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Shakespeare - His Life and Plays, Chapter six The Globe Theatre

Chapter six The Globe Theatre

During 1598, Shakespeare wrote another comedy that is still popular today, Much Ado About Nothing. As usual, he used two stories for a comparison. He took one couple, Claudio and Hero, from an Italian story. They have traditional ideas of love and arranged marriage. He invented the other couple, Beatrice and Benedick. They learn that real love is the product of what he calls in one of his sonnets, 'the marriage of true minds'. The character of the comic town policeman, Dogberry, comes from his Stratford childhood.

Everything seemed to be going well for the company. James Burbage was dead, and the company now belonged to his sons, Richard and Cuthbert. But in the cold winter of 1598, they had problems. The theatre stood inside the city of London, and the owner of the land refused to let them continue there. They had to perform a number of times at court at Christmas time, and for a month or two they acted in another, smaller building. Then the brothers reached a brave decision. Between their performances at court they took the whole wooden theatre, in pieces, across the river to some land outside the city. In the spring they built a new theatre and called it the Globe. The Burbages needed money and so they invited the five leading members of the company to join them. From this time, Shakespeare was a partner in the theatre.

For the new theatre, Shakespeare wrote three plays. He finished Henry V to complete the story of the Prince, and he also produced a comedy, As You Like It, and a tragedy, Julius Caesar.

Laurence Olivier made a great film of Henry V at the end of the Second World War. He was able to show the scenes of fighting in colour in the film. Shakespeare realized how difficult it would be to do this on the stage, so he wrote speeches - which he probably spoke himself - asking the audience to use their imagination.

In an Elizabethan theatre, they always had to do this. The theatre was outdoors and some of the audience stood around the stage in the open air. People could pay more money for seats at the sides. If they wanted to be seen, not to see the play, they could pay to sit on the stage itself.

There were only two entrances, both at the back of the stage, but there was a special door in the floor where characters like ghosts and devils could suddenly appear. But although the actors had some simple pieces of furniture, the audience had to imagine where the scene was taking place. The dramatist also had to remember that the actors would not always perform in a theatre. They often performed at court. If there was plague in the city and they had to go on tour, they had to act in any building that they could find.

Unlike most other dramatists, Shakespeare acted in the plays himself. This was a great advantage. While he was writing, he imagined where the actors would be. His plays are full of lines that tell the audience what is happening and show the actors what to do.The main story of his beautiful comedy, As You Like It, comes from a popular book by Thomas Lodge. Early in the play the heroine, Rosalind, and her cousin, Celia, go to the forest to look for Rosalind's father. Perhaps the actors put up two or three trees on the stage, but the audience knew that the girls had arrived when Rosalind said, 'Well, this is the forest of Arden.' In the same way, Shakespeare told the audience when characters were coming on the stage or going off. He gave them a picture of the scene and told them the time. Plays at the Globe were acted in the afternoon, but the first scene of Hamlet begins at midnight and ends as Horatio describes the sun coming up over a hill in the east. Although it may seem that the audience had to use their imagination all the time, Elizabethan theatres had one great advantage when compared with most theatres today. The stage area was much bigger, and the actors could stand in the middle of the audience. It was easier for a character like Richard III or Hamlet to make the audience believe that the other actors on the stage could not hear him. He was much nearer to the audience than to them. In the second scene of Hamlet, at least ten actors came on to the stage. They placed thrones for the King and Queen, and stood near them while Claudius made a long political speech. Everyone was dressed in bright colours to celebrate the wedding of Claudius and Gertrude except Hamlet, who was dressed in black. He stood at the front of the stage, as far from the King and Queen as possible, and told the audience what he thought of them. The Globe immediately became the most popular theatre in London. In September 1599 a Swiss visitor, Thomas Platter, saw a performance of Julius Caesar there. His diary gives us an idea of what an Elizabethan performance was like. Even after a tragedy, the actors danced: 'I saw the tragedy of Julius Caesar with at least fifteen characters very well acted. At the end they danced according to their custom.'

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Chapter six The Globe Theatre Sechstes Kapitel Das Globe Theatre Capítulo seis El Globe Theatre Chapitre six Le Globe Theatre 第6章 グローブ座 Capítulo 6 O Globe Theatre Глава шестая Театр "Глобус Altıncı Bölüm Globe Tiyatrosu Розділ шостий Театр "Глобус 第六章 环球剧场

During 1598, Shakespeare wrote another comedy that is still popular today, Much Ado About Nothing. En 1598, Shakespeare a écrit une autre comédie qui est toujours populaire aujourd'hui, Beaucoup de bruit pour rien. Em 1598, Shakespeare escreveu outra comédia que ainda hoje é popular, Much Ado About Nothing. As usual, he used two stories for a comparison. Como de costume, utilizou duas histórias para fazer uma comparação. He took one couple, Claudio and Hero, from an Italian story. He took one couple, Claudio and Hero, from an Italian story. [:]彼はイタリアの物語からクラウディオとヒーローを1組取りました。 Tirou um casal, Claudio e Hero, de uma história italiana. They have traditional ideas of love and arranged marriage. Tienen ideas tradicionales sobre el amor y el matrimonio concertado. 彼らは愛と結婚の手配の伝統的な考えを持っています。 Geleneksel aşk ve görücü usulü evlilik fikirlerine sahiptirler. He invented the other couple, Beatrice and Benedick. 彼はもう 1 つのカップル、ベアトリスとベネディックを考案しました。 Diğer çifti, Beatrice ve Benedick'i icat etti. They learn that real love is the product of what he calls in one of his sonnets, 'the marriage of true minds'. Aprenden que el amor verdadero es el producto de lo que él llama en uno de sus sonetos, "el matrimonio de las mentes verdaderas". 彼らは、本当の愛は、彼がソネットの 1 つである「真の心の結婚」で呼んでいるものの産物であることを学びます。 Они узнают, что настоящая любовь - это продукт того, что он называет в одном из своих сонетов «браком истинных умов». Gerçek aşkın, onun sonelerinden birinde "gerçek zihinlerin evliliği" dediği şeyin ürünü olduğunu öğrenirler. The character of the comic town policeman, Dogberry, comes from his Stratford childhood. コミック タウンの警官、ドッグベリーのキャラクターは、ストラットフォードの子供時代に由来します。

Everything seemed to be going well for the company. 会社にとってすべてがうまくいっているように見えました。 Казалось, что у компании все идет хорошо. James Burbage was dead, and the company now belonged to his sons, Richard and Cuthbert. But in the cold winter of 1598, they had problems. James Burbage était mort et l'entreprise appartenait maintenant à ses fils, Richard et Cuthbert.> Mais pendant l'hiver froid de 1598, ils ont eu des problèmes. The theatre stood inside the city of London, and the owner of the land refused to let them continue there. El teatro estaba dentro de la ciudad de Londres, y el dueño del terreno se negó a dejarlos continuar allí. 劇場はロンドンの街中にあり、土地の所有者は彼らがそこで続けることを拒否しました。 Театр находился внутри Лондона, и владелец земли отказался разрешить им продолжать там. Tiyatro Londra şehrinin içindeydi ve arazinin sahibi orada devam etmelerine izin vermeyi reddetti. They had to perform a number of times at court at Christmas time, and for a month or two they acted in another, smaller building. Ils ont dû se produire plusieurs fois à la cour à Noël, et pendant un mois ou deux, ils ont joué dans un autre bâtiment plus petit. 彼らはクリスマスの時期に法廷で何度も演奏しなければならず、1、2 か月間、別の小さな建物で演じました。 Им пришлось несколько раз выступать в суде на Рождество, и месяц или два они выступали в другом, меньшем здании. Then the brothers reached a brave decision. Between their performances at court they took the whole wooden theatre, in pieces, across the river to some land outside the city. 法廷での公演の合間に、彼らは木造の劇場全体をバラバラにして、川を渡って街の外の土地に連れて行きました。 В перерывах между выступлениями при дворе они возили весь деревянный театр по частям через реку на какую-то землю за городом. У перервах між виступами при дворі вони перевезли весь дерев’яний театр по частинах через річку в якусь землю за містом. In the spring they built a new theatre and called it the Globe. 春に彼らは新しい劇場を建設し、それをグローブと呼んだ。 Навесні побудували новий театр і назвали його «Глобус». The Burbages needed money and so they invited the five leading members of the company to join them. バーベッジ夫妻はお金が必要だったので、会社の主要メンバー 5 人を招待しました。 "mceAudioTime"> [:] Бербаджам нужны были деньги, и они пригласили пять ведущих членов компании присоединиться к ним. Burbage'ların paraya ihtiyacı vardı ve bu yüzden şirketin önde gelen beş üyesini kendilerine katılmaya davet ettiler. Подружжю Бербеджів були потрібні гроші, тому вони запросили п’ятьох провідних членів компанії приєднатися до них. From this time, Shakespeare was a partner in the theatre. この時から、シェイクスピアは劇場のパートナーでした。

For the new theatre, Shakespeare wrote three plays. He finished Henry V to complete the story of the Prince, and he also produced a comedy, As You Like It, and a tragedy, Julius Caesar. 新しい劇場のために、シェイクスピアは 3 つの戯曲を書きました。彼は王子の物語を完成させるためにヘンリー 5 世を完成させ、喜劇「お気に召すまま」と悲劇のジュリアス・シーザーも制作しました。 Yeni tiyatro için Shakespeare üç oyun yazdı. Prens'in hikayesini tamamlamak için Henry V'i bitirdi ve aynı zamanda bir komedi, Beğendiğiniz Gibi ve bir trajedi, Julius Caesar.

Laurence Olivier made a great film of Henry V at the end of the Second World War. He was able to show the scenes of fighting in colour in the film. Laurence Olivier hizo una gran película de Enrique V al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pudo mostrar las escenas de lucha en color en la película. ローレンス・オリヴィエは、第二次世界大戦の終わりにヘンリー 5 世の素晴らしい映画を制作しました。彼は映画の中で戦うシーンをカラーで見せることができました. Laurence Olivier, İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın sonunda Henry V'nin harika bir filmini yaptı. Filmde dövüş sahnelerini renkli göstermeyi başardı. Лоуренс Олів'є зняв чудовий фільм про Генріха V наприкінці Другої світової війни. Він зміг показати у фільмі сцени боїв кольоровими. Shakespeare realized how difficult it would be to do this on the stage, so he wrote speeches - which he probably spoke himself - asking the audience to use their imagination. Shakespeare a réalisé à quel point il serait difficile de le faire sur scène, alors il a écrit des discours - qu'il a probablement prononcés lui-même - demandant au public d'utiliser son imagination. Шекспир понимал, насколько сложно будет сделать это на сцене, поэтому он писал речи - которые, вероятно, произносил сам, - прося аудиторию задействовать свое воображение. Shakespeare bunu sahnede yapmanın ne kadar zor olduğunu fark etti ve muhtemelen kendi söylediği konuşmalar yazdı ve seyircilerden hayal güçlerini kullanmalarını istedi. Шекспір усвідомлював, наскільки важко буде зробити це на сцені, тому він писав промови, які, ймовірно, говорив сам, просячи глядачів використовувати свою уяву.

In an Elizabethan theatre, they always had to do this. У єлизаветинському театрі вони завжди повинні були це робити. The theatre was outdoors and some of the audience stood around the stage in the open air. People could pay more money for seats at the sides. If they wanted to be seen, not to see the play, they could pay to sit on the stage itself. [:] Люди могли бы платить больше за места по бокам.> [:] Если бы они хотели, чтобы их видели, а не смотрели спектакль, они могли бы заплатить, чтобы сидеть на самой сцене. İnsanlar yan koltuklar için daha fazla para ödeyebilirdi. Eğer görülmek isterlerse, oyunu görmek istemezlerse, sahnede oturmak için para ödeyebilirlerdi. Люди могли б заплатити більше грошей за місця збоку. Якщо вони хотіли, щоб їх бачили, а не дивилися виставу, вони могли заплатити, щоб сидіти на самій сцені.

There were only two entrances, both at the back of the stage, but there was a special door in the floor where characters like ghosts and devils could suddenly appear. Il n'y avait que deux entrées, toutes deux au fond de la scène, mais il y avait une porte spéciale dans le sol où des personnages comme des fantômes et des démons pouvaient soudainement apparaître. Було лише два входи, обидва в задній частині сцени, але на підлозі були спеціальні двері, куди могли раптово з’явитися такі персонажі, як привиди та дияволи. But although the actors had some simple pieces of furniture, the audience had to imagine where the scene was taking place. Mais si les comédiens disposaient de meubles simples, le public devait imaginer où se déroulait la scène. Ancak oyuncuların bazı basit mobilya parçaları olmasına rağmen, seyircinin sahnenin nerede geçtiğini hayal etmesi gerekiyordu. Але хоча в акторів були прості предмети меблів, глядачам доводилося уявляти, де саме відбувається сцена. The dramatist also had to remember that the actors would not always perform in a theatre. "mceAudioTime"> [:] Драматург также должен был помнить, что актеры не всегда выступают в театре. Oyun yazarı, oyuncuların her zaman bir tiyatroda oynamayacağını da hatırlamak zorundaydı. Драматург також мав пам’ятати, що актори не завжди будуть грати в театрі. They often performed at court. Genellikle mahkemede sahne aldılar. If there was plague in the city and they had to go on tour, they had to act in any building that they could find. Если в городе была чума и они должны были отправиться в тур, они должны были действовать в любом здании, которое они могли найти. Якщо в місті була чума і їм потрібно було їхати на гастролі, вони повинні були виступати в будь-якій будівлі, яку могли знайти.

Unlike most other dramatists, Shakespeare acted in the plays himself. A diferencia de la mayoría de los otros dramaturgos, Shakespeare actuó él mismo en las obras. Contrairement à la plupart des autres dramaturges, Shakespeare a joué lui-même dans les pièces. На відміну від більшості інших драматургів, Шекспір сам грав у п'єсах. This was a great advantage. While he was writing, he imagined where the actors would be. His plays are full of lines that tell the audience what is happening and show the actors what to do.The main story of his beautiful comedy, As You Like It, comes from a popular book by Thomas Lodge. Early in the play the heroine, Rosalind, and her cousin, Celia, go to the forest to look for Rosalind's father. Perhaps the actors put up two or three trees on the stage, but the audience knew that the girls had arrived when Rosalind said, 'Well, this is the forest of Arden.' In the same way, Shakespeare told the audience when characters were coming on the stage or going off. He gave them a picture of the scene and told them the time. Plays at the Globe were acted in the afternoon, but the first scene of Hamlet begins at midnight and ends as Horatio describes the sun coming up over a hill in the east. Although it may seem that the audience had to use their imagination all the time, Elizabethan theatres had one great advantage when compared with most theatres today. The stage area was much bigger, and the actors could stand in the middle of the audience. It was easier for a character like Richard III or Hamlet to make the audience believe that the other actors on the stage could not hear him. He was much nearer to the audience than to them. In the second scene of Hamlet, at least ten actors came on to the stage. They placed thrones for the King and Queen, and stood near them while Claudius made a long political speech. Everyone was dressed in bright colours to celebrate the wedding of Claudius and Gertrude except Hamlet, who was dressed in black. He stood at the front of the stage, as far from the King and Queen as possible, and told the audience what he thought of them. The Globe immediately became the most popular theatre in London. In September 1599 a Swiss visitor, Thomas Platter, saw a performance of Julius Caesar there. His diary gives us an idea of what an Elizabethan performance was like. Even after a tragedy, the actors danced: 'I saw the tragedy of Julius Caesar with at least fifteen characters very well acted. At the end they danced according to their custom.' [:] Ses pièces sont pleines de répliques qui racontent au public ce qui se passe et montrent aux acteurs ce qu'il faut faire.ass="mceAudioTime">[:] L'histoire principale de sa belle comédie, As You Like It, vient d'un livre par Thomas Lodge.