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Golden phrases, 601-700


observe a trend

possess knowledge

Sales rose sharply.

make adjustments to the plan

I prefer an aisle seat.

Photographs capture memorable moments in life.

The committee consists of five members.

Teaching experience is desirable.

a heavily used bus route

investigate a possibility

take the measurements of a table

an urgent request

the checkout counter

dispose of garbage

modify a contract

open an outlet in Japan

ask for a prescription

Situated downtown the hotel is convenient.

Surprisingly Tex passed the exam.

transform a train station into a museum

undergo major renovations

the blueprints for the new theater

boost the company's profit

considerably lower prices

eliminate a risk

available exclusively to our members

The pipe under the sink is leaking.

preliminary results from a survey

a sophisticated design

the most recent statistics

a vacant unit in an apartment building

evidence of payment

a shopping excursion

influence a decision

live in an ordinary house

reject a proposal

tailor services to clients' needs

assume responsibilities

a previous engagement

achieve international fame

a modest increase in price

apply for a patent

The company is pursuing a new market.

a remote mountain village

reveal the cause of the problem

a housing allowance

Innovation is crucial for business success.

a distinguished career as a journalist

I'm sorry to disturb you.

Applicants must be fluent in Mandarin.

fulfill requirements

the objective of the survey

restrict employees from accessing the Internet

Sales have been increasing steadily.

an adequate explanation

the assessment of the value

Mr. Kato attributes his success to luck.

prepare an agenda beforehand

a challenging task

Good luck in your future endeavors.

an inspiring speech

make remarkable progress

take safety measures

The company is struggling to survive.

the wage level

adapt to a new work environment

set an ambitious goal

I am capable of doing the job.

have serious consequences

impose a fee on customers

the former and the latter

the daily output of a factory

proudly announce

a stable supply of electricity

the transition from school to work

without written consent

produce dependable cars and trucks

Mr. Kato is a diligent worker.

illustrate a point

work independently and as a team member

the company's mission

moderate exercise

the sales outlook

rapidly and precisely

a concentrated effort

The hotel has ample parking.

an asset to the team

a controversial issue

disappointing sales

Tex was instrumental in the project.

without interruption

from a broad perspective

the scope of the study

speculation from industry experts

supplement income by writing books

We are really understaffed.

The CEO rarely appears in public.

use caution

legislation to limit the use of drones

a logical choice

601-700 601-700 601-700 601-700 601-700 601-700 601-700 601-700 601-700 601-700 601-700

observe a trend помітити тенденцію

possess knowledge 知識を持っている володіти знаннями

Sales rose sharply. 売り上げが急上昇した。 As vendas registaram um aumento acentuado. Продажі різко зросли.

make adjustments to the plan 計画を調整する вносити корективи в план

I prefer an aisle seat. 私は通路側の席が好きです。 Prefiro um lugar na coxia. Я віддаю перевагу місцям у проході.

Photographs capture memorable moments in life. 写真は人生の思い出に残る瞬間を捉えます。 Фотографії фіксують пам'ятні моменти життя.

The committee consists of five members. 委員会は5人のメンバーで構成されています。 Комітет складається з п'яти членів.

Teaching experience is desirable. 指導経験のある方が望ましいです。 Бажаний досвід викладання.

a heavily used bus route 頻繁に使用されるバス路線 інтенсивно використовуваний автобусний маршрут

investigate a possibility 可能性を調べる вивчити можливість

take the measurements of a table テーブルの寸法を取る зробіть виміри столу

an urgent request 緊急の要求 термінове прохання

the checkout counter チェックアウトカウンター касова стійка

dispose of garbage tirar la basura ごみを捨てる deitar o lixo fora утилізувати сміття

modify a contract 契約を変更する змінювати договір

open an outlet in Japan 日本にアウトレットを開く abrir um ponto de venda no Japão відкрити відділення в Японії

ask for a prescription 処方箋を頼む попросити рецепт

Situated downtown the hotel is convenient. ホテルはダウンタウンに位置し、便利です。 Готель зручно розташований у центрі міста.

Surprisingly Tex passed the exam. 驚いたことに、テックスは試験に合格しました。 На диво, Текс склав іспит.

transform a train station into a museum 鉄道駅を博物館に変える превратить вокзал в музей перетворити залізничний вокзал на музей

undergo major renovations 大規模な改修を受ける sofrer grandes renovações проходять капітальний ремонт

the blueprints for the new theater 新劇場の設計図

boost the company's profit 会社の利益を押し上げる

considerably lower prices 大幅な低価格

eliminate a risk リスクを排除する

available exclusively to our members 会員限定でご利用いただけます

The pipe under the sink is leaking. シンク下のパイプが水漏れしています。

preliminary results from a survey 調査の暫定結果

a sophisticated design 洗練されたデザイン

the most recent statistics

a vacant unit in an apartment building マンションの空き部屋

evidence of payment

a shopping excursion

influence a decision 決定に影響を与える

live in an ordinary house 普通の家に住む

reject a proposal 提案を拒否する

tailor services to clients' needs адаптировать услуги к потребностям клиентов

assume responsibilities 責任を負う

a previous engagement 以前の婚約 предыдущая помолвка

achieve international fame 国際的な名声を得る

a modest increase in price

apply for a patent

The company is pursuing a new market.

a remote mountain village

reveal the cause of the problem

a housing allowance

Innovation is crucial for business success.

a distinguished career as a journalist |notable||||

I'm sorry to disturb you.

Applicants must be fluent in Mandarin. Кандидаты должны свободно владеть китайским языком.

fulfill requirements

the objective of the survey

restrict employees from accessing the Internet

Sales have been increasing steadily.

an adequate explanation

the assessment of the value

Mr. Kato attributes his success to luck.

prepare an agenda beforehand

a challenging task

Good luck in your future endeavors.

an inspiring speech

make remarkable progress

take safety measures

The company is struggling to survive. Компания борется за выживание.

the wage level

adapt to a new work environment адаптироваться к новой рабочей среде

set an ambitious goal

I am capable of doing the job.

have serious consequences

impose a fee on customers

the former and the latter

the daily output of a factory

proudly announce с гордостью объявить

a stable supply of electricity стабильное электроснабжение

the transition from school to work

without written consent

produce dependable cars and trucks

Mr. Kato is a diligent worker.

illustrate a point

work independently and as a team member

the company's mission

moderate exercise умеренные физические нагрузки

the sales outlook as perspectivas de vendas

rapidly and precisely

a concentrated effort сосредоточенное усилие

The hotel has ample parking. |||plenty of|

an asset to the team

a controversial issue

disappointing sales

Tex was instrumental in the project. Текс сыграл важную роль в проекте.

without interruption

from a broad perspective

the scope of the study

speculation from industry experts

supplement income by writing books complementar o rendimento escrevendo livros

We are really understaffed.

The CEO rarely appears in public.

use caution ter cuidado

legislation to limit the use of drones

a logical choice