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Friends S03, Friends S03E04 2d

Friends S03E04 2d

Listen to this and tell me what you think.

That's interesting. - Honey? - Oh, because it's a beeper. It's your audition from this morning! Can I use the phone? Sure, that's what it's there for. Emergencies and pretend agents. Come on, baby! Come on! Hi. I have Phoebe Buffay returning a page. Okay, she's in her car. I'll have to patch you through. Very nice touch. Okay, go ahead. Talk, talk, talk! Hi, Annie? Fantastic. You got it! Will he work for scale, you ask me? Well, I don't know about that. Except that I do and he will. Great. Oh, you are such a sweetheart. I would love to have lunch with you! How about we have lunch next... Went through a tunnel. Unbelievable. Oh, thank you so much! It was really fun. I mean, I've never talked on a car phone before. You are so amazing! Could you do me this huge favor? There's another audition I want, and Estelle couldn't get me in. I don't know. It was fun one time, but... Please? It would just be this one more. - Well, actually it's two. - Two? Well, really it's three. Please? You're so good at it. I love you. - Okay. But just these three, right? - No, it's four. So how come you wanted to eat in tonight? Because I wanted... ...to give you this. Are you a puppy! Contact paper! What do you say when someone you're sleeping with... ...gives you contact paper? Wait, there's more. See, the contact paper is to go... ...in your brand new drawer! See, the drawer actually goes in my dresser. - You didn't have to do this. - Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because you're my girlfriend... ...and that's what girlfriends should get. Well, I gotta buy a vowel... ...because, oh, my God! Who would've thought that someday... ...Chandler Bing would buy me a drawer? Well, not me. But that's what's happened. And there's more. We should take a trip. We should? We're a couple, and that's what couples do. And I wanna meet your parents. We should take a trip with your parents! I don't think we need to because you're tripping me out right now! - Are you okay? - No, I am. I actually am! This is amazing. My entire life, I have feared this place. And now that I'm here, it's like, what was the big deal? I could probably say, "Let's move in together," and I'd be okay. You probably want us to move in together? - It doesn't scare me! - Yeah, well it scares me! I'm not even divorced yet! You just invited me over here for pasta... ...and now you're talking about moving in together. And I wasn't even that hungry. You know what? It's getting really late, and I should just... Don't go! I've scared you! I've said too much! I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love! Hey, Janice, it's me. I wanted to apologize in advance for having chased you down the street. Here you go, honey. This will help. So I catch up to her and she says... ...this relationship's going too fast and we have to slow down. That is never good. Then I got all... ...needy and clingy. - You didn't beg, did you? - I said please. Was it please with one E in the middle or lots of E's? Oh, dear Lord, I begged. Wait a minute. Maybe it's not so bad. How did you leave it? She said she'd call me. Oh, God. Welcome to our side of the tunnel. This ice cream tastes like crap, by the way. Yeah, well, it's that low-cal-nondairy-soymilk junk. We save the real stuff for the truly terminal cases. When you're getting screwed over all the time, you gotta switch to low fat. Yeah, you do. You don't think I'm terminal? Not at all. You're not terminal. We just need some damage control. - Okay. Should I call her? - No! Very critical time. If you feel yourself reaching for that phone... ...go shopping, get your butt in a bubble bath. If you want her back, you have got to start acting aloof. Aloof? She needs to know you're not needy. So what you have to do is accidentally run into her on purpose... ...and then act aloof. - And then I'll be okay? - Yeah. I think so. So I'm not gonna lose her? Oh, honey, you're not a total loser. I said, "So I'm not gonna lose her?" Guess who's here! It's the toughest guy in Toyland, Ben! Real American hero I'm G.I. Joe! Drop the Barbie. Drop the Barbie. G.I. Joe? You really think he'll fall for that? G.I. Joe? Cool! Can I play? Look, Ben! It's a toy that protects U.S. Oil interests overseas! Go, Joe! Hello? - There you are! - No, it's not. Sorry. But, Phoebe, wait, wait. Phoebe! Oh, Joey! Oh, okay! See, I didn't recognize you... ...in those pants. That TV movie I went in for, did you hear anything? I think I got a shot. Yes, they called! You didn't get it! Okay? I mean, you didn't get it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's okay. These things happen. But they shouldn't happen. You know what? You're in a terrible, terrible business. I don't want to be the person who makes you look like that. I'm okay. See? Now you're sad and creepy. I'm sorry. I quit. No, no, you can't quit! You're the best agent I ever had. Rejection is part of being an actor. You can't take it personal. They said they'd never met an Italian actor with a worse Italian accent. They actually said that? Oh, God, there's that face again. See? I can't do this job! This is why you have to do this job! Agents always lie. Estelle just says stuff like, "They went another way." But this? I can use this. I can work on a new accent. Yeah, okay. If it helps you, okay. Yeah. You'll never get me, Joe!

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Friends S03E04 2d Friends S03E04 2d Friends S03E04 2d Friends S03E04 2d 老友记 S03E04 2d

Listen to this and tell me what you think.

That’s interesting. - Honey? - Oh, because it’s a beeper. It’s your audition from this morning! Can I use the phone? Sure, that’s what it’s there for. Emergencies and pretend agents. Надзвичайні ситуації та удавані агенти. Come on, baby! Come on! Hi. I have Phoebe Buffay returning a page. Фібі Буффе повертає мені сторінку. Okay, she’s in her car. I’ll have to patch you through. Я вас з'єднаю. Very nice touch. Okay, go ahead. Гаразд, давай. Talk, talk, talk! Hi, Annie? Fantastic. You got it! Will he work for scale, you ask me? Ви запитаєте мене, чи буде він працювати на масштаб? Well, I don’t know about that. Except that I do and he will. За винятком того, що я знаю, і він знатиме. Great. Oh, you are such a sweetheart. I would love to have lunch with you! How about we have lunch next... Went through a tunnel. Unbelievable. Oh, thank you so much! It was really fun. I mean, I’ve never talked on a car phone before. You are so amazing! Could you do me this huge favor? There’s another audition I want, and Estelle couldn’t get me in. I don’t know. It was fun one time, but... Please? It would just be this one more. - Well, actually it’s two. - Two? Well, really it’s three. Please? You’re so good at it. I love you. - Okay. But just these three, right? - No, it’s four. So how come you wanted to eat in tonight? Так чому ж ти захотіла поїсти саме сьогодні? Because I wanted... ...to give you this. Are you a puppy! Ти що, цуцик? Contact paper! Контактний папір! What do you say when someone you’re sleeping with... ...gives you contact paper? Wait, there’s more. See, the contact paper is to go... ...in your brand new drawer! Бачите, контактний папір тепер лежить... ...у вашій новенькій шухляді! See, the drawer actually goes in my dresser. - You didn’t have to do this. - Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because you’re my girlfriend... ...and that’s what girlfriends should get. Well, I gotta buy a vowel... ...because, oh, my God! Що ж, мені треба купити голосну... ...тому що, о Боже мій! Who would’ve thought that someday... ...Chandler Bing would buy me a drawer? Хто б міг подумати, що одного разу... ...Чендлер Бінг купить мені шухляду? Well, not me. But that’s what’s happened. Але це те, що сталося. And there’s more. We should take a trip. Треба поїхати в подорож. We should? We’re a couple, and that’s what couples do. And I wanna meet your parents. We should take a trip with your parents! I don’t think we need to because you’re tripping me out right now! Я не думаю, що нам це потрібно, тому що ти мене зараз виводиш з себе! - Are you okay? - No, I am. I actually am! This is amazing. My entire life, I have feared this place. And now that I’m here, it’s like, what was the big deal? I could probably say, "Let’s move in together," and I’d be okay. You probably want us to move in together? Ти, мабуть, хочеш, щоб ми з'їхалися? - It doesn’t scare me! - Yeah, well it scares me! I’m not even divorced yet! Я ще навіть не розлучена! You just invited me over here for pasta... ...and now you’re talking about moving in together. And I wasn’t even that hungry. You know what? It’s getting really late, and I should just... Don’t go! I’ve scared you! I’ve said too much! I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love! Я безнадійний, незграбний і відчайдушно прагну кохання! Hey, Janice, it’s me. I wanted to apologize in advance for having chased you down the street. Here you go, honey. This will help. So I catch up to her and she says... ...this relationship’s going too fast and we have to slow down. That is never good. Then I got all... ...needy and clingy. Потім я стала такою... ...нужденною і причепливою. - You didn’t beg, did you? - Ти ж не благав, чи не так? - I said please. Was it please with one E in the middle or lots of E’s? Oh, dear Lord, I begged. Wait a minute. Maybe it’s not so bad. How did you leave it? She said she’d call me. Oh, God. Welcome to our side of the tunnel. This ice cream tastes like crap, by the way. Yeah, well, it’s that low-cal-nondairy-soymilk junk. We save the real stuff for the truly terminal cases. When you’re getting screwed over all the time, you gotta switch to low fat. Yeah, you do. You don’t think I’m terminal? Ти ж не думаєш, що я безнадійно хворий? Not at all. You’re not terminal. We just need some damage control. - Okay. Should I call her? - No! Very critical time. If you feel yourself reaching for that phone... ...go shopping, get your butt in a bubble bath. If you want her back, you have got to start acting aloof. Якщо ви хочете її повернути, ви повинні почати поводитися відсторонено. Aloof? She needs to know you’re not needy. So what you have to do is accidentally run into her on purpose... ...and then act aloof. - And then I’ll be okay? - Yeah. I think so. So I’m not gonna lose her? Oh, honey, you’re not a total loser. I said, "So I’m not gonna lose her?" Guess who’s here! It’s the toughest guy in Toyland, Ben! Це найміцніший хлопець в Іграшковій країні, Бен! Real American hero I’m G.I. Joe! Drop the Barbie. Drop the Barbie. G.I. Joe? You really think he’ll fall for that? Ти справді думаєш, що він на це поведеться? G.I. Joe? Cool! Can I play? Look, Ben! It’s a toy that protects U.S. Oil interests overseas! Нафтові інтереси за кордоном! Go, Joe! Hello? - There you are! - No, it’s not. Sorry. But, Phoebe, wait, wait. Phoebe! Oh, Joey! Oh, okay! See, I didn’t recognize you... ...in those pants. Бачиш, я тебе не впізнав... ...в тих штанях. That TV movie I went in for, did you hear anything? Той телевізійний фільм, в якому я знімався, ви що-небудь чули? I think I got a shot. Yes, they called! You didn’t get it! Okay? I mean, you didn’t get it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. That’s okay. These things happen. Таке трапляється. But they shouldn’t happen. You know what? You’re in a terrible, terrible business. I don’t want to be the person who makes you look like that. I’m okay. See? Now you’re sad and creepy. Тепер тобі сумно і моторошно. I’m sorry. I quit. No, no, you can’t quit! You’re the best agent I ever had. Rejection is part of being an actor. Відмова - це частина життя актора. You can’t take it personal. Не сприймай це особисто. They said they’d never met an Italian actor with a worse Italian accent. They actually said that? Oh, God, there’s that face again. Боже, знову це обличчя. See? I can’t do this job! This is why you have to do this job! Agents always lie. Estelle just says stuff like, "They went another way." But this? I can use this. I can work on a new accent. Я можу попрацювати над новим акцентом. Yeah, okay. If it helps you, okay. Yeah. You’ll never get me, Joe!