 Harriet temeu ser vendida para longe de todos os que amava. 01:47 She had heard of an “underground railroad," 01:49 a secret network of safe houses, 01:51 boat captains, 01:52 and wagon drivers 01:54 willing to harbor fugitive enslaved people on their way north. ||||||||||||||Bootskapitäne|||||||flüchtigen|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||逃亡者|||||| 01:47 Ela tinha ouvido falar de um "caminho de ferro subterrâneo", 01:49 uma rede secreta de casas seguras, 01:51 capitães de barcos, 01:52 e condutores de carroças 01:54 dispostos a abrigar pessoas escravizadas fugitivas a caminho do norte. 01:47 Она слышала про “подпольную железную дорогу", 01:49 секретную сеть безопасных домов, 01:51 капитанов судов, 01:52 и вагонов, 01:54 готовых принять беглых рабов на их пути на север. 01:47 Вона чула про «підземну залізницю», 01:49 таємну мережу безпечних будинків, 01:51 капітанів човнів, 01:52 і водіїв фургонів 01:54 бажаючих дати притулок поневоленим утікачам на шляху на північ. 01:58 So Tubman fled with two of her brothers, Ben and Harry. 01:58 Так что Табман сбежала с двумя своими братьями, Беном и Гарри. 02:01 They eventually turned back, fearing they were lost. 02:01 В конце концов они развернулись, опасаясь, что потерялись. 02:04 But in one of her sleeping spells, 02:06 Harriet dreamed that she could fly like a bird. 02:09 Looking down below, she saw the path to liberation. 02:13 And in the autumn of 1849, she set out on her own, 02:17 following the North Star to Pennsylvania, and to freedom. 02:21 Tubman returned to the South 13 times to free her niece, 02:25 brothers, 02:26 parents, 02:27 and many others. 02:21 Tubman regressou ao Sul 13 vezes para libertar a sobrinha, 02:25 os irmãos, 02:26 os pais, 02:27 e muitos outros. 02:28 She earned the nickname Black Moses 02:30 and worked diligently with fellow abolitionists 02:33 to help enslaved people escape, 02:35 first to the North, and later to Canada. |||||Moses|||eifrig|||Abolitionisten||||||||||||| 02:28 Вона отримала прізвисько Чорний Мойсей 02:30 і старанно працювала з колегами-аболіціоністами 02:33, щоб допомогти поневоленим людям втекти, 02:35 спочатку на Північ, а пізніше в Канаду. 02:38 Harriet Tubman worked as a Union army nurse, 02:41 scout, 02:42 and spy during the Civil War. |||||||||||||南北戦争| 02:38 Гаррієт Табмен працювала медсестрою в армії Союзу, 02:41 розвідником, 02:42 і шпигуном під час громадянської війни. 02:44 In 1863, she became the first woman in United States history 02:48 to plan and lead a military raid, 02:50 liberating nearly 700 enslaved persons in South Carolina. |||||||||||||||||||||||South Carolina |||||||||||||||||解放する|||||| 02:55 After the war, the 13th Amendment to the U.S. |||||Änderung|||| 02:55 Після війни, 13-та поправка до США Constitution 02:59 legally abolished slavery, 03:01 while the 14th expanded citizenship 03:03 and the 15th gave voting rights to formerly enslaved black men. Verfassung||abschaffte||||||||||||||||| ||廃止した||||||||||||||||| A Constituição 02:59 aboliu legalmente a escravatura, 03:01 enquanto a 14ª alargou a cidadania 03:03 e a 15ª deu direito de voto aos negros anteriormente escravizados. Конституція 02:59 юридично скасовує рабство, 03:01, тоді як 14-та розширює громадянство 03:03, а 15-та надає право голосу чорношкірим, які раніше були поневоленими. 03:07 But she was undaunted, and she persisted. |||unbeirrt||| 03:07 Mas ela não se intimidou e persistiu. 03:07 Але вона не злякалася і наполягала. 03:10 She raised funds for formerly enslaved persons 03:13 and helped build schools and a hospital on their behalf. 03:10 Вона збирала кошти для колишніх поневолених 03:13 і допомагала будувати школи та лікарню від їхнього імені. 03:17 In 1888, Tubman became more active in the fight for women’s right to vote. 03:22 In 1896, she appeared at the founding convention 03:25 of the National Association of Colored Women in Washington D.C. 03:22 У 1896 році вона з'явилася на установчому з'їзді 03:25 Національної асоціації кольорових жінок у Вашингтоні, округ Колумбія 03:29 and later at a woman’s suffrage meeting in Rochester, New York. 03:29, а пізніше на зустрічі з питань виборчого права жінок у Рочестері, Нью-Йорк. 03:33 There she told the audience: 03:35 “I was a conductor on the Underground Railroad, 03:38 and I can say what many others cannot. 03:41 I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger.” 03:45 As her fame grew, 03:47 various friends and allies helped her in the fight 03:50 to collect a veteran’s pension for her service in the Union Army. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Veteranen|||||||| 03:41 Nunca tirei o meu comboio dos carris e nunca perdi um passageiro". 03:45 À medida que a sua fama crescia, 03:47 vários amigos e aliados ajudaram-na na luta 03:50 para receber uma pensão de veterano pelo seu serviço no Exército da União. 03:53 In 1899, she was finally granted $20 a month. 03:58 In a fitting twist of fate, 03:59 the United States Treasury announced in 2016 04:02 that Tubman’s image will appear on a redesigned twenty dollar bill. |||||||||Finanzministerium||||||||||neu gestalteten||| 03:58 Numa reviravolta apropriada do destino, 03:59 o Tesouro dos Estados Unidos anunciou em 2016 04:02 que a imagem de Tubman aparecerá numa nota de vinte dólares redesenhada. 03:58 В злоключениях судьбы, 03:59 Министерство финансов США объявило в 2016 году, что изображение Табман появится на переделанных двадцатидолларовых купюрах. 03:58 За доречною іронією долі, 03:59 Казначейство Сполучених Штатів оголосило в 2016 році 04:02, що зображення Табмена з'явиться на оновленій двадцятидоларовій банкноті. 04:07 Harriet Tubman died on March 10, 1913. 04:07 Харриет Табман умерла 10 марта 1913 года. 04:11 Even on her deathbed at age 91, 04:14 she kept the freedom of her people in mind. |||Sterbebett||||||||||| 04:11 Даже на смертном одре в возрасте 91 года, она держала свободу своего народа в уме. 04:16 Her final words were: 04:18 "I go away to prepare a place for you.” 04:16 As suas últimas palavras foram: 04:18 "Vou-me embora para preparar um lugar para ti".