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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 3

CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 3

I was myself tolerably patient, and half inclined again to throw aside doubt and to accept Van Helsing's conclusions.

Quincey Morris was phlegmatic in the way of a man who accepts all things, and accepts them in the spirit of cool bravery, with hazard of all he has at stake. Not being able to smoke, he cut himself a good-sized plug of tobacco and began to chew. As to Van Helsing, he was employed in a definite way. First he took from his bag a mass of what looked like thin, wafer-like biscuit, which was carefully rolled up in a white napkin. Next he took out a double handful of some whitish stuff, like dough or putty. He crumbled the wafer up fine and worked it into the mass between his hands. This he then took, and rolling it into thin strips, began to lay them into the crevices between the door and its setting in the tomb. I was somewhat puzzled at this, and being close, asked him what it was that he was doing. Arthur and Quincey drew near also, as they too were curious. He answered, "I am closing the tomb so that the UnDead may not enter.

"And is that stuff you have there going to do it?

"It is.

"What is that which you are using?

" This time the question was by Arthur. Van Helsing reverently lifted his hat as he answered. "The Host.

I brought it from Amsterdam. I have an Indulgence. It was an answer that appalled the most sceptical of us, and we felt individually that in the presence of such earnest purpose as the Professor's, a purpose which could thus use the to him most sacred of things, it was impossible to distrust.

In respectful silence we took the places assigned to us close round the tomb, but hidden from the sight of any one approaching. I pitied the others, especially Arthur. I had myself been apprenticed by my former visits to this watching horror, and yet I, who had up to an hour ago repudiated the proofs, felt my heart sink within me. Never did tombs look so ghastly white.

CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 3 KAPITEL 16 - Das Tagebuch von Dr. Seward, Teil 3 CAPÍTULO 16 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 3 CAPITOLO 16 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 3 第16章 スワード博士の日記 その3 CAPÍTULO 16 - Diário do Dr. Seward, parte 3 РОЗДІЛ 16 - Щоденник доктора Сьюарда, частина 3

I was myself tolerably patient, and half inclined again to throw aside doubt and to accept Van Helsing’s conclusions. |||ziemlich geduldig||||||||||||||| Eu próprio era bastante paciente e estava meio inclinado a pôr de lado as dúvidas e a aceitar as conclusões de Van Helsing.

Quincey Morris was phlegmatic in the way of a man who accepts all things, and accepts them in the spirit of cool bravery, with hazard of all he has at stake. Quincey Morris era fleumático à maneira de um homem que aceita todas as coisas, e aceita-as num espírito de coragem fria, com o risco de tudo o que está em jogo. Not being able to smoke, he cut himself a good-sized plug of tobacco and began to chew. |||||||||||Tabakstück|||||| |||||||||||piece of tobacco|||||| Como não podia fumar, cortou um pedaço de tabaco de bom tamanho e começou a mascar. As to Van Helsing, he was employed in a definite way. Quanto a Van Helsing, foi empregue de uma forma definida. First he took from his  bag a mass of what looked like thin, wafer-like biscuit, which was carefully rolled up in a white napkin. Primeiro, tirou do seu saco uma massa do que parecia ser um biscoito fino, tipo bolacha, que estava cuidadosamente enrolado num guardanapo branco. Next he took out a double handful of some whitish stuff, like dough or putty. |||||||||weiße|||Teig||Knetmasse ||||||||||||||malleable material A seguir, tirou uma mão-cheia dupla de uma coisa esbranquiçada, como massa ou betume. He crumbled the wafer up fine and worked it into the mass between his hands. |zerbröselte||Waffel||||||||||| Ele esmigalhou a bolacha e misturou-a na massa entre as suas mãos. This he then took, and rolling it into thin strips, began to lay them into the crevices between the door and its setting in the tomb. Pegou então nela e, enrolando-a em tiras finas, começou a colocá-las nas fendas entre a porta e a sua colocação no túmulo. Bunu daha sonra aldı ve ince şeritler halinde yuvarlayarak, onları kapı ile mezardaki yeri arasındaki boşluklara yerleştirmeye başladı. I was somewhat puzzled at this, and being close, asked him what it was that he was doing. Fiquei um pouco intrigado e, como estava perto, perguntei-lhe o que estava a fazer. Arthur and Quincey drew near also, as they too were curious. Artur e Quincey aproximaram-se também, pois também eles estavam curiosos. He answered, "I am closing the tomb so that the UnDead may not enter. Ele respondeu: "Estou a fechar o túmulo para que os Não-Mortos não possam entrar.

"And is that stuff you have there going to do it? "E aquilo que têm aí vai servir para isso?

"It is.

"What is that which you are using? "O que é isso que estás a usar?

"  This time the question was by Arthur. " Desta vez, a pergunta foi feita por Artur. Van Helsing reverently lifted his hat as he answered. Van Helsing levantou reverentemente o chapéu enquanto respondia. "The Host. "O Anfitrião". "Göçebe.

I brought it from Amsterdam. Trouxe-o de Amesterdão. I have an Indulgence. |||Ablassbrief Eu tenho uma Indulgência. Hoşgörü var. It was an answer that appalled the most sceptical of us, and we felt individually that in the presence of such earnest purpose as the Professor’s, a purpose which could thus use the to him most sacred of things, it was impossible to distrust. Foi uma resposta que deixou atónitos os mais cépticos de nós, e sentimos individualmente que, na presença de um propósito tão sério como o do Professor, um propósito que podia assim usar a mais sagrada das coisas, era impossível desconfiar.

In respectful silence we took the places assigned to us close round the tomb, but hidden from the sight of any one approaching. Em respeitoso silêncio, ocupámos os lugares que nos foram atribuídos perto do túmulo, mas escondidos da vista de quem se aproximava. I pitied the others, especially Arthur. |bemitleidet|||| Tive pena dos outros, especialmente do Artur. I had myself been apprenticed by my former visits to this watching horror, and yet I, who had up to an hour ago repudiated the proofs, felt my heart sink within me. ||||ausgebildet|||||||||||||||||||abgelehnt|||||||| Eu próprio tinha sido aprendiz, nas minhas visitas anteriores, deste horror vigilante e, no entanto, eu, que até há uma hora tinha repudiado as provas, sentia o meu coração afundar-se dentro de mim. Never did tombs look so ghastly white. Nunca os túmulos pareceram tão horrivelmente brancos.