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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Nov 13, 2017 - Cholera, hunger and war are ravaging Yemen. What role does th...

Nov 13, 2017 - Cholera, hunger and war are ravaging Yemen. What role does th...

Cholera, hunger and war are ravaging Yemen.

What role does the U.S.play?

Judy Woodruff:

But first: As we reported earlier, the Saudi-led, U.S.- backed coalition has begun to lift its blockade of Yemen.

However, humanitarian groups on the ground say that famine is still a possibility for millions, while a cholera epidemic rages on.

The NewsHour's P.J.

Tobia has the latest on the crisis and the U.S.role in the conflict.P.j.Tobia:

A brutal civil war, that's led to pestilence, and perhaps soon, says the United Nations, famine.

Millions are in danger, either from manmade food shortages or an exploding outbreak of cholera, a waterborne diarrheal disease that could sicken one million people by year's end.

The three-year civil war has drawn in regional and global powers, global powers spilling local blood.

Last week, the Saudis enforced a blockade, shutting down ports and border crossings, preventing critical aid from getting to Yemen.

The Saudis said the move was needed to prevent the flow of arms from Iran.Today, the blockade was lifted in some areas.

Justin Armstrong is Yemen country director for Doctors Without Borders in Sanaa.

We spoke via Skype.

Justin Armstrong:

If we can't get people in, if we can't supplies in, that strangles our ability to run medical programs, and has a similar effect on humanitarian activities across the country.


On one side of the conflict, Houthi rebels who deposed a Saudi-allied government.

The Houthis are said to be allied with Iran, though how much is in dispute.

On the other, a Saudi-led coalition backed by U.S.

weapons and logistics.Nine days ago, the Houthis launched a missile at the Saudi capital, Riyadh.It was their deepest strike into Saudi Arabia.Saudi officials say the missile was supplied by Iran, and enforced the blockade as retaliation.

On Friday, a U.S.

Air Force official in the region said remains of the rocket bore Iranian markings.Iran has long denied supplying rockets to the Houthis.

As the war grinds on, Yemen endures what the United Nations calls the fastest growing cholera epidemic in history.

Nearly 900,000 people have the illness, half of them children.More than 2,000 Yemenis have died in the epidemic.The U.N.predicts one million cholera cases by January.Justin Armstrong:

It affected the vast majority of the country, with patients reported from every corner of Yemen.

And it's compounded by the fact that the health system has already collapsed in many respects.

Health workers have not been paid, and over half the health facilities in the country have ceased functioning.

Other ones struggle with even the most basic needs.


But the war continues.

Al-Qaida, ISIS, tribal and militia groups are also active.The U.S.conducts airstrikes against the terrorists.In January, a Navy SEAL was killed in a raid in Central Yemen.

Abdulwahab Alkebsi was born in Yemen.

He's now the deputy director for programs at the Center for International Private Enterprise.Abdulwahab Alkebsi:

The conflict in Yemen, unfortunately, right now has reached a level of equilibrium.

So, nobody is gaining ground, nobody is losing ground.Most of the belligerents right now are benefiting from the status quo.

So, they would benefit from continuing the war, while they would also lose from a peace process.

So we have reached a level where it seems like there's no solution in sight.


A United Nations report in September says that both sides of the conflict have committed war crimes.

The Houthis are accused of recruiting child soldiers.But the U.N.says coalition bombings are the leading cause of civilian deaths.

Some of those bombs were sold to the Saudis by U.S.

defense contractors.A single October 2016 Saudi airstrike killed 140 people, and wounded hundreds more at a funeral in Sanaa.Kate Kizer:

Basically U.S.

tanker jets are flying missions to refuel Saudi and UAE jets in air, so they can continue the high tempo of airstrikes over the country.P.j.Tobia:

Kate Kizer is the director of policy and advocacy at the Yemen Peace Project.

Kate Kizer:

The U.S.

also has been sharing intelligence with the coalition for targeting purposes, and there are also U.S.personnel in the joint command center that the coalition runs.But it's pretty unclear still what the role of those U.S.personnel is, as there's never been really transparency from either the Obama administration or the Trump administration.


A Pentagon spokesman would only tell NewsHour that the U.S.

gives the Saudi air force information on enemy capabilities and networks.They wouldn't specify how much fuel U.S.tankers were pumping into Saudi and Emirati jets bombing Yemen.They'd only share figures for all operations in the Horn of Africa region.

After the funeral bombing, the Obama administration launched a review of U.S.

support for the coalition.Ultimately, Obama halted the sale of nearly 20,000 bombs to the Saudis, many manufactured by U.S.-based Raytheon.

Last summer, the Trump administration notified Congress that it would permit the sale.

Trump later announced the possibility of billions of dollars in new arms sales to Saudi Arabia.The president says the deals are a way to create U.S.jobs.

Kate Kizer:

Providing military support that is then used in potential war crimes opens the U.S.

into complicity for those war crimes.And so I think it's really important to recognize that, just because they're our allies, we shouldn't just blindly support them.


Some lawmakers on Capitol Hill agree.

Senator Chris Murphy introduced bipartisan legislation last spring that would have limited U.S.bombing support.It was narrowly defeated.

NewsHour's Judy Woodruff asked Murphy about the issue last week.


CHRIS MURPHY: The U.S.Saudi war in Yemen is a national security disaster for the United States.First of all, it's setting off one of the world's worst humanitarian crises inside Yemen.It's radicalizing the population against the United States.The U.S.is getting absolutely nothing out of this war inside Yemen.


The national security stakes for the U.S.

are high.Abdulwahab Alkebsi:

A failed state in Yemen will create a vacuum, will create the perfect breeding ground for terrorist organizations, whether it's the al-Qaida flavor or it is the ISIS flavor.

And that's a very, very destabilizing thing for Yemen, for Saudi Arabia, for the region and for the rest of the world.P.j.Tobia:

More than one plot against the West has emanated from Yemen, including a 2010 plan to bomb cargo planes bound for the U.S.

And continued instability is fertile ground for bad actors.

For the PBS NewsHour, I'm P.J.


Nov 13, 2017 - Cholera, hunger and war are ravaging Yemen. What role does th... 13. November 2017 - Cholera, Hunger und Krieg wüten im Jemen. Welche Rolle spielt die... Nov 13, 2017 - Cholera, hunger and war are ravaging Yemen. What role does th... Nov 13, 2017 - El cólera, el hambre y la guerra asolan Yemen. Qué papel desempeña la... 13 novembre 2017 - Le choléra, la faim et la guerre ravagent le Yémen. Quel rôle joue le... 13 nov 2017 - Colera, fame e guerra stanno devastando lo Yemen. Che ruolo ha il... 11月 13, 2017 - コレラ、飢餓、戦争がイエメンを襲っている。その中でイエメンはどのような役割を担っているのだろうか。 2017년 11월 13일 - 콜레라, 기아, 전쟁이 예멘을 황폐화시키고 있습니다. 어떤 역할을 할 수 있을까요? Lap 13, 2017 - Jemene siaučia cholera, badas ir karas. Koks vaidmuo tenka... Nov 13, 2017 - A cólera, a fome e a guerra estão a devastar o Iémen. Que papel desempenha o... Nov 13, 2017 - Холера, голод и война опустошают Йемен. Какую роль в этом играет... 13 Kasım 2017 - Kolera, açlık ve savaş Yemen'i kasıp kavuruyor. Bunun rolü ne... 13 листопада 2017 р. - Холера, голод і війна спустошують Ємен. Яку роль у цьому відіграє ... 2017年11月13日 - 霍乱、饥饿和战争正在肆虐也门。也门的... 2017 年 11 月 13 日 - 霍亂、飢餓和戰爭正在也門肆虐。它有什麼作用...

Cholera, hunger and war are ravaging Yemen.

What role does the U.S.play? Quel rôle jouent les États-Unis ?

Judy Woodruff: |News anchor

But first: As we reported earlier, the Saudi-led, U.S.- backed coalition has begun to lift its blockade of Yemen. Mais d'abord : comme nous l'avons signalé plus tôt, la coalition dirigée par l'Arabie saoudite et soutenue par les États-Unis a commencé à lever son blocus du Yémen.

However, humanitarian groups on the ground say that famine is still a possibility for millions, while a cholera epidemic rages on.

The NewsHour’s P.J. |The NewsHour's||

Tobia has the latest on the crisis and the U.S.role in the conflict.P.j.Tobia: P.J. Tobia|||||||||||||||||

A brutal civil war, that’s led to pestilence, and perhaps soon, says the United Nations, famine. Une guerre civile brutale, qui a conduit à la peste, et peut-être bientôt, selon les Nations Unies, à la famine.

Millions are in danger, either from manmade food shortages or an exploding outbreak of cholera, a waterborne diarrheal disease that could sicken one million people by year’s end. ||||||||||||||||spread through water|causing diarrhea|||||||||| Des millions de personnes sont en danger, soit en raison de pénuries alimentaires d'origine humaine, soit en raison d'une épidémie explosive de choléra, une maladie diarrhéique d'origine hydrique qui pourrait toucher un million de personnes d'ici la fin de l'année.

The three-year civil war has drawn in regional and global powers, global powers spilling local blood. La guerre civile de trois ans a attiré des puissances régionales et mondiales, des puissances mondiales faisant couler le sang local.

Last week, the Saudis enforced a blockade, shutting down ports and border crossings, preventing critical aid from getting to Yemen. |||Saudi authorities|||||||||||||||| La semaine dernière, les Saoudiens ont imposé un blocus, fermant les ports et les passages frontaliers, empêchant l'aide essentielle d'arriver au Yémen.

The Saudis said the move was needed to prevent the flow of arms from Iran.Today, the blockade was lifted in some areas.

Justin Armstrong is Yemen country director for Doctors Without Borders in Sanaa. |||||||||||the capital city Justin Armstrong est directeur national pour le Yémen pour Médecins sans frontières à Sanaa.

We spoke via Skype. |||video call app

Justin Armstrong:

If we can’t get people in, if we can’t supplies in, that strangles our ability to run medical programs, and has a similar effect on humanitarian activities across the country. ||||||||||||restricts||||||||||||||||| Si nous ne pouvons pas faire venir des gens, si nous ne pouvons pas faire venir des fournitures, cela étrangle notre capacité à gérer des programmes médicaux et a un effet similaire sur les activités humanitaires à travers le pays.


On one side of the conflict, Houthi rebels who deposed a Saudi-allied government. ||||||Yemeni insurgents|||overthrew|||| D'un côté du conflit, les rebelles houthis qui ont renversé un gouvernement allié saoudien.

The Houthis are said to be allied with Iran, though how much is in dispute. |Yemeni rebel group||||||||||||| On dit que les Houthis sont alliés à l'Iran, mais combien est en litige.

On the other, a Saudi-led coalition backed by U.S.

weapons and logistics.Nine days ago, the Houthis launched a missile at the Saudi capital, Riyadh.It was their deepest strike into Saudi Arabia.Saudi officials say the missile was supplied by Iran, and enforced the blockade as retaliation.

On Friday, a U.S.

Air Force official in the region said remains of the rocket bore Iranian markings.Iran has long denied supplying rockets to the Houthis. |||||||||||||identifying symbols||||||||| Un responsable de l'armée de l'air dans la région a déclaré que les restes de la roquette portaient des marques iraniennes. L'Iran a longtemps nié avoir fourni des roquettes aux Houthis. Il funzionario dell'aeronautica nella regione ha detto che i resti del razzo portavano segni iraniani. L'Iran ha negato a lungo di fornire razzi agli Houthi.

As the war grinds on, Yemen endures what the United Nations calls the fastest growing cholera epidemic in history. Mentre la guerra avanza, lo Yemen deve sopportare quella che le Nazioni Unite chiamano l'epidemia di colera in più rapida crescita nella storia.

Nearly 900,000 people have the illness, half of them children.More than 2,000 Yemenis have died in the epidemic.The U.N.predicts one million cholera cases by January.Justin Armstrong: |||||||||||people from Yemen|||||||||||||||||

It affected the vast majority of the country, with patients reported from every corner of Yemen. Elle a touché la grande majorité du pays, avec des patients signalés dans tous les coins du Yémen.

And it’s compounded by the fact that the health system has already collapsed in many respects. Et cela est aggravé par le fait que le système de santé s'est déjà effondré à bien des égards.

Health workers have not been paid, and over half the health facilities in the country have ceased functioning.

Other ones struggle with even the most basic needs. D'autres luttent même avec les besoins les plus élémentaires.


But the war continues.

Al-Qaida, ISIS, tribal and militia groups are also active.The U.S.conducts airstrikes against the terrorists.In January, a Navy SEAL was killed in a raid in Central Yemen. |Base or foundation|Islamic State group|||armed civilian group||||||||carries out||||||||||||||||| Al-Qaida, ISIS, des groupes tribaux et des milices sont également actifs. Les États-Unis mènent des frappes aériennes contre les terroristes. En janvier, un Navy SEAL a été tué lors d'un raid dans le centre du Yémen.

Abdulwahab Alkebsi was born in Yemen. No translation needed|a surname||||

He’s now the deputy director for programs at the Center for International Private Enterprise.Abdulwahab Alkebsi: Il est maintenant directeur adjoint des programmes au Centre pour l'entreprise privée internationale. Abdulwahab Alkebsi :

The conflict in Yemen, unfortunately, right now has reached a level of equilibrium.

So, nobody is gaining ground, nobody is losing ground.Most of the belligerents right now are benefiting from the status quo. ||||||||||||aggressive parties|||||||| Donc, personne ne gagne du terrain, personne ne perd du terrain. La plupart des belligérants profitent actuellement du statu quo.

So, they would benefit from continuing the war, while they would also lose from a peace process. Ainsi, ils bénéficieraient de la poursuite de la guerre, alors qu'ils perdraient également d'un processus de paix.

So we have reached a level where it seems like there’s no solution in sight.


A United Nations report in September says that both sides of the conflict have committed war crimes.

The Houthis are accused of recruiting child soldiers.But the U.N.says coalition bombings are the leading cause of civilian deaths. Les Houthis sont accusés de recruter des enfants soldats. Mais, selon l'ONU, les bombardements de la coalition sont la principale cause de décès parmi les civils.

Some of those bombs were sold to the Saudis by U.S. Certaines de ces bombes ont été vendues aux Saoudiens par les États-Unis

defense contractors.A single October 2016 Saudi airstrike killed 140 people, and wounded hundreds more at a funeral in Sanaa.Kate Kizer: |||||||||||||||||||Kate Kizer: Analyst sous-traitants de la défense. Une seule frappe aérienne saoudienne en octobre 2016 a tué 140 personnes et en a blessé des centaines d'autres lors d'un enterrement à Sanaa. Kate Kizer :

Basically U.S.

tanker jets are flying missions to refuel Saudi and UAE jets in air, so they can continue the high tempo of airstrikes over the country.P.j.Tobia: les avions ravitailleurs effectuent des missions pour ravitailler les avions saoudiens et émiriens en vol, afin qu'ils puissent poursuivre le rythme élevé des frappes aériennes au-dessus du pays. PjTobia :

Kate Kizer is the director of policy and advocacy at the Yemen Peace Project. ||||||||support and promotion||||| Kate Kizer est la directrice des politiques et du plaidoyer au Yemen Peace Project.

Kate Kizer:

The U.S.

also has been sharing intelligence with the coalition for targeting purposes, and there are also U.S.personnel in the joint command center that the coalition runs.But it’s pretty unclear still what the role of those U.S.personnel is, as there’s never been really transparency from either the Obama administration or the Trump administration. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Obama administration||||| a également partagé des renseignements avec la coalition à des fins de ciblage, et il y a aussi du personnel américain dans le centre de commandement conjoint que la coalition dirige. l'administration ou l'administration Trump.


A Pentagon spokesman would only tell NewsHour that the U.S. |U.S. Department of Defense|||||news program|||| Un porte-parole du Pentagone aurait seulement dit à NewsHour que les États-Unis

gives the Saudi air force information on enemy capabilities and networks.They wouldn’t specify how much fuel U.S.tankers were pumping into Saudi and Emirati jets bombing Yemen.They’d only share figures for all operations in the Horn of Africa region. |||||||||||||||||||||||||UAE military|||||||||||||||| donne à l'armée de l'air saoudienne des informations sur les capacités et les réseaux ennemis. Ils ne préciseraient pas la quantité de carburant que les pétroliers américains injectaient dans les avions saoudiens et émiratis bombardant le Yémen. Ils ne partageraient que les chiffres de toutes les opérations dans la région de la Corne de l'Afrique. 向沙特空军提供有关敌人能力和网络的信息。他们没有具体说明美国油轮向轰炸也门的沙特和阿联酋喷气式飞机注入了多少燃料。他们只分享了非洲之角地区所有行动的数据。

After the funeral bombing, the Obama administration launched a review of U.S. Après l'attentat funéraire, l'administration Obama a lancé un examen des États-Unis

support for the coalition.Ultimately, Obama halted the sale of nearly 20,000 bombs to the Saudis, many manufactured by U.S.-based Raytheon. |||||||||||||||||||||defense contractor soutien à la coalition. En fin de compte, Obama a interrompu la vente de près de 20 000 bombes aux Saoudiens, dont beaucoup étaient fabriquées par la société américaine Raytheon.

Last summer, the Trump administration notified Congress that it would permit the sale.

Trump later announced the possibility of billions of dollars in new arms sales to Saudi Arabia.The president says the deals are a way to create U.S.jobs.

Kate Kizer:

Providing military support that is then used in potential war crimes opens the U.S. Fournir un soutien militaire qui est ensuite utilisé dans des crimes de guerre potentiels ouvre les États-Unis

into complicity for those war crimes.And so I think it’s really important to recognize that, just because they’re our allies, we shouldn’t just blindly support them. |involvement||||||||||||||||||||||||| en complicité pour ces crimes de guerre. Je pense donc qu'il est vraiment important de reconnaître que, simplement parce qu'ils sont nos alliés, nous ne devrions pas simplement les soutenir aveuglément.


Some lawmakers on Capitol Hill agree.

Senator Chris Murphy introduced bipartisan legislation last spring that would have limited U.S.bombing support.It was narrowly defeated. ||Senator Murphy||supported by both parties||||||||||||||| Le sénateur Chris Murphy a présenté au printemps dernier une législation bipartite qui aurait limité le soutien aux bombardements américains. Elle a été rejetée de justesse.

NewsHour’s Judy Woodruff asked Murphy about the issue last week.


CHRIS MURPHY: The U.S.Saudi war in Yemen is a national security disaster for the United States.First of all, it’s setting off one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises inside Yemen.It’s radicalizing the population against the United States.The U.S.is getting absolutely nothing out of this war inside Yemen. CHRIS MURPHY : La guerre saoudienne au Yémen est un désastre pour la sécurité nationale des États-Unis. Tout d'abord, elle déclenche l'une des pires crises humanitaires au monde à l'intérieur du Yémen. Elle radicalise la population contre les États-Unis. Les États-Unis ne retirent absolument rien de cette guerre au Yémen.


The national security stakes for the U.S. Les enjeux de sécurité nationale pour les États-Unis

are high.Abdulwahab Alkebsi:

A failed state in Yemen will create a vacuum, will create the perfect breeding ground for terrorist organizations, whether it’s the al-Qaida flavor or it is the ISIS flavor. Un État défaillant au Yémen créera un vide, créera le terreau idéal pour les organisations terroristes, que ce soit du côté d'Al-Qaïda ou du côté de l'EIIL.

And that’s a very, very destabilizing thing for Yemen, for Saudi Arabia, for the region and for the rest of the world.P.j.Tobia:

More than one plot against the West has emanated from Yemen, including a 2010 plan to bomb cargo planes bound for the U.S. ||||||||originated from Yemen|||||||||||||| Plus d'un complot contre l'Occident a émané du Yémen, y compris un plan de 2010 visant à bombarder des avions-cargos à destination des États-Unis 也门发起了不止一起针对西方的阴谋,其中包括 2010 年计划轰炸飞往美国的货机

And continued instability is fertile ground for bad actors. Et l'instabilité continue est un terrain fertile pour les mauvais acteurs.

For the PBS NewsHour, I’m P.J.
