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Friends S02, Friends S02E08 3d

Friends S02E08 3d

Let's start with the cons because they're more fun. Rachel first. I don't know. I mean... All right, I guess you can say she's a little spoiled sometimes. You could say that. I guess, sometimes she's a little ditzy, you know? And I've seen her be a little too into her looks. And Julie and I have a lot in common... ...because we're both paleontologists, right? But Rachel's just a waitress. Waitress. Got it. You guys want to play Doom? Or we could keep doing this. What else? I don't know. Oh! Her ankles are a little chubby. Okay, let's do Julie. What's wrong with her? She's not Rachel. This is pumpkin pie with a Macholate crust. This is Macholate cranberry cake, and these are Macholate-chip cookies. Just like the Indians served. Oh, my God! "Oh, my God" good? Oh, my God! I can't believe you let me put this in my mouth. Sweet Lord! This is what evil must taste like! I tell you, it won't print. I pressed that button, like, 100 times. For a hotline, you're not so hot. What is that in the background? Are you watching Star Trek? So how was going with Julie. Did you break her heart? It was horrible. She cried, I cried. She threw things, they hit me. I did the right thing. So Spock actually hugs his father? Hey, do you guys have Where you going? I just got back... ...from Julie's. No, no. It's not what you think. It's the other thing. Well, what's the other thing? What do I think? Well... He broke up with Julie! Well, go hug her, for God's sakes! Really? Really. It's always been you, Rach. Oh, God. Oh, this is good. - This is really good. - I know. I know. It's almost... What do you say we take a walk? Just us. Not them. - Let me get my coat. - Okay. No, hey! I'll get your coat.

Friends S02E08 3d Freunde S02E08 3d フレンズ S02E08 3d Friends S02E08 3d Друзья S02E08 3d Friends S02E08 3d 老友记 S02E08 3d 老友記 S02E08 3d

Let’s start with the cons because they’re more fun. Rachel first. I don’t know. I mean... All right, I guess you can say she’s a little spoiled sometimes. Я маю на увазі... Гаразд, думаю, можна сказати, що вона іноді трохи розпещена. You could say that. Можна і так сказати. I guess, sometimes she’s a little ditzy, you know? Гадаю, інколи вона трохи запаморочена, розумієш? And I’ve seen her be a little too into her looks. І я бачив, як вона надто захоплюється своєю зовнішністю. And Julie and I have a lot in common... ...because we’re both paleontologists, right? У нас з Джулі багато спільного... ...тому що ми обидва палеонтологи, чи не так? But Rachel’s just a waitress. Waitress. Got it. You guys want to play Doom? Or we could keep doing this. What else? I don’t know. Oh! Her ankles are a little chubby. Її щиколотки трохи пухкі. Okay, let’s do Julie. What’s wrong with her? She’s not Rachel. This is pumpkin pie with a Macholate crust. This is Macholate cranberry cake, and these are Macholate-chip cookies. Just like the Indians served. Так само, як служили індіанці. Oh, my God! "Oh, my God" good? Oh, my God! I can’t believe you let me put this in my mouth. Sweet Lord! This is what evil must taste like! Ось яке зло має бути на смак! I tell you, it won’t print. I pressed that button, like, 100 times. For a hotline, you’re not so hot. What is that in the background? Are you watching Star Trek? So how was going with Julie. Did you break her heart? It was horrible. She cried, I cried. She threw things, they hit me. I did the right thing. Я вчинив правильно. So Spock actually hugs his father? Отже, Спок справді обіймає свого батька? Hey, do you guys have Where you going? I just got back... ...from Julie’s. No, no. It’s not what you think. It’s the other thing. Well, what’s the other thing? What do I think? Well... He broke up with Julie! Well, go hug her, for God’s sakes! Ну, йди обійми її, заради Бога! Really? Really. It’s always been you, Rach. Це завжди був ти, Рейч. Oh, God. Oh, this is good. - This is really good. - I know. I know. It’s almost... What do you say we take a walk? Вже майже... Що скажеш, щоб ми прогулялися? Just us. Not them. - Let me get my coat. - Okay. No, hey! I’ll get your coat. Я візьму твоє пальто.