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1,500+ ESL/EFL English Conversations, Restaurant 12. Good Tips for Good Service

Restaurant 12. Good Tips for Good Service

A: Do you want some dessert?

B: No thanks. We just need our check. Have you seen the waitress?

A: Here comes our waitress with our check.

B: The service here has been really great, don't you think?

A: Yes, the service was quite good.

B: So, let's look at the check. The total is $36.00.

A: How much do you think we should leave for a tip?

B: Usually people leave 15 percent, but this was exceptional service. I am thinking that maybe 20 percent would be appropriate.

A: I agree that 20 percent would be just about right.

B: OK, so that will bring her tip to $7.20. Add it to the $36.00 and the total is $43.20.

A: Yes, what a nice dinner that was!

B: We'll have to make sure to come back here again real soon.

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Restaurant 12. Good Tips for Good Service Restaurante 12. Buenos consejos para un buen servicio Restaurant 12. De bons conseils pour un bon service Ristorante 12. Buoni consigli per un buon servizio レストラン12.良いサービスのための良いヒント Restaurante 12. Boas dicas para um bom serviço Ресторан 12. Хороші чайові для хорошого обслуговування 餐厅 12. 良好服务的好秘诀

A: Do you want some dessert?

B: No thanks. We just need our check. Só precisamos do nosso cheque. Have you seen the waitress? Avez-vous vu la serveuse ?

A: Here comes our waitress with our check. A : La serveuse arrive avec l'addition.

B: The service here has been really great, don't you think?

A: Yes, the service was quite good.

B: So, let's look at the check. The total is $36.00.

A: How much do you think we should leave for a tip? A: Как вы думаете, сколько мы должны оставить за чаевые?

B: Usually people leave 15 percent, but this was exceptional service. ||||||||outstanding| I am thinking that maybe 20 percent would be appropriate.

A: I agree that 20 percent would be just about right. A: Eu concordo que 20% seria o correto.

B: OK, so that will bring her tip to $7.20. Add it to the $36.00 and the total is $43.20.

A: Yes, what a nice dinner that was!

B: We'll have to make sure to come back here again real soon.