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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 20 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 2

CHAPTER 20 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 2

This was all practical, so one of the children went off with a penny to buy an envelope and a sheet of paper, and to keep the change. When she came back, I addressed the envelope and stamped it, and when Smollet had again faithfully promised to post the address when found, I took my way to home. We're on the track anyhow. I am tired tonight, and I want to sleep. Mina is fast asleep, and looks a little too pale. Her eyes look as though she had been crying. Poor dear, I've no doubt it frets her to be kept in the dark, and it may make her doubly anxious about me and the others. But it is best as it is. It is better to be disappointed and worried in such a way now than to have her nerve broken. The doctors were quite right to insist on her being kept out of this dreadful business. I must be firm, for on me this particular burden of silence must rest. I shall not ever enter on the subject with her under any circumstances. Indeed, It may not be a hard task, after all, for she herself has become reticent on the subject, and has not spoken of the Count or his doings ever since we told her of our decision.

2 October, evening--A long and trying and exciting day. By the first post I got my directed envelope with a dirty scrap of paper enclosed, on which was written with a carpenter's pencil in a sprawling hand, "Sam Bloxam, Korkrans, 4 Poters Cort, Bartel Street, Walworth. Arsk for the depite." I got the letter in bed, and rose without waking Mina. She looked heavy and sleepy and pale, and far from well. I determined not to wake her, but that when I should return from this new search, I would arrange for her going back to Exeter. I think she would be happier in our own home, with her daily tasks to interest her, than in being here amongst us and in ignorance. I only saw Dr. Seward for a moment, and told him where I was off to, promising to come back and tell the rest so soon as I should have found out anything. I drove to Walworth and found, with some difficulty, Potter's Court. Mr. Smollet's spelling misled me, as I asked for Poter's Court instead of Potter's Court. However, when I had found the court, I had no difficulty in discovering Corcoran's lodging house. When I asked the man who came to the door for the "depite," he shook his head, and said, "I dunno 'im. There ain't no such a person 'ere. I never 'eard of 'im in all my bloomin' days. Don't believe there ain't nobody of that kind livin' 'ere or anywheres." I took out Smollet's letter, and as I read it it seemed to me that the lesson of the spelling of the name of the court might guide me. "What are you?" I asked.

"I'm the depity," he answered.

CHAPTER 20 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 2 CAPÍTULO 20 - Diario de Jonathan Harker, parte 2 CAPITOLO 20 - Diario di Jonathan Harker, parte 2

This was all practical, so one of the children went off with a penny to buy an envelope and a sheet of paper, and to keep the change. Como tudo isto era prático, uma das crianças saiu com um cêntimo para comprar um envelope e uma folha de papel, e para guardar o troco. When she came back, I addressed the envelope and stamped it, and when Smollet had again faithfully promised to post the address when found, I took my way to home. عندما عادت ، خاطبت الظرف وختمته ، وعندما وعدت سموليت بإخلاص مرة أخرى بنشر العنوان عند العثور عليه ، أخذت طريقي إلى المنزل. Quando ela regressou, enderecei o envelope e carimbei-o. Depois de Smollet ter prometido fielmente enviar o endereço quando o encontrasse, fui para casa. We're on the track anyhow. ||||de todos modos De qualquer forma, estamos na pista. I am tired tonight, and I want to sleep. Hoje estou cansado e quero dormir. Mina is fast asleep, and looks a little too pale. Mina está a dormir profundamente e parece um pouco pálida demais. Her eyes look as though she had been crying. تبدو عيناها كما لو كانت تبكي. Os seus olhos parecem ter estado a chorar. Poor dear, I've no doubt it frets her to be kept in the dark, and it may make her doubly anxious about me and the others. ||||||la inquieta||||||||||||||||||| Pobrezinha, não tenho dúvidas de que a aflige estar às escuras, e isso pode deixá-la duplamente preocupada comigo e com os outros. But it is best as it is. Mas é melhor assim. It is better to be disappointed and worried in such a way now than to have her nerve broken. É preferível ficar desiludida e preocupada desta forma agora do que ficar com os nervos em franja. The doctors were quite right to insist on her being kept out of this dreadful business. Os médicos tinham toda a razão em insistir para que ela não fosse envolvida nesta terrível atividade. I must be firm, for on me this particular burden of silence must rest. |||||||||carga|||| يجب أن أكون حازما ، لأن عبء الصمت الخاص هذا يجب أن يبقى. Tenho de ser firme, pois é sobre mim que deve recair este fardo particular do silêncio. I shall not ever enter on the subject with her under any circumstances. Nunca mais entrarei no assunto com ela, seja em que circunstâncias for. Indeed, It may not be a hard task, after all, for she herself has become reticent on the subject, and has not spoken of the Count or his doings ever since we told her of our decision. |||||||||||||||reservada||||||||||||||||||||| في الواقع ، قد لا تكون مهمة شاقة ، بعد كل شيء ، لأنها أصبحت مترددة بشأن هذا الموضوع ، ولم تتحدث عن الكونت أو أفعاله منذ أن أخبرناها بقرارنا. De facto, talvez não seja uma tarefa difícil, pois ela própria se tornou reticente sobre o assunto e não fala do Conde ou dos seus actos desde que lhe comunicámos a nossa decisão.

2 October, evening--A long and trying and exciting day. 2 أكتوبر ، مساء - يوم طويل ومحاولة ومثيرة. 2 de outubro, à noite - Um dia longo, difícil e emocionante. By the first post I got my directed envelope with a dirty scrap of paper enclosed, on which was written with a carpenter's pencil in a sprawling hand, "Sam Bloxam, Korkrans, 4 Poters Cort, Bartel Street, Walworth. ||||||||||||||||||||||Zimmermanns||||||||Korkrans|Poters Cort|Cort|Bartel Straße|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||desordenada||||||||| عند أول مشاركة ، حصلت على مظروفي المُوجَّه بخردة قذرة مُرفقة ، كُتب عليها قلم رصاص نجار في يد مترامية الأطراف ، "سام بلوكسام ، كوركرانز ، فور بوترز كورت ، بارتل ستريت ، والورث. No primeiro correio, recebi o meu envelope com um pedaço de papel sujo, no qual estava escrito, com um lápis de carpinteiro, numa mão escarrapachada: "Sam Bloxam, Korkrans, 4 Poters Cort, Bartel Street, Walworth. Arsk for the depite." |||Streit |||"despite" |||desprecio أرسك للمخلف ". Arsk para o depósito". I got the letter in bed, and rose without waking Mina. Recebi a carta na cama e levantei-me sem acordar a Mina. She looked heavy and sleepy and pale, and far from well. Tinha um ar pesado, sonolento e pálido, e estava longe de estar bem. I determined not to wake her, but that when I should return from this new search, I would arrange for her going back to Exeter. Decidi não a acordar, mas que, quando regressasse desta nova busca, providenciaria para que ela voltasse para Exeter. I think she would be happier in our own home, with her daily tasks to interest her, than in being here amongst us and in ignorance. Penso que ela seria mais feliz na nossa própria casa, com as suas tarefas quotidianas para a interessar, do que estar aqui entre nós e na ignorância. I only saw Dr. Seward for a moment, and told him where I was off to, promising to come back and tell the rest so soon as I should have found out anything. Só vi o Dr. Seward por um momento e disse-lhe para onde ia, prometendo voltar e contar ao resto assim que descobrisse alguma coisa. I drove to Walworth and found, with some difficulty, Potter's Court. |||||||||Potters| Conduzi até Walworth e encontrei, com alguma dificuldade, Potter's Court. Mr. Smollet's spelling misled me, as I asked for Poter's Court instead of Potter's Court. |Mr Smollet||||||||Poter's||||| لقد خدعني إملاء السيد سموليت ، حيث طلبت محكمة بوتر بدلاً من محكمة بوتر. A ortografia do Sr. Smollet enganou-me, pois eu pedi "Poter's Court" em vez de "Potter's Court". However, when I had found the court, I had no difficulty in discovering Corcoran's lodging house. |||||||||||||Corcorans|Pension|Pension No entanto, depois de ter encontrado o tribunal, não tive qualquer dificuldade em descobrir a casa de alojamento de Corcoran. When I asked the man who came to the door for the "depite," he shook his head, and said, "I dunno 'im. ||||||||||||depite||||||||| ||||||||||||depite||||||||no sé| عندما سألت الرجل الذي جاء إلى الباب عن "المفسد" ، هز رأسه وقال ، "أنا لا أميل. Quando perguntei ao homem que veio à porta pelo "deputado", ele abanou a cabeça e disse: "Não o conheço. There ain't no such a person 'ere. Não existe tal pessoa aqui. I never 'eard of 'im in all my bloomin' days. ||||||||malditos| Nunca ouvi falar dele em toda a minha vida. Don't believe there ain't nobody of that kind livin' 'ere or anywheres." |||||||||||en ninguna parte Não acredito que não haja ninguém desse género a viver aqui ou em qualquer lado". I took out Smollet's letter, and as I read it it seemed to me that the lesson of the spelling of the name of the court might guide me. |||de Smollet||||||||||||||||||||||||| لقد أخرجت خطاب Smollet ، وكما قرأته ، بدا لي أن درس الإملاء من اسم المحكمة قد يرشدني. Peguei na carta de Smollet e, enquanto a lia, pareceu-me que a lição sobre a ortografia do nome do tribunal me poderia orientar. "What are you?" "O que é que tu és?" I asked.

"I'm the depity," he answered. ||Stellvertreter|| ||deputy|| ||deputado|| "Eu sou o deputado", respondeu ele.