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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 4

CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 4

Never did cypress, or yew, or juniper so seem the embodiment of funeral gloom.

Never did tree or grass wave or rustle so ominously. Never did bough creak so mysteriously, and never did the far-away howling of dogs send such a woeful presage through the night. There was a long spell of silence, big, aching, void, and then from the Professor a keen "S-s-s-s!

" He pointed, and far down the avenue of yews we saw a white figure advance, a dim white figure, which held something dark at its breast. The figure stopped, and at the moment a ray of moonlight fell upon the masses of driving clouds, and showed in startling prominence a dark-haired woman, dressed in the cerements of the grave. We could not see the face, for it was bent down over what we saw to be a fair-haired child. There was a pause and a sharp little cry, such as a child gives in sleep, or a dog as it lies before the fire and dreams. We were starting forward, but the Professor's warning hand, seen by us as he stood behind a yew tree, kept us back. And then as we looked the white figure moved forwards again. It was now near enough for us to see clearly, and the moonlight still held. My own heart grew cold as ice, and I could hear the gasp of Arthur, as we recognized the features of Lucy Westenra. Lucy Westenra, but yet how changed. The sweetness was turned to adamantine, heartless cruelty, and the purity to voluptuous wantonness. Van Helsing stepped out, and obedient to his gesture, we all advanced too.

The four of us ranged in a line before the door of the tomb. Van Helsing raised his lantern and drew the slide. By the concentrated light that fell on Lucy's face we could see that the lips were crimson with fresh blood, and that the stream had trickled over her chin and stained the purity of her lawn death-robe. We shuddered with horror.

I could see by the tremulous light that even Van Helsing's iron nerve had failed. Arthur was next to me, and if I had not seized his arm and held him up, he would have fallen. When Lucy, I call the thing that was before us Lucy because it bore her shape, saw us she drew back with an angry snarl, such as a cat gives when taken unawares, then her eyes ranged over us.

Lucy's eyes in form and colour, but Lucy's eyes unclean and full of hell fire, instead of the pure, gentle orbs we knew. At that moment the remnant of my love passed into hate and loathing. Had she then to be killed, I could have done it with savage delight.

CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 4 CAPITOLO 16 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 4

Never did cypress, or yew, or juniper so seem the embodiment of funeral gloom. Nunca o cipreste, o teixo ou o zimbro pareceram tão encarnados de uma tristeza fúnebre.

Never did tree or grass wave or rustle so ominously. |||||||||unheilvoll |||||||||threateningly Nunca as árvores ou a relva ondularam ou farfalharam de forma tão sinistra. Never did bough creak so mysteriously, and never did the far-away howling of dogs send such a woeful presage through the night. ||Ast|knarren|||||||||||||||traurige Vorahnung|||| ||tree branch|||||||||||||||||||| Nunca os ramos rangeram tão misteriosamente, e nunca o uivo longínquo dos cães enviou um presságio tão triste através da noite. There was a long spell of silence, big, aching, void, and then from the Professor a keen "S-s-s-s! ||||Stilleperiode|||||||||||||||| Houve um longo período de silêncio, grande, doloroso, vazio, e depois o Professor disse um agudo "S-s-s-s!

"  He pointed, and far down the avenue of yews we saw a white figure advance, a dim white figure, which held something dark at its breast. ||||||||Eiben||||||||||||||||| " Apontou e, ao fundo da alameda de teixos, vimos avançar um vulto branco, um vulto branco e sombrio, que segurava algo escuro ao peito. The figure stopped, and at the moment a ray of moonlight fell upon the masses of driving clouds, and showed in startling prominence a dark-haired woman, dressed in the cerements of the grave. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Leichentüchern||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||burial shrouds||| O vulto parou e, nesse momento, um raio de luar caiu sobre a massa de nuvens que se moviam e mostrou, com uma proeminência surpreendente, uma mulher de cabelos escuros, vestida com as vestes da sepultura. Figür durdu ve o anda bir ay ışığı ışını sürükleyici bulutların üzerine düştü ve şaşırtıcı bir şekilde mezarın törenlerinde giyinmiş koyu saçlı bir kadın gösterdi. We could not see the face, for it was bent down over what  we saw to be a fair-haired child. ||||||||||||||||||blondes|| Não conseguimos ver o rosto, pois estava inclinado sobre o que nos pareceu ser uma criança de cabelos claros. There was a pause and a sharp little cry, such as a child gives in sleep, or a dog as it lies before the fire and dreams. Houve uma pausa e um pequeno grito agudo, como o que dá uma criança a dormir, ou um cão quando se deita à lareira e sonha. We were starting forward, but the Professor’s warning hand, seen by us as he stood behind a yew tree, kept us back. Estávamos a começar a avançar, mas a mão de aviso do Professor, que vimos quando ele se encontrava atrás de um teixo, impediu-nos de avançar. And then as we looked the white figure moved forwards again. E então, enquanto olhávamos, a figura branca avançou novamente. It was now near enough for us to see clearly, and the moonlight still held. Já estava suficientemente perto para podermos ver claramente e o luar ainda se mantinha. Artık açıkça görebilmemiz için yeterince yakındı ve ay ışığı hala tutuyordu. My own heart grew cold as ice, and I could hear the gasp of Arthur, as we recognized the features of Lucy Westenra. O meu coração ficou frio como o gelo e consegui ouvir o suspiro de Arthur, quando reconhecemos as feições de Lucy Westenra. Lucy Westenra, but yet how changed. Lucy Westenra, mas, no entanto, como mudou. The sweetness was turned to adamantine, heartless cruelty, and the purity to voluptuous wantonness. |||||unerschütterlich|||||||sinnlich|Wollust |||||unbreakable||||||||reckless indulgence A doçura transformou-se em crueldade adamantina e sem coração, e a pureza em volúpia. Van Helsing stepped out, and obedient to his gesture, we all advanced too. Van Helsing saiu e, obedecendo ao seu gesto, todos avançámos também. Van Helsing dışarı çıktı ve jestine itaat ederek hepimiz ilerledik.

The four of us ranged in a line before the door of the tomb. ||||aufgestellt||||||||| ||||stood arranged||||||||| Nós os quatro colocámo-nos em fila diante da porta do túmulo. Van Helsing raised his lantern and drew the slide. Van Helsing ergueu a lanterna e puxou a corrediça. By the concentrated light that fell on Lucy’s face we could see that the lips were crimson with fresh blood, and that the stream had trickled over her chin and stained the purity of her lawn death-robe. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||fine linen fabric|| Pela luz concentrada que incidia sobre o rosto de Lucy, podíamos ver que os lábios estavam vermelhos de sangue fresco, e que a corrente tinha escorrido pelo queixo e manchado a pureza do seu robe de morte. We shuddered with horror. Trememos de horror.

I could see by the tremulous light that even Van Helsing’s iron nerve had failed. |||||shaking or trembling||||||||| Pela luz trémula, pude ver que até o nervo de ferro de Van Helsing tinha falhado. Arthur was next to me, and if I had not seized his arm and held him up, he would have fallen. O Artur estava ao meu lado e, se eu não lhe tivesse agarrado o braço e o segurado, ele teria caído. When Lucy, I call the thing that was before us Lucy because it bore her shape, saw us she drew back with an angry snarl, such as a cat gives when taken unawares, then her eyes ranged over us. ||||||||||||||||||||||||Knurren||||||||unvorbereitet|||||| Quando Lucy - chamo Lucy à coisa que estava à nossa frente porque tinha a sua forma - nos viu, recuou com um rosnado furioso, como o que um gato dá quando é apanhado desprevenido, e depois os seus olhos percorreram-nos.

Lucy’s eyes in form and colour, but Lucy’s eyes unclean and full of hell fire, instead of the pure, gentle orbs we knew. ||||||||||||||||||||Kugeln|| Os olhos de Lucy, na forma e na cor, mas os olhos de Lucy eram impuros e cheios de fogo infernal, em vez das órbitas puras e suaves que conhecíamos. At that moment the remnant of my love passed into hate and loathing. ||||||||||||Abscheu Nesse momento, o que restava do meu amor transformou-se em ódio e aversão. Had she then to be killed, I could have done it with savage delight. ||||||||||||wild Freude| Se ela tivesse de ser morta, eu tê-lo-ia feito com um prazer selvagem.