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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 6

CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 6

He has not used his power over the brute world for the only or the last time tonight. So be it that he has gone elsewhere. Good! It has given us opportunity to cry 'check' in some ways in this chess game, which we play for the stake of human souls. And now let us go home. The dawn is close at hand, and we have reason to be content with our first night's work. It may be ordained that we have many nights and days to follow, if full of peril, but we must go on, and from no danger shall we shrink." The house was silent when we got back, save for some poor creature who was screaming away in one of the distant wards, and a low, moaning sound from Renfield's room. The poor wretch was doubtless torturing himself, after the manner of the insane, with needless thoughts of pain.

I came tiptoe into our own room, and found Mina asleep, breathing so softly that I had to put my ear down to hear it. She looks paler than usual. I hope the meeting tonight has not upset her. I am truly thankful that she is to be left out of our future work, and even of our deliberations. It is too great a strain for a woman to bear. I did not think so at first, but I know better now. Therefore I am glad that it is settled. There may be things which would frighten her to hear, and yet to conceal them from her might be worse than to tell her if once she suspected that there was any concealment. Henceforth our work is to be a sealed book to her, till at least such time as we can tell her that all is finished, and the earth free from a monster of the nether world. I daresay it will be difficult to begin to keep silence after such confidence as ours, but I must be resolute, and tomorrow I shall keep dark over tonight's doings, and shall refuse to speak of anything that has happened. I rest on the sofa, so as not to disturb her.

1 October, later.--I suppose it was natural that we should have all overslept ourselves, for the day was a busy one, and the night had no rest at all. Even Mina must have felt its exhaustion, for though I slept till the sun was high, I was awake before her, and had to call two or three times before she awoke. Indeed, she was so sound asleep that for a few seconds she did not recognize me, but looked at me with a sort of blank terror, as one looks who has been waked out of a bad dream. She complained a little of being tired, and I let her rest till later in the day. We now know of twenty-one boxes having been removed, and if it be that several were taken in any of these removals we may be able to trace them all. Such will, of course, immensely simplify our labor, and the sooner the matter is attended to the better. I shall look up Thomas Snelling today.

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CHAPTER 19 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 6 CAPITOLO 19 - Il diario di Jonathan Harker, parte 6 CAPÍTULO 19 - Diário de Jonathan Harker, parte 6

He has not used his power over the brute world for the only or the last time tonight. Ele não usou o seu poder sobre o mundo bruto pela única ou última vez esta noite. Bu gece vahşi dünya üzerindeki gücünü tek ya da son kez kullanmadı. So be it that he has gone elsewhere. Que assim seja, ele foi para outro lado. Öyleyse başka bir yere gitmiş olsun. Good! It has given us opportunity to cry 'check' in some ways in this chess  game, which we play for the stake of human souls. لقد أتاحت لنا فرصة البكاء على "الشيك" بطريقة ما في لعبة الشطرنج هذه ، والتي نلعبها من أجل مصلحة النفوس البشرية. Deu-nos a oportunidade de, nalguns aspectos, gritar "xeque" neste jogo de xadrez, que jogamos pela aposta das almas humanas. And now let us go home. E agora vamos para casa. The dawn is close at hand, and we have reason to be content with our first night's work. الفجر قريب ، ولدينا سبب للرضا عن أعمال الليلة الأولى. O amanhecer está próximo e temos razões para estarmos satisfeitos com a nossa primeira noite de trabalho. It may be ordained that we have many nights and days to follow, if full of peril, but we must go on, and from no danger shall we shrink." ||||||||||||||||Gefahr|||||||von||||| من الممكن أن يكون لدينا العديد من الليالي والأيام التي يجب متابعتها ، إذا كانت مليئة بالمخاطر ، لكن يجب أن نستمر ، ولن ننكمش من أي خطر ". Pode ser que tenhamos muitas noites e dias pela frente, se estiverem cheios de perigos, mas temos de continuar, e de nenhum perigo nos devemos esquivar." The house was silent when we got back, save for some poor creature who was screaming away in one of the distant wards, and a low, moaning sound from Renfield's room. ||||||||||||||||||||||Abteilungen|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||salas|||||||| كان المنزل صامتاً عندما عدنا ، باستثناء بعض المخلوقات الفقيرة التي كانت تصرخ في أحد الأجنحة البعيدة ، وصوت منخفض يئن من غرفة رينفيلد. A casa estava silenciosa quando regressámos, à exceção de uma pobre criatura que gritava numa das alas distantes, e de um som baixo e gemido vindo do quarto de Renfield. The poor wretch was doubtless torturing himself, after the manner of the insane, with needless thoughts of pain. O pobre coitado estava sem dúvida a torturar-se, à maneira dos loucos, com pensamentos de dor desnecessários.

I came tiptoe into our own room, and found Mina asleep, breathing so softly that I had to put my ear down to hear it. ||auf Zehenspitzen|||||||||||||||||||||| ||de puntillas|||||||||||||||||||||| Entrei em bicos de pés no nosso quarto e encontrei a Mina a dormir, respirando tão suavemente que tive de baixar o ouvido para a ouvir. She looks paler than usual. Ela parece mais pálida do que o habitual. I hope the meeting tonight has not upset her. Espero que a reunião desta noite não a tenha perturbado. I am truly thankful that she is to be left out of our future work, and even of our deliberations. أنا ممتن حقًا لأنها ستُستبعد من عملنا المستقبلي ، وحتى من مداولاتنا. Estou verdadeiramente grato pelo facto de ela ser deixada de fora do nosso trabalho futuro, e mesmo das nossas deliberações. It is too great a strain for a woman to bear. É um esforço demasiado grande para uma mulher suportar. I did not think so at first, but I know better now. No início não pensei assim, mas agora sei melhor. Therefore I am glad that it is settled. لذلك أنا سعيد لأنه استقر. Por conseguinte, congratulo-me com o facto de a questão estar resolvida. There may be things which would frighten her to hear, and yet to conceal them from her might be worse than to tell her if once she suspected that there was any concealment. Pode haver coisas que a assustariam se as ouvisse e, no entanto, escondê-las dela pode ser pior do que dizê-las se ela suspeitasse que havia alguma ocultação. Henceforth our work is to be a sealed book to her, till at least such time as we can tell her that all is finished, and the earth free from a monster of the nether world. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Unterwelt| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||underworld| de ahora en adelante||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mundo inferior| A partir de agora, o nosso trabalho deve ser um livro selado para ela, pelo menos até ao momento em que lhe possamos dizer que tudo está terminado e que a Terra está livre de um monstro do mundo inferior. I daresay it will be difficult to begin to keep silence after such confidence as ours, but I must be resolute, and tomorrow I shall keep dark over tonight's doings, and shall refuse to speak of anything that has happened. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||keep secret||||||||||||| أجرؤ على أنه سيكون من الصعب البدء في التزام الصمت بعد ثقتنا بنفس الثقة ، لكن يجب أن أكون حازماً ، وغداً سأظل مظلماً بسبب أفعال الليلة ، وسأرفض الحديث عن أي شيء حدث. Atrevo-me a dizer que será difícil começar a manter o silêncio depois de uma confiança como a nossa, mas tenho de ser resoluto e, amanhã, manter-me-ei às escuras sobre os acontecimentos desta noite e recusar-me-ei a falar de qualquer coisa que tenha acontecido. I rest on the sofa, so as not to disturb her. Descanso no sofá, para não a incomodar.

1 October, later.--I suppose it was natural that we should have all overslept ourselves, for the day was a busy one, and the night had no rest at all. 1 de outubro, mais tarde... Suponho que é natural que todos nós tenhamos adormecido, pois o dia foi muito agitado e a noite não teve qualquer descanso. Even Mina must have felt its exhaustion, for though I slept till the sun was high, I was awake before her, and had to call two or three times before she awoke. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||despertó يجب أن تشعر حتى مينا بالإرهاق ، لأنني نمت حتى كانت الشمس مرتفعة ، كنت مستيقظاً أمامها ، وكان علي الاتصال مرتين أو ثلاث مرات قبل أن تستيقظ. Até a Mina deve ter sentido a sua exaustão, pois apesar de eu ter dormido até o sol nascer, estava acordado antes dela e tive de a chamar duas ou três vezes antes de ela acordar. Indeed, she was so sound asleep that for a few seconds she did not recognize me, but looked at me with a sort of blank terror, as one looks who has been waked out of a bad dream. De facto, ela estava a dormir tão profundamente que, durante alguns segundos, não me reconheceu, mas olhou para mim com uma espécie de terror vazio, como quem acorda de um sonho mau. She complained a little of being tired, and I let her rest till later in the day. Queixou-se um pouco de cansaço e eu deixei-a descansar até ao fim do dia. We now know of twenty-one boxes having been removed, and if it be that several were taken in any of these removals we may be able to trace them all. ||||||||||||||||||||||Entfernungen|||||||| Agora sabemos que vinte e uma caixas foram removidas e, se várias delas foram retiradas de alguma dessas remoções, podemos rastrear todas elas. Artık yirmi bir kutunun kaldırıldığını biliyoruz ve bu çıkarma işlemlerinden herhangi birinde birkaç tane alınmışsa, hepsini takip edebiliriz. Such will, of course, immensely simplify our labor, and the sooner the matter is attended to the better. ||||||||||||||atendida||| Naturalmente, isso simplificará imensamente nosso trabalho, e quanto mais cedo o assunto for tratado, melhor. I shall look up Thomas Snelling today. Hoje vou procurar o Thomas Snelling.