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personal growth, How To Grow Yourself - The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell | Animated Book Review

How To Grow Yourself - The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell | Animated Book Review

a time goes by and we become taller

stronger and more capable of doing new

things and facing new challenges many

people carry the same mindset that the

mental spiritual and emotional growth

happens in the same way the problem is

that we don't improve by simply living

just because you're getting older it

doesn't mean that you're becoming better

at managing yourself or developing some

sorts of skills the real growth doesn't

happens accidentially what I mean with

that is not let's say you're 20 years

old and you want to become a bodybuilder

well as you get older your muscles get

stronger but that doesn't mean that you

will become a bodybuilder so in order to

develop and grow yourself you must have

an exact plan a plan that will describe

how are you going to work out to develop

a kind of body that you're dreaming off

the same goes with other things in life

you need a plan on how are you going to

develop yourself in different aspects of

life financially spiritually mentally

and so on for example what can you do is

that you can decide to read 20 books

this year so you decide to read five

books and finance to grow your financial

education five books and relationships

so you can improve your communication or

speaking skills pick up five books and

mindfulness learn meditation then how

can you have a peaceful life like for

example ever a problem with being

constantly worried

pick up the book how to stop worrying

and start living definitely there are

other ways that you can grow yourself

list down the skills that you want to

learn this year and find a way how can

you master them and today we live in a

time that we can have a free access to

unlimited resources to grow ourselves so

the idea is that the growth doesn't

happens accidentially but rather it must

be planned

so the other day I was searching

something in my laptop and I came across

the first video I have ever created

trust me it's absolutely horrible

everything about it horrible I can't

even believe that my language was so bad

at that time I think I did a grubber

mistake almost every single sentence

although that there is still a lot to

improve but with every video I create it

becomes better and that's how everything


you don't expect yourself to become good

at something when you are just starting

for the first time what happens to a lot

of people is that you are extremely

motivated to do something but because

you're doing for the first time you're

not good at it so a lot of people lose

motivation and the excuse they give is

that oh that's not for me I see a lot of

people are motivated when they start

winning books but once they start

getting bored a little bit they just put

an end to it so they say things like I'm

not the type of person who can read a

lot and they might not even open another

book for the rest of their lives

so remember motivation gets you going

but discipline keeps you growing that's

the law of consistency it doesn't matter

how talented are you it doesn't matter

how many opportunities you get if you

want to grow consistency is the key they

say that it's better to learn from your


but it's way much better to learn from

other people's mistake if you want to

learn everything by yourself it's gonna

take you a lot of time that's why you

need to learn from those who already

good at that and when I say that you

have to find a mentor who can help you

some people think that if you want to

learn finance you have to go to Warren

Buffett and if you want to learn coding

you have to go to Bill Gates no for

example if you're considering going into

politics for the first time he don't

need the advice of the president well

it's great if you can do that but if

you're just starting out nearly all of

your questions can be answered by

someone two or three levels ahead of you

and as you progress in your development

find new mentors for your new levels of


you must accomplish a lot by yourself

but with the help from outside you can

reach your maximum potential

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How To Grow Yourself - The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell | Animated Book Review |||||||||||Maxwell||| ||Desenvolver|||inestimáveis|Leis||||||||Revisão How To Grow Yourself - The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell | Reseña animada del libro ジョン・マクスウェル著『自分を成長させる方法-かけがえのない15の法則』|アニメブックレビュー 자신을 성장시키는 방법 - 존 맥스웰의 귀중한 성장의 15가지 법칙 | 애니메이션 서평 Jak się rozwijać - 15 bezcennych praw rozwoju autorstwa Johna Maxwella | Animowana recenzja książki Как вырастить себя - 15 бесценных законов роста Джона Максвелла | Анимированный обзор книги 约翰·麦克斯韦 (John Maxwell) 的《如何成长——成长的 15 条无价法则》动画书评

a time goes by and we become taller ||pasa||||| ||passa|||||mais altos

stronger and more capable of doing new |||capaz de|||

things and facing new challenges many ||enfrentando||desafios|

people carry the same mindset that the |têm|||mentalidade||

mental spiritual and emotional growth

happens in the same way the problem is

that we don't improve by simply living ||||||vivendo assim

just because you're getting older it |||ficando||

doesn't mean that you're becoming better

at managing yourself or developing some |gerindo||||

sorts of skills the real growth doesn't

happens accidentially what I mean with |zufällig|||| |accidentalmente|||| |acidentalmente||||

that is not let's say you're 20 years

old and you want to become a bodybuilder |||||||culturista

well as you get older your muscles get

stronger but that doesn't mean that you

will become a bodybuilder so in order to

develop and grow yourself you must have

an exact plan a plan that will describe |exato||||||

how are you going to work out to develop

a kind of body that you're dreaming off ||||||sonhando com|

the same goes with other things in life

you need a plan on how are you going to

develop yourself in different aspects of ||||aspectos|

life financially spiritually mentally |financeiramente|espiritualmente|mentalmente

and so on for example what can you do is

that you can decide to read 20 books

this year so you decide to read five

books and finance to grow your financial ||finanças||||financeira

education five books and relationships ||||relações

so you can improve your communication or |||||comunicação|

speaking skills pick up five books and

mindfulness learn meditation then how atenção plena||||

can you have a peaceful life like for ||||vida tranquila|||

example ever a problem with being |alguma vez||||

constantly worried constantemente|preocupado

pick up the book how to stop worrying |||||||preocupante

and start living definitely there are |||definitivamente||

other ways that you can grow yourself

list down the skills that you want to

learn this year and find a way how can

you master them and today we live in a

time that we can have a free access to |||||||acesso|

unlimited resources to grow ourselves so ilimitadas|recursos ilimitados|||a nós mesmos|

the idea is that the growth doesn't

happens accidentially but rather it must |acidentalmente||mas sim||

be planned

so the other day I was searching ||||||procurando

something in my laptop and I came across

the first video I have ever created

trust me it's absolutely horrible ||||horrível

everything about it horrible I can't

even believe that my language was so bad

at that time I think I did a grubber ||||||||grubber ||||||||um passe rasteiro

mistake almost every single sentence

although that there is still a lot to embora|||||||

improve but with every video I create it

becomes better and that's how everything


you don't expect yourself to become good

at something when you are just starting

for the first time what happens to a lot

of people is that you are extremely ||||||extremamente

motivated to do something but because motivado a|||||

you're doing for the first time you're

not good at it so a lot of people lose

motivation and the excuse they give is

that oh that's not for me I see a lot of

people are motivated when they start

winning books but once they start

getting bored a little bit they just put ||||um pouco|||

an end to it so they say things like I'm

not the type of person who can read a

lot and they might not even open another

book for the rest of their lives

so remember motivation gets you going

but discipline keeps you growing that's

the law of consistency it doesn't matter |||consistência|||

how talented are you it doesn't matter

how many opportunities you get if you ||oportunidades||||

want to grow consistency is the key they

say that it's better to learn from your


but it's way much better to learn from

other people's mistake if you want to

learn everything by yourself it's gonna

take you a lot of time that's why you

need to learn from those who already

good at that and when I say that you

have to find a mentor who can help you

some people think that if you want to

learn finance you have to go to Warren |||||||Warren Buffett

Buffett and if you want to learn coding Buffett|||||||programación

you have to go to Bill Gates no for

example if you're considering going into |||considerando||

politics for the first time he don't

need the advice of the president well ||conselho||||

it's great if you can do that but if

you're just starting out nearly all of ||||quase tudo||

your questions can be answered by

someone two or three levels ahead of you

and as you progress in your development

find new mentors for your new levels of ||mentores|||||


you must accomplish a lot by yourself ||realizarás||||

but with the help from outside you can

reach your maximum potential ||máximo|potencial máximo