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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 15 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 13

CHAPTER 15 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 13

It was evident that he recognized my return to my old doubting frame of mind without my saying a word.

Then, turning to the other two, he said with intense gravity, "I want your permission to do what I think good this night.

It is, I know, much to ask, and when you know what it is I propose to do you will know, and only then how much. Therefore may I ask that you promise me in the dark, so that afterwards, though you may be angry with me for a time, I must not disguise from myself the possibility that such may be, you shall not blame yourselves for anything. "That's frank anyhow," broke in Quincey.

"I'll answer for the Professor. I don't quite see his drift, but I swear he's honest, and that's good enough for me. "I thank you, Sir," said Van Helsing proudly.

"I have done myself the honour of counting you one trusting friend, and such endorsement is dear to me. " He held out a hand, which Quincey took. Then Arthur spoke out, "Dr. Van Helsing, I don't quite like to 'buy a pig in a poke', as they say in Scotland, and if it be anything in which my honour as a gentleman or my faith as a Christian is concerned, I cannot make such a promise.

If you can assure me that what you intend does not violate either of these two, then I give my consent at once, though for the life of me, I cannot understand what you are driving at. "I accept your limitation," said Van Helsing, "and all I ask of you is that if you feel it necessary to condemn any act of mine, you will first consider it well and be satisfied that it does not violate your reservations.


said Arthur. "That is only fair. And now that the pourparlers are over, may I ask what it is we are to do? "I want you to come with me, and to come in secret, to the churchyard at Kingstead.

Arthur's face fell as he said in an amazed sort of way,

"Where poor Lucy is buried?

The Professor bowed.

Arthur went on, "And when there?

"To enter the tomb!

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CHAPTER 15 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 13 KAPITEL 15 - Das Tagebuch von Dr. Seward, Teil 13 CAPITOLO 15 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 13

It was evident that he recognized my return to my old doubting frame of mind without my saying a word. ||||||||||||Denkweise||||||| Era evidente que ele reconhecia o meu regresso ao meu antigo estado de espírito duvidoso sem que eu dissesse uma palavra.

Then, turning to the other two, he said with intense gravity, ||||||||||ernster Ausdruck Depois, voltando-se para os outros dois, disse com uma gravidade intensa, "I want your permission to do what I think good this night. "Quero a vossa permissão para fazer o que acho bom esta noite.

It is, I know, much to ask, and when you know what it is I propose to do you will know, and only then how much. Sei que é pedir muito, mas quando souberem o que me proponho fazer, saberão, e só então, quanto. Therefore may I ask that you promise me in the dark, so that afterwards, though you may be angry with me for a time, I must not disguise from myself the possibility that such may be, you shall not blame yourselves for anything. ||||||||||||||obwohl|||||||||||||verbergen||||||||||||||| Por isso, peço-vos que me prometais às escuras, para que depois, embora possais estar zangados comigo durante algum tempo - não devo esconder de mim próprio a possibilidade de tal acontecer -, não vos culpeis de nada. "That’s frank anyhow," broke in Quincey. "Isso é franco, de qualquer modo", interrompeu Quincey.

"I’ll answer for the Professor. "Eu respondo pelo Professor. I don’t quite see his drift, but I swear he’s honest, and that’s good enough for me. ||||sein|||||||||||| |||||intended meaning||||||||||| Não percebo muito bem o que ele quer dizer, mas juro que é honesto, e isso é suficiente para mim. "I thank you, Sir," said Van Helsing proudly. "Agradeço-lhe, Senhor", disse Van Helsing com orgulho.

"I have done myself the honour of counting you one trusting friend, and such endorsement is dear to me. |||||||||||||||ist||| "Tive a honra de o considerar um amigo de confiança, e esse apoio é-me muito caro. "  He held out a hand, which Quincey took. " Estendeu a mão, que Quincey pegou. Then Arthur spoke out, "Dr. Van Helsing, I don’t quite like to 'buy a pig in a poke', as they say in Scotland, and if it be anything in which my honour as a gentleman or my faith as a Christian is  concerned, I cannot make such a promise. ||||||||||||||hidden deal|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Então, Artur falou: "Dr. Van Helsing, eu não gosto de comprar um porco num pote, como se diz na Escócia, e se se tratar de algo que diga respeito à minha honra como cavalheiro ou à minha fé como cristão, não posso fazer tal promessa.

If you can assure me that what you intend does not violate either of these two, then I give my consent at once, though for the life of me, I cannot understand what you are driving at. Se me garantir que o que pretende não viola nenhum destes dois pontos, dou desde já o meu consentimento, embora não consiga perceber onde quer chegar. "I accept your limitation," said Van Helsing, "and all I ask of you is that if you feel it necessary to condemn any act of mine, you will first consider it well and be satisfied that it does not violate your  reservations. "Aceito a sua limitação", disse Van Helsing, "e tudo o que lhe peço é que, se achar necessário condenar qualquer ato meu, o considere bem e se certifique de que não viola as suas reservas.


said Arthur. "That is only fair. "É justo. And now that the pourparlers are over, may I ask what it is we are to do? ||||Verhandlungen|||||||||||| ||||preliminary discussions|||||||||||| E agora que os "pourparlers" acabaram, posso perguntar o que é que vamos fazer? "I want you to come with me, and to come in secret, to the churchyard at Kingstead. "Quero que venhas comigo, e que venhas em segredo, ao adro da igreja de Kingstead.

Arthur’s face fell as he said in an amazed sort of way, O rosto de Artur baixou e ele disse, espantado,

"Where poor Lucy is buried?

The Professor bowed. O Professor fez uma vénia.

Arthur went on, "And when there? Artur prosseguiu: "E quando lá estiver?

"To enter the tomb! "Para entrar no túmulo!