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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Nov 2, 2017 - News Wrap: Trump nominee for USDA chief scientist withdraws

Nov 2, 2017 - News Wrap: Trump nominee for USDA chief scientist withdraws

Nov 2, 2017 - News Wrap: Trump nominee for USDA chief scientist withdraws.

Judy Woodruff:

In the day's other news, President Trump nominated Jerome Powell to be the next chair of the Federal Reserve. He's a Republican, and a member of the Fed's board for the past five years.If confirmed by the Senate, he would replace Janet Yellen, a Democrat who served one term as chair. Later in the program, we'll look at what this change means. Former Trump campaign official Sam Clovis has withdrawn as the nominee for chief scientist at the U.S.

Department of Agriculture.He wrote to the president today, saying the political climate, quote, has made it impossible to receive balanced and fair consideration.

Clovis faced criticism for a lack of science credentials, and for ties to George Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty this week to lying about contacts with Russian intermediaries last year.

The president's former campaign chair, Paul Manafort, attacked the evidence against him today in a probe of Russian campaign meddling. His lawyers said the case is, quote, embellished.Manafort appeared in federal court in Washington along with his associate Rick Gates.They face a 12-count indictment including conspiracy and money laundering charges.

The president is pressing for the death penalty for the man behind Tuesday's truck rampage in New York. Overnight, and again today, Mr. Trump tweeted that Sayfullo Saipov should get the death penalty for killing eight people.

But in Manhattan, Mayor Bill de Blasio said he does not believe the attacker should be executed.

He spoke near the scene of the crime.Mayor Bill De Blasio:

I'm not clear on all the legalities and I'm not a lawyer. I'm not someone who believes in the death penalty in general.I just don't.I believe this is an individual who should rot in prison for the rest of his life.Judy Woodruff: Saipov, an Uzbek immigrant, now faces federal terrorism charges.

President Trump initially said he should be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

But today, he reversed himself and said there is, quote, something appropriate about keeping him in the home of the horrible crime he committed.

A jury in Newark, New Jersey, heard closing arguments today in the federal bribery case against U.S.

Senator Bob Menendez.Prosecutors called Menendez a, quote, “personal senator” for a wealthy eye doctor, accepting cash and lavish gifts in exchange for favors.Defense attorneys have denied the allegations.

In Myanmar, de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi visited the scene of a crackdown on Rohingya Muslims.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner had been criticized for not doing anything to stop the violence by Myanmar's army and Buddhist militants. Today, she met with local officials amid tight security.

Rohingya activists say she urged them to, quote, live peacefully and not quarrel.

Scientists now say they've discovered a hidden space deep inside Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza. The royal burial monument is 4,500 years old.This would be the first new discovery inside the pyramid since the 19th century.The journal “Nature” reports that researchers found the empty space by using cosmic-ray imaging.Its purpose remains unclear.

Back in this country, they broke ground today for a memorial to President Dwight Eisenhower in Washington.

It followed years of disputes over the design.Final plans call for columns and statues near the National Mall in Washington.They depict Eisenhower as World War II commander in Europe, and later, as the 34th president, in the 1950s.The monument is set to be finished in 2020.

On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 81 points to close at 23516.

The Nasdaq fell one point, and the S&P 500 added a fraction. And, the Houston Astros are baseball's world champions, for the first time since their founding in 1962. They scored a game seven victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers last night, 5-1.It was a boost for the city of Houston, still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Nov 2, 2017 - News Wrap: Trump nominee for USDA chief scientist withdraws 11월|||||||||사퇴하다 2. November 2017 - News Wrap: Trump-Kandidat für USDA-Chefwissenschaftler zieht sich zurück Nov 2, 2017 - News Wrap: El candidato de Trump para jefe científico del USDA se retira Nov 2, 2017 - Actualités : Le candidat de Trump au poste de scientifique en chef de l'USDA se retire 2 novembre 2017 - Notizie: Il candidato di Trump per il ruolo di capo scienziato dell'USDA si ritira 11月 2, 2017 - ニュース・ラップ:トランプ大統領が米国農務省の主任科学者候補を辞退 Nov 2, 2017 - Naujienų apžvalga: Trumpo kandidatas į USDA vyriausiojo mokslininko postą pasitraukia Nov 2, 2017 - Notícias: Trump nomeado para cientista-chefe do USDA desiste Nov 2, 2017 - News Wrap: Кандидат Трампа на пост главного научного сотрудника Министерства сельского хозяйства США снял свою кандидатуру 2 Kasım 2017 - Haber Özeti: Trump'ın USDA baş bilim adamı adayı geri çekildi 2 листопада 2017 року - Новини: Кандидат від Трампа на посаду головного науковця USDA відкликає свою кандидатуру 2017年11月2日 - 新闻综述:特朗普提名的美国农业部首席科学家人选退出 2017 年 11 月 2 日 - 新聞報導:川普提名的美國農業部首席科學家退出

Nov 2, 2017 - News Wrap: Trump nominee for USDA chief scientist withdraws. ||||||||과학자|사퇴하다 2 nov. 2017 - Nouvelles en bref : le candidat de Trump pour le poste de scientifique en chef de l'USDA se retire.

Judy Woodruff: |주디 우드러프

In the day's other news, President Trump nominated Jerome Powell to be the next chair of the Federal Reserve. ||그날의|||||||||||||||| He's a Republican, and a member of the Fed's board for the past five years.If confirmed by the Senate, he would replace Janet Yellen, a Democrat who served one term as chair. |||||구성원||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Later in the program, we'll look at what this change means. |||프로그램에서 나중에||||||| Former Trump campaign official Sam Clovis has withdrawn as the nominee for chief scientist at the U.S. |||||||отозвал свою кандидатуру|||||||||| L'ancien responsable de la campagne de Trump, Sam Clovis, s'est retiré de la liste des candidats au poste de scientifique en chef de l'Agence américaine pour l'environnement (AIEA).

Department of Agriculture.He wrote to the president today, saying the political climate, quote, has made it impossible to receive balanced and fair consideration. Département de l'agriculture. Il a écrit au président aujourd'hui, disant que le climat politique, je cite, a rendu impossible une considération équilibrée et équitable.

Clovis faced criticism for a lack of science credentials, and for ties to George Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty this week to lying about contacts with Russian intermediaries last year. ||||||||учёная степень|и||||||||||||||||||| Clovis a été critiqué pour son manque de références scientifiques et pour ses liens avec George Papadopoulos, qui a plaidé coupable cette semaine d'avoir menti au sujet de contacts avec des intermédiaires russes l'année dernière.

The president's former campaign chair, Paul Manafort, attacked the evidence against him today in a probe of Russian campaign meddling. |||||||||||||||расследование|||| L'ancien président de campagne du président, Paul Manafort, a attaqué les preuves contre lui aujourd'hui dans une enquête sur l'ingérence dans la campagne russe. His lawyers said the case is, quote, embellished.Manafort appeared in federal court in Washington along with his associate Rick Gates.They face a 12-count indictment including conspiracy and money laundering charges. |||||||преувеличено|||||||||||||||||||||||| Ses avocats ont déclaré que l'affaire était, entre guillemets, embellie. Manafort a comparu devant un tribunal fédéral à Washington avec son associé Rick Gates. Ils font face à un acte d'accusation en 12 chefs d'accusation, y compris des accusations de complot et de blanchiment d'argent.

The president is pressing for the death penalty for the man behind Tuesday's truck rampage in New York. ||||||||||||||беспорядки||| Le président demande la peine de mort pour l'homme derrière le saccage de camions de mardi à New York. Overnight, and again today, Mr. Trump tweeted that Sayfullo Saipov should get the death penalty for killing eight people. Dans la nuit, et à nouveau aujourd'hui, M. Trump a tweeté que Sayfullo Saipov devrait être condamné à la peine de mort pour avoir tué huit personnes.

But in Manhattan, Mayor Bill de Blasio said he does not believe the attacker should be executed. ||||||||||||||||казнён Mais à Manhattan, le maire Bill de Blasio a déclaré qu'il ne pensait pas que l'agresseur devait être exécuté.

He spoke near the scene of the crime.Mayor Bill De Blasio:

I'm not clear on all the legalities and I'm not a lawyer. Je ne suis pas clair sur toutes les légalités et je ne suis pas avocat. I'm not someone who believes in the death penalty in general.I just don't.I believe this is an individual who should rot in prison for the rest of his life.Judy Woodruff: ||||||||||||||||||||||гнить в тюрьме|||||||||| Je ne suis pas quelqu'un qui croit en la peine de mort en général.Je ne crois pas.Je crois que c'est un individu qui devrait pourrir en prison pour le reste de sa vie.Judy Woodruff : Saipov, an Uzbek immigrant, now faces federal terrorism charges.

President Trump initially said he should be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

But today, he reversed himself and said there is, quote, something appropriate about keeping him in the home of the horrible crime he committed.

A jury in Newark, New Jersey, heard closing arguments today in the federal bribery case against U.S. Un jury à Newark, New Jersey, a entendu aujourd'hui les plaidoiries finales dans l'affaire de corruption fédérale contre les États-Unis

Senator Bob Menendez.Prosecutors called Menendez a, quote, “personal senator” for a wealthy eye doctor, accepting cash and lavish gifts in exchange for favors.Defense attorneys have denied the allegations. |||Прокуроры|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Le sénateur Bob Menendez. Les procureurs ont qualifié Menendez de "sénateur personnel" pour un riche ophtalmologiste, acceptant de l'argent et des cadeaux somptueux en échange de faveurs. Les avocats de la défense ont nié les allégations.

In Myanmar, de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi visited the scene of a crackdown on Rohingya Muslims. |В Мьянме|||||||||||||||рохинджа мусульман| Au Myanmar, la dirigeante de facto Aung San Suu Kyi s'est rendue sur les lieux d'une répression contre les musulmans rohingyas.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner had been criticized for not doing anything to stop the violence by Myanmar's army and Buddhist militants. Today, she met with local officials amid tight security. Aujourd'hui, elle a rencontré des responsables locaux dans un contexte de sécurité renforcée.

Rohingya activists say she urged them to, quote, live peacefully and not quarrel. ||||призвала||||||||

Scientists now say they've discovered a hidden space deep inside Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza. Les scientifiques disent maintenant qu'ils ont découvert un espace caché au plus profond de la Grande Pyramide de Gizeh en Égypte. The royal burial monument is 4,500 years old.This would be the first new discovery inside the pyramid since the 19th century.The journal “Nature” reports that researchers found the empty space by using cosmic-ray imaging.Its purpose remains unclear. Le monument funéraire royal a 4 500 ans. Il s'agirait de la première nouvelle découverte à l'intérieur de la pyramide depuis le 19e siècle. La revue "Nature" rapporte que des chercheurs ont trouvé l'espace vide en utilisant l'imagerie par rayons cosmiques. Son objectif reste flou.

Back in this country, they broke ground today for a memorial to President Dwight Eisenhower in Washington. De retour dans ce pays, ils ont inauguré aujourd'hui un mémorial au président Dwight Eisenhower à Washington.

It followed years of disputes over the design.Final plans call for columns and statues near the National Mall in Washington.They depict Eisenhower as World War II commander in Europe, and later, as the 34th president, in the 1950s.The monument is set to be finished in 2020. Il a suivi des années de différends sur la conception.Les plans finaux prévoient des colonnes et des statues près du National Mall à Washington.Ils dépeignent Eisenhower en tant que commandant de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en Europe, et plus tard, en tant que 34e président, dans les années 1950.Le monument est situé à finir en 2020.

On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 81 points to close at 23516.

The Nasdaq fell one point, and the S&P 500 added a fraction. And, the Houston Astros are baseball's world champions, for the first time since their founding in 1962. Et les Astros de Houston sont champions du monde de baseball, pour la première fois depuis leur création en 1962. They scored a game seven victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers last night, 5-1.It was a boost for the city of Houston, still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Ils ont marqué une victoire dans le septième match contre les Dodgers de Los Angeles hier soir, 5-1. C'était un coup de pouce pour la ville de Houston, toujours aux prises avec les conséquences de l'ouragan Harvey.