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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 3

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 3

The light from the tiny lamps fell in all sorts of odd forms, as the rays crossed each other, or the opacity of our bodies threw great shadows. I could not for my life get away from the feeling that there was someone else amongst us. I suppose it was the recollection, so powerfully brought home to me by the grim surroundings, of that terrible experience in Transylvania. I think the feeling was common to us all, for I noticed that the others kept looking over their shoulders at every sound and every new shadow, just as I felt myself doing.

The whole place was thick with dust. The floor was seemingly inches deep, except where there were recent footsteps, in which on holding down my lamp I could see marks of hobnails where the dust was cracked. The walls were fluffy and heavy with dust, and in the corners were masses of spider's webs, whereon the dust had gathered till they looked like old tattered rags as the weight had torn them partly down. On a table in the hall was a great bunch of keys, with a time-yellowed label on each. They had been used several times, for on the table were several similar rents in the blanket of dust, similar to that exposed when the Professor lifted them.

He turned to me and said, "You know this place, Jonathan. You have copied maps of it, and you know it at least more than we do. Which is the way to the chapel?" I had an idea of its direction, though on my former visit I had not been able to get admission to it, so I led the way, and after a few wrong turnings found myself opposite a low, arched oaken door, ribbed with iron bands.

"This is the spot," said the Professor as he turned his lamp on a small map of the house, copied from the file of my original correspondence regarding the purchase. With a little trouble we found the key on the bunch and opened the door. We were prepared for some unpleasantness, for as we were opening the door a faint, malodorous air seemed to exhale through the gaps, but none of us ever expected such an odour as we encountered. None of the others had met the Count at all at close quarters, and when I had seen him he was either in the fasting stage of his existence in his rooms or, when he was bloated with fresh blood, in a ruined building open to the air, but here the place was small and close, and the long disuse had made the air stagnant and foul. There was an earthy smell, as of some dry miasma, which came through the fouler air. But as to the odour itself, how shall I describe it? It was not alone that it was composed of all the ills of mortality and with the pungent, acrid smell of blood, but it seemed as though corruption had become itself corrupt. Faugh! It sickens me to think of it. Every breath exhaled by that monster seemed to have clung to the place and intensified its loathsomeness.

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 3 CAPITOLO 19 - Diario di Jonathan Harker, parte 3

The light from the tiny lamps fell in all sorts of odd forms, as the rays crossed each other, or the opacity of our bodies threw great shadows. |||||||||||||||||||||opacidad|||||| سقط الضوء الصادر من المصابيح الصغيرة في جميع أنواع الأشكال الغريبة ، حيث عبرت الأشعة بعضها البعض ، أو ألقت غموض أجسامنا بظلال كبيرة. A luz das lâmpadas minúsculas caía em todas as formas estranhas, quando os raios se cruzavam ou a opacidade dos nossos corpos lançava grandes sombras. I could not for my life get away from the feeling that there was someone else amongst us. لم أستطع طوال حياتي الابتعاد عن الشعور بأن هناك شخصًا آخر بيننا. Não conseguia deixar de sentir que havia mais alguém entre nós. I suppose it was the recollection, so powerfully brought home to me by the grim surroundings, of that terrible experience in Transylvania. |||||||poderosamente|||||||tenebrosas|||||experiencia terrible|| أفترض أن هذه كانت الذكرى ، التي أتت بي بقوة إلى المنزل بسبب البيئة القاتمة ، لتلك التجربة الرهيبة في ترانسيلفانيا. Suponho que tenha sido a recordação, tão fortemente trazida à minha memória pelo ambiente sombrio, daquela terrível experiência na Transilvânia. I think the feeling was common to us all, for I noticed that the others kept looking over their shoulders at every sound and every new shadow, just as I felt myself doing. Penso que a sensação era comum a todos nós, pois reparei que os outros olhavam por cima dos ombros a cada som e a cada nova sombra, tal como eu me sentia a fazer.

The whole place was thick with dust. Todo o sítio estava cheio de pó. The floor was seemingly inches deep, except where there were recent footsteps, in which on holding down my lamp I could see marks of hobnails where the dust was cracked. |||scheinbar|||||||jüngsten||||||||||||||Hobnailsp||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||clavos de punta||||| كانت الأرضية على ما يبدو بوصات عميقة ، إلا إذا كانت هناك خطوات حديثة ، حيث كنت أضغط على المصباح الخاص بي ، ويمكنني أن أرى علامات من الأزيز حيث تم تكسير الغبار. O chão parecia ter alguns centímetros de profundidade, exceto onde havia passos recentes, nos quais, ao segurar o meu candeeiro, pude ver marcas de unhas de cavalo onde o pó estava rachado. The walls were fluffy and heavy with dust, and in the corners were masses of spider’s webs, whereon the dust had gathered till they looked like old tattered rags as the weight had torn them partly down. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||zerschlissen|Lappen|||||||| |||esponjosas||||||||||||||||||||||||desgastados y rasgados|trapos viejos||||||||hacia abajo كانت الجدران رخوة وثقيلة بالأتربة ، وفي الزوايا كانت كتل من شبكات العنكبوت ، حيث تجمع الغبار حتى بداوا وكأنهم خرق ممزقة قديمًا لأن الوزن قد مزقها جزئيًا. As paredes eram fofas e pesadas de pó, e nos cantos havia massas de teias de aranha, onde o pó se tinha acumulado até parecerem trapos velhos e esfarrapados, pois o peso tinha-os rasgado parcialmente. On a table in the hall was a great bunch of keys, with a time-yellowed label on each. |||||||||||||||amarillenta por el tiempo||| على طاولة في القاعة كان هناك مجموعة كبيرة من المفاتيح ، مع وجود علامة صفراء اللون على كل منها. Sobre uma mesa no corredor estava um grande molho de chaves, com uma etiqueta amarelada pelo tempo em cada uma. They had been used several times, for on the table were several similar rents in the blanket of dust, similar to that exposed when the Professor lifted them. |||||||||||||Ritzen|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||rasgaduras|||capa de polvo||||||expuestos||||| لقد تم استخدامها عدة مرات ، لأنه على الطاولة كانت هناك عدة إيجارات متشابهة في غطاء من الغبار ، على غرار تلك المكشوفة عندما رفعها الأستاذ. Eles foram usados várias vezes, pois na mesa havia vários aluguéis semelhantes no manto de poeira, semelhante ao exposto quando o professor os levantou. Birkaç kez kullanılmışlardı, çünkü masada, Profesör onları kaldırdığında ortaya çıkana benzer, toz örtüsünde birkaç benzer kira vardı.

He turned to me and said, "You know this place, Jonathan. Ele virou-se para mim e disse: "Tu conheces este sítio, Jonathan. You have copied maps of it, and you know it at least more than we do. لقد قمت بنسخ خرائط لها ، وأنت تعرفها على الأقل أكثر مما نعرف. Copiaram os mapas e conhecem-no, pelo menos, mais do que nós. Which is the way to the chapel?" ||||||capilla Qual é o caminho para a capela?" I had an idea of its direction, though on my former visit I had not been able to get admission to it, so I led the way, and after a few wrong turnings found myself opposite a low, arched oaken door, ribbed with iron bands. |||||||||||||||||||Zugang||||||||||||||||||||||mit Eisenbändern verst||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||caminos equivocados|||frente a||baja||||con listones|||bandas de hierro كان لدي فكرة عن اتجاهها ، على الرغم من أنني لم أتمكن من زيارتي السابقة من زيارتي السابقة ، لذا تمكنت من الوصول إلى الطريق ، وبعد بضع نقرات خاطئة وجدت نفسي أمام باب صخري منخفض مقوس مضلع بأشرطة حديدية . Eu tinha uma ideia da sua direção, embora na minha visita anterior não tivesse conseguido entrar, por isso indiquei o caminho e, depois de algumas voltas erradas, encontrei-me em frente a uma porta de carvalho baixa e arqueada, com nervuras de ferro. Yönü hakkında bir fikrim vardı, ancak önceki ziyaretimde kabul edememiştim, bu yüzden önderlik ettim ve birkaç yanlış dönüşten sonra kendimi demir bantlarla yivli, alçak, kemerli meşe bir kapının karşısında buldum. .

"This is the spot," said the Professor as he turned his lamp on a small map of the house, copied from the file of my original correspondence regarding the purchase. ||||||||el profesor||||||||||||||||||||| "Este é o local", disse o Professor enquanto virava o candeeiro para um pequeno mapa da casa, copiado do ficheiro da minha correspondência original sobre a compra. With a little trouble we found the key on the bunch and opened the door. ||||||||auf||Bündel|||| Com alguma dificuldade, encontrámos a chave no molho e abrimos a porta. We were prepared for some unpleasantness, for as we were opening the door a faint, malodorous air seemed to exhale through the gaps, but none of us ever expected such an odour as we encountered. |||||Unannehmlichkeit||||||||||übelriechend||||||||||||||||||| |||||incomodidad||||||||||||||exhalaba|||grietas||||||||un|||| كنا مستعدين لبعض الكراهية ، لأننا عندما فتحنا الباب ، بدا أن هواءًا خبيثًا خافتًا كان يخرج من الفجوات ، لكن لم يتوقع أحد منا مثل هذه الرائحة كما واجهناها. Estávamos preparados para algum desagrado, pois quando abrimos a porta, um ar ténue e malcheiroso parecia exalar pelas frinchas, mas nenhum de nós esperava um odor como o que encontrámos. None of the others had met the Count at all at close quarters, and when I had seen him he was either in the fasting stage of his existence in his rooms or, when he was bloated with fresh blood, in a ruined building open to the air, but here the  place was small and close, and the long disuse had made the air stagnant and foul. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||langem Stillstand|||||stagnierend und fa|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||ayuno||||||||||||hinchado||||||||||||||||||||||largo||||||estancada y viciada||fétida لم يلتق أي شخص آخر بالكونت على الإطلاق في أماكن قريبة ، وعندما رأيته كان إما في مرحلة الصيام من وجوده في غرفته ، أو عندما كان منتفخًا بدماء جديدة ، في مبنى مدمر مفتوح ل الهواء ، لكن المكان كان صغيراً وقريبًا ، وقد تسبب الإهمال الطويل في ركود الهواء. Nenhum dos outros tinha visto o conde de perto, e quando o vi, ou estava na fase de jejum da sua existência nos seus quartos ou, quando estava inchado de sangue fresco, num edifício em ruínas aberto ao ar, mas aqui o local era pequeno e fechado, e o longo tempo de desuso tinha tornado o ar estagnado e fétido. There was an earthy smell, as of some dry miasma, which came through the fouler air. |||||||||Miasma|||||schmutzigeren| |||||||||unhealthy atmosphere|||||| |||terrosa||||||miasma seca|||||más sucia| كان هناك رائحة ترابية ، وذلك بسبب بعض miasma الجاف ، الذي جاء من خلال الهواء كريهة. Havia um cheiro a terra, como o de um miasma seco, que se espalhava pelo ar mais fétido. Kirli havadan gelen kuru bir miazma gibi toprak kokusu vardı. But as to the odour itself, how shall I describe it? Mas quanto ao odor em si, como hei-de descrevê-lo? It was not alone that it was composed of all the ills of mortality and with the pungent, acrid smell of blood, but it seemed as though corruption had become itself corrupt. |||||||||||||||||stechend||||||||||Korruption|||| ||||||||||||||||||Sharp and bitter||||||||||||| |||||||compuesto||||los males||||||pungente|agrio penetrante|||||||||||||corrupción لم يكن بمفرده أنه كان يتكون من كل أمراض الوفاة وبرائحة الدم النفاذة النفاذة ، لكن يبدو أن الفساد أصبح نفسه فاسدًا. Não só era composto de todos os males da mortalidade e com o cheiro acre e pungente do sangue, mas parecia que a corrupção se tinha tornado ela própria corrupta. Faugh! Pfui Disgust or disdain ¡Puaj Faugh! Faugh! Faugh! It sickens me to think of it. |me enferma|||||me enferma Fico doente só de pensar nisso. Every breath exhaled by that monster seemed to have clung to the place and intensified its loathsomeness. ||||||||||||||||Ekelhaftigkeit ||exhalado|||||||se adhirió|||||||repulsividad يبدو أن كل نفس يتم استنشاقه من هذا الوحش قد تشبث بالمكان وكثف من كراهيته. Cada sopro exalado por aquele monstro parecia ter-se agarrado ao local e intensificado a sua repugnância.