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Friends S02, Friends S02E03 2d

Friends S02E03 2d

It's very faint, but I can still sense him in the building. Go into the light, Mr. Heckles! Okay, Phoebe. I'm sorry, but sometimes they need help. Here we go. That's fine, go ahead and scoff. There are a lot of things I don't believe in... ...but that doesn't mean they're not true. Such as? Like crop circles or the Bermuda Triangle or evolution. What, you don't believe in evolution? Not really. You don't believe in evolution? I don't know. It's just, you know... Monkeys, Darwin, it's a nice story. I just think it's a little too easy. "Too easy"? Too The process of every living thing on this planet evolving... ...over millions of years from single-celled organisms is "too easy"? Yeah, I just don't buy it. Excuse me. Evolution is not for you to buy, Phoebe. Evolution is scientific fact, like the air we breathe... ...like gravity. Don't get me started on gravity. You don't believe in gravity? Well, it's not so much that, you know, I don't believe in it. Lately I get the feeling that... ...I'm not so much being pulled down as I am being pushed. Pushed. It's Isaac Newton and he's pissed. There she is. And over there, that's the other one. This is Mr. Buddy Doyle, Heckles' attorney. He'd like to talk to you. What can we do for you? All right, kids, here's the deal. According my client's will... ...he wants to leave all his earthly possessions... ...to "the noisy girls in the apartment above mine." What about his family? He didn't have any. Okay, so let's talk money. All right, there was none. Now, let's talk signing. You be noisy girl number one. You be noisy girl number two. I can't believe that this whole time we thought he hated us. Isn't it amazing how much you can touch someone's life... ...without even knowing it? Would you look at this dump? He hated us! This was his final revenge! I've never seen so much crap! Actually, I think this apartment sullies the good name of crap. Check this out. Can I have this? How can you not believe in evolution? I don't know, just don't. Look at this funky shirt! Pheebs, I've studied evolution my entire adult life. And we've collected fossils from all over the world... ...that actually show the evolution of different species. I mean, you can literally see them... ...evolving through time.

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Friends S02E03 2d Freunde S02E03 2d Friends S02E03 2d フレンズ S02E03 2d Friends S02E03 2d Друзья S02E03 2d Friends S02E03 2d Друзі 2 сезон 3 серія 老友记 S02E03 2d

It’s very faint, but I can still sense him in the building. ||schwach||||||||| Es muy débil, pero aún puedo sentirlo en el edificio. C'est très faible, mais je peux toujours le sentir dans le bâtiment. Він дуже слабкий, але я все одно відчуваю його в будівлі. Go into the light, Mr. Heckles! ¡Vaya hacia la luz, Sr. Heckles! Allez dans la lumière, M. Heckles! Okay, Phoebe. I’m sorry, but sometimes they need help. Lo siento, pero a veces necesitan ayuda. Je suis désolé, mais parfois ils ont besoin d'aide. Вибачте, але іноді їм потрібна допомога. Here we go. Nous y voilà. That’s fine, go ahead and scoff. |||||verächtlich lachen |||||zombe Está bien, adelante, ríete. C'est bien, allez-y et moquez-vous. Це добре, вперед і глузувати. There are a lot of things I don’t believe in... ...but that doesn’t mean they’re not true. Hay muchas cosas en las que no creo... ...pero eso no significa que no sean verdad. Є багато речей, у які я не вірю... ...але це не означає, що вони неправдиві. Such as? Tel que? Як от? Like crop circles or the Bermuda Triangle or evolution. |Kreis|Kreise|||Dreieck|Dreieck||Evolution Como los círculos de las cosechas o el Triángulo de las Bermudas o la evolución. Як кола на полях, Бермудський трикутник чи еволюція. What, you don’t believe in evolution? ¿Qué, no crees en la evolución? Not really. Pas vraiment. You don’t believe in evolution? ¿No crees en la evolución? I don’t know. It’s just, you know... Monkeys, Darwin, it’s a nice story. Es que, ya sabes... Monos, Darwin, es una bonita historia. I just think it’s a little too easy. Creo que es demasiado fácil. "Too easy"? Too The process of every living thing on this planet evolving... ...over millions of years from single-celled organisms is "too easy"? |||||||||||||||||einzelligen|Organismen||| Demasiado ¿El proceso de evolución de todos los seres vivos del planeta... ...a lo largo de millones de años a partir de organismos unicelulares es "demasiado fácil"? Занадто Процес еволюції кожної живої істоти на цій планеті... ...протягом мільйонів років від одноклітинних організмів є «занадто легким»? Yeah, I just don’t buy it. Sí, no me lo creo. Так, я просто не купую це. Excuse me. Evolution is not for you to buy, Phoebe. La evolución no es para que la compres, Phoebe. Еволюцію не для тебе, Фібі. Evolution is scientific fact, like the air we breathe... ...like gravity. ||||||||||Gravitation Don’t get me started on gravity. Ne me lancez pas dans la gravité. Не починайте з гравітації. You don’t believe in gravity? Well, it’s not so much that, you know, I don’t believe in it. Eh bien, ce n'est pas tellement ça, vous savez, je n'y crois pas. Lately I get the feeling that... ...I’m not so much being pulled down as I am being pushed. ||||||ich||||||||||| Últimamente tengo la sensación de que... ...más que derribarme, me empujan. Dernièrement, j'ai le sentiment que ... ... je ne suis pas tant abattu que poussé. Останнім часом я відчуваю, що... ...мене не стільки тягне вниз, скільки штовхає. Pushed. Poussé. штовхнув. It’s Isaac Newton and he’s pissed. |||||verärgert Es Isaac Newton y está cabreado. C'est Isaac Newton et il est énervé. Це Ісаак Ньютон, і він розлючений. There she is. And over there, that’s the other one. Et là-bas, c'est l'autre. This is Mr. Buddy Doyle, Heckles' attorney. ||||||Rechtsanwalt Voici M. Buddy Doyle, l'avocat de Heckles. He’d like to talk to you. Il aimerait te parler. What can we do for you? All right, kids, here’s the deal. Très bien, les enfants, voici l'affaire. Гаразд, діти, ось угода. According my client’s will... ...he wants to leave all his earthly possessions... ...to "the noisy girls in the apartment above mine." ||||||||||irdischen|||||||||| Según el testamento de mi cliente... ...quiere dejar todas sus posesiones terrenales... ...a "las chicas ruidosas del apartamento de arriba". Selon la volonté de mon client ... ... il veut laisser tous ses biens terrestres ... ... aux "filles bruyantes de l'appartement au-dessus du mien". Відповідно до волі мого клієнта... ...він хоче залишити все своє земне майно... ..."галасливим дівчатам у квартирі над моєю". What about his family? Et sa famille? А як щодо його родини? He didn’t have any. Okay, so let’s talk money. All right, there was none. Muy bien, no había ninguno. D'accord, il n'y en avait pas. Now, let’s talk signing. |||Unterschrift leisten Тепер поговоримо про підписання. You be noisy girl number one. Tu es la fille bruyante numéro un. You be noisy girl number two. Du||||| I can’t believe that this whole time we thought he hated us. Je ne peux pas croire que tout ce temps nous pensions qu'il nous détestait. Isn’t it amazing how much you can touch someone’s life... ...without even knowing it? ||||||||||||es zu wissen| N'est-ce pas étonnant à quel point vous pouvez toucher la vie de quelqu'un ... ... sans même le savoir? Would you look at this dump? |||||Müll ¿Mirarías este basurero? Voudriez-vous regarder ce dépotoir? Ви б подивились на цей смітник? He hated us! Il nous détestait! This was his final revenge! ||||Rache C'était sa dernière revanche! Це була його остання помста! I’ve never seen so much crap! Je n'ai jamais vu autant de merde! Actually, I think this apartment sullies the good name of crap. |||||schädigt||||| |||||mancha||||| En realidad, creo que este departamento mancilla el buen nombre de la basura. En fait, je pense que cet appartement souille la bonne réputation de la merde. Насправді, я думаю, що ця квартира псує добре ім’я лайна. Check this out. Regarde ça. Can I have this? Puis-je avoir ceci? How can you not believe in evolution? Comment ne pas croire à l'évolution? I don’t know, just don’t. Je ne sais pas, juste pas. Look at this funky shirt! |||estilosa| ¡Mira esta camisa tan divertida! Regardez cette chemise géniale! Подивіться на цю стильну сорочку! Pheebs, I’ve studied evolution my entire adult life. Pheebs, j'ai étudié l'évolution toute ma vie d'adulte. And we’ve collected fossils from all over the world... ...that actually show the evolution of different species. ||gesammelt|Fossilien|||||||||||||Arten Y hemos recogido fósiles de todo el mundo... ...que muestran la evolución de las distintas especies. Et nous avons collecté des fossiles du monde entier ... ... qui montrent en fait l'évolution de différentes espèces. I mean, you can literally see them... ...evolving through time. ||||buchstäblich||||| Je veux dire, vous pouvez littéralement les voir ... ... évoluer dans le temps. Я маю на увазі, що ви буквально можете побачити, як вони... ...еволюціонують у часі.