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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 15. Number 34 and Number 27 (6)

Chapter 15. Number 34 and Number 27 (6)

"Who are you?" said the voice.

"An unhappy prisoner," replied Dantes, who made no hesitation in answering. "Of what country?" "A Frenchman." "Your name?" "Edmond Dantes." "Your profession?" "A sailor." "How long have you been here?" "Since the 28th of February, 1815." "Your crime?" "I am innocent." "But of what are you accused?" "Of having conspired to aid the emperor's return." "What! For the emperor's return?--the emperor is no longer on the throne, then?" "He abdicated at Fontainebleau in 1814, and was sent to the Island of Elba. But how long have you been here that you are ignorant of all this?" "Since 1811." Dantes shuddered; this man had been four years longer than himself in prison.

"Do not dig any more," said the voice; "only tell me how high up is your excavation?" "On a level with the floor." "How is it concealed?" "Behind my bed." "Has your bed been moved since you have been a prisoner?" "No." "What does your chamber open on?" "A corridor." "And the corridor?" "On a court." "Alas!" murmured the voice.

"Oh, what is the matter?" cried Dantes.

"I have made a mistake owing to an error in my plans. I took the wrong angle, and have come out fifteen feet from where I intended. I took the wall you are mining for the outer wall of the fortress." "But then you would be close to the sea?" "That is what I hoped." "And supposing you had succeeded?" "I should have thrown myself into the sea, gained one of the islands near here--the Isle de Daume or the Isle de Tiboulen--and then I should have been safe." "Could you have swum so far?" "Heaven would have given me strength; but now all is lost." "All?" "Yes; stop up your excavation carefully, do not work any more, and wait until you hear from me." "Tell me, at least, who you are?" "I am--I am No. 27." "You mistrust me, then," said Dantes. Edmond fancied he heard a bitter laugh resounding from the depths.

"Oh, I am a Christian," cried Dantes, guessing instinctively that this man meant to abandon him. "I swear to you by him who died for us that naught shall induce me to breathe one syllable to my jailers; but I conjure you do not abandon me. If you do, I swear to you, for I have got to the end of my strength, that I will dash my brains out against the wall, and you will have my death to reproach yourself with." "How old are you? Your voice is that of a young man." "I do not know my age, for I have not counted the years I have been here. All I do know is, that I was just nineteen when I was arrested, the 28th of February, 1815." "Not quite twenty-six!" murmured the voice; "at that age he cannot be a traitor." "Oh, no, no," cried Dantes. "I swear to you again, rather than betray you, I would allow myself to be hacked in pieces!" "You have done well to speak to me, and ask for my assistance, for I was about to form another plan, and leave you; but your age reassures me. I will not forget you. Wait." "How long?" "I must calculate our chances; I will give you the signal." "But you will not leave me; you will come to me, or you will let me come to you. We will escape, and if we cannot escape we will talk; you of those whom you love, and I of those whom I love. You must love somebody?" "No, I am alone in the world." "Then you will love me. If you are young, I will be your comrade; if you are old, I will be your son. I have a father who is seventy if he yet lives; I only love him and a young girl called Mercedes. My father has not yet forgotten me, I am sure, but God alone knows if she loves me still; I shall love you as I loved my father." "It is well," returned the voice; "to-morrow." These few words were uttered with an accent that left no doubt of his sincerity; Dantes rose, dispersed the fragments with the same precaution as before, and pushed his bed back against the wall. He then gave himself up to his happiness. He would no longer be alone. He was, perhaps, about to regain his liberty; at the worst, he would have a companion, and captivity that is shared is but half captivity. Plaints made in common are almost prayers, and prayers where two or three are gathered together invoke the mercy of heaven.

All day Dantes walked up and down his cell. He sat down occasionally on his bed, pressing his hand on his heart. At the slightest noise he bounded towards the door. Once or twice the thought crossed his mind that he might be separated from this unknown, whom he loved already; and then his mind was made up--when the jailer moved his bed and stooped to examine the opening, he would kill him with his water jug. He would be condemned to die, but he was about to die of grief and despair when this miraculous noise recalled him to life.

The jailer came in the evening. Dantes was on his bed. It seemed to him that thus he better guarded the unfinished opening. Doubtless there was a strange expression in his eyes, for the jailer said, "Come, are you going mad again?" Dantes did not answer; he feared that the emotion of his voice would betray him. The jailer went away shaking his head. Night came; Dantes hoped that his neighbor would profit by the silence to address him, but he was mistaken. The next morning, however, just as he removed his bed from the wall, he heard three knocks; he threw himself on his knees.

"Is it you?" said he; "I am here." "Is your jailer gone?" "Yes," said Dantes; "he will not return until the evening; so that we have twelve hours before us." "I can work, then?" said the voice.

"Oh, yes, yes; this instant, I entreat you." In a moment that part of the floor on which Dantes was resting his two hands, as he knelt with his head in the opening, suddenly gave way; he drew back smartly, while a mass of stones and earth disappeared in a hole that opened beneath the aperture he himself had formed. Then from the bottom of this passage, the depth of which it was impossible to measure, he saw appear, first the head, then the shoulders, and lastly the body of a man, who sprang lightly into his cell.

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Chapter 15. Number 34 and Number 27 (6) Capítulo 15. Número 34 y número 27 (6) Chapitre 15. Numéro 34 et numéro 27 (6) Capítulo 15. Número 34 e número 27 (6)

"Who are you?" said the voice.

"An unhappy prisoner," replied Dantes, who made no hesitation in answering. "Of what country?" "A Frenchman." "Your name?" "Edmond Dantes." "Your profession?" "A sailor." "How long have you been here?" "Since the 28th of February, 1815." "Your crime?" "I am innocent." "But of what are you accused?" "Of having conspired to aid the emperor's return." ||komplo kurmak||||| "What! For the emperor's return?--the emperor is no longer on the throne, then?" "He abdicated at Fontainebleau in 1814, and was sent to the Island of Elba. |renounced the throne||Fontainebleau Palace||||||||| |||Fontainebleau||||||||| But how long have you been here that you are ignorant of all this?" Ama burada ne kadar zamandır bulunduğunuz için bunlardan haberdar değilsiniz? "Since 1811." 1811'den beri. Dantes shuddered; this man had been four years longer than himself in prison. Dantes ürperdi; bu adam kendisinden dört yıl daha fazla hapis yatmıştı.

"Do not dig any more," said the voice; "only tell me how high up is your excavation?" ||||||||||||||||dig site ||||||||||||||||kazı « Ne creusez plus, dit la voix ; « Dis-moi seulement à quelle hauteur se trouve votre excavation ? » "On a level with the floor." "How is it concealed?" « Comment est-il caché ? » "Behind my bed." "Has your bed been moved since you have been a prisoner?" « Votre lit a-t-il été déplacé depuis que vous êtes prisonnier ? » "No." "What does your chamber open on?" "Odan hangi yere açılıyor?" "A corridor." "Bir koridora." "And the corridor?" "Ve koridor?" "On a court." "Alas!" murmured the voice.

"Oh, what is the matter?" cried Dantes.

"I have made a mistake owing to an error in my plans. |||||dolayı|||||| I took the wrong angle, and have come out fifteen feet from where I intended. ||||açı|||||||||| J'ai pris le mauvais angle et je suis sorti de quinze pieds de là où je voulais. Yanlış açı aldım ve niyet ettiğim yerden on beş feet uzaklaştım. I took the wall you are mining for the outer wall of the fortress." ||||||madencilik||||||| Sizden maden çıkardığınız duvarı kalenin dış duvarı olarak aldım. "But then you would be close to the sea?" "Ama o zaman denize yakın olursun değil mi?" "That is what I hoped." "And supposing you had succeeded?" "I should have thrown myself into the sea, gained one of the islands near here--the Isle de Daume or the Isle de Tiboulen--and then I should have been safe." ||||||||||||||||||Isle of Daume|||||Isle of Tibou||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Daume Adası|||||||||||| "Kendimi denize atmalıydım, burada yakınlarda bulunan adalardan birine ulaşmalıydım--Daume Adası ya da Tiboulen Adası--ve o zaman güvende olurdum." "Could you have swum so far?" |||yüzmüş olabilirdin|| "Bu kadar uzakta yüzebilir miydin?" "Heaven would have given me strength; but now all is lost." "Cennet bana güç verebilirdi; ama şimdi her şey kayboldu." "All?" "Yes; stop up your excavation carefully, do not work any more, and wait until you hear from me." "Tell me, at least, who you are?" "I am--I am No. 27." "You mistrust me, then," said Dantes. Edmond fancied he heard a bitter laugh resounding from the depths. |||||||yankılanan|||

"Oh, I am a Christian," cried Dantes, guessing instinctively that this man meant to abandon him. |||||||tahmin ederek|||||||| "I swear to you by him who died for us that naught shall induce me to breathe one syllable to my jailers; but I conjure you do not abandon me. |||||||||||nothing|||||||||||||implore||||| |||||||||||||||||||||hapishane bekçileri|||||||| If you do, I swear to you, for I have got to the end of my strength, that I will dash my brains out against the wall, and you will have my death to reproach yourself with." Si tu le fais, je te le jure, car j'en suis à bout de forces, je vais me casser la cervelle contre le mur, et tu auras ma mort à te reprocher." Eğer yaparsan, sana yemin ederim, çünkü gücümün sonuna geldim, beynimi duvara vuracağım ve ölümümle kendini suçlayacaksın. "How old are you? Kaç yaşındasın? Your voice is that of a young man." Sesin genç bir adamın sesi. "I do not know my age, for I have not counted the years I have been here. All I do know is, that I was just nineteen when I was arrested, the 28th of February, 1815." "Not quite twenty-six!" murmured the voice; "at that age he cannot be a traitor." ||||||||||betrayer "Oh, no, no," cried Dantes. "I swear to you again, rather than betray you, I would allow myself to be hacked in pieces!" |||||||||||||||parçalanmak|| "Je te le jure encore, plutôt que de te trahir, je me laisserais hacher en morceaux!" "You have done well to speak to me, and ask for my assistance, for I was about to form another plan, and leave you; but your age reassures me. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||güvence veriyor| "Bana konuştuğun ve yardımımı istediğin için iyi iş çıkardın, çünkü ben başka bir plan yapmayı ve seni bırakmayı düşünüyordum; ama yaşın beni rahatlattı. I will not forget you. Seni unutmayacağım. Wait." Bekle." "How long?" "I must calculate our chances; I will give you the signal." ||hesaplamak|||||||| "But you will not leave me; you will come to me, or you will let me come to you. "Ama beni terk etmeyeceksin; bana geleceksin ya da benim sana gelmeme izin vereceksin. We will escape, and if we cannot escape we will talk; you of those whom you love, and I of those whom I love. Kaçacağız ve eğer kaçamazsak konuşacağız; sen sevdiğin kişilerden, ben de sevdiğim kişilerden. You must love somebody?" Birini sevmek zorundasın?" "No, I am alone in the world." "Then you will love me. If you are young, I will be your comrade; if you are old, I will be your son. I have a father who is seventy if he yet lives; I only love him and a young girl called Mercedes. My father has not yet forgotten me, I am sure, but God alone knows if she loves me still; I shall love you as I loved my father." "It is well," returned the voice; "to-morrow." These few words were uttered with an accent that left no doubt of his sincerity; Dantes rose, dispersed the fragments with the same precaution as before, and pushed his bed back against the wall. |||||||||||||||||dağıttı|||||||||||||||| He then gave himself up to his happiness. Il se livra alors à son bonheur. He would no longer be alone. He was, perhaps, about to regain his liberty; at the worst, he would have a companion, and captivity that is shared is but half captivity. |||||kavuşmak||||||||||||||||||| Plaints made in common are almost prayers, and prayers where two or three are gathered together invoke the mercy of heaven. Complaints|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||çağırır||||

All day Dantes walked up and down his cell. He sat down occasionally on his bed, pressing his hand on his heart. At the slightest noise he bounded towards the door. |||||sıçradı||| Once or twice the thought crossed his mind that he might be separated from this unknown, whom he loved already; and then his mind was made up--when the jailer moved his bed and stooped to examine the opening, he would kill him with his water jug. Bir veya iki kez, onu zaten sevdiği bu bilinmeyenden ayrılabileceği düşüncesi aklından geçti; ve sonra kafası karışmadı--hapishane bekçisi yatağını kaldırdığında ve açıklığı muayene etmek için eğildiğinde, onu su testiyle öldürecekti. He would be condemned to die, but he was about to die of grief and despair when this miraculous noise recalled him to life. Ölüm cezasına çarptırılacaktı, ama bu mucizevi ses onu hayata döndürene kadar keder ve umutsuzluktan ölmek üzereydi.

The jailer came in the evening. Hapishane bekçisi akşam içeri girdi. Dantes was on his bed. It seemed to him that thus he better guarded the unfinished opening. ||||||||korudu||| Böylece tamamlanmamış açıyı daha iyi koruduğu ona öyle geldi. Doubtless there was a strange expression in his eyes, for the jailer said, "Come, are you going mad again?" Şüphesiz gözlerinde garip bir ifade vardı, çünkü hapishane bekçisi, 'Gel, yine mi deli oluyorsun?' dedi. Dantes did not answer; he feared that the emotion of his voice would betray him. Dantes cevap vermedi; sesiyle duyduğu duygunun onu ele vereceğinden korkuyordu. The jailer went away shaking his head. Night came; Dantes hoped that his neighbor would profit by the silence to address him, but he was mistaken. La nuit est venue ; Dantès espérait que son voisin profiterait du silence pour lui parler, mais il se trompait. The next morning, however, just as he removed his bed from the wall, he heard three knocks; he threw himself on his knees. ||||||||||||||||kapı vurma sesi||||||

"Is it you?" said he; "I am here." "Is your jailer gone?" "Yes," said Dantes; "he will not return until the evening; so that we have twelve hours before us." "I can work, then?" said the voice.

"Oh, yes, yes; this instant, I entreat you." In a moment that part of the floor on which Dantes was resting his two hands, as he knelt with his head in the opening, suddenly gave way; he drew back smartly, while a mass of stones and earth disappeared in a hole that opened beneath the aperture he himself had formed. ||||||||||||||||||diz çökerek||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| En un instant, cette partie du parquet sur laquelle Dantès appuyait ses deux mains, alors qu'il s'agenouillait, la tête dans l'ouverture, céda tout à coup ; il recula vivement, tandis qu'un amas de pierres et de terre disparaissait dans un trou qui s'ouvrait sous l'ouverture qu'il avait lui-même formée. Dantes'in başını açılan yerin içine sokarak diz çöküp iki elini dayadığı zemin aniden çökmeye başladı; birden geri çekildi, kendi açtığı açıklığın altında oluşan bir delikten taş ve toprak yığınları kayboldu. Then from the bottom of this passage, the depth of which it was impossible to measure, he saw appear, first the head, then the shoulders, and lastly the body of a man, who sprang lightly into his cell. Sonra bu geçidin dibinden, derinliğini ölçmenin imkansız olduğu, önce bir adamın başı, sonra omuzları ve nihayet vücudu belirdi; adam hafifçe hücresine atladı.