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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 5

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 5

The dogs dashed on, but at the threshold suddenly stopped and snarled, and then, simultaneously lifting their noses, began to howl in most lugubrious fashion. The rats were multiplying in thousands, and we moved out.

Lord Godalming lifted one of the dogs, and carrying him in, placed him on the floor. The instant his feet touched the ground he seemed to recover his courage, and rushed at his natural enemies. They fled before him so fast that before he had shaken the life out of a score, the other dogs, who had by now been lifted in the same manner, had but small prey ere the whole mass had vanished.

With their going it seemed as if some evil presence had departed, for the dogs frisked about and barked merrily as they made sudden darts at their prostrate foes, and turned them over and over and tossed them in the air with vicious shakes. We all seemed to find our spirits rise. Whether it was the purifying of the deadly atmosphere by the opening of the chapel door, or the relief which we experienced by finding ourselves in the open I know not, but most certainly the shadow of dread seemed to slip from us like a robe, and the occasion of our coming lost something of its grim significance, though we did not slacken a whit in our resolution. We closed the outer door and barred and locked it, and bringing the dogs with us, began our search of the house. We found nothing throughout except dust in extraordinary proportions, and all untouched save for my own footsteps when I had made my first visit. Never once did the dogs exhibit any symptom of uneasiness, and even when we returned to the chapel they frisked about as though they had been rabbit hunting in a summer wood.

The morning was quickening in the east when we emerged from the front. Dr. Van Helsing had taken the key of the hall door from the bunch, and locked the door in orthodox fashion, putting the key into his pocket when he had done.

"So far," he said, "our night has been eminently successful. No harm has come to us such as I feared might be and yet we have ascertained how many boxes are missing. More than all do I rejoice that this, our first, and perhaps our most difficult and dangerous, step has been accomplished without the bringing thereinto our most sweet Madam Mina or troubling her waking or sleeping thoughts with sights and sounds and smells of horror which she might never forget. One lesson, too, we have learned, if it be allowable to argue a particulari, that the brute beasts which are to the Count's command are yet themselves not amenable to his spiritual power, for look, these rats that would come to his call, just as from his castle top he summon the wolves to your going and to that poor mother's cry, though they come to him, they run pell-mell from the so little dogs of my friend Arthur. We have other matters before us, other dangers, other fears, and that monster .

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 5 CHAPITRE 19 - Le journal de Jonathan Harker, partie 5 CAPITOLO 19 - Diario di Jonathan Harker, parte 5 CAPÍTULO 19 - Diário de Jonathan Harker, parte 5

The dogs dashed on, but at the threshold suddenly stopped and snarled, and then, simultaneously lifting their noses, began to howl in most lugubrious fashion. |||||||||||growled aggressively||||||||||||mournful| |||||||||||||||||||||||lúgubre| Os cães correram, mas no limiar pararam subitamente e rosnaram, e depois, levantando simultaneamente os narizes, começaram a uivar da forma mais lúgubre. The rats were multiplying in thousands, and we moved out. Os ratos multiplicavam-se aos milhares e nós mudámo-nos.

Lord Godalming lifted one of the dogs, and carrying him in, placed him on the floor. Lord Godalming levantou um dos cães e, levando-o para dentro, colocou-o no chão. Lord Godalming köpeklerden birini kaldırdı ve onu içeriye alarak yere koydu. The instant his feet touched the ground he seemed to recover his courage, and rushed at his natural enemies. el|||||||||||||||||| في اللحظة التي لمست فيها قدميه الأرض ، بدا وكأنه يستعيد شجاعته ، وهرع إلى أعدائه الطبيعيين. No momento em que os seus pés tocaram o chão, pareceu recuperar a coragem e precipitou-se sobre os seus inimigos naturais. They fled before him so fast that before he had shaken the life out of a score, the other dogs, who had by now been lifted in the same manner, had but small prey ere the whole mass had vanished. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||antes que||||| لقد فروا أمامه بسرعة كبيرة حتى أنه قبل أن يهز الحياة بدرجات متفاوتة ، كانت الكلاب الأخرى ، التي تم رفعها الآن بنفس الطريقة ، ولكن لديها فريسة صغيرة اختفت فيها الكتلة بأكملها. Fugiram tão depressa que, antes de ele ter sacudido a vida de uma vintena deles, os outros cães, que já tinham sido levantados da mesma maneira, tinham apenas uma pequena presa antes de toda a massa ter desaparecido.

With their going it seemed as if some evil presence had departed, for the dogs frisked about and barked merrily as they made sudden darts at their prostrate foes, and turned them over and over and tossed them in the air with vicious shakes. |||||||||||||||leaped playfully|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||saltaron juguetonamente|||||||||movimientos rápidos||||enemigos caídos|||||||||||||||sacudidas viciosas مع ذهابهم ، بدا الأمر وكأن بعض الوجود الشرير قد غادر ، لأن الكلاب تنثرت وتنبح بمرح عندما قاموا برمي السهام المفاجئة على خصومهم السجود ، وقلبوها مرارًا وتكرارًا وألقوا بهم في الهواء بالهزات الشريرة. Com a sua partida, parecia que uma presença maléfica se tinha ido embora, pois os cães andavam de um lado para o outro e ladravam alegremente enquanto lançavam dardos repentinos aos seus inimigos prostrados, viravam-nos e atiravam-nos ao ar com sacudidelas ferozes. We all seemed to find our spirits rise. يبدو أننا جميعا وجدنا روحنا ترتفع. Todos nós parecíamos sentir o nosso espírito a subir. Whether it was the purifying of the deadly atmosphere by the opening of the chapel door, or the relief which we experienced by finding ourselves in the open I know not, but most certainly the shadow of dread seemed to slip from us like a robe, and the occasion of our coming lost something of its grim significance, though we did not slacken a whit in our resolution. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||loosen up||||| ||||purificadora||||atmósfera mortal||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||aflojamos||ni un poco||| Não sei se foi a purificação da atmosfera mortífera pela abertura da porta da capela, ou o alívio que experimentámos ao encontrarmo-nos ao ar livre, mas certamente que a sombra do medo pareceu escapar-nos como um manto, e a ocasião da nossa vinda perdeu algo do seu significado sombrio, embora não tenhamos afrouxado nem um pouco na nossa resolução. We closed the outer door and barred and locked it, and bringing the dogs with us, began our search of the house. Fechámos a porta exterior, trancámo-la à chave e, trazendo os cães connosco, começámos a procurar na casa. We found nothing throughout except dust in extraordinary proportions, and all untouched save for my own footsteps when I had made my first visit. Não encontrámos nada em toda a parte, exceto pó em proporções extraordinárias, e tudo intocado, exceto os meus próprios passos quando fiz a minha primeira visita. Never once did the dogs exhibit any symptom of uneasiness, and even when we returned to the chapel they frisked about as though they had been rabbit hunting in a summer wood. |||||||||||||||||||saltaron alegremente|||||||||||| Nunca os cães mostraram qualquer sintoma de inquietação e, mesmo quando voltámos à capela, andavam de um lado para o outro como se estivessem a caçar coelhos num bosque de verão.

The morning was quickening in the east when we emerged from the front. A manhã estava a acelerar a leste quando saímos da frente. Dr. Van Helsing had taken the key of the hall door from the bunch, and locked the door in orthodox fashion, putting the key into his pocket when he had done. O Dr. Van Helsing tinha tirado a chave da porta do corredor do molho e trancado a porta de forma ortodoxa, metendo a chave no bolso quando o fez.

"So far," he said, "our night has been eminently successful. ||||||||eminente| "Até agora", disse ele, "a nossa noite tem sido eminentemente bem sucedida. No harm has come to us such as I feared might be and yet we have ascertained how many boxes are missing. Não nos aconteceu nada de mal, como eu receava, e, no entanto, já sabemos quantas caixas faltam. More than all do I rejoice that this, our first, and perhaps our most difficult and dangerous, step has been accomplished without the bringing thereinto our most sweet Madam Mina or troubling her waking or sleeping thoughts with sights and sounds and smells of horror which she might never forget. ||||||||||||||||||||||||en ello||||||||||||||visiones||||||||||| Mais do que tudo, regozijo-me com o facto de este nosso primeiro passo, e talvez o mais difícil e perigoso, ter sido dado sem que a nossa querida Madame Mina tenha sido levada para lá ou sem que os seus pensamentos acordados ou adormecidos tenham sido perturbados por visões, sons e cheiros de horror que ela nunca esquecerá. One lesson, too, we have learned, if it be allowable to argue a particulari, that the brute beasts which are to the Count's command are yet themselves not amenable to his spiritual power, for look, these rats that would  come to his call, just as from his castle top he summon the wolves to your going and to that poor mother's cry, though they come to him, they run pell-mell from the so little dogs of my friend Arthur. ||||||||||||a particular instance|from specifics||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Headlong|||||||||| |||||||||permitido||||particularidad||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||desordenadamente|desordenadamente||||||||| Uma lição, também, aprendemos, se é que se pode argumentar a particulari, que os animais brutos que estão às ordens do Conde não são, no entanto, eles próprios, passíveis do seu poder espiritual, pois vejam só, estes ratos que viriam ao seu chamamento, tal como do alto do seu castelo ele convoca os lobos para a vossa ida e para o grito daquela pobre mãe, embora venham ter com ele, fogem a toda a brida dos tão pequenos cães do meu amigo Artur. We have other matters before us, other dangers, other fears, and that monster . Temos outros assuntos diante de nós, outros perigos, outros medos, e esse monstro .