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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 23 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 8

CHAPTER 23 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 8

We men were all in tears now. There was no resisting them, and we wept openly. She wept, too, to see that her sweeter counsels had prevailed. Her husband flung himself on his knees beside her, and putting his arms round her, hid his face in the folds of her dress.

Van Helsing beckoned to us and we stole out of the room, leaving the two loving hearts alone with their God.

Before they retired the Professor fixed up the room against any coming of the Vampire, and assured Mrs. Harker that she might rest in peace. She tried to school herself to the belief, and manifestly for her husband's sake, tried to seem content. It was a brave struggle, and was, I think and believe, not without its reward. Van Helsing had placed at hand a bell which either of them was to sound in case of any emergency. When they had retired, Quincey, Godalming, and I arranged that we should sit up, dividing the night between us, and watch over the safety of the poor stricken lady. The first watch falls to Quincey, so the rest of us shall be off to bed as soon as we can.

Godalming has already turned in, for his is the second watch. Now that my work is done I, too, shall go to bed.

JONATHAN HARKER'S JOURNAL 3-4 October, close to midnight.--I thought yesterday would never end. There was over me a yearning for sleep, in some sort of blind belief that to wake would be to find things changed, and that any change must now be for the better. Before we parted, we discussed what our next step was to be, but we could arrive at no result. All we knew was that one earth box remained, and that the Count alone knew where it was. If he chooses to lie hidden, he may baffle us for years. And in the meantime, the thought is too horrible, I dare not think of it even now. This I know, that if ever there was a woman who was all perfection, that one is my poor wronged darling. I loved her a thousand times more for her sweet pity of last night, a pity that made my own hate of the monster seem despicable. Surely God will not permit the world to be the poorer by the loss of such a creature. This is hope to me. We are all drifting reefwards now, and faith is our only anchor. Thank God! Mina is sleeping, and sleeping without dreams. I fear what her dreams might be like, with such terrible memories to ground them in. She has not been so calm, within my seeing, since the sunset. Then, for a while, there came over her face a repose which was like spring after the blasts of March. I thought at the time that it was the softness of the red sunset on her face, but somehow now I think it has a deeper meaning. I am not sleepy myself, though I am weary . weary to death. However, I must try to sleep. For there is tomorrow to think of, and there is no rest for me until .

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CHAPTER 23 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 8 CAPÍTULO 23 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 8 CAPITOLO 23 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 8

We men were all in tears now. Nós, homens, estávamos todos a chorar. There was no resisting them, and we wept openly. لم يكن هناك مقاومة لهم ، وبكينا علنا. Não havia como resistir e chorámos abertamente. She wept, too, to see that her sweeter counsels had prevailed. ||||||||consejos más dulces|| لقد بكت ، أيضًا ، ليرى أن محاميها الأكثر حلاوة قد سادوا. Também ela chorou ao ver que os seus conselhos mais doces tinham prevalecido. Her husband flung himself on his knees beside her, and   putting his arms round her, hid his face in the folds of her dress. ||se arrojó||||||||||||||||||||| O marido ajoelhou-se ao lado dela e, envolvendo-a com os braços, escondeu o rosto nas dobras do seu vestido.

Van Helsing beckoned to us and we stole out of the room, leaving the two loving hearts alone with their God. ||hizo señas|||||||||||||||||| Van Helsing acenou-nos e nós saímos da sala, deixando os dois corações amorosos a sós com o seu Deus.

Before they retired the Professor fixed up the room against any coming of the Vampire, and assured Mrs. Harker that she might rest in peace. Antes de se retirarem, o Professor preparou o quarto para impedir a chegada do Vampiro e assegurou à Sra. Harker que podia descansar em paz. She tried to school herself to the belief, and manifestly for her husband's sake, tried to seem content. حاولت أن تدرس نفسها بنفسها على العقيدة ، ومن الواضح أن زوجها حاول أن يكتفي بالرضا. Tentou educar-se para a crença e, manifestamente por causa do marido, tentou parecer satisfeita. It was a brave struggle, and was, I think and believe, not without its reward. Foi uma luta corajosa e, penso e acredito, não deixou de ser recompensada. Van Helsing had placed at hand a bell which either of them was to sound in case of any emergency. Van Helsing tinha posto à mão uma campainha que qualquer um deles devia tocar em caso de emergência. When they had retired, Quincey, Godalming, and I arranged that we should sit up, dividing the night between us, and watch over the safety of the poor stricken lady. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||afligida| Quando eles se retiraram, Quincey, Godalming e eu combinámos ficar sentados, dividindo a noite entre nós, e velar pela segurança da pobre senhora atingida. The first watch falls to Quincey, so the rest of us shall be off to bed as soon as we can. ||||||||||||werden|auf||||||| O primeiro turno de vigia cabe ao Quincey, por isso o resto de nós vai para a cama assim que puder.

Godalming has already turned in, for his is the second watch. |||sich schlafen gelegt||||||| Godalming já se entregou, pois é o segundo turno de vigia. Now that my work is done I, too, shall go to bed. Agora que o meu trabalho está terminado, também eu vou para a cama.

JONATHAN HARKER'S JOURNAL DIÁRIO DE JONATHAN HARKER 3-4 October, close to midnight.--I thought yesterday would never end. 3-4 de outubro, perto da meia-noite... Pensei que o dia de ontem nunca mais acabava. There was over me a yearning for sleep, in some sort of blind belief that to wake would be to find things changed, and that any change must now be for the better. |||||Sehnsucht||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||ansia|||||||||||despertar|||||||||||||||| Havia em mim uma ânsia de dormir, numa espécie de crença cega de que acordar seria encontrar as coisas mudadas, e que qualquer mudança teria de ser agora para melhor. Before we parted, we discussed what our next step was to be, but we could arrive at no result. ||nos separamos|||||||||||||||| Antes de nos separarmos, discutimos qual seria o nosso próximo passo, mas não conseguimos chegar a nenhum resultado. All we knew was that one earth box remained, and that the Count alone knew where it was. Tudo o que sabíamos era que restava uma caixa de terra e que só o Conde sabia onde ela estava. If he chooses to lie hidden, he may baffle us for years. ||||||||desconcertar||| Se ele optar por ficar escondido, pode confundir-nos durante anos. And in the meantime, the thought is too horrible, I dare not think of it even now. E, entretanto, o pensamento é demasiado horrível, não me atrevo a pensar nisso nem mesmo agora. This I know, that if ever there was a woman who was all perfection, that one is my poor wronged darling. |||||||||||||||||||unrechtmäßig behandelt| |||||||||||||||||||agraviada| Uma coisa eu sei, que se alguma vez houve uma mulher que fosse toda perfeição, essa é a minha pobre querida injustiçada. I loved her a thousand times more for her sweet pity of last night, a pity that made my own hate of the monster seem despicable. |||||||||||||||||||||||||despreciable Amava-a mil vezes mais pela sua doce piedade de ontem à noite, uma piedade que fazia com que o meu próprio ódio ao monstro parecesse desprezível. Surely God will not permit the world to be the poorer by the loss of such a creature. Certamente que Deus não permitirá que o mundo fique mais pobre com a perda de tal criatura. This is hope to me. Isto é esperança para mim. We are all drifting reefwards now, and faith is our only anchor. ||||zum Riff||||||| ||||toward danger||||||| |||a la deriva|hacia los arrecifes||||||| Estamos todos à deriva, e a fé é a nossa única âncora. Thank God! Mina is sleeping, and sleeping without dreams. Mina está a dormir, e a dormir sem sonhos. I fear what her dreams might be like, with such terrible memories to ground them in. Tenho medo de como serão os sonhos dela, com memórias tão terríveis para os fundamentar. She has not been so calm, within my seeing, since the sunset. Desde o pôr do sol que ela não estava tão calma, ao meu ver. Then, for a while, there came over her face a repose which was like spring after the blasts of March. |||||||||||||||||Stürme|| ||||||||||calma|||||||ráfagas de viento|| Depois, durante algum tempo, o seu rosto ficou tranquilo, como uma primavera depois das tempestades de março. I thought at the time that it was the softness of the red sunset on her face, but somehow now I think it has a deeper meaning. Na altura, pensei que era a suavidade do pôr do sol vermelho no seu rosto, mas agora acho que tem um significado mais profundo. I am not sleepy myself, though I am weary . ||||||||cansado Eu próprio não tenho sono, embora esteja cansado . weary to death. Cansado hasta la muerte.|| متعب حتى الموت. cansado até à morte. However, I must try to sleep. No entanto, tenho de tentar dormir. For there is tomorrow to think of, and there is no rest for me until . Porque há que pensar no dia de amanhã e não há descanso para mim até .