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Friends S02, Friends S02E24 1d

Friends S02E24 1d

- Hey Joey, how'd the audition go? - Incredible! I met the director this time and you'll never believe who it was. - Who? - All right. I'll give you one hint. Warren Beatty. Yeah, there's just one thing that might be kind of a problem. See, I, uh, had to kiss this guy. 'Cause he was just so darn cute. No, as part of the audition. See, I'm up for this part of this guy, who the main guy kisses. Well, hey. You're an actor, I say you just suck it up and do it. Or you just do it. I did do it, I'm a professional. Besides my first girlfriend was Lisa Dibertis, so I am no stranger to the mustache. Then what's the problem? See after the scene, Mr. Beatty comes up to me and says 'good actor, bad kisser'. Can you believe that, me not a good kisser, that's like, like Mother Theresa, not a good mother. Well, come on, who cares what that guy thinks. What does Warren Beatty know about kissing Ooh. The one with Barry And Mindy's Wedding Hey, what did your agent say? Yep, this kiss thing is defiantly a problem, Mr. Beatty wants to see it again on Monday. Man, I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong. Oh, okay, one of you girls come over here and kiss me. - What, forget it! - Yeah, right. Come on, I need your help here. All right. I'll do it, I kissed him before I can do it again. You see this, this is a friend. Uh-huh, let's go. Oh, wait I have gum. Okay. Good, very good, firm but tender. I'd recommend you to a friend. Then I don't know what it is. What's the problem? Joey, you know, maybe your just not used to kissing men, maybe you just tensed up a little, maybe that's what you need to work on. Yeah, that makes sense. Over my dead body! And I'll be using his dead body as a shield. Come on out, honey! I'm telling you look good! Tell her she looks good, tell her she looks good. Oh my God, you look so good! I can not believe I have to walk down the aisle in front of 200 people looking like something you drink when your nauseous. So don't, I don't see why we have to go to this thing anyway, it's your ex-fiancee's wedding. Because I promised Mindy I would. Yeah, well you promised Barry, you'd marry him. Look you guys, I have to go, I'm the Maid-of-Honor. And besides you know what I just need to be in a room again with these people and feel good about myself. Ooh-oh! Someone's wearing the same clothes they had on last night. Someone get a little action? - I may have. - Woo-hoo, stuud! - What's she look like? - Well, we haven't exactly met, we just stayed up all night talking on the internet. Woo-hoo, geeek! I like this girl, okay, I seriously like this girl, you now how sometimes I tend get a little defended and quipy... - Get out! - Nooo! Well she totally called me on it, okay. She said, 'cut it out, get real', and I did. Wow! What's that like?

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Friends S02E24 1d フレンズ S02E24 1d Друзі S02E24 1d 老友记 S02E24 1d

- Hey Joey, how'd the audition go? - Гей, Джої, як пройшло прослуховування? - Incredible! - Неймовірно! I met the director this time and you'll never believe who it was. - Who? - All right. I'll give you one hint. Я дам вам одну підказку. Warren Beatty. Уоррен Бітті. Yeah, there's just one thing that might be kind of a problem. Так, є лише одна річ, яка може бути певною проблемою. See, I, uh, had to kiss this guy. Бачиш, мені довелося поцілувати цього хлопця. 'Cause he was just so darn cute. Тому що він був такий чертовски милий. No, as part of the audition. See, I'm up for this part of this guy, who the main guy kisses. Розумієте, я хочу зіграти роль цього хлопця, якого цілує головний герой. Well, hey. You're an actor, I say you just suck it up and do it. Ти актор, я кажу, що ти просто сприймаєш це і робиш це. Or you just do it. I did do it, I'm a professional. Я це зробив, я професіонал. Besides my first girlfriend was Lisa Dibertis, so I am no stranger to the mustache. До того ж моєю першою дівчиною була Ліза Дібертіс, тому вуса мені не чужі. Then what's the problem? See after the scene, Mr. Beatty comes up to me and says 'good actor, bad kisser'. Can you believe that, me not a good kisser, that's like, like Mother Theresa, not a good mother. Well, come on, who cares what that guy thinks. What does Warren Beatty know about kissing Ooh. Що Воррен Бітті знає про поцілунки Оу. The one with Barry And Mindy's Wedding Hey, what did your agent say? Yep, this kiss thing is defiantly a problem, Mr. Beatty wants to see it again on Monday. Так, з цим поцілунком явно проблема, пан Бітті хоче побачити його знову в понеділок. Man, I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong. Чоловіче, я повинен зрозуміти, що я роблю не так. Oh, okay, one of you girls come over here and kiss me. Ой, гаразд, одна з вас, дівчата, підійдіть сюди і поцілуйте мене. - What, forget it! - Yeah, right. Come on, I need your help here. All right. I'll do it, I kissed him before I can do it again. You see this, this is a friend. Uh-huh, let's go. Oh, wait I have gum. Okay. Good, very good, firm but tender. Добре, дуже добре, тверде, але ніжне. I'd recommend you to a friend. Then I don't know what it is. What's the problem? Joey, you know, maybe your just not used to kissing men, maybe you just tensed up a little, maybe that's what you need to work on. Джоуї, знаєш, можливо, ти просто не звик цілуватися з чоловіками, можливо, ти просто трохи напружився, можливо, це те, над чим тобі потрібно попрацювати. Yeah, that makes sense. Over my dead body! Через мій труп! And I'll be using his dead body as a shield. І я буду використовувати його мертве тіло як щит. Come on out, honey! Виходь, мила! I'm telling you look good! Tell her she looks good, tell her she looks good. Oh my God, you look so good! I can not believe I have to walk down the aisle in front of 200 people looking like something you drink when your nauseous. Я не можу повірити, що мені доводиться йти по проходу перед 200 людьми, схожим на те, що ти п’єш, коли тебе нудить. So don't, I don't see why we have to go to this thing anyway, it's your ex-fiancee's wedding. Тож ні, я не розумію, чому ми все-таки повинні йти на це, адже це весілля твоєї колишньої нареченої. Because I promised Mindy I would. Тому що я пообіцяв Мінді. Yeah, well you promised Barry, you'd marry him. Look you guys, I have to go, I'm the Maid-of-Honor. Послухайте, хлопці, я мушу йти, я подружка нареченої. And besides you know what I just need to be in a room again with these people and feel good about myself. Ooh-oh! Someone's wearing the same clothes they had on last night. Хтось одягнений у той самий одяг, що й минулої ночі. Someone get a little action? Хтось хоче щось зробити? - I may have. - Можливо. - Woo-hoo, stuud! - У-у-у, стууд! - What's she look like? - Well, we haven't exactly met, we just stayed up all night talking on the internet. Woo-hoo, geeek! У-у-у, гік! I like this girl, okay, I seriously like this girl, you now how sometimes I tend get a little defended and quipy... - Get out! Мені подобається ця дівчина, гаразд, мені справді подобається ця дівчина, бачиш, як іноді я схильний трохи захищатися і жартувати... - Геть! - Nooo! Well she totally called me on it, okay. Ну, вона мене викликала, гаразд. She said, 'cut it out, get real', and I did. Вона сказала: «Припини це, стань реальним», і я це зробив. Wow! What's that like?