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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 23 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 7

CHAPTER 23 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 7

True to our promise, we told Mrs. Harker everything which had passed. And although she grew snowy white at times when danger had seemed to threaten her husband, and red at others when his devotion to her was manifested, she listened bravely and with calmness. When we came to the part where Harker had rushed at the Count so recklessly, she clung to her husband's arm, and held it tight as though her clinging could protect him from any harm that might come. She said nothing, however, till the narration was all done, and matters had been brought up to the present time.

Then without letting go her husband's hand she stood up amongst us and spoke. Oh, that I could give any idea of the scene. Of that sweet, sweet, good, good woman in all the radiant beauty of her youth and animation, with the red scar on her forehead, of which she was conscious, and which we saw with grinding of our teeth, remembering whence and how it came. Her loving kindness against our grim hate. Her tender faith against all our fears and doubting. And we, knowing that so far as symbols went, she with all her goodness and purity and faith, was outcast from God.

"Jonathan," she said, and the word sounded like music on her lips it was so full of love and tenderness, "Jonathan dear, and you all my true, true friends, I want you to bear something in mind through all this dreadful time. I know that you must fight. That you must destroy even as you destroyed the false Lucy so that the true Lucy might live hereafter. But it is not a work of hate. That poor soul who has wrought all this misery is the saddest case of all. Just think what will be his joy when he, too, is destroyed in his worser part that his better part may have spiritual immortality. You must be pitiful to him, too, though it may not hold your hands from his destruction." As she spoke I could see her husband's face darken and draw together, as though the passion in him were shriveling his being to its core. Instinctively the clasp on his wife's hand grew closer, till his knuckles looked white. She did not flinch from the pain which I knew she must have suffered, but looked at him with eyes that were more appealing than ever.

As she stopped speaking he leaped to his feet, almost tearing his hand from hers as he spoke.

"May God give him into my hand just for long enough to destroy that earthly life of him which we are aiming at. If beyond it I could send his soul forever and ever to burning hell I would do it!" "Oh, hush! Oh, hush in the name of the good God. Don't say such things, Jonathan, my husband, or you will crush me with fear and horror. Just think, my dear . I have been thinking all this long, long day of it . that . perhaps . some day . I, too, may need such pity, and that some other like you, and with equal cause for anger, may deny it to me! Oh, my husband! My husband, indeed I would have spared you such a thought had there been another way. But I pray that God may not have treasured your wild words, except as the heart-broken wail of a very loving and sorely stricken man. Oh, God, let these poor white hairs go in evidence of what he has suffered, who all his life has done no wrong, and on whom so many sorrows have come."

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CHAPTER 23 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 7 CAPITOLO 23 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 7 CAPÍTULO 23 - Diário do Dr. Seward, parte 7

True to our promise, we told Mrs. Harker everything which had passed. Fiel à nossa promessa, contámos à Sra. Harker tudo o que tinha acontecido. And although she grew snowy white at times when danger had seemed to threaten her husband, and red at others when his devotion to her was manifested, she listened bravely and with calmness. E, embora ficasse branca como a neve quando o perigo parecia ameaçar o marido, e vermelha quando a devoção dele se manifestava, ela ouvia com coragem e calma. When we came to the part where Harker had rushed at the Count so recklessly, she clung to her husband's arm, and held it tight as though her clinging could protect him from any harm that might come. ||||||||||||||leichtfertig||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||Imprudentemente||||||||||||||aferrarse a||||||||| Quando chegámos à parte em que Harker se precipitou sobre o Conde de uma forma tão imprudente, ela agarrou-se ao braço do marido e segurou-o com força, como se a sua fixação o pudesse proteger de qualquer mal que pudesse acontecer. She said nothing,  however, till the narration was all done, and matters had been brought up to the present time. ||||||Erzählung||||||||||||| No entanto, ela não disse nada até que a narração estivesse terminada e os assuntos tivessem sido trazidos até ao momento atual. Bununla birlikte, anlatım bitinceye ve meseleler günümüze kadar getirilene kadar hiçbir şey söylemedi.

Then without letting go her husband's hand she stood up amongst us and spoke. Depois, sem largar a mão do marido, levantou-se no meio de nós e falou. Oh, that I could give any idea of the scene. Oh, se eu pudesse dar alguma ideia da cena. Of that sweet, sweet, good, good woman in all the radiant beauty of her youth and animation, with the red scar on her forehead, of which she was conscious, and which we saw with grinding of our teeth, remembering whence and how it came. ||||||||||strahlenden||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||vimos|||||||de dónde|||| Daquela mulher doce, doce, boa, boa, em toda a beleza radiante da sua juventude e animação, com a cicatriz vermelha na testa, da qual ela estava consciente, e que nós víamos com um ranger de dentes, lembrando-nos de onde e como tinha surgido. Her loving kindness against our grim hate. |||||sombrío| A sua bondade amorosa contra o nosso ódio sombrio. Her tender faith against all our fears and doubting. |Tierna|||||||dudas A sua fé terna contra todos os nossos medos e dúvidas. And we, knowing that so far as symbols went, she with all her goodness and purity and faith, was outcast from God. |||||||||||||||||||ausgestoßen|| |||||||||||||||||||Marginada de Dios|| E nós, sabendo que, até onde os símbolos iam, ela, com toda a sua bondade, pureza e fé, estava afastada de Deus.

"Jonathan," she said, and the word sounded like music on her lips it was so full of love and tenderness, "Jonathan dear, and you all my true, true friends, I want you to bear something in mind through all this dreadful time. "Jónatas", disse ela, e a palavra soou como música nos seus lábios, tão cheia de amor e ternura, "Jónatas querido, e todos vós, meus verdadeiros, verdadeiros amigos, quero que vos lembreis de uma coisa durante todo este tempo terrível. I know that you must fight. Sei que tens de lutar. That you must destroy even as you destroyed the false Lucy so that the true Lucy might live hereafter. ||||||||||||||||||en el futuro Que deves destruir, tal como destruíste a falsa Lucy, para que a verdadeira Lucy possa viver no futuro. But it is not a work of hate. Mas não se trata de uma obra de ódio. That poor soul who has wrought all this misery is the saddest case of all. |||||ha causado||||||||| A pobre alma que provocou toda esta miséria é o caso mais triste de todos. Just think what will be his joy when he, too, is destroyed in his worser part that his better part may have spiritual immortality. ||||||||||||||"peor parte"||||||||| مجرد التفكير في ما سيكون فرحته عندما يتم تدميره ، في جزء أسوأ منه ، أن الجزء الأفضل له قد يكون الخلود الروحي. Imaginem só qual será a sua alegria quando ele também for destruído na sua parte pior para que a sua parte melhor tenha imortalidade espiritual. O da daha kötü kısmında yok edildiğinde neşe duyacağını bir düşünün ki, daha iyi tarafı ruhsal ölümsüzlüğe sahip olabilir. You must be pitiful to him, too, though it may not hold your hands from his destruction." |||compasivo||||||||||||| يجب أن تكون مشفقًا عليه أيضًا ، على الرغم من أنه قد لا تمنع يديك من تدميره ". Deveis ter pena dele também, embora isso não vos possa impedir de o destruir". As she spoke I could see her husband's face darken and draw together, as though the passion in him were shriveling his being to its core. ||||||||||||||||||||schrumpfen||||| ||||||||||||||||||||withering away||||| ||||||||||||||||||||marchitando||||| عندما تحدثت ، رأيت وجه زوجها يغمق ويلتقي معًا ، كما لو أن شغفه كان يضعف كيانه حتى النخاع. Enquanto ela falava, eu podia ver o rosto do marido escurecer e ficar mais fechado, como se a paixão nele estivesse a encolher o seu ser até ao âmago. Instinctively the clasp on his wife's hand grew closer, till his  knuckles looked white. |||||||||||Knöchel|| ||apretón||||||||||| غريزة المشبك على يد زوجته نما ، حتى بدا مفاصله بيضاء. Instintivamente, o aperto da mão da sua mulher tornou-se mais apertado, até os nós dos dedos ficarem brancos. She did not flinch from the pain which I knew she must have suffered, but looked at him with eyes that were more appealing than ever. |||zuckte nicht zurück|||||||||||||||||||||| |||se inmutó|||||||||||||||||||||| Ela não recuou perante a dor que eu sabia que devia ter sofrido, mas olhou para ele com olhos mais atraentes do que nunca.

As she stopped speaking he leaped to his feet, almost tearing his hand from hers as he spoke. |||||saltó|||||||||||| Quando ela parou de falar, ele pôs-se de pé, quase arrancando a mão da dela enquanto falava.

"May God give him into my hand just for long enough to destroy that earthly life of him which we are aiming at. ||||||||||||||terrenal|||||||| "رحمه الله في يدي فقط لفترة طويلة بما يكفي لتدمير تلك الحياة الدنيوية منه الذي نهدف إليه. "Que Deus o entregue nas minhas mãos apenas o tempo suficiente para destruir a vida terrena que temos em vista. If beyond it I could send his soul forever and ever to burning hell I would do it!" Se, para além disso, pudesse enviar a sua alma para sempre para o inferno ardente, fá-lo-ia!" "Oh, hush! "Oh, silêncio! Oh, hush in the name of the good God. Oh, silêncio em nome do bom Deus. Don't say such things, Jonathan, my husband, or you will crush me with fear and horror. Não digas essas coisas, Jónatas, meu marido, ou esmagas-me com medo e horror. Just think, my dear . Pensa, minha querida . I have been thinking all this long, long day of it . Estive a pensar nisso durante todo este longo, longo dia. that . que . perhaps . talvez . some day . um dia . I, too, may need such pity, and that some other like you, and with equal cause for anger, may deny it to me! أنا أيضاً قد أحتاج إلى مثل هذه الشفقة ، وأن البعض الآخر مثلك ، وبسبب متساوٍ للغضب ، قد يحرمني من ذلك! Também eu posso precisar de tal piedade, e que alguém como tu, e com igual motivo de raiva, ma negue! Oh, my husband! Oh, o meu marido! My husband, indeed I would have spared you such a thought had there been another way. ||||||evitado||||||||| زوجي ، في الواقع ، كنت سأبقيك مثل هذه الفكرة لو كانت هناك طريقة أخرى. Meu marido, se houvesse outra maneira de o fazer, eu ter-lhe-ia poupado esse pensamento. But I pray that God may not have treasured your wild words, except as the heart-broken wail of a very loving and sorely stricken man. |||||||||||||||||||||||schmerzlich getroffen|schmerzlich getroffen| ||||||||atesorado|||||||||lamento desgarrador||||||profundamente|afligido| Mas rezo para que Deus não tenha guardado as suas palavras selvagens, a não ser como o lamento de um homem muito amoroso e gravemente ferido. Ama Tanrı'nın, çok sevecen ve çok acı çeken bir adamın kalbi kırılan feryadı dışında, sizin vahşi sözlerinize değer vermemiş olması için dua ediyorum. Oh, God, let these poor white hairs go in evidence of what he has suffered, who all his life has done no wrong, and on whom so many sorrows have come." أوه ، اللهم ، دع هذه الشعرات البيضاء المسكينة تدل على ما عانى منه ، ومن لم ترتكب حياته كلها خطأ ، وعلى من جاء الكثير من الأحزان ". Oh, Deus, deixa que estes pobres cabelos brancos se vão, como prova do que ele sofreu, que durante toda a sua vida não fez nada de mal, e sobre o qual vieram tantas dores."