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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, Chapter 18.

Chapter 18.

The weather was bad during the latter days of the voyage.

The wind, obstinately remaining in the north-west, blew a gale, and retarded the steamer. The Rangoon rolled heavily, and the passengers became impatient of the long, monstrous waves which the wind raised before their path. A sort of tempest arose on the 3rd of November, the squall knocking the vessel about with fury, and the waves running high. The Rangoon reefed all her sails, and even the rigging proved too much, whistling and shaking amid the squall. The steamer was forced to proceed slowly, and the captain estimated that she would reach Hong Kong twenty hours behind time, and more if the storm lasted.

Phileas Fogg gazed at the tempestuous sea, which seemed to be struggling especially to delay him, with his habitual tranquillity.

He never changed countenance for an instant, though a delay of twenty hours, by making him too late for the Yokohama boat, would almost inevitably cause the loss of the wager. But this man of nerve manifested neither impatience nor annoyance; it seemed as if the storm were a part of his programme, and had been foreseen. Aouda was amazed to find him as calm as he had been from the first time she saw him.

Fix did not look at the state of things in the same light.

The storm greatly pleased him. His satisfaction would have been complete had the Rangoon been forced to retreat before the violence of wind and waves. Each delay filled him with hope, for it became more and more probable that Fogg would be obliged to remain some days at Hong Kong; and now the heavens themselves became his allies, with the gusts and squalls. It mattered not that they made him sea-sick--he made no account of this inconvenience; and, whilst his body was writhing under their effects, his spirit bounded with hopeful exultation.

Passepartout was enraged beyond expression by the unpropitious weather.

Everything had gone so well till now! Earth and sea had seemed to be at his master's service; steamers and railways obeyed him; wind and steam united to speed his journey. Had the hour of adversity come? Passepartout was as much excited as if the twenty thousand pounds were to come from his own pocket. The storm exasperated him, the gale made him furious, and he longed to lash the obstinate sea into obedience. Poor fellow! Fix carefully concealed from him his own satisfaction, for, had he betrayed it, Passepartout could scarcely have restrained himself from personal violence.

Passepartout remained on deck as long as the tempest lasted, being unable to remain quiet below, and taking it into his head to aid the progress of the ship by lending a hand with the crew.

He overwhelmed the captain, officers, and sailors, who could not help laughing at his impatience, with all sorts of questions. He wanted to know exactly how long the storm was going to last; whereupon he was referred to the barometer, which seemed to have no intention of rising. Passepartout shook it, but with no perceptible effect; for neither shaking nor maledictions could prevail upon it to change its mind.

On the 4th, however, the sea became more calm, and the storm lessened its violence; the wind veered southward, and was once more favourable.

Passepartout cleared up with the weather. Some of the sails were unfurled, and the Rangoon resumed its most rapid speed. The time lost could not, however, be regained. Land was not signalled until five o'clock on the morning of the 6th; the steamer was due on the 5th. Phileas Fogg was twenty-four hours behind-hand, and the Yokohama steamer would, of course, be missed.

The pilot went on board at six, and took his place on the bridge, to guide the Rangoon through the channels to the port of Hong Kong.

Passepartout longed to ask him if the steamer had left for Yokohama; but he dared not, for he wished to preserve the spark of hope which still remained till the last moment. He had confided his anxiety to Fix who--the sly rascal!--tried to console him by saying that Mr. Fogg would be in time if he took the next boat; but this only put Passepartout in a passion.


Fogg, bolder than his servant, did not hesitate to approach the pilot, and tranquilly ask him if he knew when a steamer would leave Hong Kong for Yokohama.

"At high tide to-morrow morning," answered the pilot. "Ah! " said Mr. Fogg, without betraying any astonishment. Passepartout, who heard what passed, would willingly have embraced the pilot, while Fix would have been glad to twist his neck.

"What is the steamer's name? " asked Mr. Fogg. "The Carnatic . "Ought she not to have gone yesterday? "Yes, sir; but they had to repair one of her boilers, and so her departure was postponed till to-morrow. "Thank you," returned Mr. Fogg, descending mathematically to the saloon. Passepartout clasped the pilot's hand and shook it heartily in his delight, exclaiming, "Pilot, you are the best of good fellows! The pilot probably does not know to this day why his responses won him this enthusiastic greeting.

He remounted the bridge, and guided the steamer through the flotilla of junks, tankas, and fishing boats which crowd the harbour of Hong Kong.

At one o'clock the Rangoon was at the quay, and the passengers were going ashore. Chance had strangely favoured Phileas Fogg, for, had not the Carnatic been forced to lie over for repairing her boilers, she would have left on the 6th of November, and the passengers for Japan would have been obliged to await for a week the sailing of the next steamer.

Mr. Fogg was, it is true, twenty-four hours behind his time; but this could not seriously imperil the remainder of his tour.

The steamer which crossed the Pacific from Yokohama to San Francisco made a direct connection with that from Hong Kong, and it could not sail until the latter reached Yokohama; and if Mr. Fogg was twenty-four hours late on reaching Yokohama, this time would no doubt be easily regained in the voyage of twenty-two days across the Pacific.

He found himself, then, about twenty-four hours behind-hand, thirty-five days after leaving London.

The Carnatic was announced to leave Hong Kong at five the next morning.

Mr. Fogg had sixteen hours in which to attend to his business there, which was to deposit Aouda safely with her wealthy relative.

On landing, he conducted her to a palanquin, in which they repaired to the Club Hotel.

A room was engaged for the young woman, and Mr. Fogg, after seeing that she wanted for nothing, set out in search of her cousin Jeejeeh. He instructed Passepartout to remain at the hotel until his return, that Aouda might not be left entirely alone.


Fogg repaired to the Exchange, where, he did not doubt, every one would know so wealthy and considerable a personage as the Parsee merchant. Meeting a broker, he made the inquiry, to learn that Jeejeeh had left China two years before, and, retiring from business with an immense fortune, had taken up his residence in Europe--in Holland, the broker thought, with the merchants of which country he had principally traded. Phileas Fogg returned to the hotel, begged a moment's conversation with Aouda, and without more ado, apprised her that Jeejeeh was no longer at Hong Kong, but probably in Holland. Aouda at first said nothing.

She passed her hand across her forehead, and reflected a few moments. Then, in her sweet, soft voice, she said, "What ought I to do, Mr. Fogg? " "It is very simple," responded the gentleman. "Go on to Europe. " "But I cannot intrude--" "You do not intrude, nor do you in the least embarrass my project. Passepartout! " "Monsieur. "Go to the Carnatic , and engage three cabins. Passepartout, delighted that the young woman, who was very gracious to him, was going to continue the journey with them, went off at a brisk gait to obey his master's order.

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Chapter 18. Kapitel 18. Capítulo 18. Chapitre 18. 第18章. 18장. Rozdział 18. Capítulo 18. Глава 18. Bölüm 18. Розділ 18. 第18章。 第18章。

The weather was bad during the latter days of the voyage. ||||||últimos|||| В последние дни плавания погода была плохой.

The wind, obstinately remaining in the north-west, blew a gale, and retarded the steamer. ||||||||||狂风||减缓了|| ||||||||||Sturm|||| ||stubbornly||||||||strong wind||slowed down|| ||ostinatamente|||||||||||| ||||||||||||затримував рух|| Ветер, упрямо остававшийся северо-западным, дул ветром и задержал пароход. İnatla kuzeybatıda kalan rüzgâr şiddetli bir şekilde esiyor ve vapuru geciktiriyordu. The  Rangoon rolled heavily, and the passengers became impatient of the long, monstrous waves which the wind raised before their path. ||||||||||||巨大的|||||||| ||||||||||||huge|||||||| «Рангун» тяжело покатился, и пассажиры стали нетерпеливыми к длинным чудовищным волнам, которые ветер поднимал на их пути. Rangoon ağır ağır yuvarlanıyor ve yolcular rüzgârın önlerinde yükselttiği uzun, dev dalgalar karşısında sabırsızlanıyordu. A sort of tempest arose on the 3rd of November, the squall knocking the vessel about with fury, and the waves running high. |||暴风雨||||||||狂风||||||愤怒||||| |||Sturm|entstand|||||||Sturmstoß||||||||||| |||storm||||||||storm wind||||||||||| |||||||||||burrasca||||||||||| |||||||||||rajada|||navio|||||||| 3 ноября поднялась какая-то буря, шквал яростно раскачивал судно, а волны взмывали вверх. Kasım ayının 3'ünde bir tür fırtına çıktı, fırtına gemiyi hiddetle savurdu ve dalgalar yükseldi. The Rangoon reefed all her sails, and even the rigging proved too much, whistling and shaking amid the squall. ||reduced|||||||ropes and cables||||||||| ||recolheu|||||||aparelho||||||||| ||gerefft|||||||||||||||| ||ridusse|||||||cordamezzana||||||||| ||缩帆|||||||索具||||||摇晃||| ||рифила|||||||||||||||| El Rangún rizó todas sus velas, e incluso el aparejo resultó demasiado, silbando y temblando en medio de la tormenta. Le Rangoon a ramené toutes ses voiles, et même le gréement s'est avéré trop fort, sifflant et tremblant au milieu de la rafale. «Рангун» поставил на рифы все свои паруса, и даже такелаж оказался слишком сильным, свистнув и трясясь на фоне шквала. Rangoon tüm yelkenlerini açmış, hatta armaları bile fırtınanın ortasında ıslık çalarak ve sallanarak fazla gelmişti. The steamer was forced to proceed slowly, and the captain estimated that she would reach Hong Kong twenty hours behind time, and more if the storm lasted. ||||||||||估计|||||||||||||||| |||||||||capitano||||||||||||||||| Пароход был вынужден двигаться медленно, и капитан подсчитал, что он достигнет Гонконга на двадцать часов позже времени, а если шторм продлится, даже больше.

Phileas Fogg gazed at the tempestuous sea, which seemed to be struggling especially to delay him, with his habitual tranquillity. |||||波涛汹||||||||||||||平静 |||||turbulent|||||||||||||| |||||бурхливе|||||||||||||| Филеас Фогг смотрел на бушующее море, которое, казалось, изо всех сил пыталось задержать его со своим обычным спокойствием.

He never changed countenance for an instant, though a delay of twenty hours, by making him too late for the Yokohama boat, would almost inevitably cause the loss of the wager. |||||||尽管|||||||||||||||||几乎必然|||||| |||||||||||||causando||||||||||||||||| Он ни на мгновение не изменился в лице, хотя задержка в двадцать часов, из-за которой он опаздывал на йокогамский пароход, почти неизбежно привела бы к проигрышу пари. But this man of nerve manifested neither impatience nor annoyance; it seemed as if the storm were a part of his programme, and had been foreseen. |||||表现出||||烦恼|||||||||||||||| Но этот нервный человек не выказал ни нетерпения, ни досады; казалось, что буря была частью его программы и была предвидена. Ama bu sinirli adam ne sabırsızlık ne de sıkıntı gösteriyordu; sanki fırtına programının bir parçasıydı ve önceden öngörülmüştü. Aouda was amazed to find him as calm as he had been from the first time she saw him. ||惊讶||||||||||||||||

Fix did not look at the state of things in the same light. Fix did not look at the state of things in the same light. Fix olaylara aynı açıdan bakmıyordu. 菲克斯沒有以同樣的眼光看待事物的狀態。

The storm greatly pleased him. Буря ему очень понравилась. His satisfaction would have been complete had the Rangoon been forced to retreat before the violence of wind and waves. ||||||||||||撤退||||||| Его удовлетворение было бы полным, если бы «Рангун» был вынужден отступить под натиском ветра и волн. Rangoon rüzgârın ve dalgaların şiddeti karşısında geri çekilmek zorunda kalsaydı memnuniyeti tamamlanmış olacaktı. Each delay filled him with hope, for it became more and more probable that Fogg would be obliged to remain some days at Hong Kong; and now the heavens themselves became his allies, with the gusts and squalls. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||盟友|||阵风||阵风 |||||||||||||||||gezwungen||||||||||||||||||Böen|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||strong winds||strong winds |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||raffiche|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||rajadas|| Каждая задержка наполняла его надеждой, поскольку становилось все более и более вероятным, что Фоггу придется остаться на несколько дней в Гонконге; и теперь сами небеса стали его союзниками, с порывами и шквалами. Her gecikme onu daha da umutlandırıyordu, çünkü Fogg'un Hong Kong'da birkaç gün kalmak zorunda kalması olasılığı gittikçe artıyordu; şimdi de gökler, fırtınalar ve boranlarla onun müttefiki olmuştu. It mattered not that they made him sea-sick--he made no account of this inconvenience; and, whilst his body was writhing under their effects, his spirit bounded with hopeful exultation. |无关紧要||||||||||||||||||||||||||跳跃|||欢欣鼓舞 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||hoffnungsvolle Freude |||||||||||||||||||||twisting in discomfort|||||||||joyful triumph |importava||||||||||||||||||||contorcendosi||||suo||saltava||| |||||||||||||||||||||contorcendo|||||||||exultação Не имело значения, что они вызывали у него морскую болезнь, — он не обращал внимания на это неудобство; и в то время как его тело корчилось под их воздействием, его дух прыгал с надеждой ликования. Onu deniz tutmuş olması önemli değildi; bu rahatsızlığı hiç hesaba katmıyordu ve bedeni bunların etkisi altında kıvranırken, ruhu umut dolu bir coşkuyla dolup taşıyordu.

Passepartout was enraged beyond expression by the unpropitious weather. |||||||不利的| |||||||ungünstige| |||||||unfavorable| |||||||不運な| |||||||несприятлива погода| Паспарту был невыразимо разгневан неблагоприятной погодой. Passepartout bu elverişsiz hava koşullarına ifade edilemeyecek kadar öfkeliydi.

Everything had gone so well till now! Earth and sea had seemed to be at his master’s service; steamers and railways obeyed him; wind and steam united to speed his journey. 地球||||||||||||||服从|||||联合|||| Had the hour of adversity come? ||||逆境| ||||War die Stunde der Not gekommen?| Неужели настал час невзгод? Sıkıntı saati gelmiş miydi? Passepartout was as much excited as if the twenty thousand pounds were to come from his own pocket. The storm exasperated him, the gale made him furious, and he longed to lash the obstinate sea into obedience. ||恼怒的|||||||||||鞭打||顽固的|||服从 ||verärgerte|||||||||||||||| ||frustrated|him||strong wind||||||||whip||stubborn||| ||||||||||||a|frustrare||||| |||||||||||||açoitar||||| Шторм раздражали его, штормовой ветер заставил его в ярость, и ему хотелось наброситься строптивого море в послушании. Fırtına onu çileden çıkarıyor, bora onu öfkelendiriyor ve inatçı denizi itaate zorlamak için can atıyordu. Poor fellow! Бедняга! Zavallı adam! Fix carefully concealed from him his own satisfaction, for, had he betrayed it, Passepartout could scarcely have restrained himself from personal violence. |||||||||||||||||克制|||| |||||||||||||||||zurückgehalten|||| |||da|||||||||||||||||| Фикс тщательно скрывал от него собственное удовлетворение, ибо, если бы он предал его, Паспарту едва ли смог бы удержаться от личного насилия. Fix kendi memnuniyetini ondan özenle gizledi, çünkü bunu açığa vurmuş olsaydı Passepartout kişisel şiddet uygulamaktan kendini zor alıkoyabilirdi.

Passepartout remained on deck as long as the tempest lasted, being unable to remain quiet below, and taking it into his head to aid the progress of the ship by lending a hand with the crew. Паспарту оставался на палубе, пока бушевала буря, не в силах сохранять тишину внизу и вздумав помочь движению корабля, протянув руку помощи команде. Passepartout fırtına devam ettiği sürece güvertede kaldı, aşağıda sessiz kalamadı ve mürettebata yardım ederek geminin ilerlemesine yardımcı olmayı aklına koydu. Паспарту залишався на палубі доти, доки тривала буря, не маючи змоги залишатися спокійним внизу, і взяв на себе голову допомогти просуванню корабля, простягаючи руку команді.

He overwhelmed the captain, officers, and sailors, who could not help laughing at his impatience, with all sorts of questions. Он заваливал капитана, офицеров и матросов, которые не могли не смеяться над его нетерпением, всевозможными вопросами. Sabırsızlığına gülmekten kendilerini alamayan kaptanı, subayları ve denizcileri türlü sorularla bunalttı. Капітана, офіцерів і матросів, які не могли стримати сміху з його нетерпіння, він засипав усякими запитаннями. He wanted to know exactly how long the storm was going to last; whereupon he was referred to the barometer, which seemed to have no intention of rising. |||||||||||||||||||气压计||||||||上升 ||||precisely|||||||||||||||weather instrument|||||||| ||||||||||||||lui|stava|rimandato|||barometro|||||||| Il voulait savoir exactement combien de temps la tempête allait durer; sur quoi il fut renvoyé au baromètre, qui ne semblait pas avoir l'intention de se lever. Он хотел точно знать, как долго продлится буря; после чего его направили к барометру, который, казалось, не собирался подниматься. Fırtınanın tam olarak ne kadar süreceğini öğrenmek istedi; bunun üzerine yükselmeye hiç niyeti yokmuş gibi görünen barometreye yönlendirildi. Він хотів точно знати, скільки триватиме шторм; після чого його направили до барометра, який, здавалося, не мав наміру підніматися. Passepartout shook it, but with no perceptible effect; for neither shaking nor maledictions could prevail upon it to change its mind. ||||||可察觉的||||||||改变|||||| ||||||wahrnehmbaren|||||||||||||| |||||||||||nor curses||||||||| Паспарту встряхнул ее, но без заметного результата; ибо ни потрясения, ни проклятия не могли заставить его передумать. Passepartout onu sarstı ama hissedilir bir etkisi olmadı; çünkü ne sarsmak ne de beddua etmek fikrini değiştirmesini sağlayabilirdi. Паспарту потряс нею, але без відчутного ефекту; бо ні струс, ні прокляття не змогли змусити його змінити свою думку.

On the 4th, however, the sea became more calm, and the storm lessened its violence; the wind veered southward, and was once more favourable. ||||||||平静||||减弱|||||转向|向南||||| |||||||||||||||||drehte sich|||||| |||||||||||||||||changed direction|||||| |||||||||||||||||mudou de direção|||||| ||||||||||||зменшила||||||||||| Однако 4-го море стало более спокойным, и буря уменьшилась; ветер повернул на юг и снова стал попутным. Ancak ayın dördünde deniz daha sakinleşti ve fırtına şiddetini azalttı; rüzgâr güneye doğru yön değiştirdi ve bir kez daha elverişli hale geldi. Проте 4 числа море вщухло, і шторм зменшив силу; вітер повернув на південь і знову став попутнішим.

Passepartout cleared up with the weather. |si chiarì|||| Паспарту прояснила погода. Passepartout hava ile birlikte temizlendi. Паспарту прояснилося разом із погодою. Some of the sails were unfurled, and the  Rangoon resumed its most rapid speed. |||||展开|||||||| |||||entfaltet|||||||| |||||opened up|||||||| |||||dischiuse|||||||| |||||desfraldadas|||||||| Некоторые из парусов были развернуты, и «Рангун» возобновил свою максимальную скорость. Bazı yelkenler açıldı ve Rangoon en yüksek hızına yeniden ulaştı. The time lost could not, however, be regained. |||||||找回 Однако потерянное время нельзя было вернуть. Land was not signalled until five o’clock on the morning of the 6th; the steamer was due on the 5th. |||标示|||||||||||||||| Сигнала о земле не было до пяти часов утра 6-го числа; пароход должен был быть 5-го числа. Kara işareti 6'sı sabahı saat beşe kadar verilmedi; vapur 5'inde gelecekti. Сигнал про землю не було до п’ятої години ранку 6 числа; пароплав мав прибути 5 числа. Phileas Fogg was twenty-four hours behind-hand, and the Yokohama steamer would, of course, be missed. Филеас Фогг опаздывал на двадцать четыре часа, а пароход из Йокогамы, конечно, пропустил бы. Phileas Fogg yirmi dört saat gerideydi ve Yokohama vapuru elbette kaçırılacaktı. Філеас Фоґґ відставав на двадцять чотири години, і пароплав «Йокогама», звісно, пропустив би.

The pilot went on board at six, and took his place on the bridge, to guide the  Rangoon through the channels to the port of Hong Kong. |引航员||||||||||||||||||||||||| Kılavuz kaptan saat altıda gemiye çıktı ve Rangoon'a kanallardan Hong Kong limanına kadar rehberlik etmek üzere köprüdeki yerini aldı. Пілот піднявся на борт о шостій і зайняв своє місце на містку, щоб направити Рангун через канали до порту Гонконгу.

Passepartout longed to ask him if the steamer had left for Yokohama; but he dared not, for he wished to preserve the spark of hope which still remained till the last moment. |渴望||||||||||横滨|||||||||||||||||||| |desiderava|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Паспарту хотелось спросить его, ушел ли пароход в Иокогаму; но он не смел, ибо хотел сохранить искру надежды, которая еще оставалась до последнего момента. Паспарту дуже хотів запитати його, чи пароплав відправився в Йокогаму; але він не наважувався, бо хотів зберегти іскру надії, яка ще лишилася до останньої миті. He had confided his anxiety to Fix who--the sly rascal!--tried to console him by saying that Mr. Fogg would be in time if he took the next boat; but this only put Passepartout in a passion. ||倾诉||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Schlingel||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||shared|||||||||||comfort|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||confidato||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Он поделился своим беспокойством с Фиксом, который - хитрый негодяй! - попытался утешить его, сказав, что мистер Фогг успеет, если он сядет на следующую лодку; но это только приводило Паспарту в азарт. Endişesini Fix'e açmıştı, o da -sinsi hergele!- Bay Fogg'un bir sonraki gemiye binerse zamanında yetişeceğini söyleyerek onu teselli etmeye çalışmıştı; ama bu sadece Passepartout'u çileden çıkarmıştı. Він поділився своєю тривогою Фіксу, який — хитрий негідник! — намагався втішити його, сказавши, що містер Фоґґ встигне, якщо сяде наступним човном; але це лише запалило Паспарту в пристрасть.


Fogg, bolder than his servant, did not hesitate to approach the pilot, and tranquilly ask him if he knew when a steamer would leave Hong Kong for Yokohama. |更大胆||||||||||||平静地|||||||||||||| |mutiger als|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||спокійно|||||||||||||| Фогг, смелее своего слуги, не колеблясь подошел к лоцману и спокойно спросил его, знает ли он, когда пароход отправится из Гонконга в Иокогаму. Hizmetçisinden daha cesur olan Fogg, pilota yaklaşmakta tereddüt etmedi ve sakin bir şekilde ona Hong Kong'dan Yokohama'ya ne zaman bir vapur kalkacağını bilip bilmediğini sordu.

"At high tide to-morrow morning," answered the pilot. ||潮水||明天|||| «Завтра утром во время прилива», - ответил пилот. "Yarın sabah gelgitte," diye yanıtladı pilot. «Під час припливу завтра вранці», — відповів пілот. "Ah! " said Mr. Fogg, without betraying any astonishment. — сказал мистер Фогг, не выказывая никакого удивления. — сказав містер Фоґґ, не видаючи жодного подиву. Passepartout, who heard what passed, would willingly have embraced the pilot, while Fix would have been glad to twist his neck. ||||||||拥抱|||||||||||| |||||aurait||||||||||||||| Паспарту, который слышал, что произошло, охотно обнял бы пилота, а Фикс был бы рад свернуть ему шею. Olanları duyan Passepartout pilotu seve seve kucaklayacak, Fix ise boynunu bükmekten memnun olacaktı. Паспарту, який почув, що сталося, охоче обійняв би пілота, тоді як Фікс був би радий скрутити йому шию.

"What is the steamer’s name? " asked Mr. Fogg. "The  Carnatic . |卡纳提克 |il Carnatico "Карнатик. "Ought she not to have gone yesterday? "Должна ли она не пойти вчера? "Yes, sir; but they had to repair one of her boilers, and so her departure was postponed till to-morrow. ||||||||||锅炉||||||推迟||| ||||||||||steam generators||||||||| ||||||||||||||||відкладено до завтра||| "Да, сэр, но они должны были отремонтировать один из ее котлов, и поэтому ее отъезд был отложен до завтра. "Evet efendim; ama kazanlarından birini tamir etmeleri gerekti ve bu yüzden kalkışı yarına ertelendi. — Так, сер, але вони мали відремонтувати один із її котлів, тому її від’їзд відклали на завтра. "Thank you," returned Mr. Fogg, descending mathematically to the saloon. ||回答||||以数学方式|||客舱 |||||||||main cabin «Спасибо», - ответил мистер Фогг, математически спускаясь в салон. — Дякую, — відповів містер Фоґґ, математично спускаючись до салону. Passepartout clasped the pilot’s hand and shook it heartily in his delight, exclaiming, "Pilot, you are the best of good fellows! |握住||||||||||高兴|欢呼道|||||||| |umklammerte|||||||||||ausrufend|||||||| Паспарту сжал руку пилота и от удовольствия пожал ее, воскликнув: «Пилот, вы лучший из молодцов! Passepartout pilotun elini tuttu ve sevinçle sıkarak, "Pilot, sen iyi adamların en iyisisin! Паспарту стиснув руку пілота і щиро потиснув її в своєму захваті, вигукнувши: «Пілот, ти найкращий з хороших хлопців! The pilot probably does not know to this day why his responses won him this enthusiastic greeting. ||||||||||||||||欢迎 Пилот, вероятно, до сих пор не знает, почему его ответы вызвали у него такое восторженное приветствие. Pilot muhtemelen bugün bile verdiği yanıtların neden kendisine bu kadar coşkulu bir karşılama getirdiğini bilmiyordur. Ймовірно, пілот досі не знає, чому його відповіді викликали таке захоплене привітання.

He remounted the bridge, and guided the steamer through the flotilla of junks, tankas, and fishing boats which crowd the harbour of Hong Kong. |重新登上|||||||||船队||帆船|小艇|||||||||| |bestieg erneut|||||||||||||||||||||| |reascended|||||||||group of boats||Chinese sailing vessels|houseboats|||||||||| |risalì|||||||||flottiglia||giunche|barche di legno|||||||||| |знову піднявся на|||||||||||джонки|танки, човни|||||||||| Он снова поднялся на мостик и провел пароход через флотилию джонок, танка и рыбацких лодок, заполнивших гавань Гонконга. Köprüye yeniden çıktı ve vapuru Hong Kong limanını dolduran junks, tankas ve balıkçı tekneleri filosunun arasından geçirdi. Він знову піднявся на міст і провів пароплав крізь флотилію джонків, танків і рибальських човнів, які переповнювали гавань Гонконгу.

At one o’clock the  Rangoon was at the quay, and the passengers were going ashore. В час дня «Рангун» стоял у причала, и пассажиры сходили на берег. Chance had strangely favoured Phileas Fogg, for, had not the Carnatic been forced to lie over for repairing her boilers, she would have left on the 6th of November, and the passengers for Japan would have been obliged to await for a week the sailing of the next steamer. ||奇怪地|||||||||||||||修理||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Carnatica|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Случайным образом благоприятствовал Филеасу Фоггу, потому что, если бы Carnatic не пришлось лечь на пол для ремонта своих котлов, она бы уехала 6 ноября, и пассажиры в Японию были бы вынуждены ждать в течение недели отплытия корабля. следующий пароход. Şans garip bir şekilde Phileas Fogg'dan yanaydı, çünkü Carnatic kazanlarını onarmak için beklemek zorunda kalmasaydı, 6 Kasım'da yola çıkacaktı ve Japonya yolcuları bir hafta boyunca bir sonraki vapurun kalkışını beklemek zorunda kalacaklardı. Випадок дивним чином сприяв Філеасу Фоґгу, бо, якби «Карнатик» не був змушений залягти на ремонт своїх котлів, він вирушив би 6 листопада, а пасажири до Японії змушені були б чекати відпливу протягом тижня. наступний пароплав.

Mr. Fogg was, it is true, twenty-four hours behind his time; but this could not seriously imperil the remainder of his tour. |||||||||||||||||危及||剩余部分||| |||||||||||||||||gefährden||||| |||||||||||||||||endanger||||| |||||||||||||||||поставити під загрозу||||| Мистер Фогг, правда, отставал от своего времени на двадцать четыре часа; но это не могло серьезно поставить под угрозу оставшуюся часть его путешествия. Bay Fogg'un zamanının yirmi dört saat gerisinde kaldığı doğruydu; ama bu, gezisinin geri kalanını ciddi bir şekilde tehlikeye atamazdı. Містер Фоґґ, правда, відставав від свого часу на двадцять чотири години; але це не могло серйозно поставити під загрозу решту його туру.

The steamer which crossed the Pacific from Yokohama to San Francisco made a direct connection with that from Hong Kong, and it could not sail until the latter reached Yokohama; and if Mr. Fogg was twenty-four hours late on reaching Yokohama, this time would no doubt be easily regained in the voyage of twenty-two days across the Pacific. Pasifik'i Yokohama'dan San Francisco'ya geçen vapur, Hong Kong'dan gelen vapurla doğrudan bağlantı kuruyordu ve bu vapur Yokohama'ya varmadan yola çıkamazdı; Bay Fogg Yokohama'ya varmakta yirmi dört saat gecikmiş olsa bile, bu süre Pasifik'i yirmi iki günde geçecek olan yolculukta kuşkusuz kolayca kazanılabilirdi. Пароплав, який перетнув Тихий океан з Йокогами в Сан-Франциско, встановив пряме сполучення з пароплавом із Гонконгу, і він не міг відпливти, поки останній не досяг Йокогами; і якби містер Фоґґ запізнився на двадцять чотири години, досягнувши Йокогами, цей час, без сумніву, можна було б легко відновити під час двадцятидвохденної подорожі через Тихий океан.

He found himself, then, about twenty-four hours behind-hand, thirty-five days after leaving London. Таким образом, он обнаружил, что отстает примерно на двадцать четыре часа, через тридцать пять дней после отъезда из Лондона. Londra'dan ayrıldıktan otuz beş gün sonra kendisini yaklaşık yirmi dört saat geride buldu.

The  Carnatic was announced to leave Hong Kong at five the next morning. Carnatic'in ertesi sabah saat beşte Hong Kong'dan ayrılacağı duyuruldu.

Mr. Fogg had sixteen hours in which to attend to his business there, which was to deposit Aouda safely with her wealthy relative. У мистера Фогга было шестнадцать часов на то, чтобы заняться там своими делами, а именно передать Ауду в безопасное место ее богатому родственнику.

On landing, he conducted her to a palanquin, in which they repaired to the Club Hotel. |||||||お輿|||||||| Приземлившись, он проводил ее в паланкин, на котором они отправились в клуб-отель. İner inmez onu bir tahtırevanla Club Hotel'e götürdü. Приземлившись, він провів її до паланкіну, в якому вони попрямували до клуб-готелю.

A room was engaged for the young woman, and Mr. Fogg, after seeing that she wanted for nothing, set out in search of her cousin Jeejeeh. Для молодой женщины была занята комната, и мистер Фогг, увидев, что ей ничего не нужно, отправился на поиски ее кузины Джиджи. Genç kadın için bir oda tutuldu ve Bay Fogg onun hiçbir şey istemediğini gördükten sonra kuzeni Jeejeeh'i aramaya koyuldu. He instructed Passepartout to remain at the hotel until his return, that Aouda might not be left entirely alone. |指示||||||酒店||||||||||| Aouda'nın tamamen yalnız kalmaması için Passepartout'ya kendisi dönene kadar otelde kalması talimatını verdi.


Fogg repaired to the Exchange, where, he did not doubt, every one would know so wealthy and considerable a personage as the Parsee merchant. Фогг отправился на биржу, где, как он не сомневался, каждый знал бы столь богатого и значительного человека, как купец-парс. Fogg, herkesin Parsee tüccarı gibi zengin ve hatırı sayılır bir şahsiyeti tanıyacağından şüphe etmediği Borsa'ya gitti. Фоґґ попрямував до Біржі, де, як він не сумнівався, усі знатимуть таку заможну й значну особу, як парський купець. Meeting a broker, he made the inquiry, to learn that Jeejeeh had left China two years before, and, retiring from business with an immense fortune, had taken up his residence in Europe--in Holland, the broker thought, with the merchants of which country he had principally traded. ||经纪人||||询问|||||||||||||||||||||||居住地||||荷兰|||||||||||||交易 ||||||richiesta|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Встретившись с брокером, он сделал запрос, чтобы узнать, что Джиджи уехал из Китая двумя годами ранее и, уйдя из бизнеса с огромным состоянием, поселился в Европе - в Голландии, подумал брокер, у торговцев какой страной он в основном торговал. Bir simsarla karşılaşıp soruşturduğunda, Jeejeeh'nin iki yıl önce Çin'den ayrıldığını ve büyük bir servetle ticareti bırakarak Avrupa'ya yerleştiğini öğrendi - simsar, esas olarak ticaret yaptığı ülkenin tüccarlarıyla birlikte Hollanda'da olduğunu düşünüyordu. Зустрівшись з брокером, він зробив запит, щоб дізнатися, що Джіджі залишив Китай два роки тому і, відійшовши від бізнесу з величезним статком, оселився в Європі - в Голландії, думав брокер, у купців з якою країною він переважно торгував. Phileas Fogg returned to the hotel, begged a moment’s conversation with Aouda, and without more ado, apprised her that Jeejeeh was no longer at Hong Kong, but probably in Holland. |||||||||||||ohne weiteres|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||without further delay|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||informò||||||||||||| Филеас Фогг вернулся в отель, попросил минутку поговорить с Аудой и без лишних слов сообщил ей, что Джиджи больше не в Гонконге, а, вероятно, в Голландии. Phileas Fogg otele döndü, Aouda ile bir dakika konuşmak için yalvardı ve daha fazla uzatmadan Jeejeeh'in artık Hong Kong'da olmadığını, muhtemelen Hollanda'da olduğunu söyledi. Aouda at first said nothing.

She passed her hand across her forehead, and reflected a few moments. |passò|||||||||| Она провела рукой по лбу и поразмышляла. Elini alnına götürdü ve birkaç dakika düşündü. Вона провела рукою по чолу й кілька секунд подумала. Then, in her sweet, soft voice, she said, "What ought I to do, Mr. Fogg? " Затем своим сладким, мягким голосом она сказала: — Что мне делать, мистер Фогг? Sonra tatlı, yumuşak sesiyle, "Ne yapmalıyım Bay Fogg?" diye sordu. " Потім своїм милим, м’яким голосом вона сказала: «Що мені робити, містере Фоґ?» "It is very simple," responded the gentleman. "Go on to Europe. " "Avrupa'ya git. " "But I cannot intrude--" |||打扰 |||impose myself |||infastidire "Но я не могу вторгаться ..." "Ama izinsiz giremem--" "You do not intrude, nor do you in the least embarrass my project. "Вы не вторгаетесь и не смущаете мой проект. "Ne izinsiz giriyorsun ne de projemi utandırıyorsun. «Ви не втручаєтесь і не бентежите мій проект. Passepartout! " "Monsieur. "Go to the  Carnatic , and engage three cabins. "Иди на "Карнатик" и займись тремя каютами. "Carnatic'e gidin ve üç kabin kiralayın. Passepartout, delighted that the young woman, who was very gracious to him, was going to continue the journey with them, went off at a brisk gait to obey his master’s order. |高兴的||||||||优雅的|||||||||||||||轻快的|||||| |||||||||freundlich||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||quick lively|||||| Паспарту, обрадованный тем, что молодая женщина, которая была к нему очень любезна, собирается продолжить путь вместе с ними, бодрой походкой пошел выполнять приказ своего господина. Passepartout, kendisine çok nazik davranan genç kadının onlarla birlikte yolculuğa devam edecek olmasına çok sevinerek, efendisinin emrine uymak üzere hızlı adımlarla yola koyuldu. Паспарту, в захваті від того, що молода жінка, яка була дуже милостива до нього, збиралася продовжити подорож з ними, пішов швидкою ходою, щоб виконати наказ господаря.