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1,500+ ESL/EFL English Conversations, Travel 10. Picking Up at the Airport

Travel 10. Picking Up at the Airport

A: Would you be able to pick me up at the airport next Sunday?

B: Sure, I would be happy to help you. What time are you arriving?

A: I will be arriving at 3:00 in the afternoon.

B: By the time you pick up your luggage, it will be around 3:30. What if I meet you outside at the curb?

A: That would be a good time to meet, but what if I am running late?

B: I can track your plane online. I can just put in the flight number and I can see if you are on time.

A: Can you make sure that you have your cell phone with you so I can call you?

B: Yes, that would be good idea.

A: If something happens and you can't make it, just let me know and I'll book a Super Shuttle.

B: Don't worry. I'll be able to pick you up.

Travel 10. Picking Up at the Airport Reisen 10. Abholung am Flughafen Viaje 10. Recogida en el aeropuerto Voyage 10. Accueil à l'aéroport Viaggio 10. Prelievo all'aeroporto 旅行 10.空港での出迎え 여행 10. 공항 픽업 Viagem 10. Recolha no aeroporto Путешествие 10. Встреча в аэропорту 旅行 10. 机场接机

A: Would you be able to pick me up at the airport next Sunday? A: Сможете ли вы забрать меня в аэропорту в следующее воскресенье? A: 下周日你能去机场接我吗?

B: Sure, I would be happy to help you. What time are you arriving?

A: I will be arriving at 3:00 in the afternoon.

B: By the time you pick up your luggage, it will be around 3:30. B: К тому времени, когда вы заберете свой багаж, будет около 3:30. What if I meet you outside at the curb? Что если я встретлю тебя снаружи на тротуаре?

A: That would be a good time to meet, but what if I am running late?

B: I can track your plane online. Б: Я могу отследить ваш самолет онлайн. I can just put in the flight number and I can see if you are on time. Я могу просто указать номер рейса и посмотреть, успеешь ли ты.

A: Can you make sure that you have your cell phone with you so I can call you? A: Можете ли вы убедиться, что у вас есть мобильный телефон, чтобы я мог вам позвонить?

B: Yes, that would be good idea.

A: If something happens and you can't make it, just let me know and I'll book a Super Shuttle. R : Si quelque chose se passe et que vous ne pouvez pas vous y rendre, faites-le moi savoir et je réserverai une super navette. A: Если что-то случится, и вы не сможете это сделать, просто дайте мне знать, и я закажу Супер Шаттл.

B: Don't worry. I'll be able to pick you up. Я смогу забрать тебя.