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Emma by Jane Austen, Volume 1. Chapter 16.

Volume 1. Chapter 16.

The hair was curled, and the maid sent away, and Emma sat down to think and be miserable.--It was a wretched business indeed!--Such an overthrow of every thing she had been wishing for!--Such a development of every thing most unwelcome!--Such a blow for Harriet!--that was the worst of all. Every part of it brought pain and humiliation, of some sort or other; but, compared with the evil to Harriet, all was light; and she would gladly have submitted to feel yet more mistaken--more in error--more disgraced by mis-judgment, than she actually was, could the effects of her blunders have been confined to herself.

"If I had not persuaded Harriet into liking the man, I could have borne any thing. He might have doubled his presumption to me--but poor Harriet!" How she could have been so deceived!--He protested that he had never thought seriously of Harriet--never! She looked back as well as she could; but it was all confusion. She had taken up the idea, she supposed, and made every thing bend to it. His manners, however, must have been unmarked, wavering, dubious, or she could not have been so misled.

The picture!--How eager he had been about the picture!--and the charade!--and an hundred other circumstances;--how clearly they had seemed to point at Harriet. To be sure, the charade, with its "ready wit"--but then the "soft eyes"--in fact it suited neither; it was a jumble without taste or truth. Who could have seen through such thick-headed nonsense?

Certainly she had often, especially of late, thought his manners to herself unnecessarily gallant; but it had passed as his way, as a mere error of judgment, of knowledge, of taste, as one proof among others that he had not always lived in the best society, that with all the gentleness of his address, true elegance was sometimes wanting; but, till this very day, she had never, for an instant, suspected it to mean any thing but grateful respect to her as Harriet's friend. To Mr. John Knightley was she indebted for her first idea on the subject, for the first start of its possibility. There was no denying that those brothers had penetration. She remembered what Mr. Knightley had once said to her about Mr. Elton, the caution he had given, the conviction he had professed that Mr. Elton would never marry indiscreetly; and blushed to think how much truer a knowledge of his character had been there shewn than any she had reached herself. It was dreadfully mortifying; but Mr. Elton was proving himself, in many respects, the very reverse of what she had meant and believed him; proud, assuming, conceited; very full of his own claims, and little concerned about the feelings of others.

Contrary to the usual course of things, Mr. Elton's wanting to pay his addresses to her had sunk him in her opinion. His professions and his proposals did him no service. She thought nothing of his attachment, and was insulted by his hopes. He wanted to marry well, and having the arrogance to raise his eyes to her, pretended to be in love; but she was perfectly easy as to his not suffering any disappointment that need be cared for. There had been no real affection either in his language or manners. Sighs and fine words had been given in abundance; but she could hardly devise any set of expressions, or fancy any tone of voice, less allied with real love. She need not trouble herself to pity him. He only wanted to aggrandise and enrich himself; and if Miss Woodhouse of Hartfield, the heiress of thirty thousand pounds, were not quite so easily obtained as he had fancied, he would soon try for Miss Somebody else with twenty, or with ten.

But--that he should talk of encouragement, should consider her as aware of his views, accepting his attentions, meaning (in short), to marry him!--should suppose himself her equal in connexion or mind!--look down upon her friend, so well understanding the gradations of rank below him, and be so blind to what rose above, as to fancy himself shewing no presumption in addressing her!--It was most provoking.

Perhaps it was not fair to expect him to feel how very much he was her inferior in talent, and all the elegancies of mind. The very want of such equality might prevent his perception of it; but he must know that in fortune and consequence she was greatly his superior. He must know that the Woodhouses had been settled for several generations at Hartfield, the younger branch of a very ancient family--and that the Eltons were nobody. The landed property of Hartfield certainly was inconsiderable, being but a sort of notch in the Donwell Abbey estate, to which all the rest of Highbury belonged; but their fortune, from other sources, was such as to make them scarcely secondary to Donwell Abbey itself, in every other kind of consequence; and the Woodhouses had long held a high place in the consideration of the neighbourhood which Mr. Elton had first entered not two years ago, to make his way as he could, without any alliances but in trade, or any thing to recommend him to notice but his situation and his civility.--But he had fancied her in love with him; that evidently must have been his dependence; and after raving a little about the seeming incongruity of gentle manners and a conceited head, Emma was obliged in common honesty to stop and admit that her own behaviour to him had been so complaisant and obliging, so full of courtesy and attention, as (supposing her real motive unperceived) might warrant a man of ordinary observation and delicacy, like Mr. Elton, in fancying himself a very decided favourite. If she had so misinterpreted his feelings, she had little right to wonder that he , with self-interest to blind him, should have mistaken hers.

The first error and the worst lay at her door. It was foolish, it was wrong, to take so active a part in bringing any two people together. It was adventuring too far, assuming too much, making light of what ought to be serious, a trick of what ought to be simple. She was quite concerned and ashamed, and resolved to do such things no more.

"Here have I," said she, "actually talked poor Harriet into being very much attached to this man. She might never have thought of him but for me; and certainly never would have thought of him with hope, if I had not assured her of his attachment, for she is as modest and humble as I used to think him. Oh! that I had been satisfied with persuading her not to accept young Martin. There I was quite right. That was well done of me; but there I should have stopped, and left the rest to time and chance. I was introducing her into good company, and giving her the opportunity of pleasing some one worth having; I ought not to have attempted more. But now, poor girl, her peace is cut up for some time. I have been but half a friend to her; and if she were not to feel this disappointment so very much, I am sure I have not an idea of any body else who would be at all desirable for her;--William Coxe--Oh! no, I could not endure William Coxe--a pert young lawyer." She stopt to blush and laugh at her own relapse, and then resumed a more serious, more dispiriting cogitation upon what had been, and might be, and must be. The distressing explanation she had to make to Harriet, and all that poor Harriet would be suffering, with the awkwardness of future meetings, the difficulties of continuing or discontinuing the acquaintance, of subduing feelings, concealing resentment, and avoiding eclat, were enough to occupy her in most unmirthful reflections some time longer, and she went to bed at last with nothing settled but the conviction of her having blundered most dreadfully.

To youth and natural cheerfulness like Emma's, though under temporary gloom at night, the return of day will hardly fail to bring return of spirits. The youth and cheerfulness of morning are in happy analogy, and of powerful operation; and if the distress be not poignant enough to keep the eyes unclosed, they will be sure to open to sensations of softened pain and brighter hope.

Emma got up on the morrow more disposed for comfort than she had gone to bed, more ready to see alleviations of the evil before her, and to depend on getting tolerably out of it.

It was a great consolation that Mr. Elton should not be really in love with her, or so particularly amiable as to make it shocking to disappoint him--that Harriet's nature should not be of that superior sort in which the feelings are most acute and retentive--and that there could be no necessity for any body's knowing what had passed except the three principals, and especially for her father's being given a moment's uneasiness about it. These were very cheering thoughts; and the sight of a great deal of snow on the ground did her further service, for any thing was welcome that might justify their all three being quite asunder at present.

The weather was most favourable for her; though Christmas Day, she could not go to church. Mr. Woodhouse would have been miserable had his daughter attempted it, and she was therefore safe from either exciting or receiving unpleasant and most unsuitable ideas. The ground covered with snow, and the atmosphere in that unsettled state between frost and thaw, which is of all others the most unfriendly for exercise, every morning beginning in rain or snow, and every evening setting in to freeze, she was for many days a most honourable prisoner. No intercourse with Harriet possible but by note; no church for her on Sunday any more than on Christmas Day; and no need to find excuses for Mr. Elton's absenting himself. It was weather which might fairly confine every body at home; and though she hoped and believed him to be really taking comfort in some society or other, it was very pleasant to have her father so well satisfied with his being all alone in his own house, too wise to stir out; and to hear him say to Mr. Knightley, whom no weather could keep entirely from them,--

"Ah! Mr. Knightley, why do not you stay at home like poor Mr. Elton?" These days of confinement would have been, but for her private perplexities, remarkably comfortable, as such seclusion exactly suited her brother, whose feelings must always be of great importance to his companions; and he had, besides, so thoroughly cleared off his ill-humour at Randalls, that his amiableness never failed him during the rest of his stay at Hartfield. He was always agreeable and obliging, and speaking pleasantly of every body. But with all the hopes of cheerfulness, and all the present comfort of delay, there was still such an evil hanging over her in the hour of explanation with Harriet, as made it impossible for Emma to be ever perfectly at ease.

Volume 1. Chapter 16. Volumen 1. Capítulo 16. Том 1. Глава 16. Cilt 1. Bölüm 16. 第 1 卷第 16 章。

The hair was curled, and the maid sent away, and Emma sat down to think and be miserable.--It was a wretched business indeed!--Such an overthrow of every thing she had been wishing for!--Such a development of every thing most unwelcome!--Such a blow for Harriet!--that was the worst of all. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||collapse of||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 頭髮捲曲了,女僕送走了,艾瑪坐下來思考,感到痛苦。——這確實是一件悲慘的事情!——她一直希望的一切都被推翻了!——事情的發展是這樣的。一切都是最不受歡迎的!——這對哈麗特來說是一個多麼大的打擊!——這是最糟糕的。 Every part of it brought pain and humiliation, of some sort or other; but, compared with the evil to Harriet, all was light; and she would gladly have submitted to feel yet more mistaken--more in error--more disgraced by mis-judgment, than she actually was, could the effects of her blunders have been confined to herself. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mistakes||||| 它的每一部分都會帶來某種程度的痛苦和羞辱。但是,與哈麗特所遭受的不幸相比,一切都顯得微不足道了。如果她的錯誤的影響僅限於她自己的話,她會很高興地感到自己比實際情況更錯誤,更錯誤,更因錯誤判斷而蒙羞。

"If I had not persuaded Harriet into liking the man, I could have borne any thing. 「如果我沒有說服哈莉特喜歡這個男人,我什麼都可以忍受。 He might have doubled his presumption to me--but poor Harriet!" |||||assumption||||| 他可能對我更加放肆——但是可憐的哈麗特!” How she could have been so deceived!--He protested that he had never thought seriously of Harriet--never! 她怎麼會被欺騙得這麼厲害!--他抗議說他從來沒有認真地考慮過哈麗特--從來沒有! She looked back as well as she could; but it was all confusion. She had taken up the idea, she supposed, and made every thing bend to it. His manners, however, must have been unmarked, wavering, dubious, or she could not have been so misled. ||||||not notable|uncertain|questionable|||||||| 然而,他的舉止一定是不明顯的、搖擺不定的、可疑的,否則她不可能被誤導得這麼嚴重。

The picture!--How eager he had been about the picture!--and the charade!--and an hundred other circumstances;--how clearly they had seemed to point at Harriet. 那幅畫!--他多麼熱衷於那幅畫!--還有這個謎語!--還有一百種其他情況;--它們似乎多麼清楚地指向哈麗特。 To be sure, the charade, with its "ready wit"--but then the "soft eyes"--in fact it suited neither; it was a jumble without taste or truth. ||||||||||||||||||||||mess|||| 可以肯定的是,這個帶有「機智」的字謎遊戲——但隨後又是「溫柔的眼睛」——實際上兩者都不適合;這是一片混亂,沒有品味,也沒有真相。 Who could have seen through such thick-headed nonsense? 誰能看穿這種愚蠢的胡言亂語?

Certainly she had often, especially of late, thought his manners to herself unnecessarily gallant; but it had passed as his way, as a mere error of judgment, of knowledge, of taste, as one proof among others that he had not always lived in the best society, that with all the gentleness of his address, true elegance was sometimes wanting; but, till this very day, she had never, for an instant, suspected it to mean any thing but grateful respect to her as Harriet's friend. 當然,她經常,尤其是最近,認為他對自己的行為不必要地殷勤。但它已經成為他的方式,作為一種純粹的判斷、知識和品味的錯誤,作為其他證據之一,證明他並不總是生活在最好的社會中,儘管他的講話十分溫和,但有時真正的優雅卻不存在。想要;但是,直到今天,她從來沒有懷疑過這除了對她作為哈麗特的朋友表示感激之外還有什麼意義。 To Mr. John Knightley was she indebted for her first idea on the subject, for the first start of its possibility. 她要感謝約翰奈特利先生,讓她在這個主題上有了第一個想法,讓她第一次開始了它的可能性。 There was no denying that those brothers had penetration. ||||||||insight or understanding 不可否認,那些兄弟的洞察力是有的。 She remembered what Mr. Knightley had once said to her about Mr. Elton, the caution he had given, the conviction he had professed that Mr. Elton would never marry indiscreetly; and blushed to think how much truer a knowledge of his character had been there shewn than any she had reached herself. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||without discretion|||||||||||||||||||||| Ze herinnerde zich wat meneer Knightley ooit tegen haar had gezegd over meneer Elton, de voorzichtigheid die hij had gegeven, de overtuiging die hij had beleden dat meneer Elton nooit onbescheiden zou trouwen; en bloosde bij de gedachte dat er veel meer kennis van zijn karakter was geweest dan ze zelf had bereikt. 她記得奈特利先生曾經對她說過關於艾爾頓先生的話,他所給予的警告,以及他所宣稱的艾爾頓先生永遠不會輕率結婚的信念;她記得奈特利先生曾經對她說過關於艾爾頓先生的話,他所給予的警告,以及他所宣稱的艾爾頓先生永遠不會輕率結婚的信念;但他對艾爾頓先生的看法卻是這樣的。一想到他對他性格的了解比她自己了解到的要真實得多,她就臉紅了。 It was dreadfully mortifying; but Mr. Elton was proving himself, in many respects, the very reverse of what she had meant and believed him; proud, assuming, conceited; very full of his own claims, and little concerned about the feelings of others. |||embarrassing||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 這實在是太令人羞愧了。但艾爾頓先生在許多方面都證明自己與她的意思和相信他的想法恰恰相反。驕傲、自負、自負;非常注重自己的主張,很少關心別人的感受。

Contrary to the usual course of things, Mr. Elton's wanting to pay his addresses to her had sunk him in her opinion. 與通常的情況相反,艾爾頓先生想要向她支付地址,這讓她對他的印像下降了。 His professions and his proposals did him no service. 他的職業和建議對他沒有任何幫助。 She thought nothing of his attachment, and was insulted by his hopes. 她對他的依戀毫不在意,並被他的希望所侮辱。 He wanted to marry well, and having the arrogance to raise his eyes to her, pretended to be in love; but she was perfectly easy as to his not suffering any disappointment that need be cared for. 他要嫁得好,還囂張地抬眼看她,假裝戀愛;但她很放心,他不會遭受任何需要照顧的失望。 There had been no real affection either in his language or manners. ||||||ni... ni||||| 他的語言和舉止中都沒有真正的感情。 Sighs and fine words had been given in abundance; but she could hardly devise any set of expressions, or fancy any tone of voice, less allied with real love. |||||||||||||create||||||||||||||| 人們發出了大量的嘆息和美好的言語。但她幾乎想不出任何與真愛無關的表情或語氣。 She need not trouble herself to pity him. 她不必費力去憐憫他。 He only wanted to aggrandise and enrich himself; and if Miss Woodhouse of Hartfield, the heiress of thirty thousand pounds, were not quite so easily obtained as he had fancied, he would soon try for Miss Somebody else with twenty, or with ten. ||||enlarge|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Hij wilde zichzelf alleen maar versterken en verrijken; en als juffrouw Woodhouse van Hartfield, de erfgename van dertigduizend pond, niet zo gemakkelijk te verkrijgen was als hij zich had voorgesteld, zou hij spoedig Miss Iemand anders proberen met twintig, of met tien. 他只是想壯大自己、充實自己;如果哈特菲爾德的伍德豪斯小姐,三萬英鎊的女繼承人,並不像他想像的那麼容易得到,他很快就會用二十英鎊或十英鎊去爭取其他人的小姐。

But--that he should talk of encouragement, should consider her as aware of his views, accepting his attentions, meaning (in short), to marry him!--should suppose himself her equal in connexion or mind!--look down upon her friend, so well understanding the gradations of rank below him, and be so blind to what rose above, as to fancy himself shewing no presumption in addressing her!--It was most provoking. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||levels of rank|||||||||||||||||||arrogance||||||| 但是——他應該談論鼓勵,應該認為她了解他的觀點,接受他的關注,意味著(簡而言之)嫁給他!——應該認為自己在關係或思想上與她平等!——瞧不起她的朋友,對下級的等級劃分如此了解,對上級的等級卻視而不見,以為自己在稱呼她時沒有表現出任何傲慢!——這是最令人惱火的。

Perhaps it was not fair to expect him to feel how very much he was her inferior in talent, and all the elegancies of mind. 也許指望他感覺到自己在才華和所有優雅的心靈方面遠遠不如她,這並不公平。 The very want of such equality might prevent his perception of it; but he must know that in fortune and consequence she was greatly his superior. 正是因為缺乏這種平等,他才可能意識到這一點。但他必須知道,無論是在運氣上還是在影響力上,她都遠勝於他。 He must know that the Woodhouses had been settled for several generations at Hartfield, the younger branch of a very ancient family--and that the Eltons were nobody. 他一定知道伍德豪斯家族已經在哈特菲爾德定居了好幾代,哈特菲爾德是一個非常古老的家族的年輕分支,而艾爾頓家族卻沒什麼名氣。 The landed property of Hartfield certainly was inconsiderable, being but a sort of notch in the Donwell Abbey estate, to which all the rest of Highbury belonged; but their fortune, from other sources, was such as to make them scarcely secondary to Donwell Abbey itself, in every other kind of consequence; and the Woodhouses had long held a high place in the consideration of the neighbourhood which Mr. Elton had first entered not two years ago, to make his way as he could, without any alliances but in trade, or any thing to recommend him to notice but his situation and his civility.--But he had fancied her in love with him; that evidently must have been his dependence; and after raving a little about the seeming incongruity of gentle manners and a conceited head, Emma was obliged in common honesty to stop and admit that her own behaviour to him had been so complaisant and obliging, so full of courtesy and attention, as (supposing her real motive unperceived) might warrant a man of ordinary observation and delicacy, like Mr. Elton, in fancying himself a very decided favourite. |real estate||||||not significant||||||indentation||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||complaining||||||discrepancy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||polite and accommodating||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| If  she had so misinterpreted his feelings, she had little right to wonder that  he , with self-interest to blind him, should have mistaken hers. 如果她如此誤解了他的感情,她就沒有理由懷疑他會因為自利而蒙蔽雙眼,從而誤解了她的感情。

The first error and the worst lay at her door. 第一個錯誤,也是最糟糕的錯誤就在她面前。 It was foolish, it was wrong, to take so active a part in bringing any two people together. 如此積極地把兩個人拉到一起是愚蠢的,也是錯誤的。 It was adventuring too far, assuming too much, making light of what ought to be serious, a trick of what ought to be simple. 它冒險得太過分,假設太多,輕視了應該嚴肅的事情,把應該簡單的事情當作了一個把戲。 She was quite concerned and ashamed, and resolved to do such things no more. 她很擔心,也很羞愧,決心不再做這樣的事。

"Here have I," said she, "actually talked poor Harriet into being very much attached to this man. 「我在這裡,」她說,「實際上說服了可憐的哈麗特,讓她對這個男人非常依戀。 She might never have thought of him but for me; and certainly never would have thought of him with hope, if I had not assured her of his attachment, for she is as modest and humble as I used to think him. 如果不是為了我,她可能永遠不會想到他;如果我沒有向她保證他對我的依戀,我肯定永遠不會對他抱有希望,因為她就像我以前認為的那樣謙虛和謙虛。 Oh! that I had been satisfied with persuading her not to accept young Martin. 我對說服她不要接受年輕的馬丁感到滿意。 There I was quite right. 我是對的。 That was well done of me; but there I should have stopped, and left the rest to time and chance. 我做得很好。但我應該就此打住,把剩下的交給時間和機會。 I was introducing her into good company, and giving her the opportunity of pleasing some one worth having; I ought not to have attempted more. 我把她介紹給好的朋友,讓她有機會取悅值得擁有的人。我不應該嘗試更多。 But now, poor girl, her peace is cut up for some time. 但現在,可憐的女孩,她的平靜已經被打破了一段時間了。 I have been but half a friend to her; and if she were  not to feel this disappointment so very much, I am sure I have not an idea of any body else who would be at all desirable for her;--William Coxe--Oh! 我對她來說只是半個朋友;如果她不感到如此失望,我確信我不知道還有誰會令她滿意;——威廉·考克斯——哦! no, I could not endure William Coxe--a pert young lawyer." ||||||||impertinent|| 不,我無法忍受威廉·考克斯——一位活潑的年輕律師。” She stopt to blush and laugh at her own relapse, and then resumed a more serious, more dispiriting cogitation upon what had been, and might be, and must be. |||||||||setback||||||||depressing|thought process|||||||||| 她不再因為自己的舊病復發而臉紅、大笑,然後又開始更加嚴肅、更加沮喪地思考曾經發生過的、可能發生的和必鬚髮生的事情。 The distressing explanation she had to make to Harriet, and all that poor Harriet would be suffering, with the awkwardness of future meetings, the difficulties of continuing or discontinuing the acquaintance, of subduing feelings, concealing resentment, and avoiding eclat, were enough to occupy her in most unmirthful reflections some time longer, and she went to bed at last with nothing settled but the conviction of her having blundered most dreadfully. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||publicity or attention||||||||without humor|||||||||||||||||||||made a mistake|| 她必須向哈麗特做出的令人痛苦的解釋,以及可憐的哈麗特將要承受的一切,包括未來見面的尷尬、繼續或停止相識、抑制感情、隱藏怨恨和避免歡呼的困難,這些都足以佔據她的心。她又陷入了最不愉快的沉思,最後她上床睡覺,除了確信自己犯了一個最可怕的錯誤之外,什麼也沒有解決。

To youth and natural cheerfulness like Emma's, though under temporary gloom at night, the return of day will hardly fail to bring return of spirits. 對於像艾瑪這樣年輕、天生開朗的人來說,雖然夜色暫時黯淡,但白天的到來也難免會帶來精神上的恢復。 The youth and cheerfulness of morning are in happy analogy, and of powerful operation; and if the distress be not poignant enough to keep the eyes unclosed, they will be sure to open to sensations of softened pain and brighter hope. ||||||||||||||||||||intense|||||||||||||||||||| 早晨的青春和快樂是快樂的比喻,具有強大的作用;如果痛苦還沒有嚴重到讓眼睛睜不開的程度,他們一定會感受到痛苦的減輕和希望的光明。

Emma got up on the morrow more disposed for comfort than she had gone to bed, more ready to see alleviations of the evil before her, and to depend on getting tolerably out of it. ||||||||||||||||||||relief|||||||||||||| 隔天起床時,愛瑪比上床睡覺時更渴望得到安慰,更願意看到眼前的不幸得到緩解,並希望能夠擺脫困境。

It was a great consolation that Mr. Elton should not be really in love with her, or so particularly amiable as to make it shocking to disappoint him--that Harriet's nature should not be of that superior sort in which the feelings are most acute and retentive--and that there could be no necessity for any body's knowing what had passed except the three principals, and especially for her father's being given a moment's uneasiness about it. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||memorable|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 這是一個很大的安慰,艾爾頓先生不應該真的愛上她,或者太特別和藹可親,以至於令人震驚地讓他失望——哈麗特的性格不應該是那種感情最敏銳和最優越的類型。記憶力強——除了三位校長之外,沒有任何人知道發生了什麼,尤其是她父親對此感到一陣不安。 These were very cheering thoughts; and the sight of a great deal of snow on the ground did her further service, for any thing was welcome that might justify their all three being quite asunder at present. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||apart from each other|| 這些都是非常令人振奮的想法。地面上大量的積雪為她提供了進一步的幫助,因為任何可能證明他們三個人目前完全分開的事情都是受歡迎的。

The weather was most favourable for her; though Christmas Day, she could not go to church. 天氣對她來說是最有利的。儘管聖誕節,她還是不能去教堂。 Mr. Woodhouse would have been miserable had his daughter attempted it, and she was therefore safe from either exciting or receiving unpleasant and most unsuitable ideas. The ground covered with snow, and the atmosphere in that unsettled state between frost and thaw, which is of all others the most unfriendly for exercise, every morning beginning in rain or snow, and every evening setting in to freeze, she was for many days a most honourable prisoner. |||||||||||||||melting||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 地面上覆蓋著積雪,空氣處於霜凍和融雪之間不穩定的狀態,這是最不適合運動的,每天早上開始下雨或下雪,每天晚上都結冰,她已經連續好幾天了。一個最光榮的囚犯。 No intercourse with Harriet possible but by note; no church for her on Sunday any more than on Christmas Day; and no need to find excuses for Mr. Elton's absenting himself. 除非透過筆記,否則不可能與哈麗特溝通;週日和聖誕節一樣,她也不去教堂。沒有必要為艾爾頓先生的缺席找藉口。 It was weather which might fairly confine every body at home; and though she hoped and believed him to be really taking comfort in some society or other, it was very pleasant to have her father so well satisfied with his being all alone in his own house, too wise to stir out; and to hear him say to Mr. Knightley, whom no weather could keep entirely from them,-- ||||||keep indoors|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 這種天氣可能會讓每個人都待在家裡。儘管她希望並相信他在某種社交中確實得到了安慰,但她的父親對他獨自一人呆在自己的家裡感到非常滿意,他太明智了,沒有打擾,這還是很令人高興的。聽到他對奈特利先生說,無論天氣如何,他們都無法完全遠離奈特利先生——

"Ah! Mr. Knightley, why do not you stay at home like poor Mr. 奈特利先生,你為什麼不像可憐的奈特利先生一樣待在家裡呢? Elton?" These days of confinement would have been, but for her private perplexities, remarkably comfortable, as such seclusion exactly suited her brother, whose feelings must always be of great importance to his companions; and he had, besides, so thoroughly cleared off his ill-humour at Randalls, that his amiableness never failed him during the rest of his stay at Hartfield. |||||||||||confusions|||||isolation|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 如果不是因為她個人的困惑,這些日子的監禁本來會非常舒適,因為這樣的隔離完全適合她的兄弟,他的感情對他的同伴來說總是非常重要的;此外,他已經徹底消除了蘭德爾斯的壞脾氣,因此在哈特菲爾德的其餘時間裡,他的和藹可親從未讓他失望。 He was always agreeable and obliging, and speaking pleasantly of every body. 他總是和藹可親、樂於助人,對每一個人都說得和藹可親。 But with all the hopes of cheerfulness, and all the present comfort of delay, there was still such an evil hanging over her in the hour of explanation with Harriet, as made it impossible for Emma to be ever perfectly at ease. 儘管滿懷歡樂的希望,儘管現在延遲了所有的安慰,但在與哈麗特解釋的那一刻,仍然有一種邪惡籠罩著她,使愛瑪不可能完全放鬆。