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Steve's Youtube Videos - General Language Learning, Google Translate "Doesn't Work"

Google Translate "Doesn't Work"

hi there Steve Kaufman here today I'm

gonna talk about Google Translate before

I do just a reminder if you enjoy my

videos about language learning please

subscribe and one other point with

regard to transcripts because we don't

provide the full transcript here nor

subtitles but we are we do have a course

link where all of these videos are

available the video the transcript and

the sound and that is for those of you

who use these videos to improve your


Google Translate I hear all the time

Google Translate is no good it's not

accurate it's this and that I think

Google Translate is a tremendous

resource for language learners not only

for language learners because if I get a

text in a language that I don't

understand then I can quickly put it

into Google Translate and get a sense of

what the meaning is something in Finnish

or in you know Hungarian or whatever it

might be it's not a hundred percent and

it's better for some languages than

others but I find it extremely useful

second of all Google Translate is an

excellent dictionary it normally gives

you a lot of information about the word

some synonyms the pronunciation


so it's a very good dictionary and quite

accurate this depends on the language it

doesn't work as well in Korean let's say

as in German or Russian but by-and-large

is a very good dictionary and not only

does it do words it does phrases and

that's very useful because often if I'm

working at link and I look up some

individual words and I don't have a good

sense of the meaning of these words in

combination I can highlight the phrase

put it into Google Translate which is

done we're connected to it and I can see

the meaning not only that you can also

work the other way with phrases so that

if I wanted to say like how do you say

you know as a test I try to tell in

other words there's a phrase how do we

say that in check there it is any me

slowly so you can very quickly if you're

if you want to improve your language

level by having some handy phrases like

in other words or in my opinion or by

the way then you just put it into Google

Translate and you get that phrase so

that's its function

a dictionary it also helps me when I

have to write in a language which uses

an alphabet other than the Latin

alphabet so for me to write in Russian I

can do it but I just it's much faster

free to simply type quickly in English

translate it into Russian I can go into

the Russian and fix up those parts that

are not correct and voila

my Russian text if I have to comment on

a forum or or something of that nature

and it also ensures that my spelling is

correct now it works better for some

languages than others it doesn't work so

well for Asian languages but it works

very well for European languages in my

experience so and one other last thing I

would say is that I find it very useful

sometimes if I want to focus on a

particular area of a vocabulary let's

say having to do with forestry or

something then I can plunk in a text in

English on one side that Google

Translate translate it into Russian or

Chinese or whatever language and then I

can import that into link and I study

saving words and phrases now over all

the text that Google Translate produces

is somewhat unnatural and has errors but

in terms of acquiring the vocabulary I

find it tremendously useful so to me

Google Translate is not going to replace

translators that are required for legal

work or for business documents but it

does facilitate people working across

different languages it makes it easier

for us to learn languages and I don't

see that it'll replace the need for

learning languages I can't see myself if

I'm in a foreign country if I'm in China

or in Brazil and I want to cook

communicate with locals I'm not gonna do

it through some device that translates

it back and forth I want to speak to

local language learning about the

culture learn about the history and so

forth so Google Translate is a

tremendous boon it's one of the many

sort of technological advances that are

have made language learning so much

easier today than it ever was thank you

for listening bye for now


Google Translate "Doesn't Work" Google Translate "Funktioniert nicht" Google Translate "Doesn't Work" Google Translate "no funciona" グーグル翻訳は "機能しない" Google 번역 "작동하지 않음" Tłumacz Google "nie działa" O Google Tradutor "Não funciona" Google Translate "не работает" Google Çeviri "Çalışmıyor" 谷歌翻译“不起作用”

hi there Steve Kaufman here today I'm

gonna talk about Google Translate before

I do just a reminder if you enjoy my

videos about language learning please

subscribe and one other point with

regard to transcripts because we don't respecto a las transcripciones porque no

provide the full transcript here nor proporcionar la transcripción completa aquí ni

subtitles but we are we do have a course subtítulos pero tenemos un curso

link where all of these videos are enlace donde están todos estos vídeos

available the video the transcript and

the sound and that is for those of you el sonido y que es para aquellos de ustedes

who use these videos to improve your que utilizan estos vídeos para mejorar su


Google Translate I hear all the time

Google Translate is no good it's not

accurate it's this and that I think

Google Translate is a tremendous

resource for language learners not only

for language learners because if I get a

text in a language that I don't

understand then I can quickly put it

into Google Translate and get a sense of

what the meaning is something in Finnish

or in you know Hungarian or whatever it

might be it's not a hundred percent and

it's better for some languages than

others but I find it extremely useful

second of all Google Translate is an

excellent dictionary it normally gives

you a lot of information about the word

some synonyms the pronunciation


so it's a very good dictionary and quite

accurate this depends on the language it preciso isso depende do idioma que

doesn't work as well in Korean let's say não funciona tão bem em coreano, digamos

as in German or Russian but by-and-large como em alemão ou russo, mas em geral

is a very good dictionary and not only é um dicionário muito bom e não só

does it do words it does phrases and

that's very useful because often if I'm that's very useful because often if I'm

working at link and I look up some working at link and I look up some

individual words and I don't have a good individual words and I don't have a good

sense of the meaning of these words in

combination I can highlight the phrase combination I can highlight the phrase

put it into Google Translate which is

done we're connected to it and I can see done we're connected to it and I can see

the meaning not only that you can also

work the other way with phrases so that

if I wanted to say like how do you say

you know as a test I try to tell in

other words there's a phrase how do we

say that in check there it is any me say that in check there it is any me

slowly so you can very quickly if you're

if you want to improve your language

level by having some handy phrases like ||||useful||

in other words or in my opinion or by

the way then you just put it into Google

Translate and you get that phrase so

that's its function

a dictionary it also helps me when I

have to write in a language which uses

an alphabet other than the Latin

alphabet so for me to write in Russian I

can do it but I just it's much faster

free to simply type quickly in English

translate it into Russian I can go into

the Russian and fix up those parts that

are not correct and voila ||||there it is

my Russian text if I have to comment on

a forum or or something of that nature

and it also ensures that my spelling is

correct now it works better for some

languages than others it doesn't work so

well for Asian languages but it works

very well for European languages in my

experience so and one other last thing I

would say is that I find it very useful

sometimes if I want to focus on a

particular area of a vocabulary let's

say having to do with forestry or

something then I can plunk in a text in ||||insert||||

English on one side that Google

Translate translate it into Russian or

Chinese or whatever language and then I

can import that into link and I study

saving words and phrases now over all

the text that Google Translate produces

is somewhat unnatural and has errors but

in terms of acquiring the vocabulary I

find it tremendously useful so to me

Google Translate is not going to replace

translators that are required for legal

work or for business documents but it

does facilitate people working across

different languages it makes it easier

for us to learn languages and I don't

see that it'll replace the need for

learning languages I can't see myself if

I'm in a foreign country if I'm in China

or in Brazil and I want to cook

communicate with locals I'm not gonna do

it through some device that translates

it back and forth I want to speak to

local language learning about the

culture learn about the history and so

forth so Google Translate is a

tremendous boon it's one of the many |blessing|||||

sort of technological advances that are sort of technological advances that are

have made language learning so much

easier today than it ever was thank you

for listening bye for now

you you