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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 4

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 4

Under ordinary circumstances such a stench would have brought our enterprise to an end, but this was no ordinary case, and the high and terrible purpose in which we were involved gave us a strength which rose above merely physical considerations. After the involuntary shrinking consequent on the first nauseous whiff, we one and all set about our work as though that loathsome place were a garden of roses.

We made an accurate examination of the place, the Professor saying as we began, "The first thing is to see how many of the boxes are left, we must then examine every hole and corner and cranny and see if we cannot get some clue as to what has become of the rest." A glance was sufficient to show how many remained, for the great earth chests were bulky, and there was no mistaking them.

There were only twenty-nine left out of the fifty! Once I got a fright, for, seeing Lord Godalming suddenly turn and look out of the vaulted door into the dark passage beyond, I looked too, and for an instant my heart stood still. Somewhere, looking out from the shadow, I seemed to see the high lights of the Count's evil face, the ridge of the nose, the red eyes, the red lips, the awful pallor. It was only for a moment, for, as Lord Godalming said, "I thought I saw a face, but it was only the shadows," and resumed his inquiry, I turned my lamp in the direction, and stepped into the passage. There was no sign of anyone, and as there were no corners, no doors, no aperture of any kind, but only the solid walls of the passage, there could be no hiding place even for him. I took it that fear had helped imagination, and said nothing.

A few minutes later I saw Morris step suddenly back from a corner, which he was examining. We all followed his movements with our eyes, for undoubtedly some nervousness was growing on us, and we saw a whole mass of phosphorescence, which twinkled like stars. We all instinctively drew back. The whole place was becoming alive with rats.

For a moment or two we stood appalled, all save Lord Godalming, who was seemingly prepared for such an emergency. Rushing over to the great iron-bound oaken door, which Dr. Seward had described from the outside, and which I had seen myself, he turned the key in the lock, drew the huge bolts, and swung the door open. Then, taking his little silver whistle from his pocket, he blew a low, shrill call. It was answered from behind Dr. Seward's house by the yelping of dogs, and after about a minute three terriers came dashing round the corner of the house. Unconsciously we had all moved towards the door, and as we moved I noticed that the dust had been much disturbed. The boxes which had been taken out had been brought this way. But even in the minute that had elapsed the number of the rats had vastly increased. They seemed to swarm over the place all at once, till the lamplight, shining on their moving dark bodies and glittering, baleful eyes, made the place look like a bank of earth set with fireflies.

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 4 CAPÍTULO 19 - Diario de Jonathan Harker, parte 4 第19章 ジョナサン・ハーカーの日記 その4

Under ordinary circumstances such a stench would have brought our enterprise to an end, but this was no ordinary case, and the high and terrible purpose in which we were involved gave us a strength which rose above merely physical considerations. |||||Gestank||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||hedor||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Em circunstâncias normais, tal mau cheiro teria posto fim à nossa empresa, mas este não era um caso normal, e o objetivo elevado e terrível em que estávamos envolvidos deu-nos uma força que se elevava acima de considerações meramente físicas. After the involuntary shrinking consequent on the first nauseous whiff, we one and all set about our work as though that loathsome place were a garden of roses. |||Schrumpfen||||||||alle||||||||||abscheulichen|||||| |||encogimiento involuntario||||||aroma desagradable||||||||||||repugnante|||||| بعد التقلص اللاإرادي الناجم عن النفحة الغثيان الأولى ، بدأنا جميعًا في العمل كما لو كان ذلك المكان البغيض حديقة للورود. Depois do encolhimento involuntário resultante do primeiro cheiro nauseabundo, todos nós começámos o nosso trabalho como se aquele lugar repugnante fosse um jardim de rosas.

We made an accurate examination of the place, the Professor saying as we began, "The first thing is to see how many of the boxes are left, we must then examine every hole and corner and cranny and see if we cannot get some clue as to what has become of the rest." Fizemos um exame minucioso do local, tendo o Professor dito ao começar: "A primeira coisa é ver quantas caixas restam, depois temos de examinar todos os buracos, cantos e recantos e ver se conseguimos alguma pista sobre o que aconteceu às restantes". A glance was sufficient to show how many remained, for the great earth chests were bulky, and there was no mistaking them. |||||||||||||Kisten|||||||| |||||||||||||cofres de tierra||voluminosos|||||| كانت النظرة كافية لإظهار العدد المتبقي ، لأن الصناديق الأرضية العظيمة كانت ضخمة ، ولم يكن هناك أي ظلم منهم. Bastava um olhar para ver quantos restavam, pois as grandes arcas de terra eram volumosas e não havia como enganá-los.

There were only twenty-nine left out of the fifty! Só restavam vinte e nove dos cinquenta! Once I got a fright, for, seeing Lord Godalming suddenly turn and look out of the vaulted door into the dark passage beyond, I looked too, and for an instant my heart stood still. ||||||||||||||||gewölbten||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||abovedada||||||||||||||||| Uma vez apanhei um susto, porque, ao ver Lord Godalming virar-se de repente e olhar para fora da porta abobadada, para a passagem escura que se encontrava para lá, olhei também e, por um instante, o meu coração parou. Somewhere, looking out from the shadow, I seemed to see the high lights of the Count's evil face, the ridge of the nose, the red eyes, the red lips, the awful pallor. |||||||||||hohen||||||||Nasenrücken|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||puente de la nariz||||||||||el|| في مكان ما ، نظرت من الظل ، بدا لي أن أرى الأضواء العالية للوجه الشرير للكونت ، سلسلة من الأنف ، العيون الحمراء ، الشفتين الحمراء ، الشحوب الرهيبة. Algures, olhando para fora da sombra, pareceu-me ver os pontos altos do rosto maligno do Conde, a crista do nariz, os olhos vermelhos, os lábios vermelhos, a palidez horrível. It was only for a moment, for, as Lord Godalming said, "I thought I saw a face, but it was only the shadows," and resumed his inquiry, I turned my lamp in the direction, and stepped into the passage. Foi só por um momento, pois, como disse Lord Godalming, "pensei ter visto uma cara, mas eram só as sombras", e retomou a sua investigação, virei a minha lâmpada na direção e entrei na passagem. There was no sign of anyone, and as there were no corners, no doors, no aperture of any kind, but only the solid walls of the passage, there could be no hiding place even for him. Não havia sinal de ninguém e, como não havia cantos, nem portas, nem qualquer tipo de abertura, mas apenas as paredes sólidas da passagem, não podia haver esconderijo nem mesmo para ele. I took it that fear had helped imagination, and said nothing. Deduzi que o medo tinha ajudado à imaginação e não disse nada.

A few minutes later I saw Morris step suddenly back from a corner, which he was examining. Einige Minuten später sah ich, wie Morris plötzlich von einer Ecke zurücktrat, die er gerade untersuchte. Alguns minutos mais tarde, vi o Morris afastar-se subitamente de um canto, que estava a examinar. We all followed his movements with our eyes, for undoubtedly some nervousness was growing on us, and we saw a whole mass of phosphorescence, which twinkled like stars. |||||||||||||||||||||||Phosphoreszenz||funkelte|| |||||||||||||||||||||||fosforescencia|||| Todos nós seguimos os seus movimentos com os olhos, pois sem dúvida que o nervosismo estava a crescer em nós, e vimos toda uma massa de fosforescência que brilhava como estrelas. We all instinctively drew back. |todos nosotros||| Todos nós recuámos instintivamente. The whole place was becoming alive with rats. O local estava a ficar cheio de ratos.

For a moment or two we stood appalled, all save Lord Godalming, who was seemingly prepared for such an emergency. |||||||horrorizados|||||||||||| للحظة أو اثنتين وقفنا مروعين ، جميعهم باستثناء اللورد جودالمينج ، الذي كان مستعدًا على ما يبدو لمثل هذه الحالة الطارئة. Por um momento ou dois, ficámos atónitos, todos exceto Lord Godalming, que parecia estar preparado para tal emergência. Rushing over to the great iron-bound oaken door, which Dr. Seward had described from the outside, and which I had seen myself, he turned the key in the lock, drew the huge bolts, and swung the door open. هرعت إلى الباب الكبير المصنوع من الحديد ، والذي وصفه الدكتور سيوارد من الخارج ، والذي رأيته بنفسي ، فقد قلب المفتاح في القفل ، ووجه المسامير الضخمة ، وأغلق الباب مفتوحًا. Correndo para a grande porta de carvalho com ferrolho, que o Dr. Seward tinha descrito do exterior e que eu próprio tinha visto, rodou a chave na fechadura, puxou os enormes ferrolhos e abriu a porta. Then, taking his little silver whistle from his pocket, he blew a low, shrill call. بعد ذلك ، أخذ صافرة الفضة الصغيرة من جيبه ، فجر نداءً صاخباً منخفضًا. Depois, tirando o seu pequeno apito de prata do bolso, soprou um grito baixo e estridente. It was answered from behind Dr. Seward's house by the yelping of dogs, and after about a minute three terriers came dashing round the corner of the house. ||||||||||gebell||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||ladridos agudos||||||||||||||||| تم الرد عليها من وراء منزل الدكتور سيوارد من قبل صرخة الكلاب ، وبعد حوالي دقيقة جاء ثلاثة ترير يتدفقون في زاوية المنزل. Foi respondido por detrás da casa do Dr. Seward pelo ganido de cães e, passado cerca de um minuto, três terriers apareceram a correr na esquina da casa. Unconsciously we had all moved towards the door, and as we moved I noticed that the dust had been much disturbed. Inconscientemente, todos nós nos dirigimos para a porta e, enquanto nos movíamos, reparei que o pó tinha sido muito remexido. The boxes which had been taken out had been brought this way. الصناديق التي أخرجت قد أحضرت بهذه الطريقة. As caixas que tinham sido retiradas tinham sido trazidas desta forma. But even in the minute that had elapsed the number of the rats had vastly increased. Mas mesmo no minuto que tinha passado, o número de ratos tinha aumentado imenso. They seemed to swarm over the place all at once, till the lamplight, shining on their moving dark bodies and glittering, baleful eyes, made the place look like a bank of earth set with fireflies. ||||||||||||||||||||glänzenden|unheilvoll|||||||||||||Glühwürmchen |||||||||||||||||||||Ominous or threatening||||||||||||| |||multitud de personas||||||||||||||||||malévolos||||||||||tierra|||luciérnagas بدوا وكأنهم يتجولون في المكان مرة واحدة ، حتى جعل المصباح يلمع على أجسادهم المظلمة المتحركة والعيون المشرقة المتلألئة ، وجعلوا المكان يبدو وكأنه ضفة من الأرض مملوءة بالنيران. Pareciam estar a invadir o local de uma só vez, até que a luz das lâmpadas, brilhando nos seus corpos escuros em movimento e nos seus olhos cintilantes e malévolos, fazia com que o local parecesse um banco de terra cheio de pirilampos.