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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 7

CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 7

Arthur and Quincey came home with me, and we tried to cheer each other on the way.

We had left behind the child in safety, and were tired. So we all slept with more or less reality of sleep. 29 September, night.--A little before twelve o'clock we three, Arthur, Quincey Morris, and myself, called for the Professor.

It was odd to notice that by common consent we had all put on black clothes. Of course, Arthur wore black, for he was in deep mourning, but the rest of us wore it by instinct. We got to the graveyard by half-past one, and strolled about, keeping out of official observation, so that when the gravediggers had completed their task and the sexton, under the belief that every one had gone, had locked the gate, we had the place all to ourselves. Van Helsing, instead of his little black bag, had with him a long leather one, something like a cricketing bag. It was manifestly of fair weight. When we were alone and had heard the last of the footsteps die out up the road, we silently, and as if by ordered intention, followed the Professor to the tomb.

He unlocked the door, and we entered, closing it behind us. Then he took from his bag the lantern, which he lit, and also two wax candles, which, when lighted, he stuck by melting their own ends, on other coffins, so that they might give light sufficient to work by. When he again lifted the lid off Lucy's coffin we all looked, Arthur trembling like an aspen, and saw that the corpse lay there in all its death beauty. But there was no love in my own heart, nothing but loathing for the foul Thing which had taken Lucy's shape without her soul. I could see even Arthur's face grow hard as he looked. Presently he said to Van Helsing, "Is this really Lucy's body, or only a demon in her shape? "It is her body, and yet not it.

But wait a while, and you shall see her as she was, and is. She seemed like a nightmare of Lucy as she lay there, the pointed teeth, the blood stained, voluptuous mouth, which made one shudder to see, the whole carnal and unspirited appearance, seeming like a devilish mockery of Lucy's sweet purity.

CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 7 KAPITEL 16 - Das Tagebuch von Dr. Seward, Teil 7 CAPÍTULO 16 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 7 CAPITOLO 16 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 7 第16章 スワード博士の日記 その7 CAPÍTULO 16 - Diário do Dr. Seward, parte 7

Arthur and Quincey came home with me, and we tried to cheer each other on the way. O Arthur e o Quincey vieram comigo para casa e tentámos animar-nos mutuamente durante o caminho.

We had left behind the child in safety, and were tired. Tínhamos deixado para trás a criança em segurança e estávamos cansados. So we all slept with more or less reality of sleep. Assim, todos nós dormimos com mais ou menos realidade de sono. 29 September, night.--A little before twelve o’clock we three, Arthur, Quincey Morris, and myself, called for the Professor. 29 de setembro, à noite - Um pouco antes do meio-dia, nós os três, Arthur, Quincey Morris e eu, chamámos o Professor.

It was odd to notice that by common consent we had all put on black clothes. Foi estranho constatar que, de comum acordo, todos nós vestimos roupa preta. Ortak rıza ile hepimizin siyah giysiler giydiğimizi fark etmek tuhaftı. Of course, Arthur wore black, for he was in deep mourning, but the rest of us wore it by instinct. Claro que o Artur vestiu preto, pois estava de luto profundo, mas os restantes usaram-no por instinto. We got to the graveyard by half-past one, and strolled about, keeping out of official observation, so that when the gravediggers had completed their task and the sexton, under the belief that every one had gone, had locked the gate, we had the place all to ourselves. ||||Friedhof||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Chegámos ao cemitério à uma e meia da manhã e demos um passeio, mantendo-nos fora da observação oficial, de modo que, quando os coveiros terminaram a sua tarefa e o sacristão, pensando que todos tinham ido embora, fechou o portão, ficámos com o local só para nós. Van Helsing, instead of his little black bag, had with him a long leather one, something like a cricketing bag. ||||||||||||||||||Cricket| Van Helsing, em vez do seu pequeno saco preto, trazia consigo um saco comprido de cabedal, algo parecido com um saco de críquete. It was manifestly of fair weight. ||offensichtlich||fair| O seu peso era manifestamente razoável. When we were alone and had heard the last of the footsteps die out up the road, we silently, and as if by ordered intention, followed the Professor to the tomb. Quando ficámos sozinhos e ouvimos os últimos passos a desaparecerem na estrada, seguimos silenciosamente, e como que por ordem, o Professor até ao túmulo.

He unlocked the door, and we entered, closing it behind us. Ele destrancou a porta e nós entrámos, fechando-a atrás de nós. Then he took from his bag the lantern, which he lit, and also two wax candles, which, when lighted, he stuck by melting their own ends, on other coffins, so that they might give light sufficient to work by. ||||||||||||||||||||festgemacht|||||||||||||||||| Depois, tirou da bolsa a lanterna, que acendeu, e também duas velas de cera, que, depois de acesas, prendeu, derretendo as suas pontas, noutros caixões, para que dessem luz suficiente para trabalhar. When he again lifted the lid off Lucy’s coffin we all looked, Arthur trembling like an aspen, and saw that the corpse lay there in all its death beauty. ||||||||||||||||Espe|||||||||||| Quando ele voltou a levantar a tampa do caixão da Lucy, todos nós olhámos, com o Artur a tremer como um choupo, e vimos que o cadáver estava ali em toda a sua beleza de morte. But there was no love in my own heart, nothing but loathing for the foul Thing which had taken Lucy’s shape without her soul. Mas não havia amor no meu coração, apenas repugnância pela Coisa imunda que tinha tomado a forma de Lucy sem a sua alma. I could see even Arthur’s face grow hard as he looked. Consegui ver até a cara do Arthur a ficar dura enquanto olhava. Presently he said to Van Helsing, "Is this really Lucy’s body, or only a demon in her shape? Em seguida, disse a Van Helsing: "Este é realmente o corpo de Lucy, ou apenas um demónio com a sua forma? "It is her body, and yet not it. "É o seu corpo, mas não é ele.

But wait a while, and you shall see her as she was, and is. Mas esperem um pouco, e vê-la-ão como ela era e é. She seemed like a nightmare of Lucy as she lay there, the pointed teeth, the blood stained, voluptuous mouth, which made one shudder to see, the whole carnal and unspirited appearance, seeming like a devilish mockery of Lucy’s sweet purity. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||fleischlich||unbelebten|||||teuflisch||||| Parecia um pesadelo de Lucy quando estava ali deitada, os dentes pontiagudos, a boca voluptuosa e manchada de sangue, que fazia estremecer ao ver, toda a aparência carnal e sem espírito, parecendo uma zombaria diabólica da doce pureza de Lucy.