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English Grammar with Emma, Learn English: How to use I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT

Learn English: How to use I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT


My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you a very common and important expression we use in English, and that expression is: "I'd better"; or in the negative form: "I'd better not". So we use this expression a lot.

But before I teach you how to use this expression, I'm going to give you an example to help you understand when we use this expression.

Okay, so let's get started. So I have here my friend Jack, and you'll notice Jack is a little confused. He has a whole bunch of question marks around his head, because he's thinking. So, what is Jack thinking about?

Well, Jack has a test at 8am, and he's nervous about his test, and so he's wondering: "What should I do?" That's what Jack is thinking. So I want you to think about: What should Jack do in this situation?

He has a test at 8am.

Should he go to bed early?

Should he party all night?

Or should he watch TV all night?

What do you think?

And he really wants to do well on his test.

Well, hopefully, you know, you said the first one: Jack should go to bed early.

So this is when we would use the expression: "I'd better". We would use it in this case.

And what does it mean?

We use: "I'd better" when we want to talk about something that's a good idea to do; and if we don't do it, there might be a problem. Okay?

So, for example: "I'd better go to bed early." This is something Jack would say, because going to bed early is a good idea.

He has a test to study for...

Or, sorry.

He has a test the next day, so it's very important that he goes to bed early. Okay?

So let's make this into an expression Jack can say. "I'd better", and then we put the verb, which is the action or the good idea. So, in Jack's case, Jack would say: "I'd better go to bed. I'd better go to bed." So, now let's look at more examples of the expression: "I'd better". Okay, so you might be wondering: What does "I'd better" stand for? If you actually break up the "I'd", because "I'd" is a contraction, it stands for: "I had better". But usually when we use: "I'd better", we don't usually use it with the word "had"; we usually use it in conversation with the contraction.

And so, the way we pronounce that is: "I'd better". So let's look at some examples with this expression. Okay, so I want you to imagine it's going to rain later today. What's a good idea? If it's going to rain, a good idea is to bring an umbrella. So, we can use this expression to talk about this good idea.

"I'd better bring an umbrella today because it's going to rain." Okay?

If I don't bring an umbrella, I'm going to get wet. So this is a good idea; and if I don't do it, something bad is probably going to happen - I'll get wet. So let's look at another example. "I'd better leave my house earlier because I don't want to be late." So maybe there's a meeting or a job interview, and you're thinking: "Oh, I need to get to work early", or: "I need to get to this job interview early." That's a good idea. A good idea is to leave my house early.

So, because we're talking about a good idea, we say: "I'd better leave my house earlier than normal." If I don't leave my house early, maybe there will be problems getting to the interview; maybe I'll be late. Okay?

So we often use "I'd better" when we're talking about a good idea; and if we don't do this good idea, there can be a problem.

This is a very common thing you'll hear people say: "It's late", okay? Meaning it's late at night. You're at somebody's house: "It's late. I'd better go." Okay?

So, I think this is actually probably the most common way we use this expression.

You'll see it all the time in movies; somebody often says: "It's late. I'd better go." And then another example: "My friends are coming over." Okay?

So, what's the good idea? Your friends are coming over.

It's usually good to buy some food, maybe some drinks, so: "I'd better buy some food." Okay?

So that's a good idea. If I don't buy food, my friends will be hungry. I just wanted to point out one thing.

You'll notice after: "I'd better", it's the same in each sentence: "I'd better", "I'd better", "I'd better", "I'd better"... What comes right after the word "I'd better"...? Or, sorry.

The expression is the verb.

So, in this case, we have the verb "buy"; in this case, we have the verb "go"; we have the verb "leave"; and we have the verb "bring". So it's important that after you use the expression: "I'd better", a verb comes. So now let's look at some examples of the expression: "I'd better not". Okay, so we've talked about: "I'd better" do something; we can also say: "I'd better not" do something. Okay?

So: "I'd", which also means "I had", but we say: "I'd". "I'd better not". So, what does this mean?

If you say: "I'd better not", this means that not doing something is a good idea. So let's look at some examples so you can understand this. Okay.

So, remember we were talking about Jack earlier, and Jack was thinking about going to the party,

and he has a test at 8am?

Well, Jack said: "I'd better study..." Or, no.

"I'd better go to sleep early." He can also talk about things that he's not going to do. So, he could say: "I'd better not go to the party. ", "I'd better not watch TV all night. ", "I'd better not drink too much beer before the test." Okay?

So these are things when not doing it is a good idea.

So, again, the only difference here is we've now added the word "not". "I'd better not", and then underlined in blue we have the verb. "I'd better not go to the party. I have to study." And if you do do something, there usually is a problem or a consequence.

So: "I'd better not go to the study..." Or: "...to the party". If I go to the party maybe I won't have time to study. Let's look at another example. "I'd better not forget my girlfriend's birthday again." Okay?

So this means that not forgetting is a good idea.

You want to remember her birthday.

"I'd better not forget my girlfriend's birthday again." If I forget my girlfriend's birthday, she's going to be angry. Okay?

And it's not going to be pleasant. Here's another example: "We'd", so this time I'm talking about not just myself, but a group of people.

"We'd better not eat all the pizza." Okay?

So imagine there's a box of pizza, and you know, I've already eaten maybe two slices and I'm thinking: "Oh, maybe I should eat two more." Well, if I do that, maybe my stomach will hurt; maybe it's not a good idea to eat all the pizza.

So what I can say is: "I'd" or "We'd", if we're talking about a group. "We'd better not eat all the pizza. We should save some for later." Okay?

So, we use this expression a lot, especially when we're talking about ourselves, as in: "I'd better"; or when we're talking about groups of people: "We'd better". We can also use this in another sense, and that's when we're talking about a threat or a warning.


So this is very important.

We've talked about when we use it with "I'd" or with "We'd". What about when we use it with: "You'd better", or "She'd better", or "He'd better"? That has a little bit of a different meaning, and this is very important.

When you say: "You'd better", it makes it sound like a threat. So this is, for example, something your parents might say to you.

Your parents might say, you know, depending on your age: "You'd better finish your homework." If you don't finish your homework, there's going to be a problem. "You'd better be home at 10pm." If you're not home, you're going to be in trouble. You might also have a boss who uses this expression.


"You'd better give me the paperwork on time." Okay?

"If you don't give me the paperwork, you'll be fired." So when we say: "You'd better", it's a very strong expression and it usually is a warning or a threat.

Same with: "She'd" or "He'd". "She'd better be on time, or I'll be mad. ", "He better not be late again." Okay?

So we usually use this to warn that there's going to be a problem if we... If we don't do something. Okay, so we've learned a lot today; we've learned: "I'd better", "I'd better not", "You'd better", and: "He'd" and "She'd better". So, thank you for watching.

I hope you come visit us at www.engvid.com; there, you can take our quiz to practice everything

you've learned in this video and to make sure, you know, you understand what you've just seen, as well as get more practice using this expression.

You can also subscribe to my channel.

I have a lot of great resources there on all sorts of things, including grammar, vocabulary,

writing, resumes; all sorts of different things.

So, thank you for watching; and until next time, take care.

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Learn English: How to use I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT Study||||||||| Aprender||Cómo||usar||Más vale que||Más vale que|no debería Naučte se anglicky: Jak používat I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT Englisch lernen: Wie man I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT verwendet Learn English: How to use I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT Aprende inglés: Cómo utilizar I'D BETTER y I'D BETTER NOT یادگیری زبان انگلیسی: نحوه استفاده از I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT Apprenez l'anglais : Comment utiliser I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT Imparare l'inglese: Come usare I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT 英語を学ぶ:I'D BETTER&I'DBETTERNOTの使い方 영어 학습하기: I'd BETTER & I'd BETTER NOT 사용 방법 Engels leren: I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT gebruiken Nauka angielskiego: Jak używać I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT Aprender inglês: Como usar I'D BETTER e I'D BETTER NOT Изучайте английский язык: Как использовать I'd BETTER и I'd BETTER NOT İngilizce öğrenin: I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT nasıl kullanılır Вивчайте англійську: Як використовувати I'D BETTER та I'D BETTER NOT 学习英语:如何使用 I'D BETTER 和 I'D BETTER NOT 学习英语:如何使用 I'D BETTER 和 I'D BETTER NOT


My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you a very common and important ||||||||||||enseñaré||||común y importante|| 私の名前はエマです。今日のビデオでは、非常に一般的で重要なことを教えようと思います。 expression we use in English, and that expression is: "I'd better"; or in the negative form: |||||had better|||||||||| |||||||||Ben daha iyi|daha iyi||||| ||más vale que||||||||||||| 英語では「I'd better」という表現を使うが、これは否定形である: expressão que usamos em inglês, e essa expressão é: "I'd better"; ou na forma negativa: Выражение, которое мы используем в английском языке, звучит так: "I'd better"; или в отрицательной форме: "I'd better not". 「そうしない方がいい」。 "É melhor não". So we use this expression a lot. ||||||mucho だから私たちはこの表現をよく使う。

But before I teach you how to use this expression, I'm going to give you an example to help you |antes de||enseñar|||||||||||||||| Ale než vás naučím tento výraz používat, dám vám příklad, který vám pomůže しかし、この表現の使い方を教える前に、例を挙げて説明しよう。 Але перш ніж навчити вас використовувати цей вираз, я наведу приклад, який допоможе вам understand when we use this expression. entender||||| pochopit, když tento výraz použijeme. この表現を使うとき、私たちは理解している。

Okay, so let's get started. Vale, entonces comencemos.||||empezar Dobře, tak začneme. よし、では始めよう。 So I have here my friend Jack, and you'll notice Jack is a little confused. |||||||||заметите|||||смущённый |||aquí tengo|||||||||||confundido Takže tady mám svého přítele Jacka a všimnete si, že Jack je trochu zmatený. He has a whole bunch of question marks around his head, because he's thinking. |||целая|||||||||| |||||||des marques|||||| ||||monte|||sinais|||||| |||たくさんの|たくさんの||||||||| |||un montón|montón|||signos de interrogación|alrededor de|||porque||pensando Kolem hlavy má spoustu otazníků, protože přemýšlí. 彼の頭の周りには疑問符がいっぱいついている。 So, what is Jack thinking about? Takže, o čem Jack přemýšlí? では、ジャックは何を考えているのか?

Well, Jack has a test at 8am, and he's nervous about his test, and so he's wondering: "What ||||||||||||||||задается вопросом| |||||||||||||||||Qu'est-ce que ||||||||||||examen a las||||se pregunta| ジャックは朝8時にテストがあり、緊張している。 should I do?" devrais||faire debería|| měl bych udělat?" どうすればいい? That's what Jack is thinking. To si Jack myslí. ジャックはそう考えている。 So I want you to think about: What should Jack do in this situation? |||||||||||||situación ||||||||deve||||| この状況でジャックはどうすべきか?

He has a test at 8am. 朝8時にテストがある。

Should he go to bed early? ¿Debería él?||||cama|temprano Měl by jít brzy spát? 早く寝るべきか?

Should he party all night? ||celebrate or socialize|| ¿Debería él?||fiesta|| Měl by párty celou noc? 一晩中パーティーをするべきか?

Or should he watch TV all night? それとも一晩中テレビを見るべきか?

What do you think? |||piensas どう思う?

And he really wants to do well on his test. A opravdu chce ve svém testu obstát. そして、彼は本当にテストで良い結果を出したいと思っている。 И он очень хочет хорошо сдать экзамен.

Well, hopefully, you know, you said the first one: Jack should go to bed early. |con suerte||||||||||||| No, doufám, víš, řekl jsi to první: Jack by měl jít brzy spát. ジャックは早く寝るべきだ。

So this is when we would use the expression: "I'd better". |||||||||私は| だから、このようなときに「I'd better」という表現を使うのだ。 We would use it in this case. V tomto případě bychom jej použili. この場合はそれを使う。

And what does it mean? ||||significar A co to znamená? それは何を意味するのか?

We use: "I'd better" when we want to talk about something that's a good idea to do; I'd better "は、何かした方がいいことについて話すときに使う; and if we don't do it, there might be a problem. このままでは問題が起きるかもしれない。 Okay? いいかい?

So, for example: "I'd better go to bed early." |||Gitsem iyi olur.|||||erken |||||||cama|temprano Takže například: "Raději půjdu brzy spát." だから、例えば、"早く寝た方がいいね"。 This is something Jack would say, because going to bed early is a good idea. ||||diría|diría||ir||||||| 早寝早起きはいい考えだ。

He has a test to study for... 彼はテスト勉強をしなければならない。

Or, sorry. あるいは、申し訳ない。

He has a test the next day, so it's very important that he goes to bed early. ||||||||||||Él|vaya||| 翌日はテストがあるから、早く寝ることが大事なんだ。 Okay?

So let's make this into an expression Jack can say. |vamos a|convertir||||expresión|||decir では、これをジャックが言える表現にしてみよう。 "I'd better", and then we put the verb, which is the action or the good idea. ||||||||que|||||||Más vale que 「I'd better "と動詞を置く。 So, in Jack's case, Jack would say: "I'd better go to bed. だから、ジャックの場合、ジャックはこう言うだろう。 I'd better go to bed." そろそろ寝ます」。 So, now let's look at more examples of the expression: "I'd better". |||mirar||más|||||Yo debería|mejor では、「I'd better」という表現の例を見てみよう。 Okay, so you might be wondering: What does "I'd better" stand for? |||podrías||preguntándote|||Yo debería|más vale que|| Dobře, takže by vás mohlo zajímat: Co znamená „Raději“? さて、では "I'd better "とは何の略だろうか? If you actually break up the "I'd", because "I'd" is a contraction, it stands for: "I |||||||||||||anlamına gelir|| |||separas el "I'd"|separas||yo haría||||||||| I'd "は短縮形なので、"I'd "を分解すると "I'd "となる。 had better". その方がいい」。 But usually when we use: "I'd better", we don't usually use it with the word "had"; |||||||||||||||había Ale obvykle, když používáme: "Raději", obvykle to nepoužíváme se slovem "měl"; しかし、通常「I'd better」を使う場合、「had」という単語と一緒に使うことはない; we usually use it in conversation with the contraction. |||||разговоре|||сокращение |||||会話|||短縮形 obvykle ji používáme v rozhovoru s kontrakcí. 会話では通常、短縮形と一緒に使う。

And so, the way we pronounce that is: "I'd better". |||||произносим это как|||| |Entonces||manera|||||Lo haría|mejor それで、この発音の仕方は "I'd better "となる。 So let's look at some examples with this expression. ||||||||выражение ||||||||expresión では、この表現を使っていくつかの例を見てみよう。 Okay, so I want you to imagine it's going to rain later today. ||||||представить себе|||||| ||||||||||lloverá|más tarde|hoy más tarde では、今日の夜、雨が降ることを想像してほしい。 What's a good idea? |||Buena idea If it's going to rain, a good idea is to bring an umbrella. ||va a||llover|||buena idea||||| So, we can use this expression to talk about this good idea. |||||||hablar de|||| だから、この表現を使ってこの名案を語ることができる。

"I'd better bring an umbrella today because it's going to rain." ||||||||||va a llover "Dneska si radši vezmu deštník, protože bude pršet." "今日は雨が降りそうだから、傘を持って行った方がいいね" Okay?

If I don't bring an umbrella, I'm going to get wet. |||traiga|||||||mojado Když si nevezmu deštník, zmoknu. 傘を持っていかないと濡れちゃう。 So this is a good idea; and if I don't do it, something bad is probably going to happen |||||||||||||||вероятно||| entonces|||||idea buena|||||||algo malo|||probablemente|||sucederá algo malo Takže to je dobrý nápad; a pokud to neudělám, pravděpodobně se stane něco špatného だから、これはいい考えなんだ。もし僕がやらなかったら、たぶん何か悪いことが起こるだろうね - I'll get wet. ||промокну ||mojado/a - 濡れるよ。 So let's look at another example. ||||otro| Podívejme se tedy na další příklad. では、別の例を見てみよう。 "I'd better leave my house earlier because I don't want to be late." I had||salga|||más temprano|||||||tarde "Raději opustím svůj dům dříve, protože nechci přijít pozdě." "遅刻したくないから、早めに家を出たほうがいい" So maybe there's a meeting or a job interview, and you're thinking: "Oh, I need to get to |quizás|hay||reunión||||entrevista laboral||tú estás|pensando|||necesito|a|| Možná se tedy koná schůzka nebo pracovní pohovor a vy si říkáte: „Ach, musím se tam dostat ミーティングや仕事の面接があるかもしれない。 work early", or: "I need to get to this job interview early." |temprano||||||||entrevista de trabajo|entrevista de trabajo| pracovat brzy", nebo: "Musím se dostat na tento pracovní pohovor brzy." 早めに仕事をする」とか、「面接に早めに行く必要がある」とか。 That's a good idea. |||idea buena それはいい考えだ。 A good idea is to leave my house early. 早めに家を出るのがいい。

So, because we're talking about a good idea, we say: "I'd better leave my house earlier |||hablando||||||decimos|||||| だから、いいアイデアを話しているのだから、「もっと早く家を出た方がいい」と言う。 than normal." 通常より If I don't leave my house early, maybe there will be problems getting to the interview; |||salgo|||||||||llegar|||entrevista 早めに家を出ないと、もしかしたら面接に行くのに問題があるかもしれない; maybe I'll be late. |||tarde možná přijdu pozdě. 遅刻するかもしれない。 Okay?

So we often use "I'd better" when we're talking about a good idea; and if we don't do this Takže často používáme „raději“ když mluvíme o dobrém nápadu; a pokud to neuděláme だから私たちは、良いアイデアについて話しているときによく "I'd better "を使う。 good idea, there can be a problem. dobrý nápad, může nastat problém. いい考えだが、問題がある。

This is a very common thing you'll hear people say: "It's late", okay? ||||распространённый|||||||| |||||||почуєте||||| To je velmi běžná věc, kterou uslyšíte říkat: "Je pozdě", dobře? これはよく聞く言葉だ。 Meaning it's late at night. To znamená, že je pozdě v noci. 深夜という意味だ。 You're at somebody's house: "It's late. Jste u někoho doma: „Je pozdě. 誰かの家で「もう遅い。 I'd better go." Raději půjdu." そろそろ行くよ」。 Okay?

So, I think this is actually probably the most common way we use this expression. Takže si myslím, že toto je ve skutečnosti pravděpodobně nejběžnější způsob, jakým tento výraz používáme. だから、おそらくこれがこの表現の最も一般的な使い方だと思う。

You'll see it all the time in movies; somebody often says: "It's late. Ve filmech to uvidíte pořád; někdo často říká: „Je pozdě. 映画でよく見るセリフだ。 I'd better go." Raději půjdu." And then another example: "My friends are coming over." ||||mes|||venir| |||||||来る| A pak další příklad: "Moji přátelé přicházejí." そしてもう一つの例。"友達が来るんだ"。 Okay? いいかい?

So, what's the good idea? それで、何がいいんだ? Your friends are coming over. ||||geliyor 友達が来るんだ。

It's usually good to buy some food, maybe some drinks, so: "I'd better buy some food." ||||||comida||||||||| Obvykle je dobré koupit nějaké jídlo, možná nějaké pití, takže: "Radši si koupím nějaké jídlo." Por lo general es bueno comprar algo de comida, tal vez algunas bebidas, así que: "Mejor compro algo de comida". 食べ物や飲み物を買うのはいいことだ。 Okay?

So that's a good idea. それはいい考えだね。 If I don't buy food, my friends will be hungry. |||||||||tendrán hambre 私が食料を買わなければ、友人たちが空腹になる。 I just wanted to point out one thing. ||quería|||||cosa Jen jsem chtěl upozornit na jednu věc. ひとつだけ指摘しておきたいことがある。

You'll notice after: "I'd better", it's the same in each sentence: "I'd better", "I'd |заметите||||||||каждом предложении|||| ||||mejor que|||lo mismo||cada|mejor que||| Všimnete si po: "Rád bych", je to stejné v každé větě: "Raději", "Rád bych better", "I'd better", "I'd better"... もっといい」、「もっといい」、「もっといい」...。 What comes right after the word "I'd better"...? ||justo|||que|mejor que| Co následuje hned za slovem „raději“...? この "I'd better "の後に続く言葉は? Or, sorry. o| あるいは、申し訳ない。

The expression is the verb. 表現は動詞である。

So, in this case, we have the verb "buy"; in this case, we have the verb "go"; we have つまり、この場合は「買う」という動詞があり、この場合は「行く」という動詞がある。 the verb "leave"; and we have the verb "bring". ||||||||traer 動詞 "leave"、そして動詞 "bring"。 So it's important that after you use the expression: "I'd better", a verb comes. だから、"I'd better "という表現を使った後に動詞が来ることが重要だ。 So now let's look at some examples of the expression: "I'd better not". |||||||||la expresión|I had|mejor que| Nyní se tedy podívejme na některé příklady výrazu: „Raději ne“. では次に、「やめたほうがいい」という表現の例を見てみよう。 Okay, so we've talked about: "I'd better" do something; we can also say: "I'd better |||hemos hablado|||||algo||||decimos que|| さて、ここまで「やった方がいいこと」について話してきたが、「やった方がいいこと」をこう言うこともできる。 not" do something. ||algo 何かを "しない"。 Okay?

So: "I'd", which also means "I had", but we say: "I'd". ||que||significa|||||| だから、"I'd "は "I had "という意味もあるが、"I'd "と言う。 "I'd better not". "Je ferais mieux de ne pas". 「そうしない方がいい」。 So, what does this mean? では、これは何を意味するのか?

If you say: "I'd better not", this means that not doing something is a good idea. もし「やらない方がいい」と言うなら、これは「やらない方がいい」という意味だ。 So let's look at some examples so you can understand this. |||||||||comprendas esto| このことを理解するために、いくつかの例を見てみよう。 Okay. オーケー。

So, remember we were talking about Jack earlier, and Jack was thinking about going to the party, |||||||||||pensando||||| それで、さっきジャックの話をしたんだけど、ジャックはパーティーに行こうと考えていたんだ、

and he has a test at 8am? 朝8時からテストですか?

Well, Jack said: "I'd better study..." Ну что ж|Джек сказал|||| bueno||||| さて、ジャックはこう言った。 Or, no. あるいは、違う。

"I'd better go to sleep early." ||||dormir|temprano "早く寝たほうがいいね" He can also talk about things that he's not going to do. |||||cosas|||||| 彼はまた、自分がするつもりのないことを話すこともできる。 So, he could say: "I'd better not go to the party. だから、彼はこう言うことができた。 ", "I'd better not watch TV all night. 「一晩中テレビを見るのはやめよう。 ", ", "I'd better not drink too much beer before the test." |||||||antes de|| "テスト前にビールを飲み過ぎない方がいい" Okay?

So these are things when not doing it is a good idea. Takže to jsou věci, kdy je nedělat to dobrý nápad. だから、こういうことはやらないほうがいい。

So, again, the only difference here is we've now added the word "not". Takže opět, jediný rozdíl je v tom, že jsme nyní přidali slovo „ne“. つまり、ここでも唯一の違いは、"not "という言葉が加わったことだ。 "I'd better not", and then underlined in blue we have the verb. "Raději ne", a pak podtrženo modře máme sloveso. 「そして青字の下線は動詞である。 "I'd better not go to the party. 「パーティーには行かない方がいい。 I have to study." 勉強しなきゃいけないんだ。 And if you do do something, there usually is a problem or a consequence. |||||||||||||последствие |||||||||||||sonuç |||||||||||||結果 |||||algo|||||||| そして、何かをすれば、たいていは問題や結果が生じる。

So: "I'd better not go to the study..." Takže: "Do studovny radši nechodím..." だから、"書斎には行かない方がいい..."。 Or: "...to the party". あるいは「...パーティーに」。 If I go to the party maybe I won't have time to study. Když půjdu na večírek, možná nebudu mít čas se učit. パーティに行ったら勉強する時間がなくなるかもしれない。 Let's look at another example. 別の例を見てみよう。 "I'd better not forget my girlfriend's birthday again." "Raději bych znovu nezapomněl na narozeniny své přítelkyně." "また恋人の誕生日を忘れないようにしないとね" Okay?

So this means that not forgetting is a good idea. つまり、忘れてはいけないということだ。

You want to remember her birthday. |||recordar|| Chcete si připomenout její narozeniny. あなたは彼女の誕生日を覚えておきたい。

"I'd better not forget my girlfriend's birthday again." |||||de mi novia||otra vez "また恋人の誕生日を忘れないようにしないとね" If I forget my girlfriend's birthday, she's going to be angry. Když zapomenu na narozeniny své přítelkyně, bude se zlobit. 恋人の誕生日を忘れたら怒られる。 Okay?

And it's not going to be pleasant. ||||||приятно A nebude to nic příjemného. そして、それは楽しいことではないだろう。 Here's another example: "We'd", so this time I'm talking about not just myself, but a group ||例||||||||||||| Zde je další příklad: "My bychom", takže tentokrát nemluvím jen o sobě, ale o skupině We'd "ということで、今回は自分だけでなく、グループのことを話している。 of people. 人々の。

"We'd better not eat all the pizza." "Radši nesníme všechnu pizzu." "ピザは全部食べないほうがいい" Okay? いいかい?

So imagine there's a box of pizza, and you know, I've already eaten maybe two slices |||||||||sabes|||||| Tak si představte, že je tam krabice od pizzy a víte, já už jsem snědl možná dva plátky ピザの箱があって、もう2切れくらい食べたとする。 and I'm thinking: "Oh, maybe I should eat two more." a já si říkám: "Ach, možná bych měl sníst ještě dva." そして、"ああ、あと2つ食べようかな "と思うんだ。 Well, if I do that, maybe my stomach will hurt; maybe it's not a good idea to eat all |||||||живот||болеть||||||||| |||||||||me dolerá||||||||| そんなことをしたら、胃が痛くなるかもしれない。 the pizza.

So what I can say is: "I'd" or "We'd", if we're talking about a group. ||||digo|||||||||| だから私が言えることは、グループについて話すなら、"I'd "か "We'd "ということだ。 "We'd better not eat all the pizza. „Raději celou pizzu nesníme. 「ピザは全部食べない方がいい。 We should save some for later." Měli bychom si něco nechat na později." 後で使うためにいくらか取っておくべきです。」 Okay? いいかい?

So, we use this expression a lot, especially when we're talking about ourselves, as in: ||||||||||||私たち自身|| ||||||||||||nosotros mismos|| だから、私たちはこの表現を、特に自分自身について話すときによく使うんだ: "I'd better"; or when we're talking about groups of people: "We'd better". 「集団の場合は「We'd better」。 We can also use this in another sense, and that's when we're talking about a threat or |||||||||||||||угроза| これは別の意味でも使うことができる。 a warning. |предупреждение |advertencia 警告だ。


So this is very important. だから、これはとても重要なことなんだ。

We've talked about when we use it with "I'd" or with "We'd". |hablamos|||||||||| Mluvili jsme o tom, kdy to používáme s „já bych“ nebo s „jsme“. I'd "と一緒に使う場合と "We'd "と一緒に使う場合について話しました。 What about when we use it with: "You'd better", or "She'd better", or "He'd better"? ||||||||||||||mejor que A co když to použijeme s: „Radši bys“ nebo „Byla by lepší“ nebo „Byl by lepší“? You'dベター」、「She'dベター」、「He'dベター」。 That has a little bit of a different meaning, and this is very important. To má trochu jiný význam, a to je velmi důležité. これは少し違う意味を持っていて、とても重要なことなんだ。

When you say: "You'd better", it makes it sound like a threat. |||||||||||угроза |||||||||||脅迫のよう cuando|tú||||||||||amenaza Když řeknete: „Raději bys měl“, zní to jako hrozba. So this is, for example, something your parents might say to you. ||||||||podrían decir||| Tak tohle je například něco, co by vám mohli říct vaši rodiče. これは例えば、両親があなたに言うかもしれない言葉だ。

Your parents might say, you know, depending on your age: "You'd better finish your homework." ||могут||||в зависимости от|||||||| ||||||||||||||tarea escolar Tvoji rodiče by možná řekli, víš, v závislosti na tvém věku: "Raději bys měl dokončit domácí úkol." 親は、年齢によっては、"宿題を終わらせなさい "と言うかもしれない。 If you don't finish your homework, there's going to be a problem. |||||||va a haber|||| Pokud nedokončíte domácí úkol, bude problém. 宿題を終わらせないと、問題が起きる。 "You'd better be home at 10pm." "Budete raději doma ve 22 hodin." "夜10時には帰ったほうがいい" If you're not home, you're going to be in trouble. |||||||||problemas serios Pokud nejste doma, budete mít potíže. 家にいないと、大変なことになる。 You might also have a boss who uses this expression. |||||||||выражение Můžete mít také šéfa, který používá tento výraz. あなたにもこの表現を使う上司がいるかもしれない。


"You'd better give me the paperwork on time." |||||書類|| |más te vale|||||| "Raději mi dejte včas papíry." "期限内に書類を渡した方がいい" Okay?

"If you don't give me the paperwork, you'll be fired." |||||||||уволен "Pokud mi ty papíry nedáš, dostaneš padáka." "書類を渡さなければクビだ" So when we say: "You'd better", it's a very strong expression and it usually is a warning ||||||||||||||||предупреждение |||||||||muy fuerte|||||||advertencia Takže když říkáme: "Radši", je to velmi silný výraz a obvykle je to varování だから、私たちが "You'd better "と言うとき、それは非常に強い表現であり、通常は警告である。 or a threat. ||или угроза ||amenaza nebo hrozba.

Same with: "She'd" or "He'd". Totéž s: "Ona" nebo "On". She'd "や "He'd "と同じ。 "She'd better be on time, or I'll be mad. ||||||||рассержусь ||||||||怒る „Raději by měla přijít včas, jinak se zblázním. 「時間通りに来ないと怒るよ。 ", "He better not be late again." |||verbo auxiliar||otra vez ", "Raději by zase neměl přijít pozdě." "、"彼はもう遅刻しない方がいい"。 Okay?

So we usually use this to warn that there's going to be a problem if we... ||||||предупредить||||||||| Takže to obvykle používáme k varování, že nastane problém, pokud... だから、私たちは通常、この警告を使って、もし私たちが... If we don't do something. ||||algo Pokud něco neuděláme. 何もしなければね。 Okay, so we've learned a lot today; we've learned: "I'd better", "I'd better not", "You'd |||hemos aprendido||||||||||| Dobře, takže jsme se dnes hodně naučili; naučili jsme se: „Raději bych“, „Raději ne“, „Ty bys さて、今日、私たちは多くのことを学んだ。「やった方がいい」「やらない方がいい」「やった方がいい」「やらない方がいい」。 better", and: "He'd" and "She'd better". lepší“ a: „On“ a „Byla by lepší“. そして、"He'd "と "She'd better"。 So, thank you for watching. ||||ver それでは、ご視聴ありがとうございました。

I hope you come visit us at www.engvid.com; there, you can take our quiz to practice everything |||||||||||||||тест||| |espero que|||||||||||||||||todo lo que Doufám, že nás navštívíte na www.engvid.com; tam si můžete vše procvičit v našem kvízu www.engvid.com に遊びに来てほしい。そこで、クイズに答えてすべてを練習することができる。

you've learned in this video and to make sure, you know, you understand what you've just naučili jste se v tomto videu a abyste se ujistili, že rozumíte tomu, co jste právě udělali このビデオで学んだことを確実に理解し、今話したことを理解するために seen, as well as get more practice using this expression. увидели||||||||| また、この表現を使う練習にもなる。

You can also subscribe to my channel. |||подписаться||| Můžete se také přihlásit k odběru mého kanálu. 私のチャンネルを購読することもできる。

I have a lot of great resources there on all sorts of things, including grammar, vocabulary, そこには、文法や語彙を含むあらゆる種類の素晴らしいリソースがたくさんあるんだ、 Tenho lá muitos recursos excelentes sobre todo o tipo de assuntos, incluindo gramática e vocabulário,

writing, resumes; all sorts of different things. |||всевозможные вещи||| |履歴書||種類||| escritura|||||| ライティング、履歴書など、あらゆる種類のものだ。

So, thank you for watching; and until next time, take care. ||||||до следующего раза||||Берегите себя ||||ver|||||cuídense|cuídate Takže děkuji za sledování; a do příště si dávej pozor. それでは、ご覧いただきありがとうございました。