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Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter, Chapter 2. Old Tom And Nancy

Chapter 2. Old Tom And Nancy

In the little attic room Nancy swept and scrubbed vigorously, paying particular attention to the corners. There were times, indeed, when the vigor she put into her work was more of a relief to her feelings than it was an ardor to efface dirt--Nancy, in spite of her frightened submission to her mistress, was no saint.

"I--just--wish--I could--dig--out the corners--of--her--soul!" she muttered jerkily, punctuating her words with murderous jabs of her pointed cleaning-stick. "There's plenty of 'em needs cleanin' all right, all right! The idea of stickin' that blessed child 'way off up here in this hot little room--with no fire in the winter, too, and all this big house ter pick and choose from! Unnecessary children, indeed! Humph!" snapped Nancy, wringing her rag so hard her fingers ached from the strain; "I guess it ain't children what is most unnecessary just now, just now!" For some time she worked in silence; then, her task finished, she looked about the bare little room in plain disgust.

"Well, it's done--my part, anyhow," she sighed. "There ain't no dirt here--and there's mighty little else. Poor little soul!--a pretty place this is ter put a homesick, lonesome child into!" she finished, going out and closing the door with a bang, "Oh!" she ejaculated, biting her lip. Then, doggedly: "Well, I don't care. I hope she did hear the bang,--I do, I do!" In the garden that afternoon, Nancy found a few minutes in which to interview Old Tom, who had pulled the weeds and shovelled the paths about the place for uncounted years.

"Mr. Tom," began Nancy, throwing a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure she was unobserved; "did you know a little girl was comin' here ter live with Miss Polly?" "A--what?" demanded the old man, straightening his bent back with difficulty.

"A little girl--to live with Miss Polly." "Go on with yer jokin'," scoffed unbelieving Tom. "Why don't ye tell me the sun is a-goin' ter set in the east ter-morrer?" "But it's true. She told me so herself," maintained Nancy. "It's her niece; and she's eleven years old." The man's jaw fell. "Sho!--I wonder, now," he muttered; then a tender light came into his faded eyes. "It ain't--but it must be--Miss Jennie's little gal! There wasn't none of the rest of 'em married. Why, Nancy, it must be Miss Jennie's little gal. Glory be ter praise! ter think of my old eyes a-seein' this!" "Who was Miss Jennie?" "She was an angel straight out of Heaven," breathed the man, fervently; "but the old master and missus knew her as their oldest daughter. She was twenty when she married and went away from here long years ago. Her babies all died, I heard, except the last one; and that must be the one what's a-comin'." "She's eleven years old." "Yes, she might be," nodded the old man. "And she's goin' ter sleep in the attic--more shame ter her! " scolded Nancy, with another glance over her shoulder toward the house behind her.

Old Tom frowned. The next moment a curious smile curved his lips.

"I'm a-wonderin' what Miss Polly will do with a child in the house," he said. "Humph! Well, I'm a-wonderin' what a child will do with Miss Polly in the house!" snapped Nancy.

The old man laughed.

"I'm afraid you ain't fond of Miss Polly," he grinned. "As if ever anybody could be fond of her!" scorned Nancy.

Old Tom smiled oddly. He stooped and began to work again.

"I guess maybe you didn't know about Miss Polly's love affair," he said slowly. "Love affair-- her! No!--and I guess nobody else didn't, neither." "Oh, yes they did," nodded the old man. "And the feller's livin' ter-day--right in this town, too." "Who is he?" "I ain't a-tellin' that. It ain't fit that I should." The old man drew himself erect. In his dim blue eyes, as he faced the house, there was the loyal servant's honest pride in the family he has served and loved for long years. "But it don't seem possible--her and a lover," still maintained Nancy. Old Tom shook his head.

"You didn't know Miss Polly as I did," he argued. "She used ter be real handsome--and she would be now, if she'd let herself be." "Handsome! Miss Polly!" "Yes. If she'd just let that tight hair of hern all out loose and careless-like, as it used ter be, and wear the sort of bunnits with posies in 'em, and the kind o' dresses all lace and white things--you'd see she'd be handsome! Miss Polly ain't old, Nancy." "Ain't she, though? Well, then she's got an awfully good imitation of it--she has, she has!" sniffed Nancy.

"Yes, I know. It begun then--at the time of the trouble with her lover," nodded Old Tom; "and it seems as if she'd been feedin' on wormwood an' thistles ever since--she's that bitter an' prickly ter deal with." "I should say she was," declared Nancy, indignantly. "There's no pleasin' her, nohow, no matter how you try! I wouldn't stay if 'twa'n't for the wages and the folks at home what's needin' 'em. But some day--some day I shall jest b'ile over; and when I do, of course it'll be good-by Nancy for me. It will, it will." Old Tom shook his head.

"I know. I've felt it. It's nart'ral--but 'tain't best, child; 'tain't best. Take my word for it, 'tain't best." And again he bent his old head to the work before him.

"Nancy!" called a sharp voice.

"Y-yes, ma'am," stammered Nancy; and hurried toward the house.

Chapter 2. Old Tom And Nancy |قديم||| Kapitel 2: Der alte Tom und Nancy Capítulo 2. El viejo Tom y Nancy Chapitre 2. Le vieux Tom et Nancy 2 skyrius. Senasis Tomas ir Nensė Rozdział 2. Stary Tom i Nancy Capítulo 2 - O velho Tom e a Nancy Глава 2. Старый Том и Нэнси Bölüm 2. Yaşlı Tom ve Nancy Розділ 2. Старий Том і Ненсі 第 2 章 老汤姆和南希

In the little attic room Nancy swept and scrubbed vigorously, paying particular attention to the corners. |||attico|||ho spazzato = I swept||she scrubbed = she cleaned vigorously||||to the corners||| ||||||كنس||فركت|بنشاط|||||| ||||||||esfregou||||||| У маленькій мансардній кімнаті Ненсі енергійно підмітала й мила, приділяючи особливу увагу кутам. There were times, indeed, when the vigor she put into her work was more of a relief to her feelings than it was an ardor to efface dirt--Nancy, in spite of her frightened submission to her mistress, was no saint. |||indeed|||vigor||||||||||||||||||passion|||||||||||||||| ||||||حيوية||||||||||||||||||حماس||يمحو||||||||خضوع|||||| ||||||vigor||||||||||||||||||ardor||apagar||||||||submissão||||||santa Бывало, правда, что энергичность, с которой она взялась за работу, скорее облегчала ее чувства, чем стремилась удалить грязь - Нэнси, несмотря на свою испуганную покорность хозяйке, не была святой. Справді, були часи, коли енергійність, яку вона вкладала у свою роботу, скоріше полегшувала її почуття, аніж запалювала стерти бруд — Ненсі, незважаючи на її перелякану підкорення своїй господині, не була святою. Quả thực, có những lúc, sức lực mà cô dồn vào công việc khiến cô cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm hơn là sự nhiệt tình xóa bỏ bụi bẩn - Nancy, mặc dù tỏ ra sợ hãi và phục tùng bà chủ, nhưng không phải là một vị thánh.

"I--just--wish--I could--dig--out the corners--of--her--soul!" |||||explorar|||||| "Я... просто... хотел бы... я... мог... выкопать... уголки... ее... души!" «Я… просто… хотів би… я міг… викопати куточки… її душі!» she muttered jerkily, punctuating her words with murderous jabs of her pointed cleaning-stick. ||بشكل متقطع|يقطع||||قاتل|طعنات||||| |murmurou|de forma brusca|pontuando|||||golpes||||| отрывисто пробормотала она, подкрепляя свои слова убийственными ударами острой чистящей палочки. — різко пробурмотіла вона, підкреслюючи свої слова вбивчими ударами загостреної палички. cô ta lẩm bẩm một cách ngắt quãng, nhấn mạnh lời nói của mình bằng những nhát đâm chết người bằng cây gậy lau nhà nhọn hoắt. "There's plenty of 'em needs cleanin' all right, all right! |||||تنظيف|||| |||deles|||||| "Их много, их нужно чистить, хорошо, хорошо! The idea of stickin' that blessed child 'way off up here in this hot little room--with no fire in the winter, too, and all this big house ter pick and choose from! |||لصق||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||colocar||abençoado||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Мысль о том, чтобы засунуть это благословенное дитя сюда, в эту жаркую маленькую комнату - и без огня зимой, и со всем этим большим домом, из которого можно выбирать и выбирать! Ý tưởng nhốt đứa trẻ đáng thương đó vào tận trong căn phòng nhỏ nóng nực này - nơi không có lò sưởi vào mùa đông, và cả ngôi nhà lớn này để lựa chọn! Unnecessary children, indeed! Ненужные дети, действительно! Humph!" همف snapped Nancy, wringing her rag so hard her fingers ached from the strain; "I guess it ain't children what is most unnecessary just now, just now!" ||||rag||||||||strain = strain||||is not|||||unnecessary|||| ||عصر||خرقة||||أصابعه|ألم|||الضغط||||||||||||| disse bruscamente||||pano|||||doíam|||esforço||||não||||||||| воскликнула Нэнси, сжимая тряпку с такой силой, что у нее заболели пальцы от напряжения; "Я думаю, не дети - это то, что сейчас больше всего нужно, сейчас!". огризнулася Ненсі, так сильно стискаючи ганчірку, що аж пальці боліли від напруги, - "Гадаю, що не діти - це те, що зараз найнепотрібніше, просто зараз!" Nancy quát, vắt mạnh mảnh giẻ đến nỗi các ngón tay đau nhức vì căng thẳng; "Tôi đoán trẻ con không phải là thứ không cần thiết nhất lúc này, lúc này!" For some time she worked in silence; then, her task finished, she looked about the bare little room in plain disgust. ||||||silenzio|||||||||||||plain|disgusto |||||||||||||||عاري||||| |||||||||||||||simples||||simples|nojo Некоторое время она работала в тишине; затем, закончив работу, оглядела маленькую голую комнату с откровенным отвращением. Деякий час вона працювала мовчки, а потім, закінчивши роботу, з відвертою огидою оглянула голе маленьке приміщення.

"Well, it's done--my part, anyhow," she sighed. |||||على أي حال|| "There ain't no dirt here--and there's mighty little else. "Здесь нет грязи - и почти нет ничего другого. "Тут немає ніякого бруду - і ще дуже мало чого. Poor little soul!--a pretty place this is ter put a homesick, lonesome child into!" ||||||||||||وحيد|| Бедная маленькая душа! В такое красивое место можно поместить тоскующего по дому, одинокого ребенка!" she finished, going out and closing the door with a bang, "Oh!" |||||إغلاق|||||| she ejaculated, biting her lip. |ejaculated||| |أطلقت|عضّ|شفتيها| |ejaculou||| cô ấy thốt lên và cắn môi. Then, doggedly: "Well, I don't care. |with determination|||| |بإصرار|||| Затем, с упорством: "Ну, мне все равно. Sau đó, vẫn kiên quyết: "Được thôi, tôi không quan tâm. I hope she did hear the bang,--I do, I do!" ||||||bang = loud noise|||| ||||||دوي|||| Я надеюсь, что она услышала удар, - надеюсь, надеюсь!" In the garden that afternoon, Nancy found a few minutes in which to interview Old Tom, who had pulled the weeds and shovelled the paths about the place for uncounted years. ||||||||||||||||||||الأعشاب الضارة||جرف|||||||لا تحصى| ||||||||||||||||||||||cavou|||||||| После обеда в саду Нэнси нашла несколько минут, чтобы побеседовать со старым Томом, который на протяжении бесчисленных лет выдергивал сорняки и разгребал дорожки в этом месте.

"Mr. Tom," began Nancy, throwing a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure she was unobserved; "did you know a little girl was comin' here ter live with Miss Polly?" ||||||||||||||||nepozorována|||||||||||||| ||||إلقاء||||||||||||غير مُراقب||||||||قادمة|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Senhorita| "Мистер Том, - начала Нэнси, бросив быстрый взгляд через плечо, чтобы убедиться, что за ней не наблюдают, - вы знали, что маленькая девочка приехала сюда жить к мисс Полли?" "A--what?" demanded the old man, straightening his bent back with difficulty. demandò||||straightening||||| ||||مستقيمًا|||الظهر|| потребовал старик, с трудом выпрямляя согнутую спину.

"A little girl--to live with Miss Polly." "Go on with yer jokin'," scoffed unbelieving Tom. |||your|مزاح|سخر|غير مصدق| "Продолжай шутить", - насмехался неверящий Том. "Why don't ye tell me the sun is a-goin' ter set in the east ter-morrer?" |||||||||يذهب|||||||غداً |||||||||||||||para|morrer "Почему бы тебе не сказать мне, что солнце собирается садиться на востоке?" "Чому ти не кажеш мені, що сонце сідає на сході?" "But it's true. She told me so herself," maintained Nancy. |||||أصرت نانسي| "Chính cô ấy đã nói với tôi như vậy", Nancy khẳng định. "It's her niece; and she's eleven years old." |||||أحد عشر|| The man's jaw fell. ||čelist| ||mandíbula| У мужчины отпала челюсть. Người đàn ông há hốc mồm. "Sho!--I wonder, now," he muttered; then a tender light came into his faded eyes. ||divím se|||||||||||| شو||||||||رقيق|||||| "Ồ!--Tôi tự hỏi, phải không," ông lẩm bẩm; rồi một ánh sáng dịu dàng hiện lên trong đôi mắt mờ dần của ông. "It ain't--but it must be--Miss Jennie's little gal! |||||||جينيفر||فتاة There wasn't none of the rest of 'em married. Никто из них не был женат. Không có ai trong số những người còn lại kết hôn. Why, Nancy, it must be Miss Jennie's little gal. ||||||||dívka Нэнси, это, должно быть, маленькая девочка мисс Дженни. Glory be ter praise! ||k tvé| Слава да будет хвала! ter think of my old eyes a-seein' this!" |||||||يرى| "Who was Miss Jennie?" "She was an angel straight out of Heaven," breathed the man, fervently; "but the old master and missus knew her as their oldest daughter. |||||||||||بحماس||||||السيدة|||||| |||||||||||fervorosamente||||||senhora|||||| "Она была ангелом прямо с небес," вздохнул мужчина, пылко; "но старый хозяин и миссис знали ее как свою старшую дочь. She was twenty when she married and went away from here long years ago. Her babies all died, I heard, except the last one; and that must be the one what's a-comin'." "She's eleven years old." ||سنوات| "Yes, she might be," nodded the old man. ||||acenou||| "And she's goin' ter sleep in the attic--more shame ter her! " |||||||||vergonha|para| -- А спать на чердаке пойдет -- ей стыдно! scolded Nancy, with another glance over her shoulder toward the house behind her.

Old Tom frowned. The next moment a curious smile curved his lips. ||momento||||curvou||

"I'm a-wonderin' what Miss Polly will do with a child in the house," he said. ||أفكر|||||ستفعل||||||المنزل|| «Интересно, что будет делать мисс Полли с ребенком в доме», — сказал он. "Humph! تعبير استياء Well, I'm a-wonderin' what a child will do with Miss Polly in the house!" snapped Nancy. انفجرت نانسي|

The old man laughed.

"I'm afraid you ain't fond of Miss Polly," he grinned. já jsem||||||||| |||||||||ابتسم |||não|fã|||||sorriu "Боюсь, вы не любите мисс Полли," он усмехнулся. "As if ever anybody could be fond of her!" "Как будто кто-то может ее полюбить!". scorned Nancy. مُحتَقَر|

Old Tom smiled oddly. |||de forma estranha He stooped and began to work again. |انحنى|||||

"I guess maybe you didn't know about Miss Polly's love affair," he said slowly. ||||||||||علاقة||| "Я думаю, может быть, вы не знали о романе мисс Полли," сказал он медленно. "Love affair-- her! |caso| "Chuyện tình cảm - cô ấy! No!--and I guess nobody else didn't, neither." Нет! И я думаю, что никто другой тоже". "Oh, yes they did," nodded the old man. "And the feller's livin' ter-day--right in this town, too." ||الرجل|يعيش هنا||||||| "И этот парень живет сегодня - прямо в этом городе". "Who is he?" "I ain't a-tellin' that. |||dizendo| "Я этого не скажу. It ain't fit that I should." Это не подходит для меня". Việc đó không phù hợp với tôi." The old man drew himself erect. |||||vztyčený الشيخ||||| |||||ereto Старик поднялся на ноги. Ông già đứng thẳng dậy. In his dim blue eyes, as he faced the house, there was the loyal servant's honest pride in the family he has served and loved for long years. В его тусклых голубых глазах, когда он смотрел на дом, была искренняя гордость верного слуги за семью, которой он служил и которую любил долгие годы. "But it don't seem possible--her and a lover," still maintained Nancy. ||لا|||||||ما زالت|| Old Tom shook his head. Старый Том покачал головой.

"You didn't know Miss Polly as I did," he argued. "She used ter be real handsome--and she would be now, if she'd let herself be." "Раньше она была очень красивой - и была бы сейчас, если бы позволила себе это". "Handsome! Miss Polly!" "Yes. If she'd just let that tight hair of hern all out loose and careless-like, as it used ter be, and wear the sort of bunnits with posies in 'em, and the kind o' dresses all lace and white things--you'd see she'd be handsome! ||||||||التي لها|||مفكوك||||||||||||||قبعات||||||||أو|||دانتيل|||||||| |||||apertado|||dela|||soltos||||||||||||||chapéus||flores|||||||||renda|||||||| Если бы она только распустила свои тугие волосы, как раньше, и носила бы такие булочки с букетами, и такие платья с кружевами и белыми вещами... Вы увидите, что она была бы красивой! Miss Polly ain't old, Nancy." "Ain't she, though? "Разве не так? Well, then she's got an awfully good imitation of it--she has, she has!" |||||رائع جداً|||||||| |||||terrivelmente|||||||| Ну, тогда у нее есть ужасно хорошая имитация - есть, есть!". sniffed Nancy. cheirou|

"Yes, I know. It begun then--at the time of the trouble with her lover," nodded Old Tom; "and it seems as if she'd been feedin' on wormwood an' thistles ever since--she's that bitter an' prickly ter deal with." ||||||||||||||||||||||تغذي||شيح|||||||||شائك||| |começou|||||||||||||||||||||alimentando||losna||cardos|||||amarga||espinhosa||| Это началось тогда -- во время неприятностей с ее любовником, -- кивнул Старый Том, -- и, кажется, с тех пор она питалась полынью и чертополохом -- она такая ожесточенная и колючая, чтобы иметь дело с ." "I should say she was," declared Nancy, indignantly. |||||prohlásila|| |||||||بغضب "Я бы сказала, что это так", - возмущенно заявила Нэнси. "There's no pleasin' her, nohow, no matter how you try! ||إرضاء||أبداً||مسألة||| "Невозможно угодить ей, как ни старайся! I wouldn't stay if 'twa'n't for the wages and the folks at home what's needin' 'em. ||||إذا لم|||الأجور|||||||يحتاجون| Я бы не остался, если бы не зарплата и не нуждающиеся в ней домашние. But some day--some day I shall jest b'ile over; and when I do, of course it'll be good-by Nancy for me. |||||||أمزح|على|||||||||||||| Но когда-нибудь... когда-нибудь я уеду; и когда я уеду, конечно, это будет прощание с Нэнси для меня. Але якось - якось я просто закиплю; і коли це станеться, звісно, це буде прощання з Ненсі для мене. It will, it will." Воно буде, воно буде." Old Tom shook his head. Старий Том покивав головою.

"I know. I've felt it. It's nart'ral--but 'tain't best, child; 'tain't best. ||||||to není| |طبيعي||it ain't|||| Это наррально - но это не лучше, детка, не лучше. Це природне - але це не краще, дитяче; це не краще. Take my word for it, 'tain't best." Візьми моє слово, це не краще." And again he bent his old head to the work before him. І знову він нахилив свою стару голову до роботи перед собою.

"Nancy!" called a sharp voice.

"Y-yes, ma'am," stammered Nancy; and hurried toward the house. — Д-да, мэм, — пробормотала Нэнси. и поспешил к дому.