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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 22 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 4

CHAPTER 22 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 4

"Nay, friend Jonathan," he said, "in this, the quickest way home is the longest way, so your proverb say. We shall all act and act with desperate quick, when the time has come. But think, in all probable the key of the situation is in that house in Piccadilly. The Count may have many houses which he has bought. Of them he will have deeds of purchase, keys and other things. He will have paper that he write on. He will have his book of cheques. There are many belongings that he must have somewhere. Why not in this place so central, so quiet, where he come and go by the front or the back at all hours, when in the very vast of the traffic there is none to notice. We shall go there and search that house. And when we learn what it holds, then we do what our friend Arthur call, in his phrases of hunt 'stop the earths' and so we run down our old fox, so? Is it not?" "Then let us come at once," I cried, "we are wasting the precious, precious time!" The Professor did not move, but simply said, "And how are we to get into that house in Piccadilly?" "Any way!" I cried. "We shall break in if need be." "And your police? Where will they be, and what will they say?" I was staggered, but I knew that if he wished to delay he had a good reason for it. So I said, as quietly as I could, "Don't wait more than need be. You know, I am sure, what torture I am in." "Ah, my child, that I do. And indeed there is no wish of me to add to your anguish. But just think, what can we do, until all the world be at movement. Then will come our time. I have thought and thought, and it seems to me that the simplest way is the best of all. Now we wish to get into the house, but we have no key. Is it not so? " I nodded. "Now suppose that you were, in truth, the owner of that house, and could not still get in. And think there was to you no conscience of the housebreaker, what would you do?" "I should get a respectable locksmith, and set him to work to pick the lock for me." "And your police, they would interfere, would they not?" "Oh no! Not if they knew the man was properly employed."

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CHAPTER 22 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 4 KAPITEL 22 - Jonathan Harkers Tagebuch, Teil 4 CAPÍTULO 22 - Diario de Jonathan Harker, parte 4 CAPITOLO 22 - Diario di Jonathan Harker, parte 4

"Nay, friend Jonathan," he said, "in this, the quickest way home is the longest way, so your proverb say. "No"|||||||||||||||||| "Não, amigo Jónatas", disse ele, "neste caso, o caminho mais rápido para casa é o mais longo, como diz o teu provérbio. We shall all act and act with desperate quick, when the time has come. ||||||||Schnelligkeit||||| Todos nós actuaremos e actuaremos com uma rapidez desesperada, quando chegar o momento. But think, in all probable the key of the situation is in that house in Piccadilly. Mas pensem que, muito provavelmente, a chave da situação está naquela casa em Piccadilly. The Count may have many houses which he has bought. O Conde pode ter muitas casas que comprou. Of them he will have deeds of purchase, keys and other things. منهم سيكون لديه سندات الشراء ، مفاتيح وأشياء أخرى. Deles terá escrituras de compra, chaves e outras coisas. He will have paper that he write on. Ele terá um papel onde escreverá. He will have his book of cheques. ||||||checkbook ||||||libretas de cheques Ele terá o seu livro de cheques. There are many belongings that he must have somewhere. Há muitos pertences que ele deve ter algures. Why not in this place so central, so quiet, where he come and go by the front or the back at all hours, when in the very vast of the traffic there is none to notice. لماذا لا يكون في هذا المكان مركزيًا ، هادئًا جدًا ، حيث يأتي ويذهب من الأمام أو الخلف في جميع الأوقات ، عندما لا يكون هناك في حركة المرور الشاسعة أي شيء يلاحظه. Porque não neste lugar tão central, tão calmo, onde se entra e sai pela frente ou pelas traseiras a todas as horas, quando na imensidão do trânsito não há ninguém que dê por isso. We shall go there and search that house. Vamos até lá e revistamos a casa. And when we learn what it holds, then we do what our friend Arthur call, in his phrases of hunt 'stop the earths' and so we run down our old fox, so? وعندما نتعلم ما يخبئه الأمر ، فإننا نفعل ما يسميه صديقنا آرثر ، في عباراته الخاصة بالصيد "أوقفوا الأرض" وهكذا نركض في ثعلبنا القديم ، هكذا؟ E quando aprendemos o que ela contém, fazemos aquilo a que o nosso amigo Artur chama, nas suas frases de caça, "parar as terras" e, assim, atropelamos a nossa velha raposa, e então? Is it not?" "Then let us come at once," I cried, "we are wasting the precious, precious time!" "Então vamos já", gritei, "estamos a perder um tempo precioso, precioso!" The Professor did not move, but simply said, "And how are we to get into that house in Piccadilly?" O Professor não se mexeu, mas disse simplesmente: "E como é que vamos entrar naquela casa em Piccadilly?" "Any way!" Egal| "De qualquer maneira!" I cried. "We shall break in if need be." "Se for preciso, arrombamos a porta." "And your police? "E a vossa polícia? Where will they be, and what will they say?" Onde é que eles vão estar e o que é que vão dizer? I was staggered, but I knew that if he wished to delay he had a good reason for it. ||Me quedé atónito.|||||||||||||||| Fiquei estupefacto, mas sabia que, se ele queria adiar, tinha uma boa razão para isso. Şaşırmıştım ama geciktirmek isterse bunun için iyi bir nedeni olduğunu biliyordum. So I said, as quietly as I could, "Don't wait more than need be. Por isso, disse, o mais calmamente que pude: "Não esperes mais do que o necessário. You know, I am sure, what torture I am in." Sabeis, estou certo, a tortura em que me encontro". "Ah, my child, that I do. "Ah, minha filha, isso eu sei. And indeed there is no wish of me to add to your anguish. ||||||||||||suffering or distress ||||||||||||angustia E, de facto, não é meu desejo aumentar a vossa angústia. But just think, what can we do, until all the world be at movement. لكن فكر فقط ، ماذا يمكننا أن نفعل ، حتى يكون العالم كله في حالة حركة. Mas pensem, o que é que podemos fazer, até que todo o mundo esteja em movimento. Then will come our time. Depois chegará a nossa hora. I have thought and thought, and it seems to me that the simplest way is the best of all. Pensei e pensei, e parece-me que a forma mais simples é a melhor de todas. Now we wish to get into the house, but we have no key. Agora queremos entrar na casa, mas não temos a chave. Is it not so? أليس كذلك؟ Não é assim? "  I nodded. " Acenei com a cabeça. "Now suppose that you were, in truth, the owner of that house, and could not still get in. "Suponhamos que era, de facto, o proprietário da casa e que não podia entrar. And think there was to you no conscience of the housebreaker, what would you do?" ||||||||||ladrón de casas|||| E se não tivesses a consciência de que és um violador de casas, o que farias?" "I should get a respectable locksmith, and set him to work to pick the lock for me." |||||Schlosser||||||||||| |||||cerrajero respetable||||||||||| "Eu devia arranjar um serralheiro respeitável, e pô-lo a trabalhar para abrir a fechadura por mim." "And your police, they would interfere, would they not?" "E a vossa polícia, eles iriam interferir, não iriam?" "Oh no! Not if they knew the man was properly employed." nicht|||||||ordentlich| Não se eles soubessem que o homem estava devidamente empregado".