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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 3. The Catalans (2)

Chapter 3. The Catalans (2)

"You mistake, Fernand; it is not a law, but merely a custom, and, I pray of you, do not cite this custom in your favor. You are included in the conscription, Fernand, and are only at liberty on sufferance, liable at any moment to be called upon to take up arms. Once a soldier, what would you do with me, a poor orphan, forlorn, without fortune, with nothing but a half-ruined hut and a few ragged nets, the miserable inheritance left by my father to my mother, and by my mother to me? She has been dead a year, and you know, Fernand, I have subsisted almost entirely on public charity. Sometimes you pretend I am useful to you, and that is an excuse to share with me the produce of your fishing, and I accept it, Fernand, because you are the son of my father's brother, because we were brought up together, and still more because it would give you so much pain if I refuse. But I feel very deeply that this fish which I go and sell, and with the produce of which I buy the flax I spin,--I feel very keenly, Fernand, that this is charity." "And if it were, Mercedes, poor and lone as you are, you suit me as well as the daughter of the first shipowner or the richest banker of Marseilles! What do such as we desire but a good wife and careful housekeeper, and where can I look for these better than in you?" "Fernand," answered Mercedes, shaking her head, "a woman becomes a bad manager, and who shall say she will remain an honest woman, when she loves another man better than her husband? Rest content with my friendship, for I say once more that is all I can promise, and I will promise no more than I can bestow." "I understand," replied Fernand, "you can endure your own wretchedness patiently, but you are afraid to share mine. Well, Mercedes, beloved by you, I would tempt fortune; you would bring me good luck, and I should become rich. I could extend my occupation as a fisherman, might get a place as clerk in a warehouse, and become in time a dealer myself." "You could do no such thing, Fernand; you are a soldier, and if you remain at the Catalans it is because there is no war; so remain a fisherman, and contented with my friendship, as I cannot give you more." "Well, I will do better, Mercedes. I will be a sailor; instead of the costume of our fathers, which you despise, I will wear a varnished hat, a striped shirt, and a blue jacket, with an anchor on the buttons. Would not that dress please you?" "What do you mean?" asked Mercedes, with an angry glance,--"what do you mean? I do not understand you?" "I mean, Mercedes, that you are thus harsh and cruel with me, because you are expecting some one who is thus attired; but perhaps he whom you await is inconstant, or if he is not, the sea is so to him." "Fernand," cried Mercedes, "I believed you were good-hearted, and I was mistaken! Fernand, you are wicked to call to your aid jealousy and the anger of God! Yes, I will not deny it, I do await, and I do love him of whom you speak; and, if he does not return, instead of accusing him of the inconstancy which you insinuate, I will tell you that he died loving me and me only." The young girl made a gesture of rage. "I understand you, Fernand; you would be revenged on him because I do not love you; you would cross your Catalan knife with his dirk. What end would that answer? To lose you my friendship if he were conquered, and see that friendship changed into hate if you were victor. Believe me, to seek a quarrel with a man is a bad method of pleasing the woman who loves that man. No, Fernand, you will not thus give way to evil thoughts. Unable to have me for your wife, you will content yourself with having me for your friend and sister; and besides," she added, her eyes troubled and moistened with tears, "wait, wait, Fernand; you said just now that the sea was treacherous, and he has been gone four months, and during these four months there have been some terrible storms."

Chapter 3. The Catalans (2) Capítulo 3. Los catalanes (2) Los catalanes (2) Chapitre 3. Les Catalans (2) 3 skyrius. Katalonai (2) Глава 3. Каталонцы (2) Bölüm 3. Katalanlar (2)

"You mistake, Fernand; it is not a law, but merely a custom, and, I pray of you, do not cite this custom in your favor. |||||||||||||||||||quote||||| — Vous vous trompez, Fernand ; ce n'est pas une loi, mais simplement une coutume, et, je vous prie, ne citez pas cette coutume en votre faveur. You are included in the conscription, Fernand, and are only at liberty on sufferance, liable at any moment to be called upon to take up arms. |||||mandatory military service||||||||conditional permission|||||||||||| |||||askere alma||||||özgürlük||tahammül|yükümlü||||||||||| Tu es inclus dans la conscription, Fernand, et tu n'es en liberté que par tolérance, susceptible à tout moment d'être appelé à prendre les armes. Тебя включили в призыв, Фернан, и ты свободен только на удовлетворение, подверженный в любой момент возможности быть призванным на военную службу. Once a soldier, what would you do with me, a poor orphan, forlorn, without fortune, with nothing but a half-ruined hut and a few ragged nets, the miserable inheritance left by my father to my mother, and by my mother to me? ||||||||||||Desolate and abandoned|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||ağlar|||||||||||||||| Une fois soldat, que feriez-vous de moi, pauvre orpheline, désespérée, sans fortune, avec rien qu'une hutte à moitié ruinée et quelques filets en lambeaux, le misérable héritage laissé par mon père à ma mère, et par ma mère à moi? Один раз солдат, что бы ты со мной сделал, бедное сироте, оставленному без защиты, без состояния, имеющему лишь полуразрушенную хижину и несколько оборванных сетей - жалкое наследие, оставленное моим отцом моей матери, а моей матери мне? She has been dead a year, and you know, Fernand, I have subsisted almost entirely on public charity. ||||||||||||relied on charity||||| ||||||||||||hayatta kaldım||||| Она умерла год назад, и ты знаешь, Фернан, я выживала почти исключительно благодаря общественной милости. Sometimes you pretend I am useful to you, and that is an excuse to share with me the produce of your fishing, and I accept it, Fernand, because you are the son of my father's brother, because we were brought up together, and still more because it would give you so much pain if I refuse. But I feel very deeply that this fish which I go and sell, and with the produce of which I buy the flax I spin,--I feel very keenly, Fernand, that this is charity." ||||||||||||||||||||||linen fiber||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||kenevir||||||||||| Mais je sens bien que ce poisson que je vais vendre, et avec le produit duquel j'achète le lin je file, je sens bien, Fernand, que c'est de la charité." "And if it were, Mercedes, poor and lone as you are, you suit me as well as the daughter of the first shipowner or the richest banker of Marseilles! What do such as we desire but a good wife and careful housekeeper, and where can I look for these better than in you?" Qu'est-ce que nous désirons sinon une bonne épouse et une femme de ménage attentive, et où puis-je les rechercher mieux qu'en vous ? " "Fernand," answered Mercedes, shaking her head, "a woman becomes a bad manager, and who shall say she will remain an honest woman, when she loves another man better than her husband? — Fernand, répondit Mercedes en secouant la tête, une femme devient une mauvaise directrice, et qui dira qu'elle restera une honnête femme, quand elle aime un autre homme mieux que son mari ? Rest content with my friendship, for I say once more that is all I can promise, and I will promise no more than I can bestow." |||||||||||||||||||||||||give |||||||||||||||||||||||||vermek Будьте довольны моей дружбой, так как я говорю вновь, что это все, что я могу обещать, и я не обещаю больше, чем могу дать". "I understand," replied Fernand, "you can endure your own wretchedness patiently, but you are afraid to share mine. ||||||bear with|||misery|||||||| |||||||||sefalet|||||||| "Понимаю," ответил Фернанд, "ты можешь терпеливо переносить своё несчастье, но боишься разделить моё. Well, Mercedes, beloved by you, I would tempt fortune; you would bring me good luck, and I should become rich. |||||||kandırmak|||||||||||| Ну что ж, Мерседес, будучи любимой тобой, я бы искусил удачу; ты бы принесла мне удачу, и я стал бы богатым. I could extend my occupation as a fisherman, might get a place as clerk in a warehouse, and become in time a dealer myself." |||||||||||||katip|||||||||| Я мог бы продолжить заниматься рыболовством, возможно, получить место клерка на складе и со временем стать сам торговцем." "You could do no such thing, Fernand; you are a soldier, and if you remain at the Catalans it is because there is no war; so remain a fisherman, and contented with my friendship, as I cannot give you more." "Ты не мог бы так поступить, Фернанд; ты солдат, и если ты остаешься на Каталанском мысу, это потому, что нет войны; так оставайся рыбаком и доволен моим дружеством, так как я не могу дать тебе больше." "Well, I will do better, Mercedes. "Ну, я поступлю лучше, Мерседес." I will be a sailor; instead of the costume of our fathers, which you despise, I will wear a varnished hat, a striped shirt, and a blue jacket, with an anchor on the buttons. |||||||||||||||||||glossy|||||||||||||| je serai marin; au lieu du costume de nos pères, que vous méprisez, je porterai un chapeau verni, une chemise rayée et une veste bleue, avec une ancre sur les boutons. Would not that dress please you?" Не понравилось бы вам это платье?" "What do you mean?" "Что вы имеете в виду?" asked Mercedes, with an angry glance,--"what do you mean? спросила Мерседес с гневным взглядом,--"что вы имеете в виду? I do not understand you?" "I mean, Mercedes, that you are thus harsh and cruel with me, because you are expecting some one who is thus attired; but perhaps he whom you await is inconstant, or if he is not, the sea is so to him." ||||||||||||||||||||in this way|dressed or clothed||||||||inconsistent||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||giyimli||||||||değişken||||||||||| — Je veux dire, Mercédès, que tu es ainsi dure et cruelle avec moi, parce que tu attends quelqu'un qui est ainsi vêtu ; mais peut-être que celui que tu attends est inconstant, ou s'il ne l'est pas, la mer l'est pour lui. "Я имею в виду, Мерседес, что ты такая жестокая и жестокая со мной, потому что ты ожидаешь кого-то, кто так одет; но может быть тот, кого ты ждешь, непостоянен, или если он не такой, то для него такое море." "Fernand," cried Mercedes, "I believed you were good-hearted, and I was mistaken! "Фернанд," крикнула Мерседес, "я считала тебя добрым, и я ошиблась! Fernand, you are wicked to call to your aid jealousy and the anger of God! Fernand, tu es méchant pour appeler à ton secours la jalousie et la colère de Dieu ! Фернанд, ты подлый, прибегая к ревности и гневу Божию помощь! Yes, I will not deny it, I do await, and I do love him of whom you speak; and, if he does not return, instead of accusing him of the inconstancy which you insinuate, I will tell you that he died loving me and me only." ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||inconstancy||||||||||||||| The young girl made a gesture of rage. "I understand you, Fernand; you would be revenged on him because I do not love you; you would cross your Catalan knife with his dirk. ||||||||||||||||||||||||bıçak « Je te comprends, Fernand ; tu te vengerais de lui parce que je ne t'aime pas ; tu croiserais ton couteau catalan avec sa dague. What end would that answer? A quelle fin cela répondrait-il ? To lose you my friendship if he were conquered, and see that friendship changed into hate if you were victor. Te perdre mon amitié s'il était vaincu, et voir cette amitié se changer en haine si tu étais vainqueur. Believe me, to seek a quarrel with a man is a bad method of pleasing the woman who loves that man. |||||argument||||||||||||||| No, Fernand, you will not thus give way to evil thoughts. Unable to have me for your wife, you will content yourself with having me for your friend and sister; and besides," she added, her eyes troubled and moistened with tears, "wait, wait, Fernand; you said just now that the sea was treacherous, and he has been gone four months, and during these four months there have been some terrible storms." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||deceitful|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tehlikeli||||||||||||||||||