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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Dec 14, 2017 - How would a Disney-Fox merger affect what we watch?

Dec 14, 2017 - How would a Disney-Fox merger affect what we watch?

Judy Woodruff:

A giant deal today in the world of entertainment. The Disney Kingdom is on the verge of getting a lot larger, buying a huge chunk of Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox for $52 billion. That includes film and television studios.

Hari Sreenivasan is in our New York studios with more on what it could mean. Hari Sreenivasan:

Some of the biggest franchises in the business, Marvel Superheroes, the Star Wars films and Pixar blockbusters — all would now be under the Disney roof. And that may signal a coming break with Netflix, Amazon and others.

This all is happening on the same day that the FCC voted three to two along party lines to end so-called net neutrality. Many experts say companies will now be able to create a kind of fast lane on the web for the traffic and content they want you to choose or that you're willing to pay a higher rate for. NPR's David Folkenflik joins me now. So, first of all, what does Disney want with Fox? David Folkenflik:

Disney right now is looking at a big, big winter coming, and it's in the form of Netflix, it's in the form of Amazon, and it's even probably going to be in the form of Apple. These guys are going to be able to spend billions of dollars a year in creating content that they can give to digital consumers on demand.

And so, Disney already the biggest conventional Hollywood Studio says let's ramp up. Let's get the TV studios at Fox. Let's get the movie studios at Fox. Let's get their back catalogs. Let's get their executives who have the know-how in Los Angeles and let's really do that. Then they're interested in international distribution, major European satellite provider, Sky, is 40 percent controlled by Fox and the Murdochs. They'll get that. In fact, the Murdochs are in the process of trying to take over that whole company. Hari Sreenivasan:

So, there are reports that the president spoke to Rupert Murdoch. They've been friends for a long time. They spoke yesterday. This deal is announced today. Any concerns? David Folkenflik:

Well, the real interest, of course, is Trump's concern. The president has forged an alliance with Rupert Murdoch, who has been the acting and leading CEO of the Fox network since they tossed out the founder over sexual harassment concerns over 18 months ago.

And what Trump's real concern is somehow Rupert wouldn't be controlling Fox News, that he wouldn't be keeping Fox News. He's saying, hey, is that going to stick around? And I think that's a source of concern because Fox News in some ways has served not only as a cheerleader but an enforcer and as a message creator for the president and for those close to him. It's been a closed loop for him and it's been a vital part of him holding onto that base even as controversy swirls and surrounds that White House. Hari Sreenivasan:

What happens to general viewers like us, so to speak? Are there going to be differences in how we get these movies and where we get them from, especially if we're just watching at home? David Folkenflik:

Right. So, there's a real interesting thing here. You would expect — and I certainly do expect — are federal regulators either at the FCC or in the antitrust division in the U.S. Justice Department to take a very close look at this. After all, this like with like. Disney and 21st Century Fox and Fox more generally have been real competitors for decades and they're absorbing a lot of the folks they've competed with. This should have antitrust concerns.

At the same time, the question is, if they're competing with streaming forces, will this provide an extra competitor in the streaming realm? Disney had already announced that it intended to have a major streaming service for its entertainment offerings and for a separate one for sports offerings, with certain ESPN offerings on there. Having some Fox regional sports network elements to supplant, to fuse that in there, could help. You could have additional Fox viewing things on the entertainment streaming service. Could this be more of a competition for Amazon and Apple and Netflix?

That could be a benefit to the consumers. What I don't think is somehow it's all going to be cheaper for us. I just think there are going to be these other elements that could be viable. Disney wants to survive. Hari Sreenivasan:

This is happening on the same day that the FCC changes these rules on net neutrality. A lot of people, you know, fighting against these changes that were happening today.

Is this the kind of consolidation that the people who didn't want these changes to happen are worried about, that there's going to be so much power in the hands of a new Disney, if they're also a streaming competitor, they can decide, well, guess what? You get to have this Disney movie at a great rate of speed, versus what I — you know, how I distribute this elsewhere? David Folkenflik:

Well, I mean, I think we have to think about the enormous consolidation that's happening all over the technical landscape, as well as the content landscape. And in some ways, these moments are blurring. You know, Netflix are creators. They're going to spend, I think, $8 billion next year in content, not just a platform for viewing other content. Disney wants to get more into the platform business.

I think you've also see — you've seen already extraordinary consolidation in those people who provide Internet service. I mean, I think you're looking at Comcast. You're looking at Spectrum, which absorbed the old Time Warner and Charter. And you're looking, also, at AT&T and Verizon is in that mix as well. You're looking a very small number of companies controlling both the content information that is created and the ways in which we consume it. So, it's hard at certain points if you're looking at one group of titans to root for that group, and it's hard to root for another group of titans when you look at that. I do think there are questions about — I mean, rarely does it seem to me that the consumers ends up better of. Hari Sreenivasan:

NPR's David Folkenflik, thanks so much for joining us. David Folkenflik:

You bet.

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Dec 14, 2017 - How would a Disney-Fox merger affect what we watch? 14. Dezember 2017 - Wie würde sich eine Fusion von Disney und Fox auf unser Fernsehprogramm auswirken? Dec 14, 2017 - Πώς θα επηρεάσει η συγχώνευση Disney-Fox το τι βλέπουμε; Dec 14, 2017 - ¿Cómo afectaría una fusión Disney-Fox a lo que vemos? 14 décembre 2017 - Comment une fusion Disney-Fox affecterait-elle ce que nous regardons ? 14 dicembre 2017 - Come influirebbe una fusione Disney-Fox su ciò che guardiamo? 2017年12月14日 - ディズニーとフォックスの合併は、私たちが見るものにどのような影響を与えるのでしょうか? 2017년 12월 14일 - 디즈니와 폭스의 합병은 우리가 시청하는 콘텐츠에 어떤 영향을 미칠까요? 14 grudnia 2017 r. - Jak fuzja Disney-Fox wpłynęłaby na to, co oglądamy? Dez 14, 2017 - Como é que uma fusão entre a Disney e a Fox afectaria o que vemos? Dec 14, 2017 - Как слияние Disney и Fox повлияет на то, что мы смотрим? 14 Aralık 2017 - Disney-Fox birleşmesi izlediklerimizi nasıl etkiler? 14 груд. 2017 р. - Як злиття Disney та Fox вплине на те, що ми дивимося? 2017 年 12 月 14 日 - 迪士尼与福克斯合并会如何影响我们的观看内容? 2017 年 12 月 14 日 - 迪士尼與福克斯的合併將如何影響我們觀看的內容?

Judy Woodruff:

A giant deal today in the world of entertainment. The Disney Kingdom is on the verge of getting a lot larger, buying a huge chunk of Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox for $52 billion. ||||||على وشك||||||||||||||||| Le royaume de Disney est sur le point de devenir beaucoup plus grand, en achetant une énorme partie de la 21st Century Fox de Rupert Murdoch pour 52 milliards de dollars. That includes film and television studios.

Hari Sreenivasan is in our New York studios with more on what it could mean. Hari Sreenivasan:

Some of the biggest franchises in the business, Marvel Superheroes, the Star Wars films and Pixar blockbusters — all would now be under the Disney roof. ||||フランチャイズ|||||||||||||||||||| And that may signal a coming break with Netflix, Amazon and others. |||合図する|||||||| Et cela pourrait signaler une rupture prochaine avec Netflix, Amazon et d'autres.

This all is happening on the same day that the FCC voted three to two along party lines to end so-called net neutrality. |||||||||||||||||||||||حياد الشبكة Tout cela se passe le jour même où la FCC a voté trois contre deux selon les lignes de parti pour mettre fin à la soi-disant neutralité du net. Many experts say companies will now be able to create a kind of fast lane on the web for the traffic and content they want you to choose or that you're willing to pay a higher rate for. العديد من|||||||||||نوع|||مسار سريع||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||高速道路||||||||||||||||||||||| De nombreux experts affirment que les entreprises pourront désormais créer une sorte de voie rapide sur le Web pour le trafic et le contenu qu'elles souhaitent que vous choisissiez ou pour lesquels vous êtes prêt à payer un tarif plus élevé. NPR's David Folkenflik joins me now. So, first of all, what does Disney want with Fox? David Folkenflik:

Disney right now is looking at a big, big winter coming, and it's in the form of Netflix, it's in the form of Amazon, and it's even probably going to be in the form of Apple. Disney envisage actuellement un gros, gros hiver, et c'est sous la forme de Netflix, c'est sous la forme d'Amazon, et ce sera même probablement sous la forme d'Apple. These guys are going to be able to spend billions of dollars a year in creating content that they can give to digital consumers on demand. Ces types vont pouvoir dépenser des milliards de dollars par an pour créer du contenu qu'ils pourront donner aux consommateurs numériques à la demande.

And so, Disney already the biggest conventional Hollywood Studio says let's ramp up. |||||||||||نزيد| Et donc, Disney, déjà le plus grand studio conventionnel d'Hollywood, dit qu'il faut monter en puissance. Let's get the TV studios at Fox. Prenons les studios de télévision de Fox. Let's get the movie studios at Fox. Prenons les studios de cinéma de Fox. Let's get their back catalogs. Récupérons leurs catalogues arrière. Let's get their executives who have the know-how in Los Angeles and let's really do that. Prenons leurs dirigeants qui ont le savoir-faire à Los Angeles et faisons vraiment cela. Then they're interested in international distribution, major European satellite provider, Sky, is 40 percent controlled by Fox and the Murdochs. Ensuite, ils s'intéressent à la distribution internationale, le principal fournisseur européen de satellites, Sky, est contrôlé à 40 % par Fox et les Murdoch. They'll get that. Ils auront ça. In fact, the Murdochs are in the process of trying to take over that whole company. En fait, les Murdoch sont en train d'essayer de reprendre toute cette entreprise. Hari Sreenivasan:

So, there are reports that the president spoke to Rupert Murdoch. They've been friends for a long time. They spoke yesterday. This deal is announced today. Any concerns? David Folkenflik:

Well, the real interest, of course, is Trump's concern. Eh bien, le véritable intérêt, bien sûr, est la préoccupation de Trump. The president has forged an alliance with Rupert Murdoch, who has been the acting and leading CEO of the Fox network since they tossed out the founder over sexual harassment concerns over 18 months ago. |||شكل|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||築いた||||||||||||||||||||追放した|||||||||| Le président a forgé une alliance avec Rupert Murdoch, qui est le PDG par intérim et principal du réseau Fox depuis qu'ils ont renvoyé le fondateur pour des problèmes de harcèlement sexuel il y a plus de 18 mois.

And what Trump's real concern is somehow Rupert wouldn't be controlling Fox News, that he wouldn't be keeping Fox News. ||||اهتمام||||||||||||||| Et ce qui préoccupe vraiment Trump, c'est que Rupert ne contrôlerait pas Fox News, qu'il ne garderait pas Fox News. He's saying, hey, is that going to stick around? Il dit, hé, est-ce que ça va rester? And I think that's a source of concern because Fox News in some ways has served not only as a cheerleader but an enforcer and as a message creator for the president and for those close to him. |||||||||||||||عملت||||||||مُنفِّذ|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||応援団|||強化者|||||||||||||| Et je pense que c'est une source d'inquiétude parce que Fox News a, à certains égards, servi non seulement de pom-pom girl, mais aussi d'exécuteur et de créateur de messages pour le président et ses proches. It's been a closed loop for him and it's been a vital part of him holding onto that base even as controversy swirls and surrounds that White House. ||||||||||||||||||||||تدور||||| |||||||||||||彼にとっての|||||||||渦巻いている||||| Cela a été une boucle fermée pour lui et cela a été une partie essentielle de sa conservation de cette base alors même que la controverse tourbillonne et entoure cette Maison Blanche. Hari Sreenivasan:

What happens to general viewers like us, so to speak? Are there going to be differences in how we get these movies and where we get them from, especially if we're just watching at home? Y aura-t-il des différences dans la façon dont nous obtenons ces films et d'où nous les obtenons, surtout si nous ne faisons que regarder à la maison ? David Folkenflik:

Right. 右(1) So, there's a real interesting thing here. You would expect — and I certainly do expect — are federal regulators either at the FCC or in the antitrust division in the U.S. ||||||||||||||لجنة الاتصالات الف||||||||| Vous vous attendriez - et je m'y attends certainement - à ce que les régulateurs fédéraux soient à la FCC ou dans la division antitrust aux États-Unis Justice Department to take a very close look at this. After all, this like with like. Après tout, ce comme avec comme. Disney and 21st Century Fox and Fox more generally have been real competitors for decades and they're absorbing a lot of the folks they've competed with. Disney et 21st Century Fox et Fox plus généralement sont de véritables concurrents depuis des décennies et ils absorbent beaucoup de gens avec qui ils ont rivalisé. This should have antitrust concerns. |||مخاوف مكافحة| Cela devrait avoir des problèmes antitrust.

At the same time, the question is, if they're competing with streaming forces, will this provide an extra competitor in the streaming realm? En même temps, la question est, s'ils sont en concurrence avec les forces du streaming, cela fournira-t-il un concurrent supplémentaire dans le domaine du streaming ? Disney had already announced that it intended to have a major streaming service for its entertainment offerings and for a separate one for sports offerings, with certain ESPN offerings on there. Disney avait déjà annoncé son intention d'avoir un service de streaming majeur pour ses offres de divertissement et un autre pour les offres sportives, avec certaines offres ESPN là-bas. Having some Fox regional sports network elements to supplant, to fuse that in there, could help. Avoir des éléments du réseau sportif régional Fox à supplanter, à fusionner là-dedans, pourrait aider. You could have additional Fox viewing things on the entertainment streaming service. Vous pourriez avoir des choses supplémentaires de Fox sur le service de streaming de divertissement. Could this be more of a competition for Amazon and Apple and Netflix? Cela pourrait-il être plus une compétition pour Amazon et Apple et Netflix ?

That could be a benefit to the consumers. What I don't think is somehow it's all going to be cheaper for us. Ce que je ne pense pas, c'est que tout cela va être moins cher pour nous. I just think there are going to be these other elements that could be viable. Je pense simplement qu'il y aura ces autres éléments qui pourraient être viables. Disney wants to survive. Hari Sreenivasan:

This is happening on the same day that the FCC changes these rules on net neutrality. A lot of people, you know, fighting against these changes that were happening today.

Is this the kind of consolidation that the people who didn't want these changes to happen are worried about, that there's going to be so much power in the hands of a new Disney, if they're also a streaming competitor, they can decide, well, guess what? Est-ce le genre de consolidation qui inquiète les gens qui ne voulaient pas que ces changements se produisent, qu'il y aura tellement de pouvoir entre les mains d'un nouveau Disney, s'ils sont aussi un concurrent du streaming, ils peuvent décider , bien devinez quoi? You get to have this Disney movie at a great rate of speed, versus what I — you know, how I distribute this elsewhere? Vous pouvez avoir ce film Disney à une grande vitesse, par rapport à ce que je – vous savez, comment je le distribue ailleurs? David Folkenflik:

Well, I mean, I think we have to think about the enormous consolidation that's happening all over the technical landscape, as well as the content landscape. Eh bien, je veux dire, je pense que nous devons penser à l'énorme consolidation qui se produit dans tout le paysage technique, ainsi que dans le paysage du contenu. And in some ways, these moments are blurring. |||||||ぼやけている Et à certains égards, ces moments sont flous. You know, Netflix are creators. They're going to spend, I think, $8 billion next year in content, not just a platform for viewing other content. Ils vont dépenser, je pense, 8 milliards de dollars l'année prochaine en contenu, pas seulement en plate-forme pour visionner d'autres contenus. Disney wants to get more into the platform business. Disney veut s'impliquer davantage dans le secteur des plates-formes.

I think you've also see — you've seen already extraordinary consolidation in those people who provide Internet service. I mean, I think you're looking at Comcast. You're looking at Spectrum, which absorbed the old Time Warner and Charter. And you're looking, also, at AT&T and Verizon is in that mix as well. Et vous regardez aussi AT&T et Verizon sont également dans ce mélange. You're looking a very small number of companies controlling both the content information that is created and the ways in which we consume it. Vous recherchez un très petit nombre d'entreprises contrôlant à la fois les informations de contenu qui sont créées et la manière dont nous les consommons. So, it's hard at certain points if you're looking at one group of titans to root for that group, and it's hard to root for another group of titans when you look at that. Donc, il est difficile à certains moments si vous regardez un groupe de titans de s'enraciner pour ce groupe, et il est difficile de s'enraciner pour un autre groupe de titans quand vous regardez cela. I do think there are questions about — I mean, rarely does it seem to me that the consumers ends up better of. Je pense qu'il y a des questions sur - je veux dire, il me semble rarement que les consommateurs finissent mieux. Hari Sreenivasan:

NPR's David Folkenflik, thanks so much for joining us. David Folkenflik:

You bet.